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  • #102709
    Giovanni Zomer

    I like the component, but I would suggest – for future releases – to create a more detailed documentation;
    I moved from jqwidgets, as this seem a more modern one; but  here documentation lacks in many ways; I often try to guess for properties not described but surely existing; a developer probably finds the answers he’s looking at on his own, without having to try for hours or even open a question in the forum;
    I’m sure it will help;
    anyway … good job!



    Thanks for the feedback. Could you please elaborate on this? Which props are not described well compared to our other product. We are improving the docs and working on that every day.


    Smart UI

    Joko Pitoyo

    i agree with you, we need more/spend time to find out feature we want..



    Would you like to share what kind of details are missing? The docs are constantly improved and is a top priority for us. For example, two days ago we added 70+ help tutorials to our Blazor docs.

    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev

    Smart UI Team

    Joko Pitoyo
    1. smart layout group, howto set left layout fix 300px, right fluid/100%
    2.  smart-tab-layout-group, howto hide label,  and change tab by code?
    3. smart-tree-item, howto update icon  by code?
    4. smart-grid, is possible to set height of header by setting?, update grid row from websocket
    5. smart-tabs, cascading smart-tabs

    hope you can help give sample

    Joko Pitoyo

    where i can read smart.layout documentation?

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Joko Pitoyo.

    Hi Joko,

    Smart.Layout is not yet released and is not in production. The available UI components have online demos & documentation.

    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev

    Smart UI Team

    Joko Pitoyo

    @Peter Stoev, Smart.Layout is good component, i hope this release in nearest time, and available documentation


    I can give an example.  I’m trying to learn how to use the combobox autoComplete feature right now.

    In the ComboBox>autocomplete section it looks like there are 4 values for the autocomplete property (none, auto inline, manual) .  There is no indication of what these properties actually do.  Combo Box Auto Complete (htmlelements.com)

    it seems like alot of times it just tells you what a property’s name and data type is, and how to get/set it, but not what the valid values are.

    Things just seem vague and hard to find sometimes. – its hard to articulate why that is.

    love these tools, and hope to see the docs get better!

    Giovanni Zomer

    I think, JoeLaRue described it really well; the point is that the tools are very good but the documentation lacks very much; you can spend hours and hours in testing, “imagining” how this part works, as you will find no help in the documentation and the number of users is too low to go and find the solution or the examples on the internet; I think that investing in a much better documentation could convert much more tester to buyer!


    No autocomplete: The combobox is editable, and when the popup is triggered, the suggested values it contains are the same regardless of the characters typed in the combobox. For example, the popup suggests a set of recently entered values, and the suggestions do not change as the user types.
    List autocomplete with manual selection: When the popup is triggered, it presents suggested values. If the combobox is editable, the suggested values complete or logically correspond to the characters typed in the combobox. The character string the user has typed will become the value of the combobox unless the user selects a value in the popup.
    List autocomplete with automatic selection: The combobox is editable, and when the popup is triggered, it presents suggested values that complete or logically correspond to the characters typed in the combobox, and the first suggestion is automatically highlighted as selected. The automatically selected suggestion becomes the value of the combobox when the combobox loses focus unless the user chooses a different suggestion or changes the character string in the combobox.
    List with inline autocomplete: This is the same as list with automatic selection with one additional feature. The portion of the selected suggestion that has not been typed by the user, a completion string, appears inline after the input cursor in the combobox. The inline completion string is visually highlighted and has a selected state.

    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev

    Smart UI Team


    The property descriptions for all UI components have been improved and updated. For example: https://www.htmlelements.com/docs/combobox-api/#toc-autocomplete_none__auto__inline__manual.

    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev

    Smart UI Team



    Joko Pitoyo

    just a suggestion, it’s better if each component has a data option property like <smart-combo-box data-options=”width:300;height:30″>

    <smart-combo-box data-options=”fit:true”> //for width:100%


    form combobox hav capabilites to hold data record, so when selected item we can get data record mode detail

    Joko Pitoyo

    please provide default style compact, for tabs, datagrid, smart-textbox,etc

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Joko Pitoyo.
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