Data Grid UI Component that covers everything from paging, sorting, grouping, filtering, and editing to row and column virtualization, right-to-left layout, export to Excel and PDF and Accessibility.
- alternationStart:number - Starting row index of alternating colors.
- alternationEnd:number - Ending row index of alternating colors.
- alternationCount:number - number of row color alternations.
- allowColumnStickyPosition:boolean - Enables sticky columns.
- allowHover:boolean - Enables row hover effect. Applies a hover style to the cells.
- allowHeaderHover:boolean - Enables header hover effect. Applies a hover style to the headers.
- allowRowToggleAnimation:boolean - Enables row toggle animation. This animation starts when you expand/collapse a row in TreeGrid/Grouping mode.
- allowRowDetailToggleAnimation:boolean - Enables row detail toggle animation. This animation starts when you expand/collapse a row in TreeGrid/Grouping mode.
- allowSortAnimation:boolean - Enables sorting animation. Data records are sorted with animation, when sorting is applied.
- allowColumnLabelAnimation:boolean - Enables column label animation. The label is moved to 'left' with animation, when the column header's drop-down button is displayed on hover or sorting is applied.
- allowColumnMenuAnimation:boolean - Enables column menu animation. When you click on the column header's drop-down button, the menu is animated.
- allowColumnSortButtonAnimation:boolean - Enables column sort button animation. When you click on a sortable column to change the sort order, the sort button is animated.
- allowColumnActionButtonAnimation:boolean - Enables column action button animation. The drop-down button displayed on column header hover is optionally animated.
- allowColumnFilterButtonAnimation:boolean - Enables column filter button animation.
- autoShowColumnSortButton:boolean - If enabled, automatically shows column sort button. The sort button is displayed only when the column is sorted. If the property's value is false, sort button will be always displayed to indicate that sorting is possible.
- autoShowColumnActionButton:boolean - If enabled, automatically shows column action button.
- autoShowColumnFilterButton:boolean - If enabled, automatically shows column filter button.
- autoGenerateRowLabelMode:string - Generates labels as 'numbers' or 'letters'. This property affects the rendering of the row header.
- autoGenerateColumnLabelMode:string - Generates labels as 'numbers' or 'letters. This property affects the rendering of the column header.
- displayLoadingIndicator:boolean - Sets the visibility of the loading indicator. This is the Loading... image displayed in the Grid while loading data.
- loadingIndicatorPlaceholder:string - Sets the loading indicator label. This is the Text displayed while loading data.
- placeholder:string - Sets the placeholder of the Grid. The placeholder is displayed when the Grid is empty.
- sortAnimationDuration:number - Sets the duration of sorting animation. This property is related to the allowSortAnimation property.
- showRowHeader:boolean - Shows or hides Row header.
- showTreeRowHeader:boolean - Shows or hides Row headers. In TreeGrid, the non-leaf tree items are displayed as normal rows. If this property is set to true, they are displayed as headers similar to the grouping rendering.
- showRowHeaderNumber:boolean - Shows row indexes in the row header. The showRowHeader property should be true
- showRowHeaderEditIcon:boolean - Shows edit icon when a cell or row is in edit state.
- showRowHeaderSelectIcon:boolean - Shows select icon when the pointer is over the row header cell.
- showRowHeaderFocusIcon:boolean - Shows focus icon on cell or row focus.
- showRowHeaderDragIcon:boolean - Shows drag icon on the row header.
- showColumnHeaderLines:boolean - Shows column header lines.
- showColumnHeaderDragIcon:boolean - Shows drag icon on the column header when drag is enabled. The icon is displayed when you move the mouse cursor to the column header's left edge.
- showColumnLines:boolean - Shows column lines.
- showRowLines:boolean - Shows row lines.
- showColumnGroupLines:boolean - Shows lines between columns in column groups.
- showColumnGroupCellLines:boolean - Shows lines between cells in column groups.
- showColumnGroupsInColumnPanel:boolean - Shows column groups in the Hide columns panel. Column groups and columns are shown in a tree-like structure. When the property is set to false, the column groups are not displayed and the column labels contain the column group name.
- showFilterColumnBackground:boolean - Shows filtered column background, when filter is applied.
- showSortColumnBackground:boolean - Shows sorted column background, when sorting is applied.
- showFrozenColumnBackground:boolean - Shows frozen column background, when the Grid has frozen columns.
- showSelectionOnTop:boolean - Shows the selection on top of all other styles.
- showColumnSortButton:boolean - Shows column sort button.
- showColumnFilterButton:boolean - Shows column filter button.
- showColumnDescriptionButton:boolean - Shows column description button. The button's style is customizable through the Grid CSS.
- showColumnIcon:boolean - Shows column icon within the column's header.
- showColumnCustomButton:boolean - Shows column custom button. User-defined button shown in the column header.
- showColumnActionButton:boolean - Shows column action button. This is the drop-down button displayed in the column header.
- showTooltips:boolean - Shows tooltips when user hovers columns or cells.
- showHorizontalScrollBarOnFixedColumns:boolean - Shows horizontal scrollbar on fixed columns.
- showVerticalScrollBarOnFixedColumns:boolean - Shows vertical scrollbar on fixed columns.
- showTodayDateAsString:boolean - Shows the today's date as 'Today' vs '7/8/2022'. When the property is set to false, it will display the date.
- allowColumnAutoSizeOnDoubleClick:boolean - Auto-Resize on double-click of a column's right border.
- allowRowAutoSizeOnDoubleClick:boolean - Auto-Resize on double-click of a row's bottom border.
- allowRowReorder:boolean - Determines whether row reorder is enabled.
- allowColumnReorder:boolean - Determines whether column reorder is enabled.
- allowColumnFreeze:boolean - Determines whether column freeze with drag and drop is enabled. When other columns are frozen/pinned, drag the column to the existing frozen area. When no columns are pinned, drag the column to the edge of the grid and wait for approximately one second. The grid will then assume you want to freeze/pin and create a frozen/pinned area and place the column into it.
- allowMouseWheel:boolean - Determines whether the scrolling with mouse wheel is enabled.
- columnResizeMode:string - Sets the column resize mode. split resize mode 'grows' or 'shrinks' the resize element's size and 'shrinks' or 'grows' the next sibling element's size. growAndShrink resize mode 'grows' or 'shrinks' the resize element's size
- rowResizeMode:string - Sets the row resize mode. split resize mode 'grows' or 'shrinks' the resize element's size and 'shrinks' or 'grows' the next sibling element's size. growAndShrink resize mode 'grows' or 'shrinks' the resize element's size
- enabled:boolean - Sets or gets whether the property is enabled.
- copyHeadersToClipboard:boolean - Sets or gets whether the copy the column headers to the clipboard.
- autoFillMode:string - Sets or gets whether the copy-pasted values will be auto-filled by using automatic pattern detection. This is used in the Drag&Drop Multiple Cells selection. none does nothing. copy just copies the cells. 'fillSeries' detects and automatically fills the values. For example, if the selection has '1, 2' and the possible positions are more, the pasted values would be '1, 2, 3, 4, etc.
- onPasteValue:{(args: {value: any, oldValue: any, dataField: string, id: string | number}): void} - Sets or gets a callback on paste.
- align:string - Sets or gets the column's header alignment. Accepts: 'left', 'right', 'center'
- allowExport:boolean - Sets or gets whether the column can be exported.
- allowGroup:boolean - Sets or gets whether the column can be grouped.
- allowHide:boolean - Sets or gets whether the column can be hidden.
- allowSelect:boolean | null - Sets or gets whether the column can be selected.
- allowEdit:any - Sets or gets whether the column can be edited. The property can be 'boolean' i.e accept true and false values. To dynamically determine which cells are editable, a callback function can be supplied to the 'allowEdit' property. For example: allowEdit: (id, dataField, value, data) => { return value === 'Cappuccino'; }
- allowSort:boolean - Sets or gets whether the column can be sorted.
- allowHeaderEdit:boolean - Sets or gets whether the column can be edited, when header editing is enabled.
- allowFilter:boolean - Sets or gets whether the column can be filtered.
- allowReorder:boolean - Sets or gets whether the column can be reordered.
- allowResize:boolean - Sets or gets whether the column can be resized.
- allowNull:boolean - Sets or gets whether the column can have 'null' values.
- cardHeight:number - Sets or gets the cell's height in card view mode.
- cellsFormat:string - Sets or gets the column's cells format. This property is used for applying a formatting to the cell values. Number format strings:
'd' - decimal numbers.
'f' - floating-point numbers.
'n' - integer numbers.
'c' - currency numbers.
'p' - percentage numbers.
For adding decimal places to the numbers, add a number after the formatting stri
For example: 'c3' displays a number in this format $25.256
Built-in Date formats:
// short date pattern
'd' - 'M/d/yyyy',
// long date pattern
'D' - 'dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy',
// short time pattern
't' - 'h:mm tt',
// long time pattern
'T' - 'h:mm:ss tt',
// long date, short time pattern
'f' - 'dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm tt',
// long date, long time pattern
'F' - 'dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt',
// month/day pattern
'M' - 'MMMM dd',
// month/year pattern
'Y' - 'yyyy MMMM',
// S is a sortable format that does not vary by culture
'S' - 'yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'
Date format strings:
'd'-the day of the month;
'dd'-the day of the month
'ddd'-the abbreviated name of the day of the week
'dddd'- the full name of the day of the week
'h'-the hour, using a 12-hour clock from 1 to 12
'hh'-the hour, using a 12-hour clock from 01 to 12
'H'-the hour, using a 24-hour clock from 0 to 23
'HH'- the hour, using a 24-hour clock from 00 to 23
'm'-the minute, from 0 through 59
'mm'-the minutes,from 00 though59
'M'- the month, from 1 through 12
'MM'- the month, from 01 through 12
'MMM'-the abbreviated name of the month
'MMMM'-the full name of the month
's'-the second, from 0 through 59
'ss'-the second, from 00 through 59
't'- the first character of the AM/PM designator
'tt'-the AM/PM designator
'y'- the year, from 0 to 99
'yy'- the year, from 00 to 99
'yyy'-the year, with a minimum of three digits
'yyyy'-the year as a four-digit number;
'yyyyy'-the year as a four-digit number. - cellsAlign:string - Sets or gets the column's cells alignment. Accepts: 'left', 'right' and 'center'
- cellsWrap:boolean - Sets or gets the column's cells wrapping. Accepts: true or false.
- cellsVerticalAlign:string - Sets or gets the column's cells vertical alignment. Accepts: 'top', 'bottom' and 'center'
- className:string - Sets or gets the column's header CSS class name. You can apply multiple CSS class names by separating them with space.
- cellsClassName:any - Sets or gets the column's cells CSS class name(s). The property can be used with string and function. You can apply multiple CSS class names by separating them with space or you can return a CSS class name(s) when you use it as a function. The function gets called with the following parameters: index - row's index, dataField - column's data field, cellValue - current cell's value, rowData - current row's data, row - GridRow object. Ex: cellsClassName: (index, dataField, value, rowData, row) => { if (index === 0) { return 'cell-class-1' } }
- cellsCSSRules:any - Sets or gets the column's cells CSS class rules. Different CSS class names are conditionally applied. Example: label: 'Quantity', dataField: 'quantity', editor: 'numberInput', cellsClassRules: { 'one': settings => settings.value > 5, 'two': settings => settings.value <5, 'three': settings => settings.value === 3 }. The settings object contains the following properties: index, value, dataField, row, api.
- columnGroup:string - Sets the name of the column group.
- dataField:string - Sets or gets the column's data source bound field.
- dataType:string - Sets or gets the column's data type. Any of the following value is valid: 'string', 'number', 'int', 'date', 'bool', 'object', 'any'
- displayField:string - Sets or gets the column's data source bound field which will be displayed to the user. When the property is not set, it is equal to the 'dataField'.
- description:string - Sets or gets the column's description. The description of the column is displayed in the column's header, when the end-user moves the pointer over the description button. 'showDescriptionButton' property determines whether the description button is visible.
- dataSet:any - Sets or gets custom data object related to the column.
- element:HTMLElement - Gets the HTML Element. The property returns null when the Column is not in the View.
- editor:string | {template?: string, settings?: any, onInit?: any, onRender?: any, setValue?: any, getValue?: any} - Sets or gets the column's editor. The property expects 'input', 'autoComplete', 'comboBox', 'dropDownList', 'image', 'numberInput', 'checkBox', 'multiInput', 'multiComboInput', 'checkInput', 'slider', 'dateTimePicker', 'timeInput', 'dateInput', 'dateRangeInput', 'maskedTextBox', 'textArea' or a custom object with 'template' property which defines the editor type, 'settings' property which defines the custom editor's properties, 'onInit(int row, string column, object editor, object rowData): void', 'onRender(int row, string column, object editor, object rowData): void', 'setValue(object value): void' and 'getValue(object value): any' callback functions.
- freeze:string | boolean - Sets or gets the Freeze mode. Accepts: 'near', 'far', true and false. Freezes/Pins the column to left(near) or right(far).
- filter:string - Sets or gets the filter of the column. Example: ['contains Andrew or contains Nancy']. Example with numeric filter ['quantity', '<= 3 and >= 8']. Additional example with filter which we want to apply to a column with filterMenuMode='excel' - ['EQUAL' 'Andrew' or 'EQUAL' 'Antoni' or 'EQUAL' 'Beate']. Example with a string filter applied to a string column - ['CONTAINS' 'burke' or 'CONTAINS' 'peterson']. Filter conditions which you can use in the expressions: '=', 'EQUAL','<>', 'NOT_EQUAL', '!=', '<', 'LESS_THAN','>', 'GREATER_THAN', '<=', 'LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL', '>=', 'GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL','starts with', 'STARTS_WITH','ends with', 'ENDS_WITH', '', 'EMPTY', 'CONTAINS','DOES_NOT_CONTAIN', 'NULL','NOT_NULL'
- filterMenuMode:string - Sets or gets the filter menu mode of the column. In 'basic' mode, a single input is displayed in the filter menu. In 'default' mode, two input options are available for more precise filtering. In 'excel' mode, checked list with unique values is displayed.
- filterEditor:any - Sets or gets the column's filter editor. The value is an object with the following possible options: template: string, condition: string, onInit: any - callback function for init purposes, min: number, max: number, minLength: number, maxLength: number
- formatFunction:{(formatObject: {row?: GridRow, column?: GridColumn, cell?: GridCell, oldValue?: any, value?: any, template?: any}): void} - Sets or gets the column's format function.
- formatSettings:any - Sets or gets the column's format settings. You can use any of the build in formatting options or to NumberFormat object like that: 'Intl: { NumberFormat: { style: \'currency\', currency: \'EUR\' }}' or DateTimeFormat object like that: 'Intl: { DateTimeFormat: { dateStyle: \'full\' }}'' Property object's options:
- formula:string - Sets or gets the column's formula. The formula you set will be applied to all cells. Example: COL(Name) & '-' & COL(Price) or IF(COL(Price) * COL(Quantity) > 5, 'Yes', 'No')
- group:string - Sets or gets the column's group.
- getCellValue:any - This function allows you to provide custom cell values, which will be displayed in the column's cells. The grid passes 3 arguments to the function - row id, column's dataField and row's data.
- getFilterPanel:any - Gets the column's filter panel. The function should return HTMLElement which will represent the filter UI panel displayed in the filter menu. The function works in combination with updateFilterPanel
- icon:string - Sets or gets the column's icon. Expects CSS class name.
- label:string - Sets or gets the text displayed in the column's header.
- labelTemplate:string | HTMLTemplateElement | HTMLElement | {(label: string): string} - Sets or gets the column header's template. The property expects the 'id' of HTMLTemplateElement, HTML string or function which returns html string.
- minWidth:number - Sets or gets the minimum width.
- rowSpan:{(cellValue: any, rowIndex: number, data: any): number} - Sets or gets the column's rowSpan function. Allows you to dynamically span cells.
- relationId:string - Sets or gets the relation id in the dataSourceSettings.relations. The 'relationField' property should be set.
- relationField:string - Sets or gets the relation field in the dataSourceSettings.relations. The 'relationId' property should be set.
- sortOrder:string | null - Sets or gets the sort order of the column. Accepts: 'asc', 'desc' and null.
- sortIndex:number - Sets or gets the sort index of the column. Accepts an integer value. This property can be used to get or set the column's sort index when sorting mode is 'many'.
- sortComparator:any - Sets or gets a custom 'sortComparator' function. It can be used for implementing custom sorting. Ex: sortComparator: (value1, value2) => { if (value1 === value2) return 0; return value1 <value2; }
- showActionButton:boolean - Sets or gets whether the column's header action drop-down button is displayed. This button opens the column's menu.
- showIcon:boolean - Sets or gets whether the column's header icon is displayed.
- showDescriptionButton:boolean - Sets or gets whether the column's header description button is displayed.
- width:string | number - Sets or gets the width. Accepts: 'number', 'px', 'em', 'auto', 'null' values.
- template:string | HTMLTemplateElement | HTMLElement | {(row: GridRow, column: GridColumn, cell: GridCell, oldValue: any, value: any, template: any): void} - Sets or gets the column's template. The property expects the 'id' of HTMLTemplateElement or HTML string which is displayed in the cells. Built-in string values are: 'checkBox', 'switchButton', 'url', 'email', 'dropdownlist', 'list', 'progress', 'tags', 'autoNumber', 'modifiedBy', 'createdBy', 'createdTime', 'modifiedTime', 'images', 'checklist', 'attachments', 'sparklines', 'richText', 'color', 'rating', 'duration', 'startDate', 'dueDates'. For example, when you set the template to 'url', the cells will be render anchor tags. When you set the template property to HTMLTemplateElement you should consider that once a template is rendered, the formatObject.template property stores the rendered template component for further use.
- templateSettings:any - Sets or gets additional settings related to the column's template. For example, when the template is 'sparklines', the templateSettings could be an object which defines has 'type' - 'bar', 'column', 'line' or 'pie'. If you want to apply a custom color, you can add the 'colorFunction: function(value) { } and return a custom color as a 'hex' string or a 'tooltipFormatFunction: function(value) {}' which returns a formatted tooltip string. Additional properties are 'min', 'max', 'gap' and 'strokeWidth'.
- validationRules:[] | null - Sets or gets the column's validation rules. The expected value is an Array of Objects. Each object should have a 'type' property that can be set to 'required', 'min', 'max', 'minLength', 'maxLength', 'email', 'null', 'requiredTrue', 'minData', 'maxDate', 'pattern'. The 'value' property should be set, too. For validation rule types 'required', 'requiredTrue' and 'null' you can skip the 'value' property. Optional property is 'message', which determines the error message. Property object's options:
- verticalAlign:string - Sets or gets the column's header vertical alignment. Accepts: 'top', 'bottom' and 'center'
- summary:string[] - Sets or gets the column summary. The property should be set to an array with the following possible values: 'sum', 'min', 'max', 'avg', 'count', 'median', 'stdev', 'stdevp', 'var', 'varp'.
- updateFilterPanel:any - Updates the column's filter panel. The function works in combination with getFilterPanel
- visible:boolean - Sets or gets whether the column is visible. Set the property to 'false' to hide the column.
- enabled:boolean - Sets or gets whether the context menu is enabled. If the value is false, the context menu will not be displayed, when user right clicks on a row.
- customContextMenuItems:[] - Sets an array of custom context menu items to be displayed in the context menu.
- dataSource:object - Sets the data sources to the context menu. Property object's options:
- contextMenuItemDelete:object - Describes the delete item.
- contextMenuItemEdit:object - Describes the edit item.
- contextMenuItemCustom:object - Describes the custom item.
- selector:string - Sets the ID or CSS Class of a Smart.Menu component to be used as a context menu for the Grid.
- width:number - Sets the width of the context menu.
- height:number | null - Sets the height of the context menu.
- autoClose:boolean - Automatically closes the column menu.
- dataSource:object - Sets the data sources to the column menu. Property object's options:
- columnMenuCustomizeType:object - Describes the settings of the column menu customize type
- columnMenuItemRename:object - Describes the settings of the column menu item rename.
- columnMenuItemEditDescription:object - Describes the settings of the column menu item edit description.
- columnMenuItemClone:object - Describes the settings of the column menu item duplicate.
- columnMenuItemInsertLeft:object - Describes the settings of the column menu item insert left.
- columnMenuItemInsertRight:object - Describes the settings of the of the column menu item insert right.
- columnMenuItemSortAsc:object - Describes the settings of the column menu item sort ascending.
- columnMenuItemSortDesc:object - Describes the settings of the column menu item sort descending.
- columnMenuItemSort:object - Describes the settings of the column menu item to add sorting.
- columnMenuItemRemoveSort:object - Describes the settings of the column menu item remove sort.
- columnMenuItemFilter:object - Describes the settings of the column menu item filter.
- columnMenuItemRemoveFilter:object - Describes the settings of the column menu item remove filter.
- columnMenuItemGroupBy:object - Describes the settings of the column menu item group by.
- columnMenuItemRemoveGroupBy:object - Describes the settings of the column menu item group by.
- columnMenuItemHide:object - Describes the settings of the column menu item hide.
- columnMenuItemDelete:object - Describes the settings of the column menu item delete.
- visible:boolean - Gets the visibility of the column menu. Returns true, when the column menu is visible.
- enabled:boolean - Sets or gets whether the column menu is enabled. If the value is false, the column menu will not be displayed, when user hovers the column.
- width:number - Sets the width of the column menu.
- height:number | null - Sets the height of the column menu.
- label:string - Sets the label.
- labelTemplate:string | HTMLTemplateElement | HTMLElement | {(label: string): string} - Sets or gets the column header's template. The property expects the 'id' of HTMLTemplateElement, HTML string or function which returns html string.
- align:string - Sets the align.
- name:string - Sets the name of the column group.
- parentGroup:string - Sets the name of the parent column group.
- verticalAlign:string - Sets the vertical align.
- column:string - The data field of a numeric column to format. Set 'all' to format all numeric columns.
- condition:string - The formatting condition.
- firstValue:number - The value to compare by. When condition is 'between', this is the start (from) value.
- fontFamily:string - The fontFamily to apply to formatted cells.
- fontSize:string - The fontSize to apply to formatted cells.
- highlight:string - The background color to apply to formatted cells.
- secondValue:number - When condition is 'between', this is the end (to) value. Otherwise, this value is not used.
- text:string - The text color to apply to formatted cells.
- enabled:boolean - Sets or gets whether charting is enabled.
- colorScheme:string - Sets or gets the charting colors. Accepts the 'colorScheme' values of our Chart component.
- appendTo:string | HTMLElement - Sets or gets the chart's container.
- dialog:object - Sets or gets the charting dialog. Property object's options:
- header:string - Sets or gets the dialog header.
- height:number - Sets or gets the dialog height.
- width:number - Sets or gets the dialog width.
- left:string | number - Sets or gets the dialog Left position.
- top:string | number - Sets or gets the dialog Top position.
- enabled:boolean - Sets or gets whether the dialog is enabled.
- visible:boolean - Gets whether the dialog is displayed.
- header:boolean - Sets whether the columns header will be exported.
- filterBy:object - Sets whether the export uses the applied filters.
- groupBy:object - Sets the groups of the exported data.
- style:object - Sets a custom style object of the dataExport.
- fileName:string - Sets the exported file's name.
- pageOrientation:string - Sets the page orientation, when exporting to PDF.
- expandChar:string - Sets the expand char displayed when the Grid with row hierarchy(TreeGrid / Grouped) is exported.
- collapseChar:string - Sets the collapse char displayed when the Grid with row hierarchy(TreeGrid / Grouped) is exported.
- view:boolean - Exports only the visible data of the Grid.
- viewStart:number | null - Determines the start row index that will be exported or printed. 'view' should be set to true
- viewEnd:number | null - Determines the end row index that will be exported or printed. 'view' should be set to true
- rowIds:(string | number)[] | null - An array of row ids that denotes the rows to export.
- headerContent:any - An array of custom rows to add before the Grid rows.
- footerContent:any - An array of custom rows to add after the Grid rows.
- addImageToCell:any - A function which allows you to add images to the cells in Export to Excel. The following params are passed: (index, dataField, value, values). It should return an object like this: return { image: { id: 'myImage' + index, base64: value, imageType: 'jpeg', width: 20, height: 11, position: { offsetX: 10 + (25 * values.indexOf(value)), offsetY: 5.5 } } };
- setRowHeight:any - A function which allows you to set the height of the rows in the Export to Excel. The function gets the row index as parameter and should return its height as a number.
- getSpreadsheets:any - A function which allows you to return additonal data to the Excel export to export into multiple sheets.
- exportStyles:boolean - A function which allows you to export a styled data grid to Excel.
- cellFormatFunction:any - A function which allows you to format cells before export. (index, dataField, value) are the params. It should return the formatted value.
- freezeHeader:boolean - Sets whether the header is frozen when Export to Excel.
- autoConvertFormulas:boolean - Sets whether to auto-convert the formulas in the Excel export.
- onlySelected:boolean - Sets whether to export only the selected cells or rows when Export to Excel.
- exportAsTable:boolean - Sets whether to export it as Excel Table when Export to Excel
- autoGenerateColumns:boolean - Sets or gets whether a column will be auto-generated.
- childrenDataField:string - Sets or gets a children data field like 'children', 'items' in the data source. When this property is set, the dataAdapter will look for this data field when looping through the items. If it is found a hierarchical data source would be created.
- sanitizeHTML:string - Sets or gets the XML binding root.
- root:string - Sets or gets the XML binding root.
- record:string - Sets or gets the XML binding record.
- groupBy:string[] - Sets or gets the data fields to group by.
- dataFields:{name: string, dataType: string}[] | string[] - Sets or gets the data fields which decribe the loaded data and data type. Ex: ['id: number', 'firstName: string', 'lastName: string'] Property object's options:
- name:string - Sets the dataField name.
- map:string - Sets the dataField mapping path. For nested mapping, use '.'. Example: 'name.firstName'.
- dataType:string - Sets the dataField type.
- dataSourceType:string - Sets or gets whether the data source type.
- id:string - Sets or gets the dataAdapter's id
- keyDataField:string - Sets or gets the key data field to be used for building the hierarchy. It is used in combination with the parentDataField property. Usually the 'id' field is used as key data field and 'parentId' as parent data field'
- parentDataField:string - Sets or gets the parent data field to be used for building the hierarchy. It is used in combination with the keyDataField property. Usually the 'id' field is used as key data field and 'parentId' as parent data field'
- mapChar:string - Sets the 'mapChar' data field of the record
- relations:any - Sets or gets the Grid relations. The property expects an array of objects. Each object should have '{id: string, label: string, columns: GridColumn[], dataSource: any}'. Once you have the relations defined, when you create a column, you can set 'relationId' and 'relationField'. This will automatically define a new column editor based on the relation settings.
- virtualDataSource:{(resultCallbackFunction: any, details: DataAdapterVirtualDataSourceDetails): void} - Sets the virtual data source function which is called each time the Grid requests data. Example for calling the callback function with the new data set: resultCallbackFunction({dataSource: data}); Demos using 'virtualDataSource' are available on the Grid demos page. Example:
- virtualDataSourceOnExpand:any - Sets the virtual data source on expand function. This function is called when we load data on demand in Tree or TreeGrid and virtualDataSource in these components is set, too. Example:
- allowRowHeaderEdit:boolean - Enables row header cells editing.
- allowColumnHeaderEdit:boolean - Enables column headers editing.
- autoUpdateFilterAndSort:boolean - Automatically re-applies already applied column filters and sort orders, after editing.
- allowListOpenOnContentClick:boolean - Automatically opens a drop-down editor not only when the arrow button is clicked, but also when you click an item from it.
- enabled:boolean - Enables editing.
- batch:boolean - Enables batch editing. This allows editing multiple grid rows on the client side and sending them with a single server request.
- action:string - Determines the way editing is initiated.
- readOnlyEdit:boolean - Read Only Edit is a mode in the grid whereby Cell Editing will not update the data inside the grid. Instead the grid invokes the 'onCellEditRequest' function allowing the application to process the update request.
- commandKeys:object - Describes command keys. Property object's options:
- commandKeyEdit:object - Describes the edit command key.
- commandKeyCancel:object - Describes the cancel command key.
- commandKeyUpdate:object - Describes the update command key.
- commandBar:object - Describes the grid's command bar settings. The command bar is a toolbar or statusbar with tools for saving and reverting edits. Property object's options:
- visible:boolean - Makes the command bar visible.
- position:string - Sets the command bar's position.
- displayMode:string - Sets what is to be displayed in command bar buttons.
- dataSource:object - Sets the command bar's data source.
- commandColumn:object - Describes the grid's command column settings. The command column can be used to edit or delete a row. Property object's options:
- visible:boolean - Makes the command column visible.
- inline:boolean - Enables inline display of the command column.
- position:string - Sets the command column's position.
- displayMode:string - Sets what is to be displayed in command column buttons.
- dataSource:object - Sets the command column's data source.
- width:number | null - Sets the width of the command column.
- mode:string - Sets the grid's edit mode.
- addNewRow:object - Describes the settings of the 'Add New Row' UI element which enables the quick adding of rows to the Grid with a single click. Property object's options:
- autoCreate:boolean - Adds new row by clicking the Enter button, when the focused row is the last row.
- autoEdit:boolean - Determines whether the newly added row enters automatically in edit mode, when added.
- position:string - Sets the position of the 'Add New Row' UI element.
- displayMode:string - Sets or gets the display mode of the new row action. It could be either 'row' or 'button'.
- visible:boolean - Makes the 'Add New Row' UI element visible.
- label:string - Sets the label of the 'Add New Row' UI element.
- addNewColumn:object - Enables users to dynamically add new columns through the User Interface. When the add new column is visible, a '+' is displayed as a last column. Clicking it opens a dialog for adding new columns.
- dialog:object - Describes dialog's editing settings. Property object's options:
- header:string - Sets the header text of the dialog
- height:string | number - Sets the height of the edit dialog.
- width:string | number - Sets the width of the edit dialog.
- left:string | number - Sets the 'left' css property to the dialog.
- top:string | number - Sets the 'top' css property to the dialog.
- enabled:boolean - Enables dialog editing option.
- visible:boolean - Sets the visibility of the dialog.
- addDialog:object - Describes add dialog's settings Property object's options:
- header:string - Sets the header text of the dialog
- height:string | number - Sets the height of the dialog.
- width:string | number - Sets the width of the dialog.
- left:string | number - Sets the 'left' css property to the dialog.
- top:string | number - Sets the 'top' css property to the dialog.
- enabled:boolean - Enables the add dialog option.
- visible:boolean - Sets the visibility of the dialog.
- deleteDialog:object - Describes delete dialog's settings Property object's options:
- header:string - Sets the header text of the dialog
- height:string | number - Sets the height of the dialog.
- width:string | number - Sets the width of the dialog.
- left:string | number - Sets the 'left' css property to the dialog.
- top:string | number - Sets the 'top' css property to the dialog.
- enabled:boolean - Enables the delete dialog option.
- visible:boolean - Sets the visibility of the dialog.
- enabled:boolean - Enables filtering.
- operator:string - Determines the filtering operator used in the Grid. By default filters are applied with 'and' operator i.e returns a set of rows matching the filter expressions of columnA AND columnB. The other option is to return a set of rows matching the filter expressions of columnA OR columnB. For example: grid.filtering.operator = 'or'; grid.addFilter('lastName', 'contains "davolio"') grid.addFilter('firstName', 'contains "Antoni"'); - that code will apply two filters to the Grid and will return all rows where firstName is 'Antoni' or the lastName is 'Davolio'
- filter:[] - An array of filtering conditions to apply to the DataGrid. Each member of the filter array is an array with two members. The first one is the column dataField to apply the filter to. The second one is the filtering condition. Example: [['firstName', 'contains Andrew or contains Nancy'], ['quantity', '<= 3 and >= 8']]. Additional example with filter which we want to apply to a column with filterMenuMode='excel' - [['firstName', 'EQUAL' 'Andrew' or 'EQUAL' 'Antoni' or 'EQUAL' 'Beate']]. Example with a string filter applied to a string column - [['lastName','CONTAINS' 'burke' or 'CONTAINS' 'peterson']]. Filter conditions which you can use in the expressions: '=', 'EQUAL','<>', 'NOT_EQUAL', '!=', '<', 'LESS_THAN','>', 'GREATER_THAN', '<=', 'LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL', '>=', 'GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL','starts with', 'STARTS_WITH','ends with', 'ENDS_WITH', '', 'EMPTY', 'CONTAINS','DOES_NOT_CONTAIN', 'NULL','NOT_NULL'
- filterRow:object - Describes the filter row's settings. Property object's options:
- visible:boolean - Makes the filter row visible.
- menuVisible:boolean - Makes the filter row's menu visible.
- applyMode:string - Sets the way filtering through the filter row is applied.
- autoApplyModeDelay:number - Sets the delay (in milliseconds) before applying filtering (when filtering.filterRow.applyMode is 'auto').
- filterMenu:object - Describes the settings for the filter menu. Property object's options:
- visible:boolean - Sets the visibility of the filter menu.
- buttons:string[] - Sets the button text of the filter menu.
- mode:string - Sets the filter menu mode.
- dataSource:any - Sets the filter menu datasource.
- width:number - Sets the width of the filter menu.
- height:number - Sets the height of the filter menu.
- filterBuilder:object - (In Development)Describes the settings for the filter builder.
- enabled:boolean - Enables grouping.
- allowCollapse:boolean - Enables collapsing of groups.
- autoExpandAll:boolean - Automatically expands all groups.
- autoExpandToLevel:number - Automatically expands all groups to a given level.
- autoHideGroupColumn:boolean - Automatically hides all grouped columns.
- expandMode:string - Sets the group expand mode.
- formatFunction:{(formatObject: {row?: GridRow, column?: GridColumn, cell?: GridCell, value?: any, template?: any}): void} - Sets or gets the column's format function.
- groupRowHeight:string | number - Sets the group row height.
- groupBy:string[] - Sets or gets the data fields to group by.
- groupIndent:number - Sets the indent of the group.
- groupBar:object - Describes the group bar's settings. Property object's options:
- visible:boolean - Makes the group bar visible.
- allowColumnDragDrop:boolean - Enables column drag and drop.
- allowColumnCloseButtons:boolean - Enables column close buttons.
- onGroupDefaultExpanded:any - Expands a group in the first grid render. Example: onGroupDefaultExpanded: (dataItem) =>{ return dataItem.label === 'Peppermint Mocha Twist' }
- renderMode:string - Sets the group render mode. 'basic' mode renders the group headers without taking into account the indent, groupRowHeight and column label properties. 'compact' mode is the same as basic, but also renders the column labels in the group headers. The default mode is 'advanced', which adds indents to groups that depend on the group level. In 'multipleColumns' mode, each group is displayed in its column.
- toggleButtonIndent:number - Sets the indent of the group toggle button.
- summaryRow:object - Describes the group summary row's settings.
- visible:boolean - Sets the header visibility.
- template:string | HTMLTemplateElement | {(element: HTMLElement): void} - Sets a template for the header.
- onInit:{(element: HTMLElement): void} - This callback function can be used for customization of the Header toolbar. The Toolbar HTML Element is passed as an argument.
- buttons:string[] - Determines the buttons displayed in the Grid header. 'columns' displays a button opening the columns chooser panel. 'filter' displays a button opening the filtering panel. 'group' displays a button opening the grouping panel. 'sort' displays a button opening the sorting panel. 'format' displays a button opening the conditional formatting panel. 'search' displays a button opening the search panel. 'colors' displays a button with colors options for formatting.
- searchCommand:string - Sets the search command type.
- customButton:object - Custom toolbar button. Allows you to add a custom button to the toolbar. Property object's options:
- command:string - Sets the name of a function which will be invoked when the custom button is clicked.
- visible:boolean - Sets the visibility of the custom button.
- icon:string - Sets the icon of the custom button.
- label:string - Sets the label of the custom button.
- allowCellsWrap:boolean - Enables or disables the Cells Value wrapping. When the property is true, cell value can wrap in multiple lines.
- autoSizeNewColumn:boolean - Automatically sets width to any new Column which does not have its 'width' property set.
- autoSizeNewColumnMinWidth:number - Sets the min width of the new column.
- autoHeight:boolean - Automatically sets the height of the Grid.
- autoWidth:boolean - Automatically sets the width of the Grid. All columns should have a 'width' property set to a number in order to use this feature.
- autoGenerateColumnWidth:string | number | null - Sets the width of the auto-generated Grid columns.
- columnWidth:string | number | null - Sets the width of the Grid columns.
- columnHeight:string | number | null - Sets the height of the Grid columns.
- columnMinHeight:number - Sets the minimum height of the Grid columns.
- cardMinWidth:number - Sets the minimum width of a card in card view.
- cardsPerRow:number - Sets the cards per row.
- cardVertical:boolean - Sets whether cards are vertically oriented. In this layout mode, the column label is displayed above the column value
- dropDownWidth:number - Sets the width of the Grid when displayed in a drop-down mode.
- dropDownHeight:number - Sets the height of the Grid when displayed in a drop-down mode.
- rowMinHeight:number - Sets the minimum height of the Grid rows.
- rowHeight:string | number | null - Sets the height of the Grid rows. The property can be set to null, auto or a number.
- viewBarWidth:number - Sets the width of the view bar.
- enabled:boolean - Enables pagination.
- spinner:object - Describes the spinner pagination settings.
- pageSize:number - Sets the number of rows per page.
- pageHierarchySize:number - Sets the number of hierarchical rows per page. For example, displays 2 root groups per page, when grouping is enabled.
- pageIndex:number - Sets the start page.
- autoEllipsis:string - Sets the ellipsis display mode.
- position:string - Sets the position of pager.
- template:string | HTMLTemplateElement - Sets a template for the pager.
- pageSizeSelector:object - Describes the settings for the 'rows per page' option. Property object's options:
- visible:boolean - Sets the visibility of the 'rows per page' option.
- dataSource:object - Sets the count of the 'rows per page' option.
- position:string - Sets the position of the 'rows per page' option.
- summary:object - Describes the summary settings.
- navigationButtons:object - Describes the navigation buttons settings. Property object's options:
- position:string - Sets the navigation buttons position.
- prevNextButtons:object - Describes the settings about buttons 'previous page' and 'next page'.
- firstLastButtons:object - Describes the settings about buttons 'first page' and 'last page'.
- labels:object - Describes the labels settings for navigation buttons.
- navigationInput:object - Describes the settings about navigation input option.
- pageIndexSelectors:object - Describes the settings for the numeric page buttons.
- visible:boolean - Sets the visibility of pager.
- enabled:boolean - Enables the row details.
- height:number - Sets the height of the row details.
- position:string - Sets the position of the Column which allows you to dynamically expand/collapse the row details.
- template:string | HTMLTemplateElement - Sets the template of the row details.
- visible:boolean - Sets the visibility of the Column which allows you to dynamically expand/collapse the row details.
- dialog:object - Sets the row details dialog. When enabled, row details will be displayed in a Dialog. Property object's options:
- header:string - Sets the header of the dialog.
- height:string | number - Sets the height of the dialog.
- width:string | number - Sets the width of the dialog.
- left:string | number - Sets the Left position of the dialog.
- top:string | number - Sets the Top position of the dialog.
- enabled:boolean - Sets whether the row details dialog is enabled. When enabled, row details are displayed in a dialog.
- allowToggle:boolean - Sets or gets the row can be expanded or collapsed.
- allowResize:boolean - Sets or gets the row can be resized.
- allowSelect:boolean | null - Sets or gets the row can be selected.
- allowCheck:boolean - Sets or gets the row can be checked. This property is used when the Grid is in Tree Grid or Grouped mode.
- checked:boolean - Sets or gets the row's check state. This property is used when the Grid is in Tree Grid or Grouped mode.
- cells:Smart.Grid.Cell[] - Gets the Row's Cells array. Property object's options:
- align:string - "Sets or gets the horizontal alignment. Allowed values are: 'left', 'center' or 'right'".
- column:Smart.Grid.Column - Gets the column associated to the cell.
- color:string - Sets or gets the cell's text color.
- background:string - Sets or gets the cell's background.
- borderColor:string - Sets or gets the cell's borderColor.
- colSpan:number - Sets or gets the cell's colSpan.
- editor:"Object{template: string, setValue: {(value: object): void}, getValue: {(): object}, blur: {(): void}, focus: {(): void}, attach: {(): void}, detach: {(): void}, selector: HTMLTemplateElement". Template values: 'checkBox', 'input', 'numberInput', 'autoComplete', 'dateTimePicker', 'custom' - Sets or gets the cell's editor.
- element:HTMLElement - Gets the HTMLElement associated to the cell.
- getFormattedValue:{(value: any, type: string): void} - Gets a formatted number or Date.
- isEditing:boolean - Gets whether the cell is in edit mode.
- oldValue:any - Gets the old value of the cell
- fontSize:string - Sets or gets the cell's fontSize
- fontWeight:string - Sets or gets the cell's fontWeight
- fontFamily:string - Sets or gets the cell's fontFamily
- fontStyle:string - Sets or gets the cell's fontStyle
- readonly:boolean - "Sets or gets whether the cell can be edited.".
- row:Smart.Grid.Row - Gets the row object associated to the cell.
- rowSpan:number - Sets or gets the row span.
- selected:boolean - Sets or gets whether the cell is selected.
- setProperties:{(properties: {name: string, value: string}[]): void} - "Each property is an object{name: string, value: any}. This function allows you to update multiple properties with single refresh.".
- tooltip:string - "Allowed values are: 'top', 'middle' or 'bottom'".
- value:any - The cell's value
- verticalAlign:string - "Sets or gets the vertical alignment. Allowed values are: 'top', 'center' or 'bottom'".
- setStyle:{(value: any): void} - "Method which applies a cell style object. Expects a JSON object with the following possible values: 'background', 'color', 'fontSize', 'fontFamily', 'fontWeight', 'fontStyle', 'textDecoration'
- children:Smart.Grid.Row[] - Gets the row's children array of GridRow. This property is associated to the TreeGrid and Groupng mode of the Grid.
- data:any - Gets the row's bound data.
- detailHeight:number - Sets or gets the row's detail height.
- detailTemplate:string | HTMLTemplateElement | null - Sets or gets the row's detail template.
- element:object | null - Gets the HTML Element. The property returns null when the Row is not in the View.
- expanded:boolean - Sets or gets the row is expanded. This property is used when the Grid is in Tree Grid or Grouped mode.
- header:HTMLElement - Gets the row's header element.
- height:number - Sets or gets the row's height.
- index:number - Gets the row's bound index.
- id:string | number - Gets the row's bound id.
- leaf:boolean - Gets whether the row is leaf row in TreeGrid or Grouping mode.
- maxHeight:number - Sets or gets the row's maximum height.
- minHeight:number - Sets or gets the row's minimum height.
- freeze:string | boolean - Sets or gets the Freeze mode. Accepts: 'near', 'far', true and false. Freezes/Pins the row to top(near) or bottom(far).
- selected:boolean - Sets or gets whether the row is selected.
- showDetail:boolean - Sets or gets whether the row detail is displayed.
- setStyle:{(value: any): void} - "Method which applies a style object to all cells. Expects a JSON object with the following allowed values: 'background', 'color', 'fontSize', 'fontFamily', 'fontWeight', 'fontStyle', 'textDecoration'
- visible:boolean - Sets or gets whether the row is visible. Set the property to 'false' to hide the row.
- visibleIndex:number - Gets the visible index of the row.
- getCell:any - Methods which gets a cell, which is inside a row. A dataField string is a required argument, when you call this method.
- autoSave:boolean - Enables or disables auto-save of the Grid's state
- autoLoad:boolean - Enables or disables auto-load of the Grid's state on page reload.
- enabled:boolean - Enables or disables save/load of the grid state.
- current:string - Sets or gets the current state.
- storage:any - Container which is auto-filled with state objects when you call the saveState method or enable the autoSave of states. Each object has a key which is the state's name and value which is a json with the state's properties.
- onStateChange:any - Function called when the state is changed.
- options:string[] - Array with state options such as 'sort', 'filter', 'expandedRows', 'paging', 'selectedCells', 'selectedRows', 'group', 'columns'. This property determines which parts of the state would be saved or loaded.
- enabled:boolean - Enables the selection option.
- allowRowHeaderSelection:boolean - Sets or gets whether selection by clicking on a Row header is allowed.
- allowColumnHeaderSelection:boolean - Sets or gets whether selection by clicking on a Column header is allowed.
- allowRowSelection:boolean - Sets or gets whether selection by clicking on a Row is allowed.
- allowCellSelection:boolean - Sets or gets whether selection by clicking on a cell is allowed.
- allowDragSelection:boolean - Sets or gets whether selection by dragging(like in Excel) is allowed.
- allowDragSelectionAutoScroll:boolean - Sets or gets whether selection by dragging will automatically scroll the Grid view.
- allowCellDragSelectionHandle:boolean - Sets or gets whether the Cells selection bottom-right corner selection 'Drag Handle' (litte square like in Excel) is displayed. That handle allows you to resize the selection horizontally or vertically
- allowCellDragDropSelectionHandle:boolean - Sets or gets whether the Cells selection can be dragged and dropped. Drag happens when the cursor is moved to the bottom of the cells selection. The cursor is changed to a drag cursor. Press the button and hold and move the selection. By default the dragged cell values are copied on drop.
- allowCellDragSelectionAutoFill:boolean - Sets or gets whether the Cells selection will be auto-filled with values on drop when dragging through the 'Drag Handle'.
- defaultSelection:boolean - Sets or gets whether the default browser's text selection is enabled.
- mode:string - Sets or gets whether the selection allows you to select 'one', 'many' or a variation of 'many' called 'extended'. 'one' allows you to have only single cell or row selected. 'many'
- action:string - Sets or gets whether the selection happens on 'click' or 'doubleClick'. 'none' means that selection can happen only through API.
- checkBoxes:object Property object's options:
- autoShow:boolean - Sets or gets whether the checkboxes are automatically displayed only when the mouse is over the Grid. When false, checkboses are always displayed
- enabled:boolean - Sets or gets whether the checkboxes selection is enabled. In that mode a new column with checkboxes is displayed.
- action:string - Sets or gets whether the selection happens on 'click' or 'doubleClick'. 'none' means that selection can happen only through API.
- selectAllMode:string - Sets or gets whether the checkbox selection selects all rows in the current page or all rows. The 'none' setting disables the header checkbox.
- position:string - Sets or gets whether the position of the checkbox selection column.
- selected:string
- enabled:boolean - Enables sorting.
- sort:string[] - Sets the sort columns to be sorted.
- maintainSort:boolean - Maintains sorting when user edits data in the sorted column. The feature is useful when you want to apply sort just once and you set the property to false.
- mode:string - Sets the count of allowed sorting columns. When the property value is set to 'many', users can sort data by multiple columns.
- commandKey:string - Sets the command key. The property is used in the multi-column sorting. If commandKey='Control', users will be able to sort by multiple columns only while holding the 'Control' key.
- sortToggleThreeStates:boolean - Enables switching between the three sort states: ascending, descending and not sorted.
- sortToggleOnClick:boolean - Enables switching between the sort states on column click. This is the default behavior.
- sortToggleOnClickAndCommandKey:boolean - Enables switching between the sort states on column click and holding down the command key.
- url:string - Sets or file/image upload url.
- removeUrl:string - Sets or file/image remove url.
- name:string - Sets or gets the upload field name. In the backend, you can use this name to access the images data. For example in expressJS, you can use something like that: const images = req['files']['userfile[]'];
- data:string - Additional data to pass to the server. The format should be a JSON string.
- onUploadCompleted:any - Function called when the upload is completed. JSON object with 'files', 'status', 'fileURL' and 'serverResponse' are passed as parameters when the function is called by the Grid.
- onUploadError:any - Function called when the upload has failed. JSON object with 'files', 'status' and 'serverResponse' are passed as parameters when the function is called by the Grid.
An object containing settings related to the grid's appearance.
Starting row index of alternating colors.
Default value
Set the alternationStart property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.alternationStart = 1;
Get the alternationStart property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let alternationStart = grid.appearance.alternationStart;
Ending row index of alternating colors.
Default value
Set the alternationEnd property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.alternationEnd = 10;
Get the alternationEnd property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let alternationEnd = grid.appearance.alternationEnd;
number of row color alternations.
Default value
Set the alternationCount property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.alternationCount = 10;
Get the alternationCount property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let alternationCount = grid.appearance.alternationCount;
Enables sticky columns.
Default value
Set the allowColumnStickyPosition property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.allowColumnStickyPosition = true;
Get the allowColumnStickyPosition property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowColumnStickyPosition = grid.appearance.allowColumnStickyPosition;
Enables row hover effect. Applies a hover style to the cells.
Default value
Set the allowHover property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.allowHover = true;
Get the allowHover property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowHover = grid.appearance.allowHover;
Enables header hover effect. Applies a hover style to the headers.
Default value
Set the allowHeaderHover property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.allowHeaderHover = true;
Get the allowHeaderHover property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowHeaderHover = grid.appearance.allowHeaderHover;
Enables row toggle animation. This animation starts when you expand/collapse a row in TreeGrid/Grouping mode.
Default value
Set the allowRowToggleAnimation property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.allowRowToggleAnimation = true;
Get the allowRowToggleAnimation property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowRowToggleAnimation = grid.appearance.allowRowToggleAnimation;
Enables row detail toggle animation. This animation starts when you expand/collapse a row in TreeGrid/Grouping mode.
Default value
Set the allowRowDetailToggleAnimation property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.allowRowDetailToggleAnimation = true;
Get the allowRowDetailToggleAnimation property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowRowDetailToggleAnimation = grid.appearance.allowRowDetailToggleAnimation;
Enables sorting animation. Data records are sorted with animation, when sorting is applied.
Default value
Set the allowSortAnimation property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.allowSortAnimation = true;
Get the allowSortAnimation property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowSortAnimation = grid.appearance.allowSortAnimation;
Enables column label animation. The label is moved to 'left' with animation, when the column header's drop-down button is displayed on hover or sorting is applied.
Default value
Set the allowColumnLabelAnimation property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.allowColumnLabelAnimation = true;
Get the allowColumnLabelAnimation property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowColumnLabelAnimation = grid.appearance.allowColumnLabelAnimation;
Enables column menu animation. When you click on the column header's drop-down button, the menu is animated.
Default value
Set the allowColumnMenuAnimation property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.allowColumnMenuAnimation = true;
Get the allowColumnMenuAnimation property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowColumnMenuAnimation = grid.appearance.allowColumnMenuAnimation;
Enables column sort button animation. When you click on a sortable column to change the sort order, the sort button is animated.
Default value
Set the allowColumnSortButtonAnimation property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.allowColumnSortButtonAnimation = true;
Get the allowColumnSortButtonAnimation property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowColumnSortButtonAnimation = grid.appearance.allowColumnSortButtonAnimation;
Enables column action button animation. The drop-down button displayed on column header hover is optionally animated.
Default value
Set the allowColumnActionButtonAnimation property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.allowColumnActionButtonAnimation = true;
Get the allowColumnActionButtonAnimation property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowColumnActionButtonAnimation = grid.appearance.allowColumnActionButtonAnimation;
Enables column filter button animation.
Default value
Set the allowColumnFilterButtonAnimation property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.allowColumnFilterButtonAnimation = true;
Get the allowColumnFilterButtonAnimation property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowColumnFilterButtonAnimation = grid.appearance.allowColumnFilterButtonAnimation;
If enabled, automatically shows column sort button. The sort button is displayed only when the column is sorted. If the property's value is false, sort button will be always displayed to indicate that sorting is possible.
Default value
Set the autoShowColumnSortButton property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.autoShowColumnSortButton = true;
Get the autoShowColumnSortButton property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let autoShowColumnSortButton = grid.appearance.autoShowColumnSortButton;
If enabled, automatically shows column action button.
Default value
Set the autoShowColumnActionButton property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.autoShowColumnActionButton = true;
Get the autoShowColumnActionButton property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let autoShowColumnActionButton = grid.appearance.autoShowColumnActionButton;
If enabled, automatically shows column filter button.
Default value
Set the autoShowColumnFilterButton property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.autoShowColumnFilterButton = true;
Get the autoShowColumnFilterButton property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let autoShowColumnFilterButton = grid.appearance.autoShowColumnFilterButton;
autoGenerateRowLabelMode"number" | "letter"
Generates labels as 'numbers' or 'letters'. This property affects the rendering of the row header.
Default value
Set the autoGenerateRowLabelMode property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.autoGenerateRowLabelMode = 'number';
Get the autoGenerateRowLabelMode property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let autoGenerateRowLabelMode = grid.appearance.autoGenerateRowLabelMode;
autoGenerateColumnLabelMode"number" | "letter"
Generates labels as 'numbers' or 'letters. This property affects the rendering of the column header.
Default value
Set the autoGenerateColumnLabelMode property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.autoGenerateColumnLabelMode = 'number';
Get the autoGenerateColumnLabelMode property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let autoGenerateColumnLabelMode = grid.appearance.autoGenerateColumnLabelMode;
Sets the visibility of the loading indicator. This is the Loading... image displayed in the Grid while loading data.
Default value
Set the displayLoadingIndicator property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.displayLoadingIndicator = true;
Get the displayLoadingIndicator property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let displayLoadingIndicator = grid.appearance.displayLoadingIndicator;
Sets the loading indicator label. This is the Text displayed while loading data.
Default value
Set the loadingIndicatorPlaceholder property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.loadingIndicatorPlaceholder = 'true';
Get the loadingIndicatorPlaceholder property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let loadingIndicatorPlaceholder = grid.appearance.loadingIndicatorPlaceholder;
Sets the placeholder of the Grid. The placeholder is displayed when the Grid is empty.
Default value
"No Rows"Example
Set the placeholder property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.placeholder = 'true';
Get the placeholder property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let placeholder = grid.appearance.placeholder;
Sets the duration of sorting animation. This property is related to the allowSortAnimation property.
Default value
Set the sortAnimationDuration property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.sortAnimationDuration = true;
Get the sortAnimationDuration property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let sortAnimationDuration = grid.appearance.sortAnimationDuration;
Shows or hides Row header.
Default value
Set the showRowHeader property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.showRowHeader = true;
Get the showRowHeader property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showRowHeader = grid.appearance.showRowHeader;
Shows or hides Row headers. In TreeGrid, the non-leaf tree items are displayed as normal rows. If this property is set to true, they are displayed as headers similar to the grouping rendering.
Default value
Set the showTreeRowHeader property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.showTreeRowHeader = true;
Get the showTreeRowHeader property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showTreeRowHeader = grid.appearance.showTreeRowHeader;
Shows row indexes in the row header. The showRowHeader property should be true
Default value
Set the showRowHeaderNumber property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.showRowHeaderNumber = true;
Get the showRowHeaderNumber property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showRowHeaderNumber = grid.appearance.showRowHeaderNumber;
Shows edit icon when a cell or row is in edit state.
Default value
Set the showRowHeaderEditIcon property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.showRowHeaderEditIcon = true;
Get the showRowHeaderEditIcon property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showRowHeaderEditIcon = grid.appearance.showRowHeaderEditIcon;
Shows select icon when the pointer is over the row header cell.
Default value
Set the showRowHeaderSelectIcon property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.showRowHeaderSelectIcon = true;
Get the showRowHeaderSelectIcon property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showRowHeaderSelectIcon = grid.appearance.showRowHeaderSelectIcon;
Shows focus icon on cell or row focus.
Default value
Set the showRowHeaderFocusIcon property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.showRowHeaderFocusIcon = true;
Get the showRowHeaderFocusIcon property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showRowHeaderFocusIcon = grid.appearance.showRowHeaderFocusIcon;
Shows drag icon on the row header.
Default value
Set the showRowHeaderDragIcon property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.showRowHeaderDragIcon = true;
Get the showRowHeaderDragIcon property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showRowHeaderDragIcon = grid.appearance.showRowHeaderDragIcon;
Shows column header lines.
Default value
Set the showColumnHeaderLines property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.showColumnHeaderLines = true;
Get the showColumnHeaderLines property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showColumnHeaderLines = grid.appearance.showColumnHeaderLines;
Shows drag icon on the column header when drag is enabled. The icon is displayed when you move the mouse cursor to the column header's left edge.
Default value
Set the showColumnHeaderDragIcon property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.showColumnHeaderDragIcon = true;
Get the showColumnHeaderDragIcon property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showColumnHeaderDragIcon = grid.appearance.showColumnHeaderDragIcon;
Shows column lines.
Default value
Set the showColumnLines property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.showColumnLines = true;
Get the showColumnLines property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showColumnLines = grid.appearance.showColumnLines;
Shows row lines.
Default value
Set the showRowLines property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.showRowLines = true;
Get the showRowLines property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showRowLines = grid.appearance.showRowLines;
Shows lines between columns in column groups.
Default value
Set the showColumnGroupLines property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.showColumnGroupLines = true;
Get the showColumnGroupLines property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showColumnGroupLines = grid.appearance.showColumnGroupLines;
Shows lines between cells in column groups.
Default value
Set the showColumnGroupCellLines property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.showColumnGroupCellLines = true;
Get the showColumnGroupCellLines property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showColumnGroupCellLines = grid.appearance.showColumnGroupCellLines;
Shows column groups in the Hide columns panel. Column groups and columns are shown in a tree-like structure. When the property is set to false, the column groups are not displayed and the column labels contain the column group name.
Default value
Set the showColumnGroupsInColumnPanel property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.showColumnGroupsInColumnPanel = true;
Get the showColumnGroupsInColumnPanel property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showColumnGroupsInColumnPanel = grid.appearance.showColumnGroupsInColumnPanel;
Shows filtered column background, when filter is applied.
Default value
Set the showFilterColumnBackground property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.showFilterColumnBackground = true;
Get the showFilterColumnBackground property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showFilterColumnBackground = grid.appearance.showFilterColumnBackground;
Shows sorted column background, when sorting is applied.
Default value
Set the showSortColumnBackground property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.showSortColumnBackground = true;
Get the showSortColumnBackground property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showSortColumnBackground = grid.appearance.showSortColumnBackground;
Shows frozen column background, when the Grid has frozen columns.
Default value
Set the showFrozenColumnBackground property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.showFrozenColumnBackground = true;
Get the showFrozenColumnBackground property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showFrozenColumnBackground = grid.appearance.showFrozenColumnBackground;
Shows the selection on top of all other styles.
Default value
Set the showSelectionOnTop property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.showSelectionOnTop = true;
Get the showSelectionOnTop property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showSelectionOnTop = grid.appearance.showSelectionOnTop;
Shows column sort button.
Default value
Set the showColumnSortButton property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.showColumnSortButton = true;
Get the showColumnSortButton property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showColumnSortButton = grid.appearance.showColumnSortButton;
Shows column filter button.
Default value
Set the showColumnFilterButton property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.showColumnFilterButton = true;
Get the showColumnFilterButton property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showColumnFilterButton = grid.appearance.showColumnFilterButton;
Shows column description button. The button's style is customizable through the Grid CSS.
Default value
Set the showColumnDescriptionButton property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.showColumnDescriptionButton = true;
Get the showColumnDescriptionButton property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showColumnDescriptionButton = grid.appearance.showColumnDescriptionButton;
Shows column icon within the column's header.
Default value
Set the showColumnIcon property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.showColumnIcon = true;
Get the showColumnIcon property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showColumnIcon = grid.appearance.showColumnIcon;
Shows column custom button. User-defined button shown in the column header.
Default value
Set the showColumnCustomButton property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.showColumnCustomButton = true;
Get the showColumnCustomButton property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showColumnCustomButton = grid.appearance.showColumnCustomButton;
Shows column action button. This is the drop-down button displayed in the column header.
Default value
Set the showColumnActionButton property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.showColumnActionButton = true;
Get the showColumnActionButton property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showColumnActionButton = grid.appearance.showColumnActionButton;
Shows tooltips when user hovers columns or cells.
Default value
Set the showTooltips property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.showTooltips = true;
Get the showTooltips property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showTooltips = grid.appearance.showTooltips;
Shows horizontal scrollbar on fixed columns.
Default value
Set the showHorizontalScrollBarOnFixedColumns property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.showHorizontalScrollBarOnFixedColumns = true;
Get the showHorizontalScrollBarOnFixedColumns property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showHorizontalScrollBarOnFixedColumns = grid.appearance.showHorizontalScrollBarOnFixedColumns;
Shows vertical scrollbar on fixed columns.
Default value
Set the showVerticalScrollBarOnFixedColumns property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.showVerticalScrollBarOnFixedColumns = true;
Get the showVerticalScrollBarOnFixedColumns property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showVerticalScrollBarOnFixedColumns = grid.appearance.showVerticalScrollBarOnFixedColumns;
Shows the today's date as 'Today' vs '7/8/2022'. When the property is set to false, it will display the date.
Default value
Set the showTodayDateAsString property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.appearance.showTodayDateAsString = true;
Get the showTodayDateAsString property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showTodayDateAsString = grid.appearance.showTodayDateAsString;
An object containing settings related to the grid's behavior.
Auto-Resize on double-click of a column's right border.
Default value
Set the allowColumnAutoSizeOnDoubleClick property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.behavior.allowColumnAutoSizeOnDoubleClick = true;
Get the allowColumnAutoSizeOnDoubleClick property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowColumnAutoSizeOnDoubleClick = grid.behavior.allowColumnAutoSizeOnDoubleClick;
Auto-Resize on double-click of a row's bottom border.
Default value
Set the allowRowAutoSizeOnDoubleClick property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.behavior.allowRowAutoSizeOnDoubleClick = true;
Get the allowRowAutoSizeOnDoubleClick property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowRowAutoSizeOnDoubleClick = grid.behavior.allowRowAutoSizeOnDoubleClick;
Determines whether row reorder is enabled.
Default value
Set the allowRowReorder property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.behavior.allowRowReorder = true;
Get the allowRowReorder property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowRowReorder = grid.behavior.allowRowReorder;
Determines whether column reorder is enabled.
Default value
Set the allowColumnReorder property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.behavior.allowColumnReorder = true;
Get the allowColumnReorder property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowColumnReorder = grid.behavior.allowColumnReorder;
Determines whether column freeze with drag and drop is enabled. When other columns are frozen/pinned, drag the column to the existing frozen area. When no columns are pinned, drag the column to the edge of the grid and wait for approximately one second. The grid will then assume you want to freeze/pin and create a frozen/pinned area and place the column into it.
Default value
Set the allowColumnFreeze property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.behavior.allowColumnFreeze = true;
Get the allowColumnFreeze property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowColumnFreeze = grid.behavior.allowColumnFreeze;
Determines whether the scrolling with mouse wheel is enabled.
Default value
Set the allowMouseWheel property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.behavior.allowMouseWheel = true;
Get the allowMouseWheel property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowMouseWheel = grid.behavior.allowMouseWheel;
columnResizeMode"none" | "split" | "growAndShrink"
Sets the column resize mode. split resize mode 'grows' or 'shrinks' the resize element's size and 'shrinks' or 'grows' the next sibling element's size. growAndShrink resize mode 'grows' or 'shrinks' the resize element's size
Default value
Set the columnResizeMode property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.behavior.columnResizeMode = 'split';
Get the columnResizeMode property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let columnResizeMode = grid.behavior.columnResizeMode;
rowResizeMode"none" | "split" | "growAndShrink"
Sets the row resize mode. split resize mode 'grows' or 'shrinks' the resize element's size and 'shrinks' or 'grows' the next sibling element's size. growAndShrink resize mode 'grows' or 'shrinks' the resize element's size
Default value
Set the rowResizeMode property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.behavior.rowResizeMode = 'split';
Get the rowResizeMode property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let rowResizeMode = grid.behavior.rowResizeMode;
currentUserstring | number
Sets or gets the id of the current user. Has to correspond to the id of an item from the users property/array. Depending on the current user, different privileges are enabled. If no current user is set, privileges depend on the element's properties.
Default value
Set the currentUser property.
<smart-grid current-user='1'></smart-grid>
Set the currentUser property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.currentUser = 2;
Get the currentUser property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let currentUser = grid.currentUser;
Describes the column header settings.
Sets the column header visibility.
Default value
trueGet the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.columnHeader.visible;
The clipboard property is used to enable/disable clipboard operations with Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X and Ctrl+V keyboard navigations..
Sets or gets whether the property is enabled.
Default value
Set the enabled property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.clipboard.enabled = true;
Get the enabled property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let enabled = grid.clipboard.enabled;
Sets or gets whether the copy the column headers to the clipboard.
Default value
Set the copyHeadersToClipboard property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.clipboard.copyHeadersToClipboard = true;
Get the copyHeadersToClipboard property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let copyHeadersToClipboard = grid.clipboard.copyHeadersToClipboard;
autoFillMode"none" | "copy" | "fillSeries"
Sets or gets whether the copy-pasted values will be auto-filled by using automatic pattern detection. This is used in the Drag&Drop Multiple Cells selection. none does nothing. copy just copies the cells. 'fillSeries' detects and automatically fills the values. For example, if the selection has '1, 2' and the possible positions are more, the pasted values would be '1, 2, 3, 4, etc.
Default value
Set the autoFillMode property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.clipboard.autoFillMode = 'copy';
Get the autoFillMode property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let autoFillMode = grid.clipboard.autoFillMode;
onPasteValue{(args: {value: any, oldValue: any, dataField: string, id: string | number}): void}
Sets or gets a callback on paste.
Get the onPasteValue property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let onPasteValue = grid.clipboard.onPasteValue;
columns{label: string, dataField: string}[] | string[] | number | Smart.Grid.Column[]
The columns property is used to describe all columns displayed in the grid.
Default value
align"left" | "right" | "center"
Sets or gets the column's header alignment. Accepts: 'left', 'right', 'center'
Default value
Set the align property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].align = 'right';
Get the align property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let align = grid.columns[0].align;
Sets or gets whether the column can be exported.
Default value
Set the allowExport property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].allowExport = true;
Get the allowExport property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowExport = grid.columns[0].allowExport;
Sets or gets whether the column can be grouped.
Default value
Set the allowGroup property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].allowGroup = true;
Get the allowGroup property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowGroup = grid.columns[0].allowGroup;
Sets or gets whether the column can be hidden.
Default value
Set the allowHide property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].allowHide = true;
Get the allowHide property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowHide = grid.columns[0].allowHide;
allowSelectboolean | null
Sets or gets whether the column can be selected.
Default value
Set the allowSelect property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].allowSelect = true;
Get the allowSelect property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowSelect = grid.columns[0].allowSelect;
Sets or gets whether the column can be edited. The property can be 'boolean' i.e accept true and false values. To dynamically determine which cells are editable, a callback function can be supplied to the 'allowEdit' property. For example: allowEdit: (id, dataField, value, data) => { return value === 'Cappuccino'; }
Default value
Set the allowEdit property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].allowEdit = true;
Get the allowEdit property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowEdit = grid.columns[0].allowEdit;
Sets or gets whether the column can be sorted.
Default value
Set the allowSort property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].allowSort = true;
Get the allowSort property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowSort = grid.columns[0].allowSort;
Sets or gets whether the column can be edited, when header editing is enabled.
Default value
Set the allowHeaderEdit property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].allowHeaderEdit = true;
Get the allowHeaderEdit property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowHeaderEdit = grid.columns[0].allowHeaderEdit;
Sets or gets whether the column can be filtered.
Default value
Set the allowFilter property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].allowFilter = true;
Get the allowFilter property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowFilter = grid.columns[0].allowFilter;
Sets or gets whether the column can be reordered.
Default value
Set the allowReorder property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].allowReorder = true;
Get the allowReorder property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowReorder = grid.columns[0].allowReorder;
Sets or gets whether the column can be resized.
Default value
Set the allowResize property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].allowResize = true;
Get the allowResize property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowResize = grid.columns[0].allowResize;
Sets or gets whether the column can have 'null' values.
Default value
Set the allowNull property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].allowNull = true;
Get the allowNull property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowNull = grid.columns[0].allowNull;
Sets or gets the cell's height in card view mode.
Default value
Set the cardHeight property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].cardHeight = 3;
Get the cardHeight property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let cardHeight = grid.columns[0].cardHeight;
Sets or gets the column's cells format. This property is used for applying a formatting to the cell values. Number format strings:
'd' - decimal numbers.
'f' - floating-point numbers.
'n' - integer numbers.
'c' - currency numbers.
'p' - percentage numbers.
For adding decimal places to the numbers, add a number after the formatting stri
For example: 'c3' displays a number in this format $25.256
Built-in Date formats:
// short date pattern
'd' - 'M/d/yyyy',
// long date pattern
'D' - 'dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy',
// short time pattern
't' - 'h:mm tt',
// long time pattern
'T' - 'h:mm:ss tt',
// long date, short time pattern
'f' - 'dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm tt',
// long date, long time pattern
'F' - 'dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt',
// month/day pattern
'M' - 'MMMM dd',
// month/year pattern
'Y' - 'yyyy MMMM',
// S is a sortable format that does not vary by culture
'S' - 'yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'
Date format strings:
'd'-the day of the month;
'dd'-the day of the month
'ddd'-the abbreviated name of the day of the week
'dddd'- the full name of the day of the week
'h'-the hour, using a 12-hour clock from 1 to 12
'hh'-the hour, using a 12-hour clock from 01 to 12
'H'-the hour, using a 24-hour clock from 0 to 23
'HH'- the hour, using a 24-hour clock from 00 to 23
'm'-the minute, from 0 through 59
'mm'-the minutes,from 00 though59
'M'- the month, from 1 through 12
'MM'- the month, from 01 through 12
'MMM'-the abbreviated name of the month
'MMMM'-the full name of the month
's'-the second, from 0 through 59
'ss'-the second, from 00 through 59
't'- the first character of the AM/PM designator
'tt'-the AM/PM designator
'y'- the year, from 0 to 99
'yy'- the year, from 00 to 99
'yyy'-the year, with a minimum of three digits
'yyyy'-the year as a four-digit number;
'yyyyy'-the year as a four-digit number.
Default value
Set the cellsFormat property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].cellsFormat = 'd';
Get the cellsFormat property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let cellsFormat = grid.columns[0].cellsFormat;
cellsAlign"left" | "right" | "center"
Sets or gets the column's cells alignment. Accepts: 'left', 'right' and 'center'
Default value
Set the cellsAlign property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].cellsAlign = 'center';
Get the cellsAlign property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let cellsAlign = grid.columns[0].cellsAlign;
Sets or gets the column's cells wrapping. Accepts: true or false.
Default value
Set the cellsWrap property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].cellsWrap = true;
Get the cellsWrap property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let cellsWrap = grid.columns[0].cellsWrap;
cellsVerticalAlign"top" | "bottom" | "center"
Sets or gets the column's cells vertical alignment. Accepts: 'top', 'bottom' and 'center'
Default value
Set the cellsVerticalAlign property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].cellsVerticalAlign = 'top';
Get the cellsVerticalAlign property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let cellsVerticalAlign = grid.columns[0].cellsVerticalAlign;
Sets or gets the column's header CSS class name. You can apply multiple CSS class names by separating them with space.
Default value
Set the className property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].className = 'my-css-class-2';
Get the className property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let className = grid.columns[0].className;
Sets or gets the column's cells CSS class name(s). The property can be used with string and function. You can apply multiple CSS class names by separating them with space or you can return a CSS class name(s) when you use it as a function. The function gets called with the following parameters: index - row's index, dataField - column's data field, cellValue - current cell's value, rowData - current row's data, row - GridRow object. Ex: cellsClassName: (index, dataField, value, rowData, row) => { if (index === 0) { return 'cell-class-1' } }
Default value
Set the cellsClassName property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].cellsClassName = my-css-class-2;
Get the cellsClassName property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let cellsClassName = grid.columns[0].cellsClassName;
Sets or gets the column's cells CSS class rules. Different CSS class names are conditionally applied. Example: label: 'Quantity', dataField: 'quantity', editor: 'numberInput', cellsClassRules: { 'one': settings => settings.value > 5, 'two': settings => settings.value <5, 'three': settings => settings.value === 3 }. The settings object contains the following properties: index, value, dataField, row, api.
Get the cellsCSSRules property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let cellsCSSRules = grid.columns[0].cellsCSSRules;
Sets the name of the column group.
Default value
Set the columnGroup property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].columnGroup = 'Name';
Get the columnGroup property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let columnGroup = grid.columns[0].columnGroup;
Sets or gets the column's data source bound field.
Default value
Set the dataField property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].dataField = 'firstName';
Get the dataField property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let dataField = grid.columns[0].dataField;
Sets or gets the column's data type. Any of the following value is valid: 'string', 'number', 'int', 'date', 'bool', 'object', 'any'
Default value
Set the dataType property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].dataType = 'number';
Get the dataType property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let dataType = grid.columns[0].dataType;
Sets or gets the column's data source bound field which will be displayed to the user. When the property is not set, it is equal to the 'dataField'.
Default value
Set the displayField property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].displayField = 'firstName';
Get the displayField property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let displayField = grid.columns[0].displayField;
Sets or gets the column's description. The description of the column is displayed in the column's header, when the end-user moves the pointer over the description button. 'showDescriptionButton' property determines whether the description button is visible.
Default value
Set the description property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].description = 'firstName';
Get the description property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let description = grid.columns[0].description;
Sets or gets custom data object related to the column.
Set the dataSet property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].dataSet = true;
Get the dataSet property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let dataSet = grid.columns[0].dataSet;
Gets the HTML Element. The property returns null when the Column is not in the View.
Get the element property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let element = grid.columns[0].element;
editorstring | {template?: string, settings?: any, onInit?: any, onRender?: any, setValue?: any, getValue?: any}
Sets or gets the column's editor. The property expects 'input', 'autoComplete', 'comboBox', 'dropDownList', 'image', 'numberInput', 'checkBox', 'multiInput', 'multiComboInput', 'checkInput', 'slider', 'dateTimePicker', 'timeInput', 'dateInput', 'dateRangeInput', 'maskedTextBox', 'textArea' or a custom object with 'template' property which defines the editor type, 'settings' property which defines the custom editor's properties, 'onInit(int row, string column, object editor, object rowData): void', 'onRender(int row, string column, object editor, object rowData): void', 'setValue(object value): void' and 'getValue(object value): any' callback functions.
Set the editor property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].editor = input;
Get the editor property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let editor = grid.columns[0].editor;
freeze"near" | "far" | "true" | "false"
Sets or gets the Freeze mode. Accepts: 'near', 'far', true and false. Freezes/Pins the column to left(near) or right(far).
Default value
Set the freeze property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].freeze = far;
Get the freeze property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let freeze = grid.columns[0].freeze;
Sets or gets the filter of the column. Example: ['contains Andrew or contains Nancy']. Example with numeric filter ['quantity', '<= 3 and >= 8']. Additional example with filter which we want to apply to a column with filterMenuMode='excel' - ['EQUAL' 'Andrew' or 'EQUAL' 'Antoni' or 'EQUAL' 'Beate']. Example with a string filter applied to a string column - ['CONTAINS' 'burke' or 'CONTAINS' 'peterson']. Filter conditions which you can use in the expressions: '=', 'EQUAL','<>', 'NOT_EQUAL', '!=', '<', 'LESS_THAN','>', 'GREATER_THAN', '<=', 'LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL', '>=', 'GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL','starts with', 'STARTS_WITH','ends with', 'ENDS_WITH', '', 'EMPTY', 'CONTAINS','DOES_NOT_CONTAIN', 'NULL','NOT_NULL'
Default value
""Get the filter property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let filter = grid.columns[0].filter;
filterMenuMode"basic" | "default" | "excel"
Sets or gets the filter menu mode of the column. In 'basic' mode, a single input is displayed in the filter menu. In 'default' mode, two input options are available for more precise filtering. In 'excel' mode, checked list with unique values is displayed.
Default value
"default"Get the filterMenuMode property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let filterMenuMode = grid.columns[0].filterMenuMode;
Sets or gets the column's filter editor. The value is an object with the following possible options: template: string, condition: string, onInit: any - callback function for init purposes, min: number, max: number, minLength: number, maxLength: number
Get the filterEditor property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let filterEditor = grid.columns[0].filterEditor;
formatFunction{(formatObject: {row?: GridRow, column?: GridColumn, cell?: GridCell, oldValue?: any, value?: any, template?: any}): void}
Sets or gets the column's format function.
Get the formatFunction property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let formatFunction = grid.columns[0].formatFunction;
Sets or gets the column's format settings. You can use any of the build in formatting options or to NumberFormat object like that: 'Intl: { NumberFormat: { style: \'currency\', currency: \'EUR\' }}' or DateTimeFormat object like that: 'Intl: { DateTimeFormat: { dateStyle: \'full\' }}''
The formatSettings property's object value may have the following properties:
- decimalPlaces: number - Sets the decimal places.
- negativeWithBrackets: boolean - Sets the negativeWithBrackets property. Displays brackets around negative numbers
- prefix: string - Sets the prefix of the formatted value.
- sufix: string - Sets the sufix of the formatted value.
- thousandsSeparator: string - Sets the thousands separator.
- dateFormat: string - Sets the date format string.
Get the formatSettings property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let formatSettings = grid.columns[0].formatSettings;
Sets or gets the column's formula. The formula you set will be applied to all cells. Example: COL(Name) & '-' & COL(Price) or IF(COL(Price) * COL(Quantity) > 5, 'Yes', 'No')
Default value
Set the formula property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].formula = 'COL(Quantity) * COL(Price)';
Get the formula property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let formula = grid.columns[0].formula;
Sets or gets the column's group.
Default value
Set the group property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].group = 'firstName';
Get the group property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let group = grid.columns[0].group;
This function allows you to provide custom cell values, which will be displayed in the column's cells. The grid passes 3 arguments to the function - row id, column's dataField and row's data.
Get the getCellValue property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let getCellValue = grid.columns[0].getCellValue;
Gets the column's filter panel. The function should return HTMLElement which will represent the filter UI panel displayed in the filter menu. The function works in combination with updateFilterPanel
Get the getFilterPanel property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let getFilterPanel = grid.columns[0].getFilterPanel;
Sets or gets the column's icon. Expects CSS class name.
Default value
""Get the icon property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let icon = grid.columns[0].icon;
Sets or gets the text displayed in the column's header.
Default value
Set the label property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].label = 'First Name';
Get the label property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let label = grid.columns[0].label;
labelTemplatestring | HTMLTemplateElement | HTMLElement | {(label: string): string}
Sets or gets the column header's template. The property expects the 'id' of HTMLTemplateElement, HTML string or function which returns html string.
Default value
""Get the labelTemplate property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let labelTemplate = grid.columns[0].labelTemplate;
Sets or gets the minimum width.
Default value
30Get the minWidth property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let minWidth = grid.columns[0].minWidth;
rowSpan{(cellValue: any, rowIndex: number, data: any): number}
Sets or gets the column's rowSpan function. Allows you to dynamically span cells.
Get the rowSpan property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let rowSpan = grid.columns[0].rowSpan;
Sets or gets the relation id in the dataSourceSettings.relations. The 'relationField' property should be set.
Default value
Set the relationId property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].relationId = 'id2';
Get the relationId property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let relationId = grid.columns[0].relationId;
Sets or gets the relation field in the dataSourceSettings.relations. The 'relationId' property should be set.
Default value
Set the relationField property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].relationField = 'firstName';
Get the relationField property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let relationField = grid.columns[0].relationField;
sortOrder"asc" | "desc" | null
Sets or gets the sort order of the column. Accepts: 'asc', 'desc' and null.
Set the sortOrder property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].sortOrder = desc;
Get the sortOrder property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let sortOrder = grid.columns[0].sortOrder;
Sets or gets the sort index of the column. Accepts an integer value. This property can be used to get or set the column's sort index when sorting mode is 'many'.
Set the sortIndex property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].sortIndex = 2;
Get the sortIndex property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let sortIndex = grid.columns[0].sortIndex;
Sets or gets a custom 'sortComparator' function. It can be used for implementing custom sorting. Ex: sortComparator: (value1, value2) => { if (value1 === value2) return 0; return value1 <value2; }
Set the sortComparator property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].sortComparator = 2;
Get the sortComparator property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let sortComparator = grid.columns[0].sortComparator;
Sets or gets whether the column's header action drop-down button is displayed. This button opens the column's menu.
Default value
Set the showActionButton property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].showActionButton = false;
Get the showActionButton property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showActionButton = grid.columns[0].showActionButton;
Sets or gets whether the column's header icon is displayed.
Default value
Set the showIcon property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].showIcon = false;
Get the showIcon property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showIcon = grid.columns[0].showIcon;
Sets or gets whether the column's header description button is displayed.
Default value
Set the showDescriptionButton property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].showDescriptionButton = false;
Get the showDescriptionButton property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showDescriptionButton = grid.columns[0].showDescriptionButton;
widthstring | number
Sets or gets the width. Accepts: 'number', 'px', 'em', 'auto', 'null' values.
Default value
Set the width property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].width = 100;
Get the width property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let width = grid.columns[0].width;
templatestring | HTMLTemplateElement | HTMLElement | {(row: GridRow, column: GridColumn, cell: GridCell, oldValue: any, value: any, template: any): void}
Sets or gets the column's template. The property expects the 'id' of HTMLTemplateElement or HTML string which is displayed in the cells. Built-in string values are: 'checkBox', 'switchButton', 'url', 'email', 'dropdownlist', 'list', 'progress', 'tags', 'autoNumber', 'modifiedBy', 'createdBy', 'createdTime', 'modifiedTime', 'images', 'checklist', 'attachments', 'sparklines', 'richText', 'color', 'rating', 'duration', 'startDate', 'dueDates'. For example, when you set the template to 'url', the cells will be render anchor tags. When you set the template property to HTMLTemplateElement you should consider that once a template is rendered, the formatObject.template property stores the rendered template component for further use.
Default value
""Get the template property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let template = grid.columns[0].template;
Sets or gets additional settings related to the column's template. For example, when the template is 'sparklines', the templateSettings could be an object which defines has 'type' - 'bar', 'column', 'line' or 'pie'. If you want to apply a custom color, you can add the 'colorFunction: function(value) { } and return a custom color as a 'hex' string or a 'tooltipFormatFunction: function(value) {}' which returns a formatted tooltip string. Additional properties are 'min', 'max', 'gap' and 'strokeWidth'.
Get the templateSettings property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let templateSettings = grid.columns[0].templateSettings;
validationRules[] | null
Sets or gets the column's validation rules. The expected value is an Array of Objects. Each object should have a 'type' property that can be set to 'required', 'min', 'max', 'minLength', 'maxLength', 'email', 'null', 'requiredTrue', 'minData', 'maxDate', 'pattern'. The 'value' property should be set, too. For validation rule types 'required', 'requiredTrue' and 'null' you can skip the 'value' property. Optional property is 'message', which determines the error message.
Set the validationRules property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].validationRules = {type: 'email'};
Get the validationRules property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let validationRules = grid.columns[0].validationRules;
verticalAlign"top" | "bottom" | "center"
Sets or gets the column's header vertical alignment. Accepts: 'top', 'bottom' and 'center'
Default value
Set the verticalAlign property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].verticalAlign = 'bottom';
Get the verticalAlign property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let verticalAlign = grid.columns[0].verticalAlign;
Sets or gets the column summary. The property should be set to an array with the following possible values: 'sum', 'min', 'max', 'avg', 'count', 'median', 'stdev', 'stdevp', 'var', 'varp'.
Set the summary property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].summary = ['avg'];
Get the summary property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let summary = grid.columns[0].summary;
Updates the column's filter panel. The function works in combination with getFilterPanel
Get the updateFilterPanel property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let updateFilterPanel = grid.columns[0].updateFilterPanel;
Sets or gets whether the column is visible. Set the property to 'false' to hide the column.
Default value
Set the visible property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columns[0].visible = false;
Get the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.columns[0].visible;
Context Menu is the drop-down menu displayed after right-clicking a Grid row. It allows you to delete row, edit cell or row depending on the edit mode. The 'contextMenuItemCustom' dataSource option allows you to add custom menu item to the context menu. You can replace the context menu by using the 'selector' property and setting it to ID of a Smart.Menu component.
Column Menu is the drop-down menu displayed after clicking the column header's drop-down button, which is displayed when you hover the column header. It allows you to customize column settings. For example: Sort, Filter or Group the Grid by the current column.
columnGroups{label: string, name: string, align: 'left' | 'center' | 'right', verticalAlign: 'top' | 'center' | 'bottom', parentGroup: string}[]
Describes the settings of the column groups.
Sets the label.
Default value
Set the label property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columnGroups[0].label = 'Name';
Get the label property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let label = grid.columnGroups[0].label;
labelTemplatestring | HTMLTemplateElement | HTMLElement | {(label: string): string}
Sets or gets the column header's template. The property expects the 'id' of HTMLTemplateElement, HTML string or function which returns html string.
Default value
""Get the labelTemplate property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let labelTemplate = grid.columnGroups[0].labelTemplate;
align"left" | "center" | "right"
Sets the align.
Default value
Set the align property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columnGroups[0].align = 'right';
Get the align property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let align = grid.columnGroups[0].align;
Sets the name of the column group.
Default value
Set the name property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columnGroups[0].name = 'Name';
Get the name property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let name = grid.columnGroups[0].name;
Sets the name of the parent column group.
Default value
Set the parentGroup property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columnGroups[0].parentGroup = 'Employee';
Get the parentGroup property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let parentGroup = grid.columnGroups[0].parentGroup;
verticalAlign"top" | "center" | "bottom"
Sets the vertical align.
Default value
Set the verticalAlign property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.columnGroups[0].verticalAlign = 'center';
Get the verticalAlign property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let verticalAlign = grid.columnGroups[0].verticalAlign;
Example about columnGroups
const grid = new smartGrid('#grid', { dataSource: new smartDataAdapter({ dataSource: [ { "EmployeeID": 1, "FirstName": "Nancy", "LastName": "Davolio", "ReportsTo": 2, "Country": "USA", "Title": "Sales Representative", "HireDate": "1992-05-01 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1948-12-08 00:00:00", "City": "Seattle", "Address": "507 - 20th Ave. E.Apt. 2A" }, { "EmployeeID": 2, "FirstName": "Andrew", "LastName": "Fuller", "ReportsTo": null, "Country": "USA", "Title": "Vice President, Sales", "HireDate": "1992-08-14 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1952-02-19 00:00:00", "City": "Tacoma", "Address": "908 W. Capital Way" }, { "EmployeeID": 3, "FirstName": "Janet", "LastName": "Leverling", "ReportsTo": 2, "Country": "USA", "Title": "Sales Representative", "HireDate": "1992-04-01 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1963-08-30 00:00:00", "City": "Kirkland", "Address": "722 Moss Bay Blvd." }, { "EmployeeID": 4, "FirstName": "Margaret", "LastName": "Peacock", "ReportsTo": 2, "Country": "USA", "Title": "Sales Representative", "HireDate": "1993-05-03 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1937-09-19 00:00:00", "City": "Redmond", "Address": "4110 Old Redmond Rd." }, { "EmployeeID": 5, "FirstName": "Steven", "LastName": "Buchanan", "ReportsTo": 2, "Country": "UK", "Title": "Sales Manager", "HireDate": "1993-10-17 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1955-03-04 00:00:00", "City": "London", "Address": "14 Garrett Hill" }, { "EmployeeID": 6, "FirstName": "Michael", "LastName": "Suyama", "ReportsTo": 5, "Country": "UK", "Title": "Sales Representative", "HireDate": "1993-10-17 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1963-07-02 00:00:00", "City": "London", "Address": "Coventry House Miner Rd." }, { "EmployeeID": 7, "FirstName": "Robert", "LastName": "King", "ReportsTo": 5, "Country": "UK", "Title": "Sales Representative", "HireDate": "1994-01-02 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1960-05-29 00:00:00", "City": "London", "Address": "Edgeham Hollow Winchester Way" }, { "EmployeeID": 8, "FirstName": "Laura", "LastName": "Callahan", "ReportsTo": 2, "Country": "USA", "Title": "Inside Sales Coordinator", "HireDate": "1994-03-05 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1958-01-09 00:00:00", "City": "Seattle", "Address": "4726 - 11th Ave. N.E." }, { "EmployeeID": 9, "FirstName": "Anne", "LastName": "Dodsworth", "ReportsTo": 5, "Country": "UK", "Title": "Sales Representative", "HireDate": "1994-11-15 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1966-01-27 00:00:00", "City": "London", "Address": "7 Houndstooth Rd." } ], id: 'EmployeeID', dataFields: [ 'EmployeeID: number', 'ReportsTo: number', 'FirstName: string', 'LastName: string', 'Country: string', 'City: string', 'Address: string', 'Title: string', 'HireDate: date', 'BirthDate: date' ]}), columnGroups: [{ label: 'Name', align: 'center', name: 'name'}], columns: [ { label: 'First Name', dataField: 'FirstName', columnGroup: 'name', width: 200 }, { label: 'Last Name', dataField: 'LastName', columnGroup: 'name', width: 200 }, { label: 'Title', dataField: 'Title', width: 160 }, { label: 'Birth Date', dataField: 'BirthDate', cellsFormat: 'd', width: 120 }, { label: 'Hire Date', dataField: 'HireDate', cellsFormat: 'd', width: 120 }, { label: 'Address', dataField: 'Address', width: 250 }, { label: 'City', dataField: 'City', width: 120 }, { label: 'Country', dataField: 'Country' } ] });
Default value
false<smart-grid drop-down-mode></smart-grid>
conditionalFormatting{ column?: string; condition?: string; firstValue?: number; fontFamily?: string; fontSize?: string; highlight?: string; secondValue?: number; text?: string; }[]
Sets or gets details about conditional formatting to be applied to the Grid's cells.
The data field of a numeric column to format. Set 'all' to format all numeric columns.
Default value
"all"Get the column property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let column = grid.conditionalFormatting.column;
condition"between" | "equal" | "greaterThan" | "lessThan" | "notEqual"
The formatting condition.
Default value
"lessThan"Get the condition property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let condition = grid.conditionalFormatting.condition;
The value to compare by. When condition is 'between', this is the start (from) value.
Default value
0Get the firstValue property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let firstValue = grid.conditionalFormatting.firstValue;
The fontFamily to apply to formatted cells.
Default value
""Get the fontFamily property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let fontFamily = grid.conditionalFormatting.fontFamily;
The fontSize to apply to formatted cells.
Default value
"The default fontSize as set in CSS"Get the fontSize property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let fontSize = grid.conditionalFormatting.fontSize;
The background color to apply to formatted cells.
Default value
"The default backgroundColor as set in CSS"Get the highlight property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let highlight = grid.conditionalFormatting.highlight;
When condition is 'between', this is the end (to) value. Otherwise, this value is not used.
Default value
1Get the secondValue property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let secondValue = grid.conditionalFormatting.secondValue;
The text color to apply to formatted cells.
Default value
"The default color as set in CSS"Get the text property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let text = grid.conditionalFormatting.text;
Set the conditionalFormatting property.
<smart-grid conditional-formatting='{ column: 'quantity', condition: 'greaterThan', firstValue: 8, text: '#6AA84F' }, { column: 'quantity', condition: 'lessThan', firstValue: 3, text: '#CC0000' }'></smart-grid>
Set the conditionalFormatting property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.conditionalFormatting = { column: 'price', condition: 'between', firstValue: 3, secondValue: 5, fontFamily: 'Courier New', text: '#0000FF' }, { column: 'total', condition: 'greaterThan', firstValue: 25, fontSize: '14px', text: '#FFFFFF', highlight: '#6AA84F' };
Get the conditionalFormatting property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let conditionalFormatting = grid.conditionalFormatting;
Sets the Grid Charting Data Visualization.
Sets or gets whether charting is enabled.
Default value
Set the enabled property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.charting.enabled = true;
Get the enabled property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let enabled = grid.charting.enabled;
Sets or gets the charting colors. Accepts the 'colorScheme' values of our Chart component.
Default value
"scheme01"Get the colorScheme property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let colorScheme = grid.charting.colorScheme;
appendTostring | HTMLElement
Sets or gets the chart's container.
Get the appendTo property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let appendTo = grid.charting.appendTo;
Sets or gets the charting dialog.
Sets or gets the dialog header.
Default value
Set the header property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.charting.dialog.header = 'Dialog';
Get the header property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let header = grid.charting.dialog.header;
Sets or gets the dialog height.
Default value
Set the height property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.charting.dialog.height = 300;
Get the height property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let height = grid.charting.dialog.height;
Sets or gets the dialog width.
Default value
Set the width property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.charting.dialog.width = 300;
Get the width property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let width = grid.charting.dialog.width;
leftstring | number
Sets or gets the dialog Left position.
Default value
Set the left property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.charting.dialog.left = center;
Get the left property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let left = grid.charting.dialog.left;
topstring | number
Sets or gets the dialog Top position.
Default value
Set the top property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid'); = center;
Get the top property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let top =;
Sets or gets whether the dialog is enabled.
Default value
Set the enabled property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.charting.dialog.enabled = true;
Get the enabled property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let enabled = grid.charting.dialog.enabled;
Gets whether the dialog is displayed.
Default value
Set the visible property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.charting.dialog.visible = true;
Get the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.charting.dialog.visible;
Get the dialog property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let dialog = grid.charting.dialog;
Sets the TreeGrid checkboxes.
Sets the visibility of the TreeGrid checkboxes.
Default value
Set the visible property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.checkBoxes[0].visible = true;
Get the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.checkBoxes[0].visible;
Sets the three-state mode of the TreeGrid checkboxes. In that mode, checking a checkbox affects the parent-child rows checkboxes.
Default value
Set the hasThreeStates property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.checkBoxes[0].hasThreeStates = true;
Get the hasThreeStates property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let hasThreeStates = grid.checkBoxes[0].hasThreeStates;
Sets the Grid Data Export options.
Sets whether the columns header will be exported.
Default value
trueGet the header property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let header = grid.dataExport.header;
Sets whether the export uses the applied filters.
Get the filterBy property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let filterBy = grid.dataExport.filterBy;
Sets the groups of the exported data.
Get the groupBy property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let groupBy = grid.dataExport.groupBy;
Sets a custom style object of the dataExport.
Get the style property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let style =;
Sets the exported file's name.
Default value
"smartGrid"Get the fileName property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let fileName = grid.dataExport.fileName;
pageOrientation"landscape" | "portrait"
Sets the page orientation, when exporting to PDF.
Default value
"portrait"Get the pageOrientation property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let pageOrientation = grid.dataExport.pageOrientation;
Sets the expand char displayed when the Grid with row hierarchy(TreeGrid / Grouped) is exported.
Default value
"+"Get the expandChar property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let expandChar = grid.dataExport.expandChar;
Sets the collapse char displayed when the Grid with row hierarchy(TreeGrid / Grouped) is exported.
Default value
"-"Get the collapseChar property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let collapseChar = grid.dataExport.collapseChar;
Exports only the visible data of the Grid.
Default value
falseGet the view property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let view = grid.dataExport.view;
viewStartnumber | null
Determines the start row index that will be exported or printed. 'view' should be set to true
Get the viewStart property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let viewStart = grid.dataExport.viewStart;
viewEndnumber | null
Determines the end row index that will be exported or printed. 'view' should be set to true
Get the viewEnd property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let viewEnd = grid.dataExport.viewEnd;
rowIds(string | number)[] | null
An array of row ids that denotes the rows to export.
Get the rowIds property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let rowIds = grid.dataExport.rowIds;
An array of custom rows to add before the Grid rows.
Get the headerContent property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let headerContent = grid.dataExport.headerContent;
An array of custom rows to add after the Grid rows.
Get the footerContent property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let footerContent = grid.dataExport.footerContent;
A function which allows you to add images to the cells in Export to Excel. The following params are passed: (index, dataField, value, values). It should return an object like this: return { image: { id: 'myImage' + index, base64: value, imageType: 'jpeg', width: 20, height: 11, position: { offsetX: 10 + (25 * values.indexOf(value)), offsetY: 5.5 } } };
Get the addImageToCell property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let addImageToCell = grid.dataExport.addImageToCell;
A function which allows you to set the height of the rows in the Export to Excel. The function gets the row index as parameter and should return its height as a number.
Get the setRowHeight property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let setRowHeight = grid.dataExport.setRowHeight;
A function which allows you to return additonal data to the Excel export to export into multiple sheets.
Get the getSpreadsheets property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let getSpreadsheets = grid.dataExport.getSpreadsheets;
A function which allows you to export a styled data grid to Excel.
Default value
trueGet the exportStyles property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let exportStyles = grid.dataExport.exportStyles;
A function which allows you to format cells before export. (index, dataField, value) are the params. It should return the formatted value.
Get the cellFormatFunction property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let cellFormatFunction = grid.dataExport.cellFormatFunction;
Sets whether the header is frozen when Export to Excel.
Default value
falseGet the freezeHeader property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let freezeHeader = grid.dataExport.freezeHeader;
Sets whether to auto-convert the formulas in the Excel export.
Default value
trueGet the autoConvertFormulas property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let autoConvertFormulas = grid.dataExport.autoConvertFormulas;
Sets whether to export only the selected cells or rows when Export to Excel.
Default value
falseGet the onlySelected property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let onlySelected = grid.dataExport.onlySelected;
Sets whether to export it as Excel Table when Export to Excel
Default value
falseGet the exportAsTable property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let exportAsTable = grid.dataExport.exportAsTable;
Sets the grid's data source. The value of dataSource can be an instance of Smart.DataAdapter or an Array.
Example about dataSource
const grid = new smartGrid('#grid', { dataSource: new smartDataAdapter({ dataSource: [ { "EmployeeID": 1, "FirstName": "Nancy", "LastName": "Davolio", "ReportsTo": 2, "Country": "USA", "Title": "Sales Representative", "HireDate": "1992-05-01 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1948-12-08 00:00:00", "City": "Seattle", "Address": "507 - 20th Ave. E.Apt. 2A" }, { "EmployeeID": 2, "FirstName": "Andrew", "LastName": "Fuller", "ReportsTo": null, "Country": "USA", "Title": "Vice President, Sales", "HireDate": "1992-08-14 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1952-02-19 00:00:00", "City": "Tacoma", "Address": "908 W. Capital Way" }, { "EmployeeID": 3, "FirstName": "Janet", "LastName": "Leverling", "ReportsTo": 2, "Country": "USA", "Title": "Sales Representative", "HireDate": "1992-04-01 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1963-08-30 00:00:00", "City": "Kirkland", "Address": "722 Moss Bay Blvd." }, { "EmployeeID": 4, "FirstName": "Margaret", "LastName": "Peacock", "ReportsTo": 2, "Country": "USA", "Title": "Sales Representative", "HireDate": "1993-05-03 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1937-09-19 00:00:00", "City": "Redmond", "Address": "4110 Old Redmond Rd." }, { "EmployeeID": 5, "FirstName": "Steven", "LastName": "Buchanan", "ReportsTo": 2, "Country": "UK", "Title": "Sales Manager", "HireDate": "1993-10-17 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1955-03-04 00:00:00", "City": "London", "Address": "14 Garrett Hill" }, { "EmployeeID": 6, "FirstName": "Michael", "LastName": "Suyama", "ReportsTo": 5, "Country": "UK", "Title": "Sales Representative", "HireDate": "1993-10-17 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1963-07-02 00:00:00", "City": "London", "Address": "Coventry House Miner Rd." }, { "EmployeeID": 7, "FirstName": "Robert", "LastName": "King", "ReportsTo": 5, "Country": "UK", "Title": "Sales Representative", "HireDate": "1994-01-02 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1960-05-29 00:00:00", "City": "London", "Address": "Edgeham Hollow Winchester Way" }, { "EmployeeID": 8, "FirstName": "Laura", "LastName": "Callahan", "ReportsTo": 2, "Country": "USA", "Title": "Inside Sales Coordinator", "HireDate": "1994-03-05 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1958-01-09 00:00:00", "City": "Seattle", "Address": "4726 - 11th Ave. N.E." }, { "EmployeeID": 9, "FirstName": "Anne", "LastName": "Dodsworth", "ReportsTo": 5, "Country": "UK", "Title": "Sales Representative", "HireDate": "1994-11-15 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1966-01-27 00:00:00", "City": "London", "Address": "7 Houndstooth Rd." } ], id: 'EmployeeID', dataFields: [ 'EmployeeID: number', 'ReportsTo: number', 'FirstName: string', 'LastName: string', 'Country: string', 'City: string', 'Address: string', 'Title: string', 'HireDate: date', 'BirthDate: date' ]}), columns: [ { label: 'First Name', dataField: 'FirstName', columnGroup: 'name', width: 200 }, { label: 'Last Name', dataField: 'LastName', columnGroup: 'name', width: 200 }, { label: 'Title', dataField: 'Title', width: 160 }, { label: 'Birth Date', dataField: 'BirthDate', cellsFormat: 'd', width: 120 }, { label: 'Hire Date', dataField: 'HireDate', cellsFormat: 'd', width: 120 }, { label: 'Address', dataField: 'Address', width: 250 }, { label: 'City', dataField: 'City', width: 120 }, { label: 'Country', dataField: 'Country' } ] });
Sets the grid's data source settings when the dataSource property is set to an Array or URL.
Sets or gets whether a column will be auto-generated.
Default value
Set the autoGenerateColumns property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.dataSourceSettings[0].autoGenerateColumns = false;
Get the autoGenerateColumns property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let autoGenerateColumns = grid.dataSourceSettings[0].autoGenerateColumns;
Sets or gets a children data field like 'children', 'items' in the data source. When this property is set, the dataAdapter will look for this data field when looping through the items. If it is found a hierarchical data source would be created.
Default value
Set the childrenDataField property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.dataSourceSettings[0].childrenDataField = 'children';
Get the childrenDataField property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let childrenDataField = grid.dataSourceSettings[0].childrenDataField;
sanitizeHTML"all" | "blackList" | "none"
Sets or gets the XML binding root.
Default value
Set the sanitizeHTML property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.dataSourceSettings[0].sanitizeHTML = 'blackList';
Get the sanitizeHTML property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let sanitizeHTML = grid.dataSourceSettings[0].sanitizeHTML;
Sets or gets the XML binding root.
Default value
Set the root property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.dataSourceSettings[0].root = 'children';
Get the root property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let root = grid.dataSourceSettings[0].root;
Sets or gets the XML binding record.
Default value
Set the record property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.dataSourceSettings[0].record = 'children';
Get the record property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let record = grid.dataSourceSettings[0].record;
Sets or gets the data fields to group by.
Default value
Set the groupBy property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.dataSourceSettings[0].groupBy = true;
Get the groupBy property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let groupBy = grid.dataSourceSettings[0].groupBy;
dataFields{name: string, dataType: string}[] | string[]
Sets or gets the data fields which decribe the loaded data and data type. Ex: ['id: number', 'firstName: string', 'lastName: string']
Sets the dataField name.
Default value
""Get the name property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let name = grid.dataSourceSettings[0].dataFields[0].name;
Sets the dataField mapping path. For nested mapping, use '.'. Example: 'name.firstName'.
Default value
""Get the map property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let map = grid.dataSourceSettings[0].dataFields[0].map;
dataType"string" | "date" | "boolean" | "number" | "array" | "any"
Sets the dataField type.
Default value
"string"Get the dataType property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let dataType = grid.dataSourceSettings[0].dataFields[0].dataType;
Set the dataFields property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.dataSourceSettings[0].dataFields = [id: number];
Get the dataFields property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let dataFields = grid.dataSourceSettings[0].dataFields;
dataSourceType"array" | "json" | "xml" | "csv" | "tsv"
Sets or gets whether the data source type.
Default value
Set the dataSourceType property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.dataSourceSettings[0].dataSourceType = 'json';
Get the dataSourceType property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let dataSourceType = grid.dataSourceSettings[0].dataSourceType;
Sets or gets the dataAdapter's id
Default value
Set the id property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.dataSourceSettings[0].id = 'uid';
Get the id property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let id = grid.dataSourceSettings[0].id;
Sets or gets the key data field to be used for building the hierarchy. It is used in combination with the parentDataField property. Usually the 'id' field is used as key data field and 'parentId' as parent data field'
Default value
Set the keyDataField property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.dataSourceSettings[0].keyDataField = 'uid';
Get the keyDataField property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let keyDataField = grid.dataSourceSettings[0].keyDataField;
Sets or gets the parent data field to be used for building the hierarchy. It is used in combination with the keyDataField property. Usually the 'id' field is used as key data field and 'parentId' as parent data field'
Default value
Set the parentDataField property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.dataSourceSettings[0].parentDataField = 'uid';
Get the parentDataField property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let parentDataField = grid.dataSourceSettings[0].parentDataField;
Sets the 'mapChar' data field of the record
Default value
Set the mapChar property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.dataSourceSettings[0].mapChar = 'uid';
Get the mapChar property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let mapChar = grid.dataSourceSettings[0].mapChar;
Sets or gets the Grid relations. The property expects an array of objects. Each object should have '{id: string, label: string, columns: GridColumn[], dataSource: any}'. Once you have the relations defined, when you create a column, you can set 'relationId' and 'relationField'. This will automatically define a new column editor based on the relation settings.
Get the relations property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let relations = grid.dataSourceSettings[0].relations;
virtualDataSource{(resultCallbackFunction: any, details: DataAdapterVirtualDataSourceDetails): void}
Sets the virtual data source function which is called each time the Grid requests data. Example for calling the callback function with the new data set: resultCallbackFunction({dataSource: data}); Demos using 'virtualDataSource' are available on the Grid demos page. Example:
Get the virtualDataSource property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let virtualDataSource = grid.dataSourceSettings[0].virtualDataSource;
Sets the virtual data source on expand function. This function is called when we load data on demand in Tree or TreeGrid and virtualDataSource in these components is set, too. Example:
Get the virtualDataSourceOnExpand property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let virtualDataSourceOnExpand = grid.dataSourceSettings[0].virtualDataSourceOnExpand;
Example about dataSource
const grid = new smartGrid('#grid', { dataSource: new smartDataAdapter({ dataSource: [ { "EmployeeID": 1, "FirstName": "Nancy", "LastName": "Davolio", "ReportsTo": 2, "Country": "USA", "Title": "Sales Representative", "HireDate": "1992-05-01 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1948-12-08 00:00:00", "City": "Seattle", "Address": "507 - 20th Ave. E.Apt. 2A" }, { "EmployeeID": 2, "FirstName": "Andrew", "LastName": "Fuller", "ReportsTo": null, "Country": "USA", "Title": "Vice President, Sales", "HireDate": "1992-08-14 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1952-02-19 00:00:00", "City": "Tacoma", "Address": "908 W. Capital Way" }, { "EmployeeID": 3, "FirstName": "Janet", "LastName": "Leverling", "ReportsTo": 2, "Country": "USA", "Title": "Sales Representative", "HireDate": "1992-04-01 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1963-08-30 00:00:00", "City": "Kirkland", "Address": "722 Moss Bay Blvd." }, { "EmployeeID": 4, "FirstName": "Margaret", "LastName": "Peacock", "ReportsTo": 2, "Country": "USA", "Title": "Sales Representative", "HireDate": "1993-05-03 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1937-09-19 00:00:00", "City": "Redmond", "Address": "4110 Old Redmond Rd." }, { "EmployeeID": 5, "FirstName": "Steven", "LastName": "Buchanan", "ReportsTo": 2, "Country": "UK", "Title": "Sales Manager", "HireDate": "1993-10-17 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1955-03-04 00:00:00", "City": "London", "Address": "14 Garrett Hill" }, { "EmployeeID": 6, "FirstName": "Michael", "LastName": "Suyama", "ReportsTo": 5, "Country": "UK", "Title": "Sales Representative", "HireDate": "1993-10-17 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1963-07-02 00:00:00", "City": "London", "Address": "Coventry House Miner Rd." }, { "EmployeeID": 7, "FirstName": "Robert", "LastName": "King", "ReportsTo": 5, "Country": "UK", "Title": "Sales Representative", "HireDate": "1994-01-02 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1960-05-29 00:00:00", "City": "London", "Address": "Edgeham Hollow Winchester Way" }, { "EmployeeID": 8, "FirstName": "Laura", "LastName": "Callahan", "ReportsTo": 2, "Country": "USA", "Title": "Inside Sales Coordinator", "HireDate": "1994-03-05 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1958-01-09 00:00:00", "City": "Seattle", "Address": "4726 - 11th Ave. N.E." }, { "EmployeeID": 9, "FirstName": "Anne", "LastName": "Dodsworth", "ReportsTo": 5, "Country": "UK", "Title": "Sales Representative", "HireDate": "1994-11-15 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1966-01-27 00:00:00", "City": "London", "Address": "7 Houndstooth Rd." } ], id: 'EmployeeID', dataFields: [ 'EmployeeID: number', 'ReportsTo: number', 'FirstName: string', 'LastName: string', 'Country: string', 'City: string', 'Address: string', 'Title: string', 'HireDate: date', 'BirthDate: date' ]}), columns: [ { label: 'First Name', dataField: 'FirstName', columnGroup: 'name', width: 200 }, { label: 'Last Name', dataField: 'LastName', columnGroup: 'name', width: 200 }, { label: 'Title', dataField: 'Title', width: 160 }, { label: 'Birth Date', dataField: 'BirthDate', cellsFormat: 'd', width: 120 }, { label: 'Hire Date', dataField: 'HireDate', cellsFormat: 'd', width: 120 }, { label: 'Address', dataField: 'Address', width: 250 }, { label: 'City', dataField: 'City', width: 120 }, { label: 'Country', dataField: 'Country' } ] });
Describes the grid's editing settings.
Enables row header cells editing.
Default value
Set the allowRowHeaderEdit property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.editing.allowRowHeaderEdit = true;
Get the allowRowHeaderEdit property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowRowHeaderEdit = grid.editing.allowRowHeaderEdit;
Enables column headers editing.
Default value
Set the allowColumnHeaderEdit property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.editing.allowColumnHeaderEdit = true;
Get the allowColumnHeaderEdit property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowColumnHeaderEdit = grid.editing.allowColumnHeaderEdit;
Automatically re-applies already applied column filters and sort orders, after editing.
Default value
Set the autoUpdateFilterAndSort property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.editing.autoUpdateFilterAndSort = false;
Get the autoUpdateFilterAndSort property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let autoUpdateFilterAndSort = grid.editing.autoUpdateFilterAndSort;
Automatically opens a drop-down editor not only when the arrow button is clicked, but also when you click an item from it.
Default value
Set the allowListOpenOnContentClick property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.editing.allowListOpenOnContentClick = false;
Get the allowListOpenOnContentClick property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowListOpenOnContentClick = grid.editing.allowListOpenOnContentClick;
Enables editing.
Default value
Set the enabled property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.editing.enabled = true;
Get the enabled property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let enabled = grid.editing.enabled;
Enables batch editing. This allows editing multiple grid rows on the client side and sending them with a single server request.
Default value
Set the batch property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.editing.batch = true;
Get the batch property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let batch = grid.editing.batch;
action"none" | "click" | "doubleClick"
Determines the way editing is initiated.
Default value
Set the action property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.editing.action = 'doubleClick';
Get the action property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let action = grid.editing.action;
Read Only Edit is a mode in the grid whereby Cell Editing will not update the data inside the grid. Instead the grid invokes the 'onCellEditRequest' function allowing the application to process the update request.
Default value
Set the readOnlyEdit property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.editing.readOnlyEdit = true;
Get the readOnlyEdit property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let readOnlyEdit = grid.editing.readOnlyEdit;
Describes command keys.
Describes the edit command key.
Sets the name of the edit key command.
Default value
"commandKeyEditCommand"Get the command property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let command = grid.editing.commandKeys[0].commandKeyEdit.command;
Sets the key that invokes the edit command.
Default value
"F2"Get the key property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let key = grid.editing.commandKeys[0].commandKeyEdit.key;
Get the commandKeyEdit property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let commandKeyEdit = grid.editing.commandKeys[0].commandKeyEdit;
Describes the cancel command key.
Sets the name of the cancel key command.
Default value
"commandKeyCancelCommand"Get the command property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let command = grid.editing.commandKeys[0].commandKeyCancel.command;
Sets the key that invokes the cancel command.
Default value
"Escape"Get the key property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let key = grid.editing.commandKeys[0].commandKeyCancel.key;
Get the commandKeyCancel property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let commandKeyCancel = grid.editing.commandKeys[0].commandKeyCancel;
Describes the update command key.
Sets the name of the update key command.
Default value
"commandKeyUpdateCommand"Get the command property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let command = grid.editing.commandKeys[0].commandKeyUpdate.command;
Sets the key that invokes the update command.
Default value
"Enter"Get the key property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let key = grid.editing.commandKeys[0].commandKeyUpdate.key;
Get the commandKeyUpdate property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let commandKeyUpdate = grid.editing.commandKeys[0].commandKeyUpdate;
Get the commandKeys property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let commandKeys = grid.editing.commandKeys;
Describes the grid's command bar settings. The command bar is a toolbar or statusbar with tools for saving and reverting edits.
Makes the command bar visible.
Default value
falseGet the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.editing.commandBar.visible;
position"near" | "far" | "both"
Sets the command bar's position.
Default value
"near"Get the position property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let position = grid.editing.commandBar.position;
displayMode"label" | "icon" | "labelAndIcon"
Sets what is to be displayed in command bar buttons.
Default value
"labelAndIcon"Get the displayMode property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let displayMode = grid.editing.commandBar.displayMode;
Sets the command bar's data source.
Describes the settings of the command bar's button for adding rows.
command{(): void}
Sets the name of the add row command.
Default value
commandBarAddRowCommandGet the command property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let command = grid.editing.commandBar.dataSource.commandBarAddRow.command;
A class name to be applied to the add row button's icon.
Default value
"smart-icon-plus"Get the icon property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let icon = grid.editing.commandBar.dataSource.commandBarAddRow.icon;
The label of the add row button.
Default value
"{{messages}}"Get the label property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let label = grid.editing.commandBar.dataSource.commandBarAddRow.label;
Makes the add row button visible.
Default value
falseGet the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.editing.commandBar.dataSource.commandBarAddRow.visible;
Get the commandBarAddRow property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let commandBarAddRow = grid.editing.commandBar.dataSource.commandBarAddRow;
Describes the settings of the command bar's button for deleting rows.
command{(): void}
Sets the name of the delete row command.
Default value
commandBarDeleteRowCommandGet the command property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let command = grid.editing.commandBar.dataSource.commandBarDeleteRow.command;
A class name to be applied to the delete row button's icon.
Default value
"smart-icon-delete"Get the icon property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let icon = grid.editing.commandBar.dataSource.commandBarDeleteRow.icon;
The label of the delete row button.
Default value
"{{messages}}"Get the label property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let label = grid.editing.commandBar.dataSource.commandBarDeleteRow.label;
Makes the delete row button visible.
Default value
falseGet the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.editing.commandBar.dataSource.commandBarDeleteRow.visible;
Get the commandBarDeleteRow property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let commandBarDeleteRow = grid.editing.commandBar.dataSource.commandBarDeleteRow;
Describes the settings of the command bar's button for saving changes.
command{(): void}
Sets the name of the save command.
Default value
commandBarBatchSaveCommandGet the command property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let command = grid.editing.commandBar.dataSource.commandBarBatchSave.command;
A class name to be applied to the save button's icon.
Default value
"smart-icon-save"Get the icon property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let icon = grid.editing.commandBar.dataSource.commandBarBatchSave.icon;
The label of the save button.
Default value
"{{messages}}"Get the label property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let label = grid.editing.commandBar.dataSource.commandBarBatchSave.label;
Makes the save button visible.
Default value
trueGet the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.editing.commandBar.dataSource.commandBarBatchSave.visible;
Get the commandBarBatchSave property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let commandBarBatchSave = grid.editing.commandBar.dataSource.commandBarBatchSave;
Describes the settings of the command bar's button for reverting changes.
command{(): void}
Sets the name of the revert command.
Default value
commandBarBatchRevertCommandGet the command property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let command = grid.editing.commandBar.dataSource.commandBarBatchRevert.command;
A class name to be applied to the revert button's icon.
Default value
"smart-icon-revert"Get the icon property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let icon = grid.editing.commandBar.dataSource.commandBarBatchRevert.icon;
The label of the revert button.
Default value
"{{messages}}"Get the label property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let label = grid.editing.commandBar.dataSource.commandBarBatchRevert.label;
Makes the revert button visible.
Default value
trueGet the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.editing.commandBar.dataSource.commandBarBatchRevert.visible;
Get the commandBarBatchRevert property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let commandBarBatchRevert = grid.editing.commandBar.dataSource.commandBarBatchRevert;
Get the dataSource property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let dataSource = grid.editing.commandBar.dataSource;
Get the commandBar property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let commandBar = grid.editing.commandBar;
Describes the grid's command column settings. The command column can be used to edit or delete a row.
Makes the command column visible.
Default value
falseGet the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.editing.commandColumn.visible;
Enables inline display of the command column.
Default value
falseGet the inline property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let inline = grid.editing.commandColumn.inline;
position"near" | "far"
Sets the command column's position.
Default value
"far"Get the position property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let position = grid.editing.commandColumn.position;
displayMode"label" | "icon" | "labelAndIcon"
Sets what is to be displayed in command column buttons.
Default value
"icon"Get the displayMode property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let displayMode = grid.editing.commandColumn.displayMode;
Sets the command column's data source.
Describes the settings of the command column's button displayed in the column's header. By default, this Command opens a Menu with Column Chooser.
Describes the settings of the command column's button for editing rows.
command{(): void}
Sets the name of the edit row command.
Default value
commandColumnEditCommandGet the command property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let command = grid.editing.commandColumn.dataSource.commandColumnEdit.command;
A class name to be applied to the edit row button's icon.
Default value
"smart-icon-rename"Get the icon property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let icon = grid.editing.commandColumn.dataSource.commandColumnEdit.icon;
The label of the edit row button.
Default value
"{{messages}}"Get the label property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let label = grid.editing.commandColumn.dataSource.commandColumnEdit.label;
Makes the edit row button visible.
Default value
autoGet the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.editing.commandColumn.dataSource.commandColumnEdit.visible;
Get the commandColumnEdit property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let commandColumnEdit = grid.editing.commandColumn.dataSource.commandColumnEdit;
Describes the settings of the command column's button for deleting rows.
command{(): void}
Sets the name of the delete row command.
Default value
commandColumnDeleteCommandGet the command property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let command = grid.editing.commandColumn.dataSource.commandColumnDelete.command;
A class name to be applied to the delete row button's icon.
Default value
"smart-icon-delete"Get the icon property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let icon = grid.editing.commandColumn.dataSource.commandColumnDelete.icon;
The label of the delete row button.
Default value
"{{messages}}"Get the label property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let label = grid.editing.commandColumn.dataSource.commandColumnDelete.label;
Makes the delete row button visible.
Default value
trueGet the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.editing.commandColumn.dataSource.commandColumnDelete.visible;
Get the commandColumnDelete property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let commandColumnDelete = grid.editing.commandColumn.dataSource.commandColumnDelete;
Describes the settings of the command column's button for updating rows.
command{(): void}
Sets the name of the update row command.
Default value
commandColumnUpdateCommandGet the command property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let command = grid.editing.commandColumn.dataSource.commandColumnUpdate.command;
A class name to be applied to the update row button's icon.
Default value
"smart-icon-save"Get the icon property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let icon = grid.editing.commandColumn.dataSource.commandColumnUpdate.icon;
The label of the update row button.
Default value
"{{messages}}"Get the label property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let label = grid.editing.commandColumn.dataSource.commandColumnUpdate.label;
Makes the update row button visible.
Default value
autoGet the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.editing.commandColumn.dataSource.commandColumnUpdate.visible;
Get the commandColumnUpdate property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let commandColumnUpdate = grid.editing.commandColumn.dataSource.commandColumnUpdate;
Describes the settings of the command column's button for canceling edits.
command{(): void}
Sets the name of the cancel command.
Default value
commandColumnCancelCommandGet the command property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let command = grid.editing.commandColumn.dataSource.commandColumnCancel.command;
A class name to be applied to the cancel button's icon.
Default value
"smart-icon-cancel-circled"Get the icon property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let icon = grid.editing.commandColumn.dataSource.commandColumnCancel.icon;
The label of the cancel button.
Default value
"{{messages}}"Get the label property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let label = grid.editing.commandColumn.dataSource.commandColumnCancel.label;
Makes the cancel button visible.
Default value
autoGet the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.editing.commandColumn.dataSource.commandColumnCancel.visible;
Get the commandColumnCancel property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let commandColumnCancel = grid.editing.commandColumn.dataSource.commandColumnCancel;
Describes the settings of the command column's row menu button.
Describes the settings of the command column's custom button.
command{(): void}
Sets the name of the custom command.
Default value
Get the command property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let command = grid.editing.commandColumn.dataSource.commandColumnCustom.command;
A class name to be applied to the custom button's icon.
Default value
"smart-icon-copy-record"Get the icon property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let icon = grid.editing.commandColumn.dataSource.commandColumnCustom.icon;
The label of the custom button.
Default value
""Get the label property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let label = grid.editing.commandColumn.dataSource.commandColumnCustom.label;
Makes the custom button visible.
Default value
falseGet the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.editing.commandColumn.dataSource.commandColumnCustom.visible;
Get the commandColumnCustom property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let commandColumnCustom = grid.editing.commandColumn.dataSource.commandColumnCustom;
Get the dataSource property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let dataSource = grid.editing.commandColumn.dataSource;
widthnumber | null
Sets the width of the command column.
Get the width property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let width = grid.editing.commandColumn.width;
Get the commandColumn property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let commandColumn = grid.editing.commandColumn;
mode"cell" | "row"
Sets the grid's edit mode.
Default value
Set the mode property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.editing.mode = 'row';
Get the mode property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let mode = grid.editing.mode;
Describes the settings of the 'Add New Row' UI element which enables the quick adding of rows to the Grid with a single click.
Adds new row by clicking the Enter button, when the focused row is the last row.
Default value
falseGet the autoCreate property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let autoCreate = grid.editing.addNewRow.autoCreate;
Determines whether the newly added row enters automatically in edit mode, when added.
Default value
trueGet the autoEdit property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let autoEdit = grid.editing.addNewRow.autoEdit;
position"near" | "far" | "both"
Sets the position of the 'Add New Row' UI element.
Default value
Set the position property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.editing.addNewRow.position = 'near';
Get the position property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let position = grid.editing.addNewRow.position;
displayMode"row" | "button"
Sets or gets the display mode of the new row action. It could be either 'row' or 'button'.
Default value
"row"Get the displayMode property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let displayMode = grid.editing.addNewRow.displayMode;
Makes the 'Add New Row' UI element visible.
Default value
falseGet the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.editing.addNewRow.visible;
Sets the label of the 'Add New Row' UI element.
Default value
"{{message}}"Get the label property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let label = grid.editing.addNewRow.label;
Get the addNewRow property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let addNewRow = grid.editing.addNewRow;
Enables users to dynamically add new columns through the User Interface. When the add new column is visible, a '+' is displayed as a last column. Clicking it opens a dialog for adding new columns.
Makes the 'Add New Row' UI element visible.
Default value
falseGet the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.editing.addNewColumn.visible;
Get the addNewColumn property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let addNewColumn = grid.editing.addNewColumn;
Describes dialog's editing settings.
Sets the header text of the dialog
Default value
"{{message}}"Get the header property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let header = grid.editing.dialog.header;
heightstring | number
Sets the height of the edit dialog.
Default value
autoGet the height property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let height = grid.editing.dialog.height;
widthstring | number
Sets the width of the edit dialog.
Default value
autoGet the width property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let width = grid.editing.dialog.width;
leftstring | number
Sets the 'left' css property to the dialog.
Default value
centerGet the left property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let left = grid.editing.dialog.left;
topstring | number
Sets the 'top' css property to the dialog.
Default value
centerGet the top property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let top =;
Enables dialog editing option.
Default value
Set the enabled property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.editing.dialog.enabled = true;
Get the enabled property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let enabled = grid.editing.dialog.enabled;
Sets the visibility of the dialog.
Default value
Set the visible property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.editing.dialog.visible = true;
Get the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.editing.dialog.visible;
Get the dialog property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let dialog = grid.editing.dialog;
Describes add dialog's settings
Sets the header text of the dialog
Default value
"{{message}}"Get the header property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let header = grid.editing.addDialog.header;
heightstring | number
Sets the height of the dialog.
Default value
autoGet the height property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let height = grid.editing.addDialog.height;
widthstring | number
Sets the width of the dialog.
Default value
autoGet the width property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let width = grid.editing.addDialog.width;
leftstring | number
Sets the 'left' css property to the dialog.
Default value
centerGet the left property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let left = grid.editing.addDialog.left;
topstring | number
Sets the 'top' css property to the dialog.
Default value
centerGet the top property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let top =;
Enables the add dialog option.
Default value
Set the enabled property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.editing.addDialog.enabled = true;
Get the enabled property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let enabled = grid.editing.addDialog.enabled;
Sets the visibility of the dialog.
Default value
Set the visible property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.editing.addDialog.visible = true;
Get the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.editing.addDialog.visible;
Get the addDialog property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let addDialog = grid.editing.addDialog;
Describes delete dialog's settings
Sets the header text of the dialog
Default value
"{{message}}"Get the header property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let header = grid.editing.deleteDialog.header;
heightstring | number
Sets the height of the dialog.
Default value
autoGet the height property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let height = grid.editing.deleteDialog.height;
widthstring | number
Sets the width of the dialog.
Default value
autoGet the width property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let width = grid.editing.deleteDialog.width;
leftstring | number
Sets the 'left' css property to the dialog.
Default value
centerGet the left property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let left = grid.editing.deleteDialog.left;
topstring | number
Sets the 'top' css property to the dialog.
Default value
centerGet the top property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let top =;
Enables the delete dialog option.
Default value
Set the enabled property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.editing.deleteDialog.enabled = true;
Get the enabled property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let enabled = grid.editing.deleteDialog.enabled;
Sets the visibility of the dialog.
Default value
Set the visible property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.editing.deleteDialog.visible = true;
Get the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.editing.deleteDialog.visible;
Get the deleteDialog property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let deleteDialog = grid.editing.deleteDialog;
Describes the grid's filtering settings.
Enables filtering.
Default value
Set the enabled property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.filtering.enabled = true;
Get the enabled property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let enabled = grid.filtering.enabled;
Determines the filtering operator used in the Grid. By default filters are applied with 'and' operator i.e returns a set of rows matching the filter expressions of columnA AND columnB. The other option is to return a set of rows matching the filter expressions of columnA OR columnB. For example: grid.filtering.operator = 'or'; grid.addFilter('lastName', 'contains "davolio"') grid.addFilter('firstName', 'contains "Antoni"'); - that code will apply two filters to the Grid and will return all rows where firstName is 'Antoni' or the lastName is 'Davolio'
Default value
Set the operator property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.filtering.operator = 'or';
Get the operator property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let operator = grid.filtering.operator;
An array of filtering conditions to apply to the DataGrid. Each member of the filter array is an array with two members. The first one is the column dataField to apply the filter to. The second one is the filtering condition. Example: [['firstName', 'contains Andrew or contains Nancy'], ['quantity', '<= 3 and >= 8']]. Additional example with filter which we want to apply to a column with filterMenuMode='excel' - [['firstName', 'EQUAL' 'Andrew' or 'EQUAL' 'Antoni' or 'EQUAL' 'Beate']]. Example with a string filter applied to a string column - [['lastName','CONTAINS' 'burke' or 'CONTAINS' 'peterson']]. Filter conditions which you can use in the expressions: '=', 'EQUAL','<>', 'NOT_EQUAL', '!=', '<', 'LESS_THAN','>', 'GREATER_THAN', '<=', 'LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL', '>=', 'GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL','starts with', 'STARTS_WITH','ends with', 'ENDS_WITH', '', 'EMPTY', 'CONTAINS','DOES_NOT_CONTAIN', 'NULL','NOT_NULL'
Get the filter property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let filter = grid.filtering.filter;
Describes the filter row's settings.
Makes the filter row visible.
Default value
Set the visible property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.filtering.filterRow.visible = true;
Get the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.filtering.filterRow.visible;
Makes the filter row's menu visible.
Default value
Set the menuVisible property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.filtering.filterRow.menuVisible = true;
Get the menuVisible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let menuVisible = grid.filtering.filterRow.menuVisible;
applyMode"auto" | "click"
Sets the way filtering through the filter row is applied.
Default value
"auto"Get the applyMode property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let applyMode = grid.filtering.filterRow.applyMode;
Sets the delay (in milliseconds) before applying filtering (when filtering.filterRow.applyMode is 'auto').
Default value
300Get the autoApplyModeDelay property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let autoApplyModeDelay = grid.filtering.filterRow.autoApplyModeDelay;
Get the filterRow property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let filterRow = grid.filtering.filterRow;
Describes the settings for the filter menu.
(In Development)Describes the settings for the filter builder.
Sets the visibility of the filter builder.
Default value
falseGet the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.filtering.filterBuilder.visible;
heightnumber | null
Sets the height of the filter builder.
Get the height property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let height = grid.filtering.filterBuilder.height;
Get the filterBuilder property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let filterBuilder = grid.filtering.filterBuilder;
Describes the footer settings of the grid.
Sets or gets whether Excel-like formulas can be passed as cell values. Formulas are always preceded by the = sign and are re-evaluated when cell values are changed. This feature depends on the third-party free plug-in formula-parser (the file formula-parser.min.js has to be referenced).
Default value
Set the formulas property.
<smart-grid formulas></smart-grid>
Set the formulas property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.formulas = false;
Get the formulas property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let formulas = grid.formulas;
Describes the grid's grouping settings.
Enables grouping.
Default value
Set the enabled property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.grouping.enabled = true;
Get the enabled property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let enabled = grid.grouping.enabled;
Enables collapsing of groups.
Default value
Set the allowCollapse property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.grouping.allowCollapse = true;
Get the allowCollapse property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowCollapse = grid.grouping.allowCollapse;
Automatically expands all groups.
Default value
Set the autoExpandAll property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.grouping.autoExpandAll = true;
Get the autoExpandAll property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let autoExpandAll = grid.grouping.autoExpandAll;
Automatically expands all groups to a given level.
Default value
Set the autoExpandToLevel property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.grouping.autoExpandToLevel = 2;
Get the autoExpandToLevel property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let autoExpandToLevel = grid.grouping.autoExpandToLevel;
Automatically hides all grouped columns.
Default value
Set the autoHideGroupColumn property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.grouping.autoHideGroupColumn = true;
Get the autoHideGroupColumn property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let autoHideGroupColumn = grid.grouping.autoHideGroupColumn;
expandMode"buttonClick" | "rowClick"
Sets the group expand mode.
Default value
"buttonClick"Get the expandMode property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let expandMode = grid.grouping.expandMode;
formatFunction{(formatObject: {row?: GridRow, column?: GridColumn, cell?: GridCell, value?: any, template?: any}): void}
Sets or gets the column's format function.
Get the formatFunction property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let formatFunction = grid.grouping.formatFunction;
groupRowHeightstring | number
Sets the group row height.
Default value
50Get the groupRowHeight property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let groupRowHeight = grid.grouping.groupRowHeight;
Sets or gets the data fields to group by.
Default value
Set the groupBy property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.grouping.groupBy = true;
Get the groupBy property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let groupBy = grid.grouping.groupBy;
Sets the indent of the group.
Default value
16Get the groupIndent property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let groupIndent = grid.grouping.groupIndent;
Describes the group bar's settings.
Makes the group bar visible.
Default value
Set the visible property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.grouping.groupBar.visible = true;
Get the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.grouping.groupBar.visible;
Enables column drag and drop.
Default value
falseGet the allowColumnDragDrop property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowColumnDragDrop = grid.grouping.groupBar.allowColumnDragDrop;
Enables column close buttons.
Default value
trueGet the allowColumnCloseButtons property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowColumnCloseButtons = grid.grouping.groupBar.allowColumnCloseButtons;
Get the groupBar property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let groupBar = grid.grouping.groupBar;
Expands a group in the first grid render. Example: onGroupDefaultExpanded: (dataItem) =>{ return dataItem.label === 'Peppermint Mocha Twist' }
Get the onGroupDefaultExpanded property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let onGroupDefaultExpanded = grid.grouping.onGroupDefaultExpanded;
renderMode"basic" | "compact" | "advanced" | "multipleColumns"
Sets the group render mode. 'basic' mode renders the group headers without taking into account the indent, groupRowHeight and column label properties. 'compact' mode is the same as basic, but also renders the column labels in the group headers. The default mode is 'advanced', which adds indents to groups that depend on the group level. In 'multipleColumns' mode, each group is displayed in its column.
Default value
"advanced"Get the renderMode property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let renderMode = grid.grouping.renderMode;
Sets the indent of the group toggle button.
Default value
16Get the toggleButtonIndent property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let toggleButtonIndent = grid.grouping.toggleButtonIndent;
Describes the group summary row's settings.
Enables inline display of the group summary row.
Default value
Set the inline property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.grouping.summaryRow.inline = true;
Get the inline property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let inline = grid.grouping.summaryRow.inline;
Makes the group summary row visible.
Default value
Set the visible property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.grouping.summaryRow.visible = true;
Get the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.grouping.summaryRow.visible;
Get the summaryRow property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let summaryRow = grid.grouping.summaryRow;
Describes the settings for the group header.
Sets the visibility of the group header.
Default value
falseGet the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.groupHeader.visible;
templatestring | HTMLTemplateElement
Sets a template for the group header.
Default value
""Get the template property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let template = grid.groupHeader.template;
Describes the header settings of the grid.
Sets the header visibility.
Default value
falseGet the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.header.visible;
templatestring | HTMLTemplateElement | {(element: HTMLElement): void}
Sets a template for the header.
Default value
""Get the template property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let template = grid.header.template;
onInit{(element: HTMLElement): void}
This callback function can be used for customization of the Header toolbar. The Toolbar HTML Element is passed as an argument.
Get the onInit property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let onInit = grid.header.onInit;
Determines the buttons displayed in the Grid header. 'columns' displays a button opening the columns chooser panel. 'filter' displays a button opening the filtering panel. 'group' displays a button opening the grouping panel. 'sort' displays a button opening the sorting panel. 'format' displays a button opening the conditional formatting panel. 'search' displays a button opening the search panel. 'colors' displays a button with colors options for formatting.
Default value
[ "columns", "filter", "group", "sort", "format", "search" ]Get the buttons property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let buttons = grid.header.buttons;
searchCommand"search" | "filter"
Sets the search command type.
Default value
"search"Get the searchCommand property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let searchCommand = grid.header.searchCommand;
Custom toolbar button. Allows you to add a custom button to the toolbar.
An object containing settings related to the grid's layout.
Enables or disables the Cells Value wrapping. When the property is true, cell value can wrap in multiple lines.
Default value
Set the allowCellsWrap property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.layout.allowCellsWrap = true;
Get the allowCellsWrap property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowCellsWrap = grid.layout.allowCellsWrap;
Automatically sets width to any new Column which does not have its 'width' property set.
Default value
Set the autoSizeNewColumn property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.layout.autoSizeNewColumn = true;
Get the autoSizeNewColumn property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let autoSizeNewColumn = grid.layout.autoSizeNewColumn;
Sets the min width of the new column.
Default value
Set the autoSizeNewColumnMinWidth property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.layout.autoSizeNewColumnMinWidth = 300;
Get the autoSizeNewColumnMinWidth property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let autoSizeNewColumnMinWidth = grid.layout.autoSizeNewColumnMinWidth;
Automatically sets the height of the Grid.
Default value
Set the autoHeight property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.layout.autoHeight = true;
Get the autoHeight property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let autoHeight = grid.layout.autoHeight;
Automatically sets the width of the Grid. All columns should have a 'width' property set to a number in order to use this feature.
Default value
Set the autoWidth property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.layout.autoWidth = true;
Get the autoWidth property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let autoWidth = grid.layout.autoWidth;
autoGenerateColumnWidthstring | number | null
Sets the width of the auto-generated Grid columns.
Set the autoGenerateColumnWidth property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.layout.autoGenerateColumnWidth = 200;
Get the autoGenerateColumnWidth property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let autoGenerateColumnWidth = grid.layout.autoGenerateColumnWidth;
columnWidthstring | number | null
Sets the width of the Grid columns.
Set the columnWidth property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.layout.columnWidth = 200;
Get the columnWidth property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let columnWidth = grid.layout.columnWidth;
columnHeightstring | number | null
Sets the height of the Grid columns.
Set the columnHeight property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.layout.columnHeight = 60;
Get the columnHeight property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let columnHeight = grid.layout.columnHeight;
Sets the minimum height of the Grid columns.
Default value
Set the columnMinHeight property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.layout.columnMinHeight = 60;
Get the columnMinHeight property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let columnMinHeight = grid.layout.columnMinHeight;
Sets the minimum width of a card in card view.
Default value
Set the cardMinWidth property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.layout.cardMinWidth = 200;
Get the cardMinWidth property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let cardMinWidth = grid.layout.cardMinWidth;
Sets the cards per row.
Set the cardsPerRow property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.layout.cardsPerRow = 3;
Get the cardsPerRow property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let cardsPerRow = grid.layout.cardsPerRow;
Sets whether cards are vertically oriented. In this layout mode, the column label is displayed above the column value
Default value
Set the cardVertical property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.layout.cardVertical = true;
Get the cardVertical property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let cardVertical = grid.layout.cardVertical;
Sets the width of the Grid when displayed in a drop-down mode.
Default value
Set the dropDownWidth property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.layout.dropDownWidth = 200;
Get the dropDownWidth property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let dropDownWidth = grid.layout.dropDownWidth;
Sets the height of the Grid when displayed in a drop-down mode.
Default value
Set the dropDownHeight property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.layout.dropDownHeight = 200;
Get the dropDownHeight property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let dropDownHeight = grid.layout.dropDownHeight;
Sets the minimum height of the Grid rows.
Default value
Set the rowMinHeight property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.layout.rowMinHeight = 60;
Get the rowMinHeight property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let rowMinHeight = grid.layout.rowMinHeight;
rowHeightstring | number | null
Sets the height of the Grid rows. The property can be set to null, auto or a number.
Set the rowHeight property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.layout.rowHeight = 60;
Get the rowHeight property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let rowHeight = grid.layout.rowHeight;
Sets the width of the view bar.
Default value
Set the viewBarWidth property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.layout.viewBarWidth = 200;
Get the viewBarWidth property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let viewBarWidth = grid.layout.viewBarWidth;
Sets or gets the unlockKey which unlocks the product.
Default value
Set the unlockKey property.
<smart-grid unlock-key=''></smart-grid>
Set the unlockKey property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.unlockKey = '1111-2222-3333-4444-5555';
Get the unlockKey property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let unlockKey = grid.unlockKey;
Sets or gets the language. Used in conjunction with the property messages.
Default value
Set the locale property.
<smart-grid locale='de'></smart-grid>
Set the locale property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.locale = 'fr';
Get the locale property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let locale = grid.locale;
Keys handling. You can define a key like "Enter": "Tab" or set a function as a value. When the key is pressed, it will be mapped to the other key, action such as 'copy', 'copyPrev', 'copyNext' or 'delete' or just a function defined in your document.
Sets the messages values.
Default value
{ "en": { "invalidColumnProperty": "{{elementType}}: Invalid property name \"{{propertyName}}\" set for Column: \"{{type}}\"", "invalidRowProperty": "{{elementType}}: Invalid property name \"{{propertyName}}\" set for Row\"", "invalidCellValue": "Invalid cell value \"{{value}}\", Validation rule: \"{{validationRule}}\"", "frozenColumns": "{{elementType}}: To Pin/Freeze a column group, all columns within it should be frozen.", "frozenRows": "{{elementType}}: To Pin/Freeze a special cell, all rows within it should be frozen.", "columnGroups": "{{elementType}}: Please, check the initialization of the smartGrid's columns array. The columns in a column group are expected to be siblings in the columns array.", "min": "Min: {{value}}", "max": "Max: {{value}} ", "sum": "Sum: {{value}} ", "avg": "Avg: {{value}} ", "count": "Count: {{value}} ", "pagerFirstButton": "First", "pagerLastButton": "Last", "pagerPreviousButton": "Previous", "pagerNextButton": "Next", "pagerNavigateToLabel": "Go to:", "pagerPageSizeLabel": "Show:", "pagerNavigateToInputPlaceholder": "", "pagerEllipsis": "...", "pagerSummaryString": "of", "pagerSummaryPrefix": "of", "pagerSummarySuffix": "", "columnMenuCustomizeType": "Customize type", "columnMenuItemRename": "Rename", "columnMenuItemEditDescription": "Edit description", "columnMenuItemDuplicate": "Duplicate", "columnMenuItemInsertLeft": "Insert left", "columnMenuItemInsertRight": "Insert right", "columnMenuItemSortAsc": "Sort {{mode}}", "columnMenuItemSortDesc": "Sort {{mode}}", "columnMenuItemRemoveSort": "Remove Sort", "columnMenuItemFilter": "Filter", "columnMenuItemRemoveFilter": "Remove Filter", "columnMenuItemGroupBy": "Group by this column", "columnMenuItemRemoveGroupBy": "Remove Group", "columnMenuItemHide": "Hide", "columnMenuItemDelete": "Delete", "columnResizeTooltip": "width: {{value}}px", "rowResizeTooltip": "height: {{value}}px", "commandBarAddRow": "Add", "commandBarDeleteRow": "Delete", "commandBarBatchRevert": "Revert", "commandBarBatchSave": "Save", "commandBarFilter": "Filter", "commandBarSort": "Sort", "commandBarSearch": "Search", "commandBarCustomize": "Customize", "commandBarGroup": "Group", "commandColumnEdit": "Edit", "commandColumnDelete": "Delete", "commandColumnCancel": "Cancel", "commandColumnUpdate": "Update", "commandColumnMenu": "", "expandRow": "Expand row", "collapseRow": "Collapse row", "addNewRow": "Click here to add a new row", "addNewColumn": "Click here to add a new column", "dialogChartHeader": "{{value}} Chart", "dialogRowDetailHeader": "Row Id: {{value}}", "dialogDescriptionHeader": "Column: {{value}}", "dialogRowDetailButtonConfirm": "OK", "dialogRowDetailButtonCancel": "CANCEL", "dialogEditHeader": "Edit {{value}}", "dialogAddButtonConfirm": "ADD", "dialogAddButtonCancel": "CANCEL", "dialogEditButtonConfirm": "OK", "dialogEditButtonCancel": "CANCEL", "dialogFilterButtonConfirm": "FILTER", "dialogFilterButtonCancel": "CLEAR", "dialogDeleteButtonConfirm": "DELETE", "dialogDeleteButtonCancel": "CANCEL", "dialogEditColumn": "Column: {{value}}", "dialogAddColumn": "Add Column", "dialogAddHeader": "Add Row", "dialogDeleteHeader": "Delete Row", "dialogFilterHeader": "Filter by", "dialogFilterMinLabel": "Min", "dialogFilterMaxLabel": "Max", "conditionalFormatting": "Conditional Formatting", "groupBarLabel": "Drag a column header here to group by that column", "dialogDeleteContent": "Are you sure you want to delete this row?", "calendar": { "/": "/", ":": ":", "firstDay": 0, "days": { "names": [ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" ], "namesAbbr": [ "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" ], "namesShort": [ "Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa" ] }, "months": { "names": [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December", "" ], "namesAbbr": [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", "" ] }, "AM": [ "AM", "am", "AM" ], "PM": [ "PM", "pm", "PM" ], "eras": [ { "name": "A.D.", "start": null, "offset": 0 } ], "currencySymbol": "$", "currency": "USD", "currencySymbolPosition": "before", "decimalSeparator": ".", "thousandsSeparator": "," }, "CONTAINS": "Contains", "DOES_NOT_CONTAIN": "Does not contain", "ENDS_WITH": "Ends with", "EQUAL": "Equal", "GREATER_THAN": "Greater than", "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL": "Greater than or equal", "LESS_THAN": "Less than", "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL": "Less than or equal", "NOT_EQUAL": "Not equal", "RANGE": "Range", "CLEAR_FILTER": "Clear Filter", "STARTS_WITH": "Starts with", "addFilter": "+ Add filter", "and": "And", "apply": "Apply", "booleanFirst": "☐", "booleanLast": "☑", "cancel": "Cancel", "CONTAINS_CASE_SENSITIVE": "Contains (case sensitive)", "dateFirst": "1", "dateLast": "9", "DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_CASE_SENSITIVE": "does not contain (case sensitive)", "EMPTY": "empty", "ENDS_WITH_CASE_SENSITIVE": "ends with (case sensitive)", "EQUAL_CASE_SENSITIVE": "equal (case sensitive)", "filter": "Filter", "customize": "Customize Columns", "filteredByMultiple": "{{n}} filters", "filteredByOne": "1 filter", "filterValuePlaceholder": "Value", "find": "Find a field", "findInView": "Find in view", "firstBy": "Sort by", "found": "{{nth}} of {{n}}", "from": "from", "noFilters": "No filters applied", "noResults": "No results", "noSorting": "No sorting applied", "NOT_EMPTY": "not empty", "NOT_NULL": "not null", "NULL": "null", "numberFirst": "1", "numberLast": "9", "ok": "OK", "or": "Or", "pickAnother": "Pick another field to sort by", "sort": "Sort", "group": "Group", "sortedByMultiple": "Sorted by {{n}} fields", "sortedByOne": "Sorted by 1 field", "STARTS_WITH_CASE_SENSITIVE": "starts with (case sensitive)", "stringFirst": "A", "stringLast": "Z", "thenBy": "then by", "where": "Where", "collapseAll": "Collapse all", "expandAll": "Expand all", "noGrouping": "No grouping", "groupedByMultiple": "{{n}} groups", "groupedByOne": "1 group", "firstByGroup": "Group by", "pickAnotherGroupBy": "Pick another field to group by", "add": "Add condition", "all": "All columns", "between": "Between", "close": "Close", "column": "Column:", "condition": "Condition:", "equal": "Equal To", "fontFamily": "Font family:", "fontSize": "Font size:", "format": "Format:", "greaterThan": "Greater Than", "highlight": "Highlight", "lessThan": "Less Than", "notEqual": "Not Equal To", "remove": "Remove condition", "secondValue": "Second value:", "text": "Text", "value": "Value:", "addCondition": "Add Condition", "addGroup": "Add Group", "blanks": "(Blanks)", "clear": "Clear", "contains": "contains", "containsCaseSensitive": "contains (case sensitive)", "dateTabLabel": "DATE", "doesNotContain": "does not contain", "doesNotContainCaseSensitive": "does not contain (case sensitive)", "empty": "empty", "endsWith": "ends with", "endsWithCaseSensitive": "ends with (case sensitive)", "equalCaseSensitive": "equal (case sensitive)", "greaterThanOrEqual": "greater than or equal", "lessThanOrEqual": "less than or equal", "mismatchedProperties": "smartFilterPanel: The 'filterType' and the data type of the selected 'dataField' are mismatched.", "missingProperty": "smartFilterPanel: When mode is \"excel\", either \"data\" and \"dataField\" or \"dataSource\" of type Array have to be set.", "notEmpty": "not empty", "notNull": "not null", "null": "null ", "placeholderBoolean": "Select value", "placeholderDate": "Enter date", "placeholderNumber": "Enter number", "placeholderTime": "Enter time", "placeholderValue": "Enter value", "selectAll": "(Select All)", "showRows": "Show rows where:", "startsWith": "starts with", "startsWithCaseSensitive": "starts with (case sensitive)", "matchCase": "Match Case", "timeTabLabel": "TIME", "today": "Today", "formatColumn": "Format Column", "formating": "Conditional Formatting", "reset": "Reset", "filteredRecords": "All rows are filtered", "duplicateCells": "Clone column cells and settings", "duplicateSettings": "Clone column settings", "views": "Views", "noView": "No view", "myView": "My view", "saveView": "New view", "kanbanView": "View your records as cards on a Kanban board", "gridView": "View your records in a Table", "cardView": "View your records in a Card view", "days": "{{value}}d", "daysOverdue": "{{value}} days overdue", "daysLeft": "{{value}} days left", "true": "true", "false": "false", "TOMORROW": "Tomorrow", "TODAY": "Today", "YESTERDAY": "Yesterday", "NEXT_WEEK": "Next week", "THIS_WEEK": "This week", "LAST_WEEK": "Last week", "NEXT_MONTH": "Next month", "THIS_MONTH": "This month", "LAST_MONTH": "Last month", "hideHiddenColumns": "Hide {{value}} hidden columns", "showHiddenColumns": "Show {{value}} hidden columns", "less": "Less", "more": "More", "conditions": "Conditions", "colorsSingleSelect": "Which single select field should the row be colored by?", "colorRows": "Color rows when they match the conditions", "colorSelect": "Color rows the same as a single select value", "colorLeftBorderLabel": "Left border", "colorRowLabel": "Row", "colorCellLabel": "Cell", "colorLeftBorder": "Color the left border of a row", "colorRow": "Color the background of a row", "colorCell": "Color the background of a cell", "loadingIndicatorPlaceholder": "Loading...", "dropDownPlaceholder": "Please select...", "placeholder": "No Rows" } }
onCellValue{(cell: Smart.Grid.Cell): void}
Callback function, which is called when the Grid needs a cell value to render it. When you implement this function, you can override the default cell value rendering.
onCellUpdate{(cells: Smart.Grid.Cell[], oldValues: any[], values: any[], confirm: {(commit: boolean): void}): void}
Callback function, which is called when a cell value will be updated. This function is useful if you want to make Ajax call to a server to validate the cell changes. If the changes are validated, invoke the confirm function.
onCellRender{(cell: Smart.Grid.Cell): void}
Callback function, which is called when a cell is rendered. This function is useful if you want to customize GridCell properties, before the cell is rendered.
onCellBeginEdit{(id: string, dataField: string, value: any): boolean}
Callback function, which is called when a cell edit starts. If you return false, the edit will be canceled.
onCellEditRequest{(id: string, dataField: string, value: any, oldValue: any, data: any): void}
Callback function, which is called when a cell edit ends. It is used along with the 'editing.readOnlyEdit' property when it is set to true and the purpose of this function is to update the Grid cell after editing.
onCellValueChanged{(id: string, dataField: string, value: any): boolean}
Callback function, which is called when a cell value is changed.
onBeforeInit{(): void}
Callback function() called before the grid has been initialized and the Grid's Virtual DOM is not created.
onInit{(): void}
Callback function() called when the grid is initializing and the Grid's Virtual DOM is created.
onAfterInit{(): void}
Callback function() called after the grid has been initialized and the Grid's Virtual DOM is created.
Callback function(chart: Smart.Chart) called when the chart has been initialized. You can use this function to customize the Chart element settings.
Callback function() called when the grid has been rendered.
Callback function() called when the grid has been rendered for first time and bindings are completed. The component is ready.
onKey{(event: KeyboardEvent): void}
Callback function(event: KeyboardEvent) called when the grid is on focus and a keyboard key is pressed.
onRowInit{(index: number, row: Smart.Grid.Row): void}
Callback function, which is called when a row is initializing. This function can be used to customize the row settings.
onRowDetailInit{(index: number, row: Smart.Grid.Row, details: HTMLElement): void}
Callback function, which is called when a row detail is initializing. Row details are displayed below the row's data or in a separate dialog.
onRowDetailUpdated{(index: number, row: Smart.Grid.Row, details: HTMLElement): void}
Callback function, which is called when a row detail is udpating.
onRowHistory{(index: number, row: Smart.Grid.Row, history: any[]): void}
Callback function which is called when a row history is updated. The row history for edits is recorded when the 'storeHistory' property is enabled.
onRowStyle{(index: number, row: Smart.Grid.Row, history: any[]): void}
Callback function which is called when a row style is updated. The row style can be changed by using the row dialog or the 'setRowStyle' method.
onRowInserted{(index: number[], row: Smart.Grid.Row[]): void}
Callback function which is called when a row has been inserted.
onRowRemoved{(indexes: number[], rows: Smart.Grid.Row[]): void}
Callback function, which is called when a row has been removed.
onRowUpdate{(index: number[], row: Smart.Grid.Row[], oldValues: any[], values: any[], confirm: {(commit: boolean): void}): void}
Callback function, which is called when row's cell values will be updated. This function is useful if you want to make Ajax call to a server to validate the edit changes. If the changes are validated, invoke the confirm function.
onRowUpdated{(index: number[], row: Smart.Grid.Row[]): void}
Callback function, called when a row has been updated.
onRowClass{(index: number, data: any, row: Smart.Grid.Row[]): void}
Callback function called by the Grid when defined. It is used to get the CSS class applied to a row.
onCellClass{(index: number, string, cellValue: any, data: any, row: Smart.Grid.Row[]): void}
Callback function called by the Grid when defined. It is used to get the CSS class applied to a cell.
onColumnInit{(index: number, column: Smart.Grid.Column): void}
Callback function, which is called when a column has been initialized. This function can be used to customize the column settings.
onColumnInserted{(index: number, column: Smart.Grid.Column): void}
Callback function, which called when a column has been inserted.
onColumnRemoved{(index: number, column: Smart.Grid.Column): void}
Callback function, which is called when a column has been removed.
onColumnUpdated{(index: number, column: Smart.Grid.Column): void}
Callback function, which is called when a column has been updated.
onColumnClone{(dataField: string, cloneColumnDataField: string, index: number, duplicateCells: boolean): void}
Callback function, which is called when a column has been cloned.
onCommand{(name: string, command: any, details: Smart.Grid.Cell, event: Event | KeyboardEvent | PointerEvent, handled: boolean): void}
Callback function, which is called when a command is executed. The name argument is the command's name. The command argument is the command's function. details are built in command arguments passed by the Grid. The handled parameter allows you to cancel built-in command, because when you set it to true the Grid will not execute the default command's behavior.
Describes the paging settings.
Enables pagination.
Default value
Set the enabled property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.paging.enabled = true;
Get the enabled property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let enabled = grid.paging.enabled;
Describes the spinner pagination settings.
Enables spinner pagination.
Default value
falseGet the enabled property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let enabled = grid.paging.spinner.enabled;
Sets the step of page
Default value
1Get the step property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let step = grid.paging.spinner.step;
Get the spinner property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let spinner = grid.paging.spinner;
Sets the number of rows per page.
Default value
10Get the pageSize property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let pageSize = grid.paging.pageSize;
Sets the number of hierarchical rows per page. For example, displays 2 root groups per page, when grouping is enabled.
Default value
2Get the pageHierarchySize property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let pageHierarchySize = grid.paging.pageHierarchySize;
Sets the start page.
Default value
0Get the pageIndex property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let pageIndex = grid.paging.pageIndex;
Describes the pager settings.
autoEllipsis"none" | "before" | "after" | "both"
Sets the ellipsis display mode.
Default value
"both"Get the autoEllipsis property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let autoEllipsis = grid.pager.autoEllipsis;
position"near" | "far" | "both"
Sets the position of pager.
Default value
"far"Get the position property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let position = grid.pager.position;
templatestring | HTMLTemplateElement
Sets a template for the pager.
Default value
""Get the template property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let template = grid.pager.template;
Describes the settings for the 'rows per page' option.
Sets the visibility of the 'rows per page' option.
Default value
falseGet the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.pager.pageSizeSelector.visible;
Sets the count of the 'rows per page' option.
Get the dataSource property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let dataSource = grid.pager.pageSizeSelector.dataSource;
position"near" | "far"
Sets the position of the 'rows per page' option.
Default value
"far"Get the position property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let position = grid.pager.pageSizeSelector.position;
Get the pageSizeSelector property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let pageSizeSelector = grid.pager.pageSizeSelector;
Describes the summary settings.
position"near" | "far"
Sets the position of the summary.
Default value
"far"Get the position property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let position = grid.pager.summary.position;
Sets the visibility of the summary.
Default value
falseGet the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.pager.summary.visible;
Get the summary property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let summary = grid.pager.summary;
Describes the navigation buttons settings.
Describes the settings about navigation input option.
Describes the settings for the numeric page buttons.
Sets the visibility of numeric page buttons.
Default value
trueGet the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.pager.pageIndexSelectors[0].visible;
Sets the number of visible page buttons.
Default value
10Get the dataSource property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let dataSource = grid.pager.pageIndexSelectors[0].dataSource;
Get the pageIndexSelectors property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let pageIndexSelectors = grid.pager.pageIndexSelectors;
Sets the visibility of pager.
Default value
Set the visible property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.pager.visible = true;
Get the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.pager.visible;
Sets the row details.
Enables the row details.
Default value
Set the enabled property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.rowDetail.enabled = true;
Get the enabled property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let enabled = grid.rowDetail.enabled;
Sets the height of the row details.
Default value
200Get the height property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let height = grid.rowDetail.height;
position"near" | "far"
Sets the position of the Column which allows you to dynamically expand/collapse the row details.
Default value
"near"Get the position property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let position = grid.rowDetail.position;
templatestring | HTMLTemplateElement
Sets the template of the row details.
Default value
""Get the template property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let template = grid.rowDetail.template;
Sets the visibility of the Column which allows you to dynamically expand/collapse the row details.
Default value
Set the visible property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.rowDetail.visible = true;
Get the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.rowDetail.visible;
Sets the row details dialog. When enabled, row details will be displayed in a Dialog.
Sets the header of the dialog.
Default value
"{{message}}"Get the header property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let header = grid.rowDetail.dialog.header;
heightstring | number
Sets the height of the dialog.
Default value
300Get the height property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let height = grid.rowDetail.dialog.height;
widthstring | number
Sets the width of the dialog.
Default value
360Get the width property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let width = grid.rowDetail.dialog.width;
leftstring | number
Sets the Left position of the dialog.
Default value
centerGet the left property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let left = grid.rowDetail.dialog.left;
topstring | number
Sets the Top position of the dialog.
Default value
centerGet the top property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let top =;
Sets whether the row details dialog is enabled. When enabled, row details are displayed in a dialog.
Default value
falseGet the enabled property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let enabled = grid.rowDetail.dialog.enabled;
Get the dialog property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let dialog = grid.rowDetail.dialog;
Sets or gets the rows CSS class rules. Different CSS class names are conditionally applied. Example: rowCSSRules: { 'cell-class-1': settings => === 5, 'cell-class-2': settings => < 5, 'cell-class-3': settings => > 5 }. The settings object contains the following properties: index, data, row, api.
Sets or gets the value indicating whether the element is aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts.
Default value
Set the rightToLeft property.
<smart-grid right-to-left></smart-grid>
Set the rightToLeft property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.rightToLeft = false;
Get the rightToLeft property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let rightToLeft = grid.rightToLeft;
The rows property is used to describe all rows displayed in the grid.
Sets or gets the row can be expanded or collapsed.
Default value
Set the allowToggle property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.rows[0].allowToggle = true;
Get the allowToggle property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowToggle = grid.rows[0].allowToggle;
Sets or gets the row can be resized.
Default value
Set the allowResize property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.rows[0].allowResize = true;
Get the allowResize property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowResize = grid.rows[0].allowResize;
allowSelectboolean | null
Sets or gets the row can be selected.
Default value
Set the allowSelect property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.rows[0].allowSelect = false;
Get the allowSelect property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowSelect = grid.rows[0].allowSelect;
Sets or gets the row can be checked. This property is used when the Grid is in Tree Grid or Grouped mode.
Default value
Set the allowCheck property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.rows[0].allowCheck = false;
Get the allowCheck property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowCheck = grid.rows[0].allowCheck;
Sets or gets the row's check state. This property is used when the Grid is in Tree Grid or Grouped mode.
Default value
Set the checked property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.rows[0].checked = false;
Get the checked property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let checked = grid.rows[0].checked;
Gets the Row's Cells array.
Default value
"Sets or gets the horizontal alignment. Allowed values are: 'left', 'center' or 'right'".
Default value
Set the align property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.rows[0].cells[0].align = 'right';
Get the align property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let align = grid.rows[0].cells[0].align;
Gets the column associated to the cell.
Get the column property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let column = grid.rows[0].cells[0].column;
Sets or gets the cell's text color.
Default value
Set the color property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.rows[0].cells[0].color = 'red';
Get the color property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let color = grid.rows[0].cells[0].color;
Sets or gets the cell's background.
Default value
Set the background property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.rows[0].cells[0].background = 'yellow';
Get the background property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let background = grid.rows[0].cells[0].background;
Sets or gets the cell's borderColor.
Default value
Set the borderColor property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.rows[0].cells[0].borderColor = 'red';
Get the borderColor property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let borderColor = grid.rows[0].cells[0].borderColor;
Sets or gets the cell's colSpan.
Default value
Set the colSpan property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.rows[0].cells[0].colSpan = 1;
Get the colSpan property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let colSpan = grid.rows[0].cells[0].colSpan;
editor"Object{template: string, setValue: {(value: object): void}, getValue: {(): object}, blur: {(): void}, focus: {(): void}, attach: {(): void}, detach: {(): void}, selector: HTMLTemplateElement". Template values: 'checkBox', 'input', 'numberInput', 'autoComplete', 'dateTimePicker', 'custom'
Sets or gets the cell's editor.
Get the editor property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let editor = grid.rows[0].cells[0].editor;
Gets the HTMLElement associated to the cell.
Get the element property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let element = grid.rows[0].cells[0].element;
getFormattedValue{(value: any, type: string): void}
Gets a formatted number or Date.
Get the getFormattedValue property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let getFormattedValue = grid.rows[0].cells[0].getFormattedValue;
Gets whether the cell is in edit mode.
Default value
falseGet the isEditing property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let isEditing = grid.rows[0].cells[0].isEditing;
Gets the old value of the cell
Get the oldValue property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let oldValue = grid.rows[0].cells[0].oldValue;
Sets or gets the cell's fontSize
Default value
Set the fontSize property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.rows[0].cells[0].fontSize = '24px';
Get the fontSize property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let fontSize = grid.rows[0].cells[0].fontSize;
Sets or gets the cell's fontWeight
Default value
Set the fontWeight property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.rows[0].cells[0].fontWeight = '700';
Get the fontWeight property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let fontWeight = grid.rows[0].cells[0].fontWeight;
Sets or gets the cell's fontFamily
Default value
Set the fontFamily property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.rows[0].cells[0].fontFamily = 'Verdana';
Get the fontFamily property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let fontFamily = grid.rows[0].cells[0].fontFamily;
Sets or gets the cell's fontStyle
Default value
Set the fontStyle property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.rows[0].cells[0].fontStyle = 'italic';
Get the fontStyle property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let fontStyle = grid.rows[0].cells[0].fontStyle;
"Sets or gets whether the cell can be edited.".
Default value
Set the readonly property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.rows[0].cells[0].readonly = false;
Get the readonly property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let readonly = grid.rows[0].cells[0].readonly;
Gets the row object associated to the cell.
Get the row property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let row = grid.rows[0].cells[0].row;
Sets or gets the row span.
Default value
1Get the rowSpan property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let rowSpan = grid.rows[0].cells[0].rowSpan;
Sets or gets whether the cell is selected.
Default value
Set the selected property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.rows[0].cells[0].selected = false;
Get the selected property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let selected = grid.rows[0].cells[0].selected;
setProperties{(properties: {name: string, value: string}[]): void}
"Each property is an object{name: string, value: any}. This function allows you to update multiple properties with single refresh.".
Default value
""Get the setProperties property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let setProperties = grid.rows[0].cells[0].setProperties;
"Allowed values are: 'top', 'middle' or 'bottom'".
Default value
Set the tooltip property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.rows[0].cells[0].tooltip = 'my awesome tooltip';
Get the tooltip property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let tooltip = grid.rows[0].cells[0].tooltip;
The cell's value
Set the value property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.rows[0].cells[0].value = 400;
Get the value property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let value = grid.rows[0].cells[0].value;
"Sets or gets the vertical alignment. Allowed values are: 'top', 'center' or 'bottom'".
Default value
Set the verticalAlign property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.rows[0].cells[0].verticalAlign = 'bottom';
Get the verticalAlign property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let verticalAlign = grid.rows[0].cells[0].verticalAlign;
setStyle{(value: any): void}
"Method which applies a cell style object. Expects a JSON object with the following possible values: 'background', 'color', 'fontSize', 'fontFamily', 'fontWeight', 'fontStyle', 'textDecoration'
Default value
nullGet the setStyle property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let setStyle = grid.rows[0].cells[0].setStyle;
Get the cells property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let cells = grid.rows[0].cells;
Gets the row's children array of GridRow. This property is associated to the TreeGrid and Groupng mode of the Grid.
Get the children property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let children = grid.rows[0].children;
Gets the row's bound data.
Get the data property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let data = grid.rows[0].data;
Sets or gets the row's detail height.
Default value
200Get the detailHeight property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let detailHeight = grid.rows[0].detailHeight;
detailTemplatestring | HTMLTemplateElement | null
Sets or gets the row's detail template.
Get the detailTemplate property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let detailTemplate = grid.rows[0].detailTemplate;
elementobject | null
Gets the HTML Element. The property returns null when the Row is not in the View.
Get the element property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let element = grid.rows[0].element;
Sets or gets the row is expanded. This property is used when the Grid is in Tree Grid or Grouped mode.
Default value
falseGet the expanded property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let expanded = grid.rows[0].expanded;
Gets the row's header element.
Get the header property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let header = grid.rows[0].header;
Sets or gets the row's height.
Default value
30Get the height property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let height = grid.rows[0].height;
Gets the row's bound index.
Default value
-1Get the index property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let index = grid.rows[0].index;
idstring | number
Gets the row's bound id.
Default value
""Get the id property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let id = grid.rows[0].id;
Gets whether the row is leaf row in TreeGrid or Grouping mode.
Default value
falseGet the leaf property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let leaf = grid.rows[0].leaf;
Sets or gets the row's maximum height.
Default value
100Get the maxHeight property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let maxHeight = grid.rows[0].maxHeight;
Sets or gets the row's minimum height.
Default value
30Get the minHeight property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let minHeight = grid.rows[0].minHeight;
freeze"near" | "far" | "true" | "false"
Sets or gets the Freeze mode. Accepts: 'near', 'far', true and false. Freezes/Pins the row to top(near) or bottom(far).
Default value
falseGet the freeze property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let freeze = grid.rows[0].freeze;
Sets or gets whether the row is selected.
Default value
Set the selected property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.rows[0].selected = false;
Get the selected property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let selected = grid.rows[0].selected;
Sets or gets whether the row detail is displayed.
Default value
falseGet the showDetail property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let showDetail = grid.rows[0].showDetail;
setStyle{(value: any): void}
"Method which applies a style object to all cells. Expects a JSON object with the following allowed values: 'background', 'color', 'fontSize', 'fontFamily', 'fontWeight', 'fontStyle', 'textDecoration'
Default value
nullGet the setStyle property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let setStyle = grid.rows[0].setStyle;
Sets or gets whether the row is visible. Set the property to 'false' to hide the row.
Default value
Set the visible property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.rows[0].visible = false;
Get the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.rows[0].visible;
Gets the visible index of the row.
Default value
-1Get the visibleIndex property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visibleIndex = grid.rows[0].visibleIndex;
Methods which gets a cell, which is inside a row. A dataField string is a required argument, when you call this method.
Default value
-1Get the getCell property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let getCell = grid.rows[0].getCell;
scrolling"physical" | "virtual" | "infinite" | "deferred"
Sets the scroll mode settings.
Default value
Set the scrolling property.
<smart-grid scrolling='physical'></smart-grid>
Set the scrolling property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.scrolling = 'deferred';
Get the scrolling property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let scrolling = grid.scrolling;
Describes the summary row settings.
Sets the summary row visibility.
Default value
falseGet the visible property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let visible = grid.summaryRow.visible;
Sets the summary row editor. When you point over a summary row cell, an editor is displayed and you will be able to dynamically change the summary type.
Default value
falseGet the editing property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let editing = grid.summaryRow.editing;
Sets the grid's state settings.
Enables or disables auto-save of the Grid's state
Default value
falseGet the autoSave property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let autoSave = grid.stateSettings[0].autoSave;
Enables or disables auto-load of the Grid's state on page reload.
Default value
falseGet the autoLoad property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let autoLoad = grid.stateSettings[0].autoLoad;
Enables or disables save/load of the grid state.
Default value
trueGet the enabled property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let enabled = grid.stateSettings[0].enabled;
Sets or gets the current state.
Default value
Set the current property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.stateSettings[0].current = 'state2';
Get the current property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let current = grid.stateSettings[0].current;
Container which is auto-filled with state objects when you call the saveState method or enable the autoSave of states. Each object has a key which is the state's name and value which is a json with the state's properties.
Get the storage property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let storage = grid.stateSettings[0].storage;
Function called when the state is changed.
Default value
""Get the onStateChange property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let onStateChange = grid.stateSettings[0].onStateChange;
Array with state options such as 'sort', 'filter', 'expandedRows', 'paging', 'selectedCells', 'selectedRows', 'group', 'columns'. This property determines which parts of the state would be saved or loaded.
Get the options property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let options = grid.stateSettings[0].options;
Example about dataSource
const grid = new smartGrid('#grid', { dataSource: new smartDataAdapter({ dataSource: [ { "EmployeeID": 1, "FirstName": "Nancy", "LastName": "Davolio", "ReportsTo": 2, "Country": "USA", "Title": "Sales Representative", "HireDate": "1992-05-01 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1948-12-08 00:00:00", "City": "Seattle", "Address": "507 - 20th Ave. E.Apt. 2A" }, { "EmployeeID": 2, "FirstName": "Andrew", "LastName": "Fuller", "ReportsTo": null, "Country": "USA", "Title": "Vice President, Sales", "HireDate": "1992-08-14 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1952-02-19 00:00:00", "City": "Tacoma", "Address": "908 W. Capital Way" }, { "EmployeeID": 3, "FirstName": "Janet", "LastName": "Leverling", "ReportsTo": 2, "Country": "USA", "Title": "Sales Representative", "HireDate": "1992-04-01 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1963-08-30 00:00:00", "City": "Kirkland", "Address": "722 Moss Bay Blvd." }, { "EmployeeID": 4, "FirstName": "Margaret", "LastName": "Peacock", "ReportsTo": 2, "Country": "USA", "Title": "Sales Representative", "HireDate": "1993-05-03 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1937-09-19 00:00:00", "City": "Redmond", "Address": "4110 Old Redmond Rd." }, { "EmployeeID": 5, "FirstName": "Steven", "LastName": "Buchanan", "ReportsTo": 2, "Country": "UK", "Title": "Sales Manager", "HireDate": "1993-10-17 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1955-03-04 00:00:00", "City": "London", "Address": "14 Garrett Hill" }, { "EmployeeID": 6, "FirstName": "Michael", "LastName": "Suyama", "ReportsTo": 5, "Country": "UK", "Title": "Sales Representative", "HireDate": "1993-10-17 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1963-07-02 00:00:00", "City": "London", "Address": "Coventry House Miner Rd." }, { "EmployeeID": 7, "FirstName": "Robert", "LastName": "King", "ReportsTo": 5, "Country": "UK", "Title": "Sales Representative", "HireDate": "1994-01-02 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1960-05-29 00:00:00", "City": "London", "Address": "Edgeham Hollow Winchester Way" }, { "EmployeeID": 8, "FirstName": "Laura", "LastName": "Callahan", "ReportsTo": 2, "Country": "USA", "Title": "Inside Sales Coordinator", "HireDate": "1994-03-05 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1958-01-09 00:00:00", "City": "Seattle", "Address": "4726 - 11th Ave. N.E." }, { "EmployeeID": 9, "FirstName": "Anne", "LastName": "Dodsworth", "ReportsTo": 5, "Country": "UK", "Title": "Sales Representative", "HireDate": "1994-11-15 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1966-01-27 00:00:00", "City": "London", "Address": "7 Houndstooth Rd." } ], id: 'EmployeeID', dataFields: [ 'EmployeeID: number', 'ReportsTo: number', 'FirstName: string', 'LastName: string', 'Country: string', 'City: string', 'Address: string', 'Title: string', 'HireDate: date', 'BirthDate: date' ]}), columns: [ { label: 'First Name', dataField: 'FirstName', columnGroup: 'name', width: 200 }, { label: 'Last Name', dataField: 'LastName', columnGroup: 'name', width: 200 }, { label: 'Title', dataField: 'Title', width: 160 }, { label: 'Birth Date', dataField: 'BirthDate', cellsFormat: 'd', width: 120 }, { label: 'Hire Date', dataField: 'HireDate', cellsFormat: 'd', width: 120 }, { label: 'Address', dataField: 'Address', width: 250 }, { label: 'City', dataField: 'City', width: 120 }, { label: 'Country', dataField: 'Country' } ] });
Describes the selection settings.
Enables the selection option.
Default value
Set the enabled property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.selection.enabled = true;
Get the enabled property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let enabled = grid.selection.enabled;
Sets or gets whether selection by clicking on a Row header is allowed.
Default value
Set the allowRowHeaderSelection property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.selection.allowRowHeaderSelection = true;
Get the allowRowHeaderSelection property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowRowHeaderSelection = grid.selection.allowRowHeaderSelection;
Sets or gets whether selection by clicking on a Column header is allowed.
Default value
Set the allowColumnHeaderSelection property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.selection.allowColumnHeaderSelection = true;
Get the allowColumnHeaderSelection property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowColumnHeaderSelection = grid.selection.allowColumnHeaderSelection;
Sets or gets whether selection by clicking on a Row is allowed.
Default value
Set the allowRowSelection property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.selection.allowRowSelection = true;
Get the allowRowSelection property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowRowSelection = grid.selection.allowRowSelection;
Sets or gets whether selection by clicking on a cell is allowed.
Default value
Set the allowCellSelection property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.selection.allowCellSelection = true;
Get the allowCellSelection property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowCellSelection = grid.selection.allowCellSelection;
Sets or gets whether selection by dragging(like in Excel) is allowed.
Default value
Set the allowDragSelection property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.selection.allowDragSelection = true;
Get the allowDragSelection property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowDragSelection = grid.selection.allowDragSelection;
Sets or gets whether selection by dragging will automatically scroll the Grid view.
Default value
Set the allowDragSelectionAutoScroll property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.selection.allowDragSelectionAutoScroll = true;
Get the allowDragSelectionAutoScroll property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowDragSelectionAutoScroll = grid.selection.allowDragSelectionAutoScroll;
Sets or gets whether the Cells selection bottom-right corner selection 'Drag Handle' (litte square like in Excel) is displayed. That handle allows you to resize the selection horizontally or vertically
Default value
Set the allowCellDragSelectionHandle property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.selection.allowCellDragSelectionHandle = true;
Get the allowCellDragSelectionHandle property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowCellDragSelectionHandle = grid.selection.allowCellDragSelectionHandle;
Sets or gets whether the Cells selection can be dragged and dropped. Drag happens when the cursor is moved to the bottom of the cells selection. The cursor is changed to a drag cursor. Press the button and hold and move the selection. By default the dragged cell values are copied on drop.
Default value
Set the allowCellDragDropSelectionHandle property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.selection.allowCellDragDropSelectionHandle = true;
Get the allowCellDragDropSelectionHandle property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowCellDragDropSelectionHandle = grid.selection.allowCellDragDropSelectionHandle;
Sets or gets whether the Cells selection will be auto-filled with values on drop when dragging through the 'Drag Handle'.
Default value
Set the allowCellDragSelectionAutoFill property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.selection.allowCellDragSelectionAutoFill = true;
Get the allowCellDragSelectionAutoFill property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let allowCellDragSelectionAutoFill = grid.selection.allowCellDragSelectionAutoFill;
Sets or gets whether the default browser's text selection is enabled.
Default value
Set the defaultSelection property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.selection.defaultSelection = true;
Get the defaultSelection property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let defaultSelection = grid.selection.defaultSelection;
mode"one" | "many" | "extended"
Sets or gets whether the selection allows you to select 'one', 'many' or a variation of 'many' called 'extended'. 'one' allows you to have only single cell or row selected. 'many'
Default value
Set the mode property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.selection.mode = 'extended';
Get the mode property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let mode = grid.selection.mode;
action"none" | "click" | "doubleClick"
Sets or gets whether the selection happens on 'click' or 'doubleClick'. 'none' means that selection can happen only through API.
Default value
"click"Get the action property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let action = grid.selection.action;
Sets or gets whether the checkboxes are automatically displayed only when the mouse is over the Grid. When false, checkboses are always displayed
Default value
Set the autoShow property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.selection.checkBoxes[0].autoShow = true;
Get the autoShow property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let autoShow = grid.selection.checkBoxes[0].autoShow;
Sets or gets whether the checkboxes selection is enabled. In that mode a new column with checkboxes is displayed.
Default value
Set the enabled property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.selection.checkBoxes[0].enabled = true;
Get the enabled property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let enabled = grid.selection.checkBoxes[0].enabled;
action"none" | "click" | "doubleClick"
Sets or gets whether the selection happens on 'click' or 'doubleClick'. 'none' means that selection can happen only through API.
Default value
"click"Get the action property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let action = grid.selection.checkBoxes[0].action;
selectAllMode"none" | "page" | "all"
Sets or gets whether the checkbox selection selects all rows in the current page or all rows. The 'none' setting disables the header checkbox.
Default value
"page"Get the selectAllMode property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let selectAllMode = grid.selection.checkBoxes[0].selectAllMode;
position"near" | "far"
Sets or gets whether the position of the checkbox selection column.
Default value
"near"Get the position property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let position = grid.selection.checkBoxes[0].position;
Get the checkBoxes property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let checkBoxes = grid.selection.checkBoxes;
Default value
""Get the selected property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let selected = grid.selection.selected;
Describes sorting settings.
Enables sorting.
Default value
Set the enabled property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.sorting.enabled = true;
Get the enabled property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let enabled = grid.sorting.enabled;
Sets the sort columns to be sorted.
Get the sort property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let sort = grid.sorting.sort;
Maintains sorting when user edits data in the sorted column. The feature is useful when you want to apply sort just once and you set the property to false.
Default value
Set the maintainSort property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.sorting.maintainSort = false;
Get the maintainSort property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let maintainSort = grid.sorting.maintainSort;
mode"one" | "many"
Sets the count of allowed sorting columns. When the property value is set to 'many', users can sort data by multiple columns.
Default value
Set the mode property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.sorting.mode = 'many';
Get the mode property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let mode = grid.sorting.mode;
commandKey"Default" | "Alt" | "Control" | "Shift"
Sets the command key. The property is used in the multi-column sorting. If commandKey='Control', users will be able to sort by multiple columns only while holding the 'Control' key.
Default value
Set the commandKey property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.sorting.commandKey = 'Shift';
Get the commandKey property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let commandKey = grid.sorting.commandKey;
Enables switching between the three sort states: ascending, descending and not sorted.
Default value
Set the sortToggleThreeStates property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.sorting.sortToggleThreeStates = true;
Get the sortToggleThreeStates property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let sortToggleThreeStates = grid.sorting.sortToggleThreeStates;
Enables switching between the sort states on column click. This is the default behavior.
Default value
Set the sortToggleOnClick property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.sorting.sortToggleOnClick = true;
Get the sortToggleOnClick property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let sortToggleOnClick = grid.sorting.sortToggleOnClick;
Enables switching between the sort states on column click and holding down the command key.
Default value
Set the sortToggleOnClickAndCommandKey property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.sorting.sortToggleOnClickAndCommandKey = true;
Get the sortToggleOnClickAndCommandKey property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let sortToggleOnClickAndCommandKey = grid.sorting.sortToggleOnClickAndCommandKey;
Sets the grid users. Expects an array with 'id', 'name' and optionally 'color' and 'image' properties.
Default value
Set the users property.
<smart-grid users='[]'></smart-grid>
Set the users property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.users = [];
Get the users property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let users = grid.users;
Sets the grid's image and filter upload settings for the image and attachment columns.
Sets or file/image upload url.
Default value
Set the url property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.uploadSettings[0].url = '';
Get the url property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let url = grid.uploadSettings[0].url;
Sets or file/image remove url.
Default value
Set the removeUrl property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.uploadSettings[0].removeUrl = '';
Get the removeUrl property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let removeUrl = grid.uploadSettings[0].removeUrl;
Sets or gets the upload field name. In the backend, you can use this name to access the images data. For example in expressJS, you can use something like that: const images = req['files']['userfile[]'];
Default value
Set the name property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.uploadSettings[0].name = 'files';
Get the name property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let name = grid.uploadSettings[0].name;
Additional data to pass to the server. The format should be a JSON string.
Default value
Set the data property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.uploadSettings[0].data = 'files';
Get the data property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let data = grid.uploadSettings[0].data;
Function called when the upload is completed. JSON object with 'files', 'status', 'fileURL' and 'serverResponse' are passed as parameters when the function is called by the Grid.
Default value
""Get the onUploadCompleted property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let onUploadCompleted = grid.uploadSettings[0].onUploadCompleted;
Function called when the upload has failed. JSON object with 'files', 'status' and 'serverResponse' are passed as parameters when the function is called by the Grid.
Default value
""Get the onUploadError property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let onUploadError = grid.uploadSettings[0].onUploadError;
Example about dataSource
const grid = new smartGrid('#grid', { dataSource: new smartDataAdapter({ dataSource: [ { "EmployeeID": 1, "FirstName": "Nancy", "LastName": "Davolio", "ReportsTo": 2, "Country": "USA", "Title": "Sales Representative", "HireDate": "1992-05-01 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1948-12-08 00:00:00", "City": "Seattle", "Address": "507 - 20th Ave. E.Apt. 2A" }, { "EmployeeID": 2, "FirstName": "Andrew", "LastName": "Fuller", "ReportsTo": null, "Country": "USA", "Title": "Vice President, Sales", "HireDate": "1992-08-14 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1952-02-19 00:00:00", "City": "Tacoma", "Address": "908 W. Capital Way" }, { "EmployeeID": 3, "FirstName": "Janet", "LastName": "Leverling", "ReportsTo": 2, "Country": "USA", "Title": "Sales Representative", "HireDate": "1992-04-01 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1963-08-30 00:00:00", "City": "Kirkland", "Address": "722 Moss Bay Blvd." }, { "EmployeeID": 4, "FirstName": "Margaret", "LastName": "Peacock", "ReportsTo": 2, "Country": "USA", "Title": "Sales Representative", "HireDate": "1993-05-03 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1937-09-19 00:00:00", "City": "Redmond", "Address": "4110 Old Redmond Rd." }, { "EmployeeID": 5, "FirstName": "Steven", "LastName": "Buchanan", "ReportsTo": 2, "Country": "UK", "Title": "Sales Manager", "HireDate": "1993-10-17 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1955-03-04 00:00:00", "City": "London", "Address": "14 Garrett Hill" }, { "EmployeeID": 6, "FirstName": "Michael", "LastName": "Suyama", "ReportsTo": 5, "Country": "UK", "Title": "Sales Representative", "HireDate": "1993-10-17 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1963-07-02 00:00:00", "City": "London", "Address": "Coventry House Miner Rd." }, { "EmployeeID": 7, "FirstName": "Robert", "LastName": "King", "ReportsTo": 5, "Country": "UK", "Title": "Sales Representative", "HireDate": "1994-01-02 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1960-05-29 00:00:00", "City": "London", "Address": "Edgeham Hollow Winchester Way" }, { "EmployeeID": 8, "FirstName": "Laura", "LastName": "Callahan", "ReportsTo": 2, "Country": "USA", "Title": "Inside Sales Coordinator", "HireDate": "1994-03-05 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1958-01-09 00:00:00", "City": "Seattle", "Address": "4726 - 11th Ave. N.E." }, { "EmployeeID": 9, "FirstName": "Anne", "LastName": "Dodsworth", "ReportsTo": 5, "Country": "UK", "Title": "Sales Representative", "HireDate": "1994-11-15 00:00:00", "BirthDate": "1966-01-27 00:00:00", "City": "London", "Address": "7 Houndstooth Rd." } ], id: 'EmployeeID', dataFields: [ 'EmployeeID: number', 'ReportsTo: number', 'FirstName: string', 'LastName: string', 'Country: string', 'City: string', 'Address: string', 'Title: string', 'HireDate: date', 'BirthDate: date' ]}), columns: [ { label: 'First Name', dataField: 'FirstName', columnGroup: 'name', width: 200 }, { label: 'Last Name', dataField: 'LastName', columnGroup: 'name', width: 200 }, { label: 'Title', dataField: 'Title', width: 160 }, { label: 'Birth Date', dataField: 'BirthDate', cellsFormat: 'd', width: 120 }, { label: 'Hire Date', dataField: 'HireDate', cellsFormat: 'd', width: 120 }, { label: 'Address', dataField: 'Address', width: 250 }, { label: 'City', dataField: 'City', width: 120 }, { label: 'Country', dataField: 'Country' } ] });
Sets the current data view. The possible values are 'grid', 'kanban' and 'card'.
Default value
Set the view property.
<smart-grid view='grid'></smart-grid>
Set the view property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
grid.view = 'card';
Get the view property.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid');
let view = grid.view;
This event is triggered, when the edit begins. After the event occurs, editing starts. If you need to prevent the editing for specific cells, rows or columns, you can call event.preventDefault();.
- Bubbles Yes
- Cancelable No
- Interface CustomEvent
- Event handler property onBeginEdit
ev.detailObject string | number - The edited row id.
ev.detail.dataField string - The edited column data field.
ev.detail.row Smart.Grid.Row - The edited row.
ev.detail.column Smart.Grid.Column - The edited column.
ev.detail.cell Smart.Grid.Cell - The edited cell. object - The edited row's data.
ev.detail.value object - The edited cell's value.
Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.
boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.
The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.
The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.
Set up the event handler of beginEdit event.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid'); grid.addEventListener('beginEdit', function (event) { const detail = event.detail, id =, dataField = detail.dataField, row = detail.row, column = detail.column, cell = detail.cell, data =, value = detail.value; // event handling code goes here. })
This event is triggered, when the Grid's header toolbar is displayed and the 'OK' button of a header dropdown is clicked. For example, when you open the columns customize panel, reorder columns and click the 'OK' button.
- Bubbles Yes
- Cancelable No
- Interface CustomEvent
- Event handler property onBatchChange
ev.detail.type string - The type of dropdown. Possible values: 'filter', 'sort', 'search', 'group', 'format', 'customize'
Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.
boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.
The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.
The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.
Set up the event handler of batchChange event.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid'); grid.addEventListener('batchChange', function (event) { const detail = event.detail, type = detail.type; // event handling code goes here. })
This event is triggered, when the Grid's header toolbar is displayed and the 'Cancel' button of a header dropdown is clicked.
- Bubbles Yes
- Cancelable No
- Interface CustomEvent
- Event handler property onBatchCancel
ev.detail.type string - The type of dropdown. Possible values: 'filter', 'sort', 'search', 'group', 'format', 'customize'
Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.
boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.
The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.
The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.
Set up the event handler of batchCancel event.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid'); grid.addEventListener('batchCancel', function (event) { const detail = event.detail, type = detail.type; // event handling code goes here. })
This event is triggered, when the selection is changed. When you select with a drag, the event is triggered when the drag starts and ends.
- Bubbles Yes
- Cancelable No
- Interface CustomEvent
- Event handler property onChange
ev.detail.started boolean - The flag is true, when the selection starts. The flag is false, when the selection ends and when the user changes the selection by dragging.
ev.detail.finished boolean - The flag is true, when the selection ends. The flag is false, when the selection starts and when the user changes the selection by dragging.
ev.detail.originalEvent Event - The original event object, which is 'pointer', 'touch' or 'mouse' Event object, depending on the device type and web browser
Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.
boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.
The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.
The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.
Set up the event handler of change event.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid'); grid.addEventListener('change', function (event) { const detail = event.detail, started = detail.started, finished = detail.finished, originalEvent = detail.originalEvent; // event handling code goes here. })
This event is triggered, when the user clicks on the header of a column.
- Bubbles Yes
- Cancelable No
- Interface CustomEvent
- Event handler property onColumnClick
ev.detail.column Smart.Grid.Column - The clicked column.
ev.detail.dataField string - The column's data field.
ev.detail.originalEvent - The original event object, which is 'pointer', 'touch' or 'mouse' Event object, depending on the device type and web browser
Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.
boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.
The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.
The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.
Set up the event handler of columnClick event.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid'); grid.addEventListener('columnClick', function (event) { const detail = event.detail, column = detail.column, dataField = detail.dataField, originalEvent = detail.originalEvent; // event handling code goes here. })
This event is triggered, when the user double clicks on the header of a column.
- Bubbles Yes
- Cancelable No
- Interface CustomEvent
- Event handler property onColumnDoubleClick
ev.detail.column Smart.Grid.Column - The double-clicked column.
ev.detail.dataField string - The column's data field.
ev.detail.originalEvent - The original event object, which is 'pointer', 'touch' or 'mouse' Event object, depending on the device type and web browser
Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.
boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.
The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.
The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.
Set up the event handler of columnDoubleClick event.
const grid = document.querySelector('smart-grid'); grid.addEventListener('columnDoubleClick', function (event) { const detail = event.detail, column = detail.column, dataField = detail.dataField, originalEvent = detail.originalEvent; // event handling code goes here. })