JavaScript UI Libraries & Blazor Components Suite – Smart UI Forums Data Grid using a Smart drop-down-list for a cell grid

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  • #108556

    hello –

    is there a recommended way to replace a grid cell/column with a Smart drop-down-list?

    so in other words, i would like to be able to have the user choose from a drop-down-list selection rather than just have it free-form, and thereby restrict what they can enter into a cell.

    maybe with a template like how row-details work ??  — note that template here has an embedded html section.

    its tempting to go in and start manipulating the html or something like that, but every time i imagine something in grid (and most other Smart components) there is a MUCH easier way to accomplish what i need to…!



    Here is an example with a column that is edited by a drop down list:

    I hope this helps!

    Best Regards,
    Svetoslav Borislavov

    Smart UI Team


    thank you.   there is a VERY MINOR typo on the page you referenced:


    Smart Grid Web Component Editing Cell Cropdowns Demo

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