Blazor - Get Started with Accordion

Blazor - Get Started with Smart.Accordion

Setup The Project

Follow the Getting Started guide to set up your Blazor Application with Smart UI.

Setup Basic Accordion

Smart.Accordion is a lightwight container with expandable items.

The items can be set as an array of object or as children elements of the component.

  1. Add the Accordion component to the Pages/Index.razor file
  2. Then, add the children elements to the <Accordion> component
      <AccordionItem Label="First Item">First Item Content.</AccordionItem>
      <AccordionItem Label="Second Item">Second Item Content.</AccordionItem>
      <AccordionItem Label="Third Item">Third Item Content.</AccordionItem>
      <AccordionItem Label="Fourth Item">Fourth Item Content.</AccordionItem>
  3. Alternatively, create an array of objects and set them as DataSource of the component
    <Accordion DataSource="items"></Accordion>
      private object[] items = new object[]{
          new {label="First Item", content="First Item Content"}, 
          new{label="Second Item", content="Second Item Content"},
          new{label="Third Item", content="Third Item Content"},
          new{label="Fourth Item", content="Fourth Item Content"}
Basic accordion

Expand Modes

The Expand Mode determines how the items will expand or collapse. It is set using the ExpandMode property.

<Accordion DataSource="items" ExpandMode="AccordionExpandMode.Single"></Accordion>
  • AccordionExpandMode.Single:
    Expand mode Single
  • AccordionExpandMode.SingleFitHeight:
    Expand mode SingleFitHeight
  • AccordionExpandMode.Multiple:
    Expand mode Multiple
  • AccordionExpandMode.Toggle:
    Expand mode Toggle

Reorder Items

Items can be reordered by dragging the mouse when the Reorder property is set to true:

Reorder items
<Accordion DataSource="items" Reorder="true"></Accordion>

Accordion Events

Smart.Accordion provides an multiple Events that can help you expand the component's functionality.
Each event object has unique event.detail parameters.

  • OnCollapse - triggered when an item is collapsed.
    Event Details: dynamic content, int index, string label
  • OnCollapsing - triggered when an item is going to be collapsed.
    Event Details: dynamic content, int index, string label
  • OnDragEnd - triggered when a reordering operation is completed.
    Event Details: dynamic position, dynamic target, dynamic content, int index, string label
  • OnDragStart - triggered when a reordering operation is started.
    Event Details: dynamic position, dynamic target, dynamic content, int index, string label
  • OnExpand - triggered when an item is expanded.
    Event Details: dynamic position, dynamic target, dynamic content, int index, string label
  • OnExpanding - triggered when an item is going to be expanded.
    Event Details: dynamic content, int index, string label

<h3>@draggedItem is being dragged</h3>
<Accordion DataSource="items" Reorder="true" OnDragStart="OnDragStart"></Accordion>

  private object[] items = new object[]{
      new {label="First Item", content="First Item Content"}, 
      new{label="Second Item", content="Second Item Content"},
      new{label="Third Item", content="Third Item Content"},
      new{label="Fourth Item", content="Fourth Item Content"}
  string draggedItem = "";
  public void OnDragStart(Event ev){
          AccordionDragStartEventDetail detail = ev["Detail"];
          draggedItem = detail.Label;
Accordion dragStart event