JavaScript UI Libraries & Blazor Components Suite – Smart UI Forums ListBox Set the selected values/index programmatically as an embedded component Reply To: Set the selected values/index programmatically as an embedded component


Thank you for the example. The example is working but unfortunately in my case it is not

and I can’t figured it out why the initial selection is not working:

Here is my code example:

I have the following parent component:


<Button id=”openButton” OnClick=”OnClick”>Open/Close</Button>

<ChildComponent OpenDialog=”@opened” OnClosed=”OnClosed” >


private bool opened = false;

private void OnClick()
opened = !opened;

private void OnClosed()
opened = false;

And the child component is:


<Window IsOpened=”@OpenDialog” Label=”Test” Modal=true HeaderButtons=”@headerButtons” OnClose=”Closed”>
<ListBox DataSource=”@myData” SelectedValues=”@selectedValues” Editable=true>

@code {

public bool OpenDialog { get; set; } = false;

public EventCallback OnClosed { get; set; }

private string[] myData = new string[] { “1”, “2”, “3” };
private string[] selectedValues = new string[] { “2”, “3” };
private string[] headerButtons = new string[] { “close” };

private async Task Closed(Event ev)
await OnClosed.InvokeAsync();