Blazor Gantt - Nonworking Time

Adjust to Nonworking Time

Smart.Gantt can automatically adjust the end date of a task, according to the Working Time value. Working Time can be set by three properties:

  • NonworkingDays- specifies the nonworking days, from 0 to 6, where 0 is Sunday
    Example values: [4, 5, 6] -- Thursday, Friday & Saturday are nonworking days
  • NonworkingHourse- specifies the nonworking hours, from 0 to 23, where 0 is 12 AM
    Example values:
    - [13, 14, 15] -- 1 PM, 2 PM, and 3 PM are nonworking hours
    - [[1, 6]] -- The range of hours between 1AM and 6AM are nonworking hours

Note that the values of NonworkingDays & NonworkingHourse are taken into consideration only if AdjustToNonworkingTime is set to true -- default value is false

<GanttChart DataSource="Records" DurationUnit="Duration.Hour"
    View="GanttChartView.Week" DayFormat="GanttDayFormat.Short"
    NonworkingHours="@nonworkingHours" AdjustToNonworkingTime="true"/>

    IEnumerable<object> nonworkingHours = new List<object> { new int[] { 0, 6 }, 13, 14, new int[] {18, 23} };

    public List<object> Records = new List<object> {
        new {
            Label = "Release",
            DateStart = "2021-01-01",
            Duration = 24,
            Type = "task"

In the demo above, the "Release" Task has a duration of 24 hours when AdjustToNonworkingTime is false

Unadjusted working time

However, when AdjustToNonworkingTime is set to true, the Task is automatically adjusted according to the NonworkingHours property.
The nonworking hours are set to the period between 0-6, 13, 14 and the period between 18-23.
The expected duration of the the "Release" Task is now one week:

Adjusted working time