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  • #104209

    I need to localize a Date Input to Spanish and also changing FirstDayOdWeek to 1 (Monday) on Angular.

    I’ve tried this but didn’t work:
                    dataField: ‘invoiceDate’,
                    controlType: ‘date’,
                    label: ‘Fecha’,
                    placeholder: ‘Elegir fecha’,
                    cssClass: ‘underlined’,
                    firstDayOfWeek: 1,
                    locale: ‘es’,
                    formatString: ‘d/M/yyyy’,
                    firstDay: 1


                    dataField: ‘idCardDueDate’,
                    controlType: ‘date’,
                    label: ‘Fecha de expiración’,
                    placeholder: ‘Elija fecha’,
                    cssClass: ‘underlined’,
                    controlOptions: {
                      formatString: ‘d/M/yyyy’,
                      firstDayOfWeek: 1,
                      locale: ‘es’

    No error messages or warnings, just keep showing pop-up calendar starting on Sunday and labels in English.

    Please help

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by JC.


    The options of the control should be passed in a controlOptions object,
    Please see this demo made for your purposes:

    The same template can be used in Angular.

    I hope this helps you

    Best Regards,
    Svetoslav Borislavov

    Smart UI Team


    Thanks a lot. It helped but the titles on tabs (Date and Time) when you click on calendar icon appears as ‘undefined’

    P.S.: I sent an email to support@ regarding other issues.. I’m waiting for your answer.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by JC.
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