JavaScript UI Libraries & Blazor Components Suite – Smart UI Forums General Discussions jQuery Ajax example – with CSV or JSON chart data

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  • #103360

    I am looking to create my first integration with the smart.chart application.

    I would like to know if there is an example of a jQuery $.ajax example.

    I would like to pass either CSV or JSON formatted data.


    Out of curiosity, is it possible to pass raw binary float32 data as well. I have an array of 1440 floats (one per minute for the last day), if the application could actually accept the data as an array of floats, it would save a good amount of time formatting it before sending (I am working on a small embedded CPU, so time and RAM a very finite).





    Here is a demo in which a DataAdapter is used for the dataSource property: codepen demo
    In the demo, you can see that after the window`s loading we are making a request via jQuery and setting the dataSource to a Data Adapter.

    Here is a link for the documentation of the DataAdapter: Data Adapter documentation.
    The DataAdapter supports different data types including CSV and JSON.

    Unfortunately, we do not support raw binary float32 data.

    If you need further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us!

    Best Regards,
    Svetoslav Borislavov

    Smart UI Team


    Thanks – will try that.


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