

Unfortunately, we cannot reproduce this and we will need a complete codepen sample or something similar. Here is our test code based on your last post:

Smart('#grid', class {
    get properties() {
        return {
            sorting: {
                enabled: true
            editing: {
                enabled: true,
                mode: 'row',
                action: 'none',
                dialog: {
                    enabled: true
                commandColumn: {
                    visible: true,
                    position: "near",
                    dataSource: {
                        commandColumnMenu: {
                            visible: true
                        commandColumnRowMenu: {
                            visible: true
            locale: 'de',
            selection: {
                enabled: false,
                allowRowSelection: false,
                checkBoxes: {
                    enabled: true

            filtering: {
                enabled: true
            behavior: { allowColumnReorder: true },
            onCommand: function (args) {
                if (args.name === "commandColumnRowMenuCommand") {
                    const row = args.details;
                    const menu = document.getElementById("grid");
                    let contextMenuGridOpenedOn = args.details;
                    window.numOrdine = contextMenuGridOpenedOn.data.NumeroOrdine;
                    menu.open(args.event.pageX - 30, args.event.pageY - 80);
                    args.handled = true;
            dataSource: [],
            columns: [
                    label: 'First Name', dataField: 'firstName', filterMenuMode: 'excel'
                { label: 'Last Name', dataField: 'lastName' },
                { label: 'Date', dataField: 'date', align: 'right', cellsAlign: 'right', },
                { label: 'Product', dataField: 'productName' },
                { label: 'Quantity', dataField: 'quantity', align: 'right', cellsAlign: 'right', }

No errors in the console. The grid displays with columns and empty data source.

Best regards,
Peter Stoev

Smart UI Team