
Example with Scrollbar that changes DIV tag using Smart.Blazor 9.4.15
Here is a sample built with Smart.Blazor 9.4.15

@page "/"
<Example Name="ScrollBar">
<ScrollBar @ref="scrollbar" OnChange="ChangeHandler"></ScrollBar>
<div style="@scrollStyle">
Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here
Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here
Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here
Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here
Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here
Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here
Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here
Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here
Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here
Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here
Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here
Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here
@code {
ScrollBar scrollbar;
string scrollStyle = "overflow: auto; width: 100px; height:100px;";
private void ChangeHandler(Event args) {
ScrollBarChangeEventDetail detail = args["Detail"] as ScrollBarChangeEventDetail;
scrollStyle = "overflow: auto; width: " + detail.Value + "px; height: " + detail.Value + "px;";
Console.WriteLine(detail.OldValue + "/" + detail.Value);

Best regards,
Peter Stoev
Smart UI Team