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  • #109157

    I am having trouble finding the new value in the Input OnChange event.

    I am using an alias for the Smart.Blazor.Event class as shown here:

    @using SmartInputChangedEvent = Smart.Blazor.Event;

    Below is my input markup:

    <Input Value=@ManagedChecklistFilter.ChecklistType DataSource=ChecklistTypeOptions OnChange=”(SmartInputChangedEvent e) => FiltersChanged(ChecklistFilterFields.ChecklistType, e)”></Input>

    Below is the method I am calling to capture the event:

    private async Task FiltersChanged(ChecklistFilterFields field, SmartInputChangedEvent e)
    if (e is not null)

    I am getting the event with 22 key value pairs but none of them contain the new value.


    To add more information, below are the key/value pairs captured in e:

    {[isTrusted, ValueKind = True : “True”]}
    {[type, ValueKind = String : “change”]}
    {[target, ValueKind = Object : “{“id”:””}”]}
    {[currentTarget, null]}
    {[eventPhase, ValueKind = Number : “0”]}
    {[bubbles, ValueKind = True : “True”]}
    {[cancelable, ValueKind = False : “False”]}
    {[defaultPrevented, ValueKind = False : “False”]}
    {[composed, ValueKind = False : “False”]}
    {[timeStamp, ValueKind = Number : “11000.399999976158”]}
    {[srcElement, ValueKind = Object : “{“id”:””}”]}
    {[returnValue, ValueKind = True : “True”]}
    {[cancelBubble, ValueKind = False : “False”]}
    {[NONE, ValueKind = Number : “0”]}
    {[CAPTURING_PHASE, ValueKind = Number : “1”]}
    {[AT_TARGET, ValueKind = Number : “2”]}
    {[BUBBLING_PHASE, ValueKind = Number : “3”]}
    {[composedPath, ValueKind = Object : “{}”]}
    {[initEvent, ValueKind = Object : “{}”]}
    {[preventDefault, ValueKind = Object : “{}”]}
    {[stopImmediatePropagation, ValueKind = Object : “{}”]}
    {[stopPropagation, ValueKind = Object : “{}”]}


    Hi Brandon,


    There are a few different ways to capture the value of the input. For example, you can use two-way value binding:

    <Input @bind-Value=”@textValue” OnChange=”changeEvent”></Input>

    string textValue = “”;
    private void changeEvent(Event ev)



    Best Regards,
    Ivan Peevski
    Smart UI Team


    Thanks for your help, I was able to get it working that way. I would suggest that the API docs be updated as it appears to suggest that the value should be in the event:
    <table class=”table”>
    <td>This event is triggered when the selection is changed.</td>
    <td>string label- The label of the new selected item., dynamic oldLabel- The label of the item that was previously selected before the event was triggered., dynamic oldValue- The value of the item that was previously selected before the event was triggered., dynamic value- The value of the new selected item.</td>

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