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  • #104799


    You have an incorrect string. In the if statement of the onKey callback, there should be e.key === ‘Enter’, not e.key === ‘Ener’.
    That’s why the selection of the next row is not prevented.
    As for the end of the edit, you cannot prevent this.

    Best Regards,
    Svetoslav Borislavov

    Smart UI Team


    Oh, how did I not see this… Sorry about that…

    I’m not interested in not ending the edit, I want that, I just don’t want focus to switch to the row below, but instead to next column on the same row, like Tab does.
    Hope I can make that happen now, if I spell Enter correctly…



    In the onKey callback, you are already detecting the ‘Enter’ key, you can get the current selection and select the next cell. If the current cell is the last one, you will select the first cell of the next row

    Best Regards,
    Svetoslav Borislavov

    Smart UI Team

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