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  • #102428
    Javi Navarrete


    We have a problem when we do the “ng build” of our project, the scheduler component send us an error.

    The error says: ”

    ERROR ReferenceError: Cannot access ‘c’ before initialization
    at main.d263e5bfabedbf9ecab3.js:1
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at HTMLElement._getEventTimelineCellsMonth (main.d263e5bfabedbf9ecab3.js:1)
    at HTMLElement._getEventTimelineCells (main.d263e5bfabedbf9ecab3.js:1)
    at HTMLElement._getTimelineEventCells (main.d263e5bfabedbf9ecab3.js:1)
    at HTMLElement._createNonGroupedEvents (main.d263e5bfabedbf9ecab3.js:1)
    at HTMLElement._createViewEvents (main.d263e5bfabedbf9ecab3.js:1)
    at HTMLElement._refreshEvents (main.d263e5bfabedbf9ecab3.js:1)
    at HTMLElement._createTimeline (main.d263e5bfabedbf9ecab3.js:1)
    at HTMLElement.render (main.d263e5bfabedbf9ecab3.js:1)”

    I hope you can help us

    Thank you and I wait your answer

    Yavor Dashev

    Hi Javi Navarrete,

    I did tested the Scheduler component with the ‘ng build’ command and everything works as intended and I don’t get any errors.

    It will be best to share a complete code example which reproduces the issue so that we could be able to give you a viable solution for it.

    Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any additional questions.
    Best regards,
    Yavor Dashev
    Smart UI Team

    Javi Navarrete


    I think you didn´t understand my problem, may my fault.

    The problem is when I do the “ng build –prod” command, with the normal “ng-build” works succesfully.

    The console gives us an error at this point:

    _getEventTimelineCellsMonth(e) {
    const t = this
    , i = new Date(e.dateStart)
    , n = new Date(e.dateEnd)
    , r = t._timelineCells.horizontal
    , a = t._timelineCells.vertical
    , s = Object.assign({}, e);
    let o = [];
    return t._getCellRanges(t._getEventVerticalCellObjs(e), “vertical”).forEach(l=>{
    const d = l.toIndex;
    for (let c = c.fromIndex; c <= d; c++)  -> (((((((  HERE c is undefined )))))))

    Angular JSON:

    “production”: {

    “fileReplacements”: [


    “replace”: “src/environments/environment.ts”,

    “with”: “src/environments/”



    “optimization”: true,

    “outputHashing”: “all”,

    “sourceMap”: false,

    “namedChunks”: false,

    “extractLicenses”: true,

    “vendorChunk”: false,

    “buildOptimizer”: true,

    “budgets”: [


    “type”: “initial”,

    “maximumWarning”: “2mb”,

    “maximumError”: “10mb”



    “type”: “anyComponentStyle”,

    “maximumWarning”: “6kb”,

    “maximumError”: “10kb”




    I hope you can help us.

    Thanks for your help



    Hi Javi,

    We will need a stackblitz example in order to check your use-case.

    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev

    Smart UI Team

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