JavaScript UI Libraries & Blazor Components Suite – Smart UI Forums Data Grid Bug with smart grid % height inside a smart splitter

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  • #101061

    I’ve found an issue with using a smart-grid inside a smart splitter and smart-grid % height setting.
    I have a smart splitter that uses three sub panels horizontally aligned: left, middle, right
    The smart-grid is set into the middle panel with a  100% height
    If I ‘hide’ the left panel by clicking on the ‘<‘ splitter icon, then the smart grid height changes to beyond 100%
    If I change the smart-grid height to 98% and then repeat the ‘<‘ click then the smart grid height is correctly not changed.


    Hi davout,
    I would suggest you to check the correct hierarchy of HTML Elements on your page. Make sure that you do not put any attributes on your Splitter Panels, etc. Splitter and Splitter Panels should be used as shown in our docs and examples. Custom styles should be avoided as they may break the logic of the component. Could you please, share codepen example which demonstrates your web application scenario?
    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev
    Smart UI Team

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