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  • #104087
    Winston SocialApps

    reposted fromĀ  Charts & Data Viz Task Indicator error on scroll, seems this is the correct forum

    I have a chart with two modes, week and month and on my task some have task indicators and switching different modes when you scroll up/down to rows with indicators will result to error of

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘left’)
    at BaseElement._setTaskIndicators (smart.ganttchart.js:90:1)
    at BaseElement._recycleTimelineTasks (smart.ganttchart.js:90:1)
    at BaseElement._recycle (smart.ganttchart.js:90:1)
    at BaseElement._verticalScrollbarHandler (smart.ganttchart.js:90:1)


    using smart-webcomponents-react@14.4.0

    any alternative on how to avoid the error?



    Please send us an example so we can inspect and find the problem.
    You can send it as a codepen or here:

    We are waiting for you!

    Best Regards,
    Svetoslav Borislavov

    Smart UI Team

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