Javi Navarrete


I think you didn´t understand my problem, may my fault.

The problem is when I do the “ng build –prod” command, with the normal “ng-build” works succesfully.

The console gives us an error at this point:

_getEventTimelineCellsMonth(e) {
const t = this
, i = new Date(e.dateStart)
, n = new Date(e.dateEnd)
, r = t._timelineCells.horizontal
, a = t._timelineCells.vertical
, s = Object.assign({}, e);
let o = [];
return t._getCellRanges(t._getEventVerticalCellObjs(e), “vertical”).forEach(l=>{
const d = l.toIndex;
for (let c = c.fromIndex; c <= d; c++)  -> (((((((  HERE c is undefined )))))))

Angular JSON:

“production”: {

“fileReplacements”: [


“replace”: “src/environments/environment.ts”,

“with”: “src/environments/environment.prod.ts”



“optimization”: true,

“outputHashing”: “all”,

“sourceMap”: false,

“namedChunks”: false,

“extractLicenses”: true,

“vendorChunk”: false,

“buildOptimizer”: true,

“budgets”: [


“type”: “initial”,

“maximumWarning”: “2mb”,

“maximumError”: “10mb”



“type”: “anyComponentStyle”,

“maximumWarning”: “6kb”,

“maximumError”: “10kb”




I hope you can help us.

Thanks for your help