Andrea Durando

Hi Markov,

yes that right but if you take a look on the single button you can see that the Text is not aligned to the verical center but the text is “pushed” to the bottom from “something” using the inspector i see that there is one button element nested,

here the code get with the inspector in the example you linked to me and where i see the text of the button is not rightly centerd:



<div class=”smart-footer” smart-id=”footer”>
<smart-button class=”cancel smart-element smart-button” id=”button54ed” role=”button”>
<button class=”smart-button smart-unselectable smart-container” type=”button” role=”presentation” smart-id=”button” tabindex=”0″>
<button class=”smart-button smart-unselectable smart-container” type=”button” role=”presentation” smart-id=”button”></button>
<smart-button class=”agree smart-element smart-button” id=”buttonfb8c” role=”button”>
<button class=”smart-button smart-unselectable smart-container” type=”button” role=”presentation” smart-id=”button” tabindex=”0″>
<button class=”smart-button smart-unselectable smart-container” type=”button” role=”presentation” smart-id=”button”></button>

You can see the two tag button one inside each other.