
For example you can use this replacing js with this:
window.onload = function () {
const gantt = document.querySelector(‘smart-gantt-chart’);
gantt.durationUnit = ‘hour’;
gantt.view = ‘week’;
gantt.treeSize = ‘40%’;
gantt.dateStart = ‘2021-04-01’;
gantt.timelineHeaderFormatFunction = function (date, type, isHeaderDetailsContainer) {
if (isHeaderDetailsContainer) {
let startDate = new Date(date), endDate = new Date(date), formatDate = (date) => date.toLocaleDateString(gantt.locale, { day: ‘2-digit’, month: ‘short’ }).toUpperCase();
//the view is set to ‘week’ so add 6 days to the first to get the last
endDate.setDate(endDate.getDate() + 6);
//Validate the endDate according to timeline end
endDate = new Date(Math.min(gantt.dateEnd.getTime(), endDate.getTime()));
return formatDate(startDate) + ‘ – ‘ + formatDate(endDate);
else {
return new Date(date).toLocaleDateString(gantt.locale, { day: ‘2-digit’,weekday: ‘short’ }).toUpperCase();
gantt.taskColumns = [
label: ‘TASK NAME’,
value: ‘label’,
size: ‘50%’
label: ‘START TIME’,
value: ‘dateStart’,
size: ‘30%’,
formatFunction: function (dateString) {
const date = new Date(dateString), formatNumber = (number) => (‘0’ + number).slice(-2);
return date.getFullYear() + ‘-‘ + formatNumber(date.getMonth() + 1) + ‘-‘ + formatNumber(date.getDate());
label: ‘DURATION’,
value: ‘duration’,
formatFunction: (duration) => parseInt(duration)
gantt.dataSource = [
type: ‘project’,
label: ‘Office Preparation’,
synchronized: true,
expanded: true,
progress: 35,
tasks: [
label: ‘Office Inspection’,
synchronized: true,
expanded: true,
progress: 55,
type: ‘project’,
connections: [
target: ‘furnitureInArrangement’,
type: 1
tasks: [
label: ‘Interior Arrangement’,
dateStart: ‘2021-04-02′,
type: ‘task’
label: ‘Climate Control Installation’,
dateStart: ‘2021-04-05’,
duration: 2,
type: ‘task’
id: ‘furnitureInArrangement’,
label: ‘Furniture Arrangement’,
synchronized: true,
progress: 55,
type: ‘project’,
connections: [
target: ’employeePositioning’,
type: 1
tasks: [
label: ‘Workstations Positioning’,
dateStart: ‘2021-04-08’,
duration: 2,
type: ‘task’
id: ’employeePositioning’,
label: ‘Employee Positioning’,
synchronized: true,
expanded: true,
progress: 50,
type: ‘project’,
tasks: [
label: ‘Workplaces Allocation’,
dateStart: ‘2021-04-10’,
duration: 3,
progress: 50,
connections: [
target: ‘workstationsAssembly’,
type: 1
type: ‘task’
id: ‘workstationsAssembly’,
label: ‘Workstations Assembly’,
dateStart: ‘2021-04-13’,
duration: 3,
progress: 50,
connections: [
target: ‘workstationsInspection’,
type: 1
type: ‘task’
id: ‘workstationsInspection’,
label: ‘Workstations Inspection’,
dateStart: ‘2021-04-16’,
duration: 3,
progress: 50,
type: ‘task’
type: ‘project’,
label: ‘Product Release’,
synchronized: true,
expanded: true,
progress: 65,
tasks: [
label: ‘Planning’,
dateStart: ‘2021-04-02’,
duration: 5,
progress: 100,
type: ‘task’
label: ‘Development’,
synchronized: true,
expanded: true,
progress: 50,
type: ‘project’,
connections: [
target: ‘releasev1’,
type: 1
tasks: [
label: ‘Developing/Coding’,
dateStart: ‘2021-04-03’,
duration: 5,
type: ‘task’,
progress: 100,
connections: [
target: ‘betaRelease’,
type: 1
id: ‘betaRelease’,
label: ‘Beta Release’,
dateStart: ‘2021-04-08’,
type: ‘milestone’,
connections: [
target: ‘integrateSystem’,
type: 1
id: ‘integrateSystem’,
label: ‘Integration’,
dateStart: ‘2021-04-08’,
duration: 4,
type: ‘task’,
progress: 100,
connections: [
target: ‘test’,
type: 1
id: ‘test’,
label: ‘Testing’,
dateStart: ‘2021-04-12’,
duration: 3,
type: ‘task’,
progress: 15,
connections: [
target: ‘marketing’,
type: 1
id: ‘marketing’,
label: ‘Marketing and Sales’,
dateStart: ‘2021-04-15’,
duration: 4,
type: ‘task’
label: ‘Feedback Analysis and QA’,
dateStart: ‘2021-04-02’,
duration: 4,
type: ‘task’,
progress: 75,
connections: [
target: ‘design’,
type: 1
id: ‘design’,
label: ‘Design’,
synchronized: true,
expanded: true,
progress: 25,
type: ‘project’,
tasks: [
label: ‘Database’,
dateStart: ‘2021-04-06’,
duration: 4,
progress: 50,
type: ‘task’
label: ‘User Interface’,
dateStart: ‘2021-04-08’,
duration: 4,
progress: 10,
type: ‘task’
label: ‘Documentation’,
dateStart: ‘2021-04-11’,
duration: 5,
type: ‘task’,
connections: [
target: ‘releasev1’,
type: 1
id: ‘releasev1’,
label: ‘Release v1’,
dateStart: ‘2021-04-19’,
type: ‘milestone’
let editedTaskIndex, taskLabel, description, dayPicker, monthPicker, yearPicker, dayIncrementBtn, dayDecrementBtn, dayInput, totalDate, deleteBtn, cancelBtn, saveBtn;
gantt.popupWindowCustomizationFunction = function (target, type, taskIndex) {
const targetTask = gantt.tasks[taskIndex];
if (type === ‘task’ && targetTask) {
let addListeners;
editedTaskIndex = taskIndex;
//Hide the header
target.headerPosition = ‘none’;
target.footerPosition = ‘none’;
//Create the content
if (!document.getElementById(‘taskLabel’)) {
addListeners = true;
const template = document.getElementById(‘myTemplate’);
taskLabel = document.getElementById(‘taskLabel’);
description = document.getElementById(‘description’);
dayPicker = document.getElementById(‘dayPicker’);
monthPicker = document.getElementById(‘monthPicker’);
yearPicker = document.getElementById(‘yearPicker’);
dayIncrementBtn = document.getElementById(‘dayIncrementBtn’);
dayDecrementBtn = document.getElementById(‘dayDecrementBtn’);
dayInput = document.getElementById(‘dayInput’);
totalDate = document.getElementById(‘totalDate’);
deleteBtn = document.getElementById(‘deleteBtn’);
cancelBtn = document.getElementById(‘cancelBtn’);
saveBtn = document.getElementById(‘saveBtn’);
//Configure the content
const dateStart = targetTask.dateStart, dateEnd = targetTask.dateEnd;
if (!dateStart || !dateEnd) {
taskLabel.innerHTML = ”;
else {
const dayFormat = [‘2-digit’, ‘numeric’] || ‘numeric’;
taskLabel.innerHTML = dateStart.toLocaleDateString(gantt.locale) + ‘ – ‘ +
description.value = targetTask.label;
dayPicker.value = dateStart.getDate().toString();
monthPicker.value = dateStart.getMonth().toString();
yearPicker.value = dateStart.getFullYear().toString();
dayInput.value = targetTask.duration.toString();
totalDate.innerHTML = targetTask.dateEnd.toDateString();
if (addListeners) {
dayIncrementBtn.addEventListener(‘click’, function () {
dayInput.value = (Math.min(31, (parseInt(dayInput.value) || 0) + 1)).toString();
dayDecrementBtn.addEventListener(‘click’, function () {
dayInput.value = Math.max(1, (parseInt(dayInput.value) || 0) – 1).toString();
deleteBtn.addEventListener(‘click’, deleteTask);
cancelBtn.addEventListener(‘click’, cancelTask);
saveBtn.addEventListener(‘click’, saveTask);
function updateTotalDate() {
let newDateEnd = new Date(parseInt(yearPicker.value), parseInt(monthPicker.value), parseInt(dayPicker.value));
newDateEnd.setDate(newDateEnd.getDate() + parseInt(dayInput.value));
if (isNaN(newDateEnd.getTime())) {
totalDate.innerHTML = ”;
totalDate.innerHTML = newDateEnd.toDateString();
function deleteTask() {
editedTaskIndex = undefined;
function cancelTask() {
function saveTask() {
let dateStart = new Date(parseInt(yearPicker.value), parseInt(monthPicker.value), parseInt(dayPicker.value)), duration = parseInt(dayInput.value);
gantt.updateTask(editedTaskIndex, { label: description.value, dateStart: dateStart, duration: duration });
editedTaskIndex = undefined;
I have changed only the task “Interior Arrangement” removing the duration and adding the dateEnd (dateEnd:’2021-04-05′). In the chart the task end at the end of cell of  ‘2021-04-04’.
Thank you.