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  • #100275

    I have a data adapter for Grid.
    I can add to end with e.g.:
    document.addCourseGrid.dataSource.add({id:’mytest’, code:’f123aacdee’});
    I can insert somewhere in the rows e.g.
    document.addCourseGrid.dataSource.insert(1, {id:'mytest', code:'f123aacdee'});
    This will insert in the second position.
    But I cannot insert at the top:
    document.addCourseGrid.dataSource.insert(0, {id:'mytest', code:'f123aacdee'});
    smart.grid.row.js:282 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property ‘row’ of undefined
    at Row.render (smart.grid.row.js:282)
    at HTMLElement._renderFrozenRows (smart.grid.core.js:6944)
    at HTMLElement._recycle (smart.grid.core.js:6914)
    at DataAdapter.notifyFn (smart.grid.core.js:4535)
    at DataAdapter._notify (
    at DataAdapter.insert (
    at <anonymous>:1:35


    Ugh, sorry about that. The impossible forum software again.

    smart.grid.row.js:282 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'row' of undefined
    at Row.render (smart.grid.row.js:282)
    at HTMLElement._renderFrozenRows (smart.grid.core.js:6944)
    at HTMLElement._recycle (smart.grid.core.js:6914)
    at DataAdapter.notifyFn (smart.grid.core.js:4535)
    at DataAdapter._notify (
    at DataAdapter.insert (
    at <anonymous>:1:35

    Sorry, I can’t find how to delete a post, I have to leave the duplicate above.
    I looked at source code, and I find nothing that seems to prepend. Only add() and insert().


    Based on:
    Use rows.splice(0, 0, createRow()); in the example, within the addRow click handler.
    Smart Html Elements Team


    I would prefer to work with the bound data, though.
    I’m afraid I am thoroughly confused about adding rows by creating a row and adding nodes to the grid, vs. adding rows to the data source.
    The latter is my preference, and it does work, but only for append and insert but not insert at top.
    I had hoped I could manipulate the data source, as it is most convenient for e.g. update an array from a REST fetch, but only having partial luck with this. Works if I want to add to the end or middle, just not at the top.


    The problem was that I had the first row frozen. It will get an exception as shown above if you try to insert before a frozen row.
    If not frozen, then I can insert at 0, and it works. This gives me the most-recent-first insertion I want to show history.
    I can see that it’s not obvious what the “correct” behaviour might be. It depends on the full definition of what you consider to be “frozen”.
    I think anyway I didn’t need to freeze, as I just want to freeze the headers. I supposed the headers are automatically frozen anyway.

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