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  • #108632

    hello – i have had much success using grid dynamically, as opposed to using:

    Smart(  "#grid",   class  { get properties() {

    i have determined out how to load most grid elements dynamically.

    however, getting groupBy to work dynamically is more difficult.

    just using ordinary grid.groupBy = ['val']; does not work as you can see in my example.

    i see options available like grid.grouping.groupBy ,grid.groupHeader, and grid.groupByCommand() but i am not sure how to use any of these.

    may i ask how to proceed?

    (side note: i am sort of surprised there are not more examples for doing grid dynamicall since this is VERY useful!)


    got it:

    grid.grouping.groupBy = ['productName'];
    grid.grouping.enabled = true;
    grid.grouping.expandMode = true;
    grid.columns[2].visible = false;

    not sure if this is documented anywhere, but the chrome-console helped me to find this by reverse-engineering a working grid-group example.

    using grid dynamically is incredibly powerful.  i hope that smart-elements starts to provide examples of dynamic-grid.  i believe that others would find it exceptionally useful.



    Thank you for your feedback!
    If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us!

    Best Regards,
    Svetoslav Borislavov

    Smart UI Team

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