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  • #101869
    Dark Beccio

    1- when validator.validate() is executed i get “!” inside a red circle when the input is not correct, but when the input is correct instead of “V” inside a green circle i get a bunch of characters like “à0e”.
    how can i fix this?
    2-upon installing the latest version i noticed a copy of validator message hints at the very bottom of the page.
    I use validator in a window passing (true) in the constructor for spawn message hints right side.


    Hi Dark Beccio,
    When I tested the validator I was unable to reproduce both of the situations that you encounter.
    That is why I’m going to ask you to create a code example for us in order to assess the situation and give you solution about it.
    In the mean time I can suggest you to check if you have included all the necessary scripts and styles for the validator.
    Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any additional questions.
    Best regards,
    Yavor Dashev
    Smart UI Team

    Dark Beccio

    2- solved like this
    #validation span {
    display: none;
    1- i think the problem is this:
    .smart-success-label-like-after-element:after, .smart-validation-success:not(smart-check-box)>div.smart-container:after {
    color: var(–smart-success-color);
    content: ‘✓’;
    background-color: var(–smart-success);

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