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  • #103011
    alexis Escala
    Hello, I have the following problem:
    I have a grid with multiples columns, the following definition is about the status column:
    label: 'Status', dataField: 'custom', width: 120, editor: {
    template: '',
    onInit(row, column, editor) {
    const dropDownList = (editor.firstElementChild);
    dropDownList.dataSource = [{ "value": 10, "label": "UNFULFILLED" }, { "value": 11, "label": "LUMP" }, { "value": 12, "label": "BOUGHT" }, { "value": 13, "label": "VIRTUAL" }, { "value": -2, "label": "NEW" }, { "value": -3, "label": "ESTIMATED" }, { "value": -5, "label": "QUOTE" }, { "value": 0, "label": "APPROVED" }, { "value": 2, "label": { "value": 11, "label": "LUMP" } }, { "value": 3, "label": "DENIED" }, { "value": 4, "label": "PROCESS" }, { "value": 1, "label": "REQUESTED" }, { "value": 7, "label": "HOLIDAY" }, { "value": 8, "label": "EXPIRED" }, { "value": 9, "label": "CANCELLED" }, { "value": 15, "label": "DECLINED" }, { "value": 14, "label": "DENIEDPDN" }];
    dropDownList.dropDownAppendTo = 'body';
    dropDownList.selectedValues = [{ "value": 10, "label": "UNFULFILLED" }];
    onRender(row, column, editor) {
    (editor.firstElementChild).selectedValues = [{ "value": 11, "label": "LUMP" }];
    getValue() {
    return this.firstElementChild.selectedValues[0].description;

    1 ) dropdownList.selectedValues doesn’t show the item selected when the grid is render.
    2) When I click in some cell, the list of datasource is emty.
    3) I need to know how I can put the selected value in each status cell and.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by alexis Escala.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by alexis Escala.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by alexis Escala.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by alexis Escala.


    selectedValues expects strings/numbers, not objects. The items of the DropDownList/ComboBox can be strings or objects with label/value fields. The values are always strings or numbers. I would suggest you to look at The example shows how to create such an editor.

    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev

    Smart UI Team

    alexis Escala

    Thanks, I didn’t know that, but I have the following question:

    label: ‘Status’, dataField: ‘custom’, width: 120, editor: {
    template: ‘<smart-combo-box></smart-combo-box>’,
    onInit(row, column, editor) {
    const dropDownList = (editor.firstElementChild);

    dropDownList.dataSource = [{ “value”: 10, “label”: “UNFULFILLED” }, { “value”: 11, “label”: “LUMP” }, { “value”: 12, “label”: “BOUGHT” }, { “value”: 13, “label”: “VIRTUAL” }, { “value”: -2, “label”: “NEW” }, { “value”: -3, “label”: “ESTIMATED” }, { “value”: -5, “label”: “QUOTE” }, { “value”: 0, “label”: “APPROVED” }, { “value”: 2, “label”: { “value”: 11, “label”: “LUMP” } }, { “value”: 3, “label”: “DENIED” }, { “value”: 4, “label”: “PROCESS” }, { “value”: 1, “label”: “REQUESTED” }, { “value”: 7, “label”: “HOLIDAY” }, { “value”: 8, “label”: “EXPIRED” }, { “value”: 9, “label”: “CANCELLED” }, { “value”: 15, “label”: “DECLINED” }, { “value”: 14, “label”: “DENIEDPDN” }];
    dropDownList.dropDownAppendTo = ‘body’;
    onRender(row, column, editor) {
    getValue() {
    return this.firstElementChild.selectedValues[0].description;

    In this case, I don’t have nothing in selectedValues but the grid doesn’t show the list of items in the cell, which is the problem?
    When you say that the selectedValues expects a string, in this case, should be in onRender or onInit?

    The other question is, if I need to put { “value”: 7, “label”: “HOLIDAY” } as selected value,the value in this case is a number, the selectedvalues accept a number also?
    Ex: .selectedValue = [“7”] or .selectedValue = [7], always is a array??


    Hi alexis,

    I think that this part of the code is wrong: this.firstElementChild.selectedValues[0].description. The reason is that there is no description field in the data source, and the other reason is that you may not have a selected value, too. This means that this.firstElementChild.selectedValues[0] is undefined.

    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev

    Smart UI Team

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