JavaScript UI Libraries & Blazor Components Suite – Smart UI Forums Docking Layout Docking layout – best way to remove esc keydownevent listeners

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  • #102651


    what is the best way to remove  the keydownevent for a specific key from the eventlisteners?
    The layout uses splitters and I would have to remove one event listener for all splitted docks.
    What I try to achieve is to disable the ESC key because the splitted docks close after pressing the ESC key.

    Br Brayan


    Hi Br Brayan,

    Thanks for writing.

    There is currently no such available option for the Docking Layout. Specific Keyboard keys as well as Pointer events are handled by the Docking Layout component. We can extend it with the required functionality in a future version. We can also develop features on demand for tailor made solutions. If you are interested in such an option, please contact

    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev

    Smart UI Team

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