
I understood the first one.

Added and tested full message script in English and Korean.
But unfortunately the problem is not solved.
Please check the problem.

full message script:
“ko”: {
“invalidColumnProperty”: “{{elementType}}: Invalid property name \”{{propertyName}}\” set for Column: \”{{type}}\””,
“invalidRowProperty”: “{{elementType}}: Invalid property name \”{{propertyName}}\” set for Row\””,
“invalidCellValue”: “Invalid cell value \”{{value}}\”, Validation rule: \”{{validationRule}}\””,
“frozenColumns”: “{{elementType}}: To Pin/Freeze a column group, all columns within it should be frozen.”,
“frozenRows”: “{{elementType}}: To Pin/Freeze a special cell, all rows within it should be frozen.”,
“columnGroups”: “{{elementType}}: Please, check the initialization of the smartGrid’s columns array. The columns in a column group are expected to be siblings in the columns array.”,
“min”: “Min: {{value}}”,
“max”: “Max: {{value}} “,
“sum”: “Sum: {{value}} “,
“avg”: “Avg: {{value}} “,
“count”: “Count: {{value}} “,
“pagerFirstButton”: “First”,
“pagerLastButton”: “Last”,
“pagerPreviousButton”: “Previous”,
“pagerNextButton”: “Next”,
“pagerNavigateToLabel”: “Go to:”,
“pagerPageSizeLabel”: “Show:”,
“pagerNavigateToInputPlaceholder”: “”,
“pagerEllipsis”: “…”,
“pagerSummaryString”: “of”,
“pagerSummaryPrefix”: “of”,
“pagerSummarySuffix”: “”,
“columnMenuCustomizeType”: “Customize type”,
“columnMenuItemRename”: “Rename”,
“columnMenuItemEditDescription”: “Edit description”,
“columnMenuItemDuplicate”: “Duplicate”,
“columnMenuItemInsertLeft”: “Insert left”,
“columnMenuItemInsertRight”: “Insert right”,
“columnMenuItemSortAsc”: “오름차순 {{mode}}”,
“columnMenuItemSortDesc”: “내림차순 {{mode}}”,
“columnMenuItemRemoveSort”: “정렬 초기화”,
“columnMenuItemFilter”: “Filter”,
“columnMenuItemRemoveFilter”: “Remove Filter”,
“columnMenuItemGroupBy”: “Group by this column”,
“columnMenuItemRemoveGroupBy”: “Remove Group”,
“columnMenuItemHide”: “Hide”,
“columnMenuItemDelete”: “Delete”,
“columnResizeTooltip”: “넓이: {{value}}px”,
“rowResizeTooltip”: “높이: {{value}}px”,
“commandBarAddRow”: “Add”,
“commandBarDeleteRow”: “Delete”,
“commandBarBatchRevert”: “Revert”,
“commandBarBatchSave”: “Save”,
“commandBarFilter”: “Filter”,
“commandBarSort”: “Sort”,
“commandBarSearch”: “Search”,
“commandBarCustomize”: “Customize”,
“commandBarGroup”: “Group”,
“commandColumnEdit”: “Edit”,
“commandColumnDelete”: “Delete”,
“commandColumnCancel”: “Cancel”,
“commandColumnUpdate”: “Update”,
“commandColumnMenu”: “”,
“expandRow”: “Expand row”,
“collapseRow”: “Collapse row”,
“addNewRow”: “Click here to add a new row”,
“addNewColumn”: “Click here to add a new column”,
“dialogChartHeader”: “{{value}} Chart”,
“dialogRowDetailHeader”: “Row Id: {{value}}”,
“dialogDescriptionHeader”: “Column: {{value}}”,
“dialogRowDetailButtonConfirm”: “OK”,
“dialogRowDetailButtonCancel”: “CANCEL”,
“dialogEditHeader”: “Edit {{value}}”,
“dialogAddButtonConfirm”: “ADD”,
“dialogAddButtonCancel”: “CANCEL”,
“dialogEditButtonConfirm”: “OK”,
“dialogEditButtonCancel”: “CANCEL”,
“dialogFilterButtonConfirm”: “FILTER”,
“dialogFilterButtonCancel”: “CLEAR”,
“dialogDeleteButtonConfirm”: “DELETE”,
“dialogDeleteButtonCancel”: “CANCEL”,
“dialogEditColumn”: “Column: {{value}}”,
“dialogAddColumn”: “Add Column”,
“dialogAddHeader”: “Add Row”,
“dialogDeleteHeader”: “Delete Row”,
“dialogFilterHeader”: “Filter by”,
“dialogFilterMinLabel”: “Min”,
“dialogFilterMaxLabel”: “Max”,
“conditionalFormatting”: “Conditional Formatting”,
“groupBarLabel”: “Drag a column header here to group by that column”,
“dialogDeleteContent”: “Are you sure you want to delete this row?”,
“calendar”: {
“/”: “/”,
“:”: “:”,
“firstDay”: 1,
“days”: {
“names”: [
“namesAbbr”: [“월”, “화”, “수”, “목”, “금”, “토”, “일”],
“namesShort”: [“월”, “화”, “수”, “목”, “금”, “토”, “일”]
“months”: {
“names”: [
“namesAbbr”: [
“AM”: [“오전”, “오전”, “오전”],
“PM”: [“오후”, “오후”, “오후”],
“eras”: [
“name”: “A.D.”,
“start”: null,
“offset”: 0
“currencySymbol”: “₩”,
“currency”: “Won”,
“currencySymbolPosition”: “before”,
“decimalSeparator”: “.”,
“thousandsSeparator”: “,”
“CONTAINS”: “Contains”,
“DOES_NOT_CONTAIN”: “Does not contain”,
“ENDS_WITH”: “Ends with”,
“EQUAL”: “Equal”,
“GREATER_THAN”: “Greater than”,
“GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL”: “Greater than or equal”,
“LESS_THAN”: “Less than”,
“LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL”: “Less than or equal”,
“NOT_EQUAL”: “Not equal”,
“RANGE”: “Range”,
“CLEAR_FILTER”: “Clear Filter”,
“STARTS_WITH”: “Starts with”,
“addFilter”: “+ Add filter”,
“and”: “And”,
“apply”: “Apply”,
“booleanFirst”: “☐”,
“booleanLast”: “☑”,
“cancel”: “Cancel”,
“CONTAINS_CASE_SENSITIVE”: “Contains (case sensitive)”,
“dateFirst”: “1”,
“dateLast”: “9”,
“DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_CASE_SENSITIVE”: “does not contain (case sensitive)”,
“EMPTY”: “empty”,
“ENDS_WITH_CASE_SENSITIVE”: “ends with (case sensitive)”,
“EQUAL_CASE_SENSITIVE”: “equal (case sensitive)”,
“filter”: “Filter”,
“customize”: “Customize Columns”,
“filteredByMultiple”: “{{n}} filters”,
“filteredByOne”: “1 filter”,
“filterValuePlaceholder”: “Value”,
“find”: “Find a field”,
“findInView”: “Find in view”,
“firstBy”: “Sort by”,
“found”: “{{nth}} of {{n}}”,
“from”: “from”,
“noFilters”: “No filters applied”,
“noResults”: “No results”,
“noSorting”: “No sorting applied”,
“NOT_EMPTY”: “not empty”,
“NOT_NULL”: “not null”,
“NULL”: “null”,
“numberFirst”: “1”,
“numberLast”: “9”,
“ok”: “OK”,
“or”: “Or”,
“pickAnother”: “Pick another field to sort by”,
“sort”: “Sort”,
“group”: “Group”,
“sortedByMultiple”: “Sorted by {{n}} fields”,
“sortedByOne”: “Sorted by 1 field”,
“STARTS_WITH_CASE_SENSITIVE”: “starts with (case sensitive)”,
“stringFirst”: “A”,
“stringLast”: “Z”,
“thenBy”: “then by”,
“where”: “Where”,
“collapseAll”: “Collapse all”,
“expandAll”: “Expand all”,
“noGrouping”: “No grouping”,
“groupedByMultiple”: “{{n}} groups”,
“groupedByOne”: “1 group”,
“firstByGroup”: “Group by”,
“pickAnotherGroupBy”: “Pick another field to group by”,
“add”: “Add condition”,
“all”: “All columns”,
“between”: “Between”,
“close”: “Close”,
“column”: “Column:”,
“condition”: “Condition:”,
“equal”: “Equal To”,
“fontFamily”: “Font family:”,
“fontSize”: “Font size:”,
“format”: “Format:”,
“greaterThan”: “Greater Than”,
“highlight”: “Highlight”,
“lessThan”: “Less Than”,
“notEqual”: “Not Equal To”,
“remove”: “Remove condition”,
“secondValue”: “Second value:”,
“text”: “Text”,
“value”: “Value:”,
“addCondition”: “Add Condition”,
“addGroup”: “Add Group”,
“blanks”: “(Blanks)”,
“clear”: “Clear”,
“contains”: “contains”,
“containsCaseSensitive”: “contains (case sensitive)”,
“dateTabLabel”: “DATE”,
“doesNotContain”: “does not contain”,
“doesNotContainCaseSensitive”: “does not contain (case sensitive)”,
“empty”: “empty”,
“endsWith”: “ends with”,
“endsWithCaseSensitive”: “ends with (case sensitive)”,
“equalCaseSensitive”: “equal (case sensitive)”,
“greaterThanOrEqual”: “greater than or equal”,
“lessThanOrEqual”: “less than or equal”,
“mismatchedProperties”: “smartFilterPanel: The ‘filterType’ and the data type of the selected ‘dataField’ are mismatched.”,
“missingProperty”: “smartFilterPanel: When mode is \”excel\”, either \”data\” and \”dataField\” or \”dataSource\” of type Array have to be set.”,
“notEmpty”: “not empty”,
“notNull”: “not null”,
“null”: “null “,
“placeholderBoolean”: “Select value”,
“placeholderDate”: “Enter date”,
“placeholderNumber”: “Enter number”,
“placeholderTime”: “Enter time”,
“placeholderValue”: “Enter value”,
“selectAll”: “(Select All)”,
“showRows”: “Show rows where:”,
“startsWith”: “starts with”,
“startsWithCaseSensitive”: “starts with (case sensitive)”,
“matchCase”: “Match Case”,
“timeTabLabel”: “TIME”,
“today”: “Today”,
“formatColumn”: “Format Column”,
“formating”: “Conditional Formatting”,
“reset”: “Reset”,
“filteredRecords”: “All rows are filtered”,
“duplicateCells”: “Clone column cells and settings”,
“duplicateSettings”: “Clone column settings”,
“views”: “Views”,
“noView”: “No view”,
“myView”: “My view”,
“saveView”: “New view”
“en”: {
“invalidColumnProperty”: “{{elementType}}: Invalid property name \”{{propertyName}}\” set for Column: \”{{type}}\””,
“invalidRowProperty”: “{{elementType}}: Invalid property name \”{{propertyName}}\” set for Row\””,
“invalidCellValue”: “Invalid cell value \”{{value}}\”, Validation rule: \”{{validationRule}}\””,
“frozenColumns”: “{{elementType}}: To Pin/Freeze a column group, all columns within it should be frozen.”,
“frozenRows”: “{{elementType}}: To Pin/Freeze a special cell, all rows within it should be frozen.”,
“columnGroups”: “{{elementType}}: Please, check the initialization of the smartGrid’s columns array. The columns in a column group are expected to be siblings in the columns array.”,
“min”: “Min: {{value}}”,
“max”: “Max: {{value}} “,
“sum”: “Sum: {{value}} “,
“avg”: “Avg: {{value}} “,
“count”: “Count: {{value}} “,
“pagerFirstButton”: “First”,
“pagerLastButton”: “Last”,
“pagerPreviousButton”: “Previous”,
“pagerNextButton”: “Next”,
“pagerNavigateToLabel”: “Go to:”,
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“pagerEllipsis”: “…”,
“pagerSummaryString”: “of”,
“pagerSummaryPrefix”: “of”,
“pagerSummarySuffix”: “”,
“columnMenuCustomizeType”: “Customize type”,
“columnMenuItemRename”: “Rename”,
“columnMenuItemEditDescription”: “Edit description”,
“columnMenuItemDuplicate”: “Duplicate”,
“columnMenuItemInsertLeft”: “Insert left”,
“columnMenuItemInsertRight”: “Insert right”,
“columnMenuItemSortAsc”: “Sort {{mode}}”,
“columnMenuItemSortDesc”: “Sort {{mode}}”,
“columnMenuItemRemoveSort”: “Remove Sort”,
“columnMenuItemFilter”: “Filter”,
“columnMenuItemRemoveFilter”: “Remove Filter”,
“columnMenuItemGroupBy”: “Group by this column”,
“columnMenuItemRemoveGroupBy”: “Remove Group”,
“columnMenuItemHide”: “Hide”,
“columnMenuItemDelete”: “Delete”,
“columnResizeTooltip”: “width: {{value}}px”,
“rowResizeTooltip”: “height: {{value}}px”,
“commandBarAddRow”: “Add”,
“commandBarDeleteRow”: “Delete”,
“commandBarBatchRevert”: “Revert”,
“commandBarBatchSave”: “Save”,
“commandBarFilter”: “Filter”,
“commandBarSort”: “Sort”,
“commandBarSearch”: “Search”,
“commandBarCustomize”: “Customize”,
“commandBarGroup”: “Group”,
“commandColumnEdit”: “Edit”,
“commandColumnDelete”: “Delete”,
“commandColumnCancel”: “Cancel”,
“commandColumnUpdate”: “Update”,
“commandColumnMenu”: “”,
“expandRow”: “Expand row”,
“collapseRow”: “Collapse row”,
“addNewRow”: “Click here to add a new row”,
“addNewColumn”: “Click here to add a new column”,
“dialogChartHeader”: “{{value}} Chart”,
“dialogRowDetailHeader”: “Row Id: {{value}}”,
“dialogDescriptionHeader”: “Column: {{value}}”,
“dialogRowDetailButtonConfirm”: “OK”,
“dialogRowDetailButtonCancel”: “CANCEL”,
“dialogEditHeader”: “Edit {{value}}”,
“dialogAddButtonConfirm”: “ADD”,
“dialogAddButtonCancel”: “CANCEL”,
“dialogEditButtonConfirm”: “OK”,
“dialogEditButtonCancel”: “CANCEL”,
“dialogFilterButtonConfirm”: “FILTER”,
“dialogFilterButtonCancel”: “CLEAR”,
“dialogDeleteButtonConfirm”: “DELETE”,
“dialogDeleteButtonCancel”: “CANCEL”,
“dialogEditColumn”: “Column: {{value}}”,
“dialogAddColumn”: “Add Column”,
“dialogAddHeader”: “Add Row”,
“dialogDeleteHeader”: “Delete Row”,
“dialogFilterHeader”: “Filter by”,
“dialogFilterMinLabel”: “Min”,
“dialogFilterMaxLabel”: “Max”,
“conditionalFormatting”: “Conditional Formatting”,
“groupBarLabel”: “Drag a column header here to group by that column”,
“dialogDeleteContent”: “Are you sure you want to delete this row?”,
“calendar”: {
“/”: “/”,
“:”: “:”,
“firstDay”: 0,
“days”: {
“names”: [
“namesAbbr”: [
“namesShort”: [
“months”: {
“names”: [
“namesAbbr”: [
“AM”: [
“PM”: [
“eras”: [
“name”: “A.D.”,
“start”: null,
“offset”: 0
“currencySymbol”: “$”,
“currency”: “USD”,
“currencySymbolPosition”: “before”,
“decimalSeparator”: “.”,
“thousandsSeparator”: “,”
“CONTAINS”: “Contains”,
“DOES_NOT_CONTAIN”: “Does not contain”,
“ENDS_WITH”: “Ends with”,
“EQUAL”: “Equal”,
“GREATER_THAN”: “Greater than”,
“GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL”: “Greater than or equal”,
“LESS_THAN”: “Less than”,
“LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL”: “Less than or equal”,
“NOT_EQUAL”: “Not equal”,
“RANGE”: “Range”,
“CLEAR_FILTER”: “Clear Filter”,
“STARTS_WITH”: “Starts with”,
“addFilter”: “+ Add filter”,
“and”: “And”,
“apply”: “Apply”,
“booleanFirst”: “☐”,
“booleanLast”: “☑”,
“cancel”: “Cancel”,
“CONTAINS_CASE_SENSITIVE”: “Contains (case sensitive)”,
“dateFirst”: “1”,
“dateLast”: “9”,
“DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_CASE_SENSITIVE”: “does not contain (case sensitive)”,
“EMPTY”: “empty”,
“ENDS_WITH_CASE_SENSITIVE”: “ends with (case sensitive)”,
“EQUAL_CASE_SENSITIVE”: “equal (case sensitive)”,
“filter”: “Filter”,
“customize”: “Customize Columns”,
“filteredByMultiple”: “{{n}} filters”,
“filteredByOne”: “1 filter”,
“filterValuePlaceholder”: “Value”,
“find”: “Find a field”,
“findInView”: “Find in view”,
“firstBy”: “Sort by”,
“found”: “{{nth}} of {{n}}”,
“from”: “from”,
“noFilters”: “No filters applied”,
“noResults”: “No results”,
“noSorting”: “No sorting applied”,
“NOT_EMPTY”: “not empty”,
“NOT_NULL”: “not null”,
“NULL”: “null”,
“numberFirst”: “1”,
“numberLast”: “9”,
“ok”: “OK”,
“or”: “Or”,
“pickAnother”: “Pick another field to sort by”,
“sort”: “Sort”,
“group”: “Group”,
“sortedByMultiple”: “Sorted by {{n}} fields”,
“sortedByOne”: “Sorted by 1 field”,
“STARTS_WITH_CASE_SENSITIVE”: “starts with (case sensitive)”,
“stringFirst”: “A”,
“stringLast”: “Z”,
“thenBy”: “then by”,
“where”: “Where”,
“collapseAll”: “Collapse all”,
“expandAll”: “Expand all”,
“noGrouping”: “No grouping”,
“groupedByMultiple”: “{{n}} groups”,
“groupedByOne”: “1 group”,
“firstByGroup”: “Group by”,
“pickAnotherGroupBy”: “Pick another field to group by”,
“add”: “Add condition”,
“all”: “All columns”,
“between”: “Between”,
“close”: “Close”,
“column”: “Column:”,
“condition”: “Condition:”,
“equal”: “Equal To”,
“fontFamily”: “Font family:”,
“fontSize”: “Font size:”,
“format”: “Format:”,
“greaterThan”: “Greater Than”,
“highlight”: “Highlight”,
“lessThan”: “Less Than”,
“notEqual”: “Not Equal To”,
“remove”: “Remove condition”,
“secondValue”: “Second value:”,
“text”: “Text”,
“value”: “Value:”,
“addCondition”: “Add Condition”,
“addGroup”: “Add Group”,
“blanks”: “(Blanks)”,
“clear”: “Clear”,
“contains”: “contains”,
“containsCaseSensitive”: “contains (case sensitive)”,
“dateTabLabel”: “DATE”,
“doesNotContain”: “does not contain”,
“doesNotContainCaseSensitive”: “does not contain (case sensitive)”,
“empty”: “empty”,
“endsWith”: “ends with”,
“endsWithCaseSensitive”: “ends with (case sensitive)”,
“equalCaseSensitive”: “equal (case sensitive)”,
“greaterThanOrEqual”: “greater than or equal”,
“lessThanOrEqual”: “less than or equal”,
“mismatchedProperties”: “smartFilterPanel: The ‘filterType’ and the data type of the selected ‘dataField’ are mismatched.”,
“missingProperty”: “smartFilterPanel: When mode is \”excel\”, either \”data\” and \”dataField\” or \”dataSource\” of type Array have to be set.”,
“notEmpty”: “not empty”,
“notNull”: “not null”,
“null”: “null “,
“placeholderBoolean”: “Select value”,
“placeholderDate”: “Enter date”,
“placeholderNumber”: “Enter number”,
“placeholderTime”: “Enter time”,
“placeholderValue”: “Enter value”,
“selectAll”: “(Select All)”,
“showRows”: “Show rows where:”,
“startsWith”: “starts with”,
“startsWithCaseSensitive”: “starts with (case sensitive)”,
“matchCase”: “Match Case”,
“timeTabLabel”: “TIME”,
“today”: “Today”,
“formatColumn”: “Format Column”,
“formating”: “Conditional Formatting”,
“reset”: “Reset”,
“filteredRecords”: “All rows are filtered”,
“duplicateCells”: “Clone column cells and settings”,
“duplicateSettings”: “Clone column settings”,
“views”: “Views”,
“noView”: “No view”,
“myView”: “My view”,
“saveView”: “New view”