Window Blazor API

Window Properties

AddNewTabboolfalseDetermines if 'Add New' Tab inside the Tabs element is visible. Applicable only to TabsWindow
AutoCapitalizeWindowAutoCapitalizeWindowAutoCapitalize.NoneDetermines whether and how the value should be automatically capitalized as it is entered/edited by the user. Applicable only to MultilinePromptWindow.
AutoExpandboolfalseDetermines whether element will auto expand when the input overflows vertically. Applicable only to MultilinePromptWindow.
CancelLabelstring"Cancel"Determines the label for the 'cancel' button inside the Prompt Window.
CompleteLabelstring"Confirm"Determines the label for the 'Complete' button insinde the Progress Window.
ConfirmLabelstring"Confirm"Determines the label for the 'Confirm' button insinde the Prompt Window.
IsCollapsedboolfalseDetermines if the window is collapsed or not. When collapsed the only the header of the window is visible.
CloseOnMaskClickboolfalseWhen a modal window is opened, thid property determines if clicking on the mask closes the window or not.
DataSourceIEnumerable<object>N/ADetermines the data source that will be loaded to the TabsWindow. Applicable only to TabsWindow.
DisabledboolfalseEnables or disables the window.
DisableSnapboolfalseEnables or disables the window snapping feature.
DisplayModeWindowDisplayModeWindowDisplayMode.DefaultDetermines how the characters are displayed inside the input. Applicable to Prompt Window.
DropPositionWindowDropPositionWindowDropPosition.Applicable to TabsWindow when docked inside a DockingLayout Custom Element.
Determines where the window(it's tab items as well) can be dropped inside the DockingLayout.
The property is an array that accepts multiple positions. Note: Positions with prefix 'layout-' are applied to the Tab item children of the TabsWidnow owner that is being dragged. The rest of the positions indicate the allowed drop position inside the hovered target(TabsWindow). Used only by SmartDockingLayout custom elements. Determines the possible drop position inside the DockingLayout. The following values are allowed.
FormatFunctionobjectN/AA callback function defining the new format for the label of the Progress Bar. Applicable only to ProgressWindow.
FooterPositionWindowFooterPositionWindowFooterPosition.TopDetermines the position of the footer of the window element.
FooterTemplateobjectN/ADetermines the template for the Dialog section of the window. By default footerTemplate is null.
HeaderButtonsstring[]new string[]{}Set's the buttons that will be visible in the header section.
HeaderTemplateobjectN/ADetermines the template for the Dialog section of the window. By default headerTemplate is null.
HeaderPositionTabPositionTabPosition.TopDetermines the position of the header of the window element.
HintobjectN/ASets additional helper text below the text box. The hint is visible only when the text box is focued. Applicable to Prompt Window.
IndeterminateboolfalseSets the value of the Progress bar to indeterminate state(null) and starts the animation. Applicable only to ProgressWindow.
InvertedboolfalseSets the filling direction of the Progress Bar. Applicable only to ProgressWindow.
Labelstring""The label of the window that appears in the header area.
LiveResizeboolfalseWhen enabled the resizing operation happens live. By default it's not enabled and during resizing a highlighter around the edges of the window appears to outline the current size of the element.
LayoutobjectN/AApplicable only to TabsWindow when used with a DockingLayout custom element.Used only by SmartDockingLayout. Determines the owner SmartDockingLayout that the window belongs to. When the tabsWindow has been removed from a DockingLayout element, the property is used to indicate that it belongs to that particular Dockinglayout. Accepts a string, representing the ID of a SmartDockingLayout on the page, or an instance of SmartDokcingLayout.
Localestring"en"Sets or gets the language. Used in conjunction with the property messages.
LockedboolfalseApplicable only to TabsWindow when docked inside a DockingLayout Custom Element.Determines of the item can be resized or not.
IsMaximizedboolfalseDetermines if the window is maximized or not. When maximized the window covers the whole viewport.
MessagesobjectN/ASets or gets an object specifying strings used in the widget that can be localized. Used in conjunction with the property locale.
ModalboolfalseDetermines if the window is modal or not. If true the user can only interact with the window and nothing else on the page.
MaxobjectApplicable to TabsWindow when docked inside a DockingLayout Custom Element. Determines the max size of the item. Applicable to Progress Window by allowing the user to specify the maximum of the ProgressBar.
MinobjectApplicable to TabsWindow when docked inside DockingLayout Custom Element. Determines the min size of the item. Applicable to Progress Window by allowing the user to specify the minimu of the ProgressBar.
IsMinimizedboolfalseDetermines if the window is minimized or not. When minimized the window is docked at the bottom left corner of the viewport.
MaxLengthintN/ASets or gets the maximum number of characters that the user can enter. Applicable to Prompt/MultilinePrompt Window.
MinLengthint2Sets or gets the minimum number of characters that the user have to enter to trigger the auto complete functionality. Applicable to Prompt/MultilinePrompt Window.
IsOpenedboolfalseDetermines if the window is visible or not.
PinnedboolfalseDetermines if the window is pinned or not. Pinned window is a window that can't be dragged but can be resized.
Placeholderstring""Determines the input's placeholder. Applicable to Prompt Window.
PromptLabelstring""Determines the label for the Input insinde the PromptWindow.
ReadonlyboolfalseIf the element is readonly, users cannot interact with it.
ResizeIndicatorboolfalseWhen applied a resize indicator is displayed in the bottom right corner of the window and resizing operation can be initiated only from its position.
ResizeModeWindowResizeModeWindowResizeMode.NoneDetermines the resizing mode of the window.
Several modes are available:
  • none - resizing is disabled.
  • vertical - vertical resizing is allowed.
  • horizontal - horizontal resizing is allowed.
  • both - horizontal and vertical resizing is allowed.
  • top - the window can only be resized from the top side.
  • bottom - the window is resizable only from the bottom side.
  • left - the window can be resized only from the left side.
  • right - the window can be resized only from the right side.
RightToLeftboolfalseSets or gets the value indicating whether the element is aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts.
RequiredboolfalseSpecifies that the user must fill the input before submitting a form with the text box.Applicable to Prompt Window.
RequiredMessagestring""Specifies the message that will appear if required is set and no value is provided in the input. Applicable to Prompt Window.
SelectAllOnFocusboolfalseDetermines whether the content of the input will be selected on focus or not. Applicable to Prompt Window.
SelectedIndexint?N/ASets or gets which tab is selected. Applicable only to TabsWindow.
SelectionModeTabSelectionModeTabSelectionMode.ClickDetermines the way the user can switch between tabs. Applicable only to TabsWindow.
SelectionEndint0Indicates the index of the last character in the current selection. Applicable only to MultilinePromptWindow.
SelectionStartint0Indicates the index to the first character in the current selection. Applicable only to MultilinePromptWindow.
ShowProgressValueboolfalseEnables/Disabled the label for the Progress Bar. Applicable only to Progress Window.
Siblingsobject[]new Collection<object[]>()A getter that returns the siblings (that share the same parent) of a LayoutPanel item that is docked inside a DockingLayout. The siblings are also DockingLayout items ( LayoutPanels).Applicable only to TabsWindow when docked inside a DockingLayout.
Sizestring""Applicable to TabsWindow when nested inside a DockingLayout Custom Element. Determines the size of the item.
SpellCheckboolfalseSpecifies whether the element is to have its spelling and grammar checked or not. Applicable only to MultilinePromptWindow.
TabCloseButtonsboolfalseSets or gets whether close buttons are displayed inside the Tab Strip of the TabsWindow. Applicable only to TabsWindow.
TabCloseButtonModeWindowTabCloseButtonModeWindowTabCloseButtonMode.DefaultDetermines if the close button is visible on select or always. Applicable only to TabsWindow.
TabOverflowOverflowOverflow.AutoSets or gets the Tabs scroll buttons behavior. Applicable only when tabLayout is 'scroll'. Applicable only to TabsWindow.
TabPositionTabPositionTabPosition.TopDetetmines Tab Strip is positioned of the TabsWindow. Applicable only to TabsWindow.
TabScrollButtonsPositionLayoutPositionLayoutPosition.BothSets or gets the position of the scroll buttons inside the Tab header of the TabsWindow. Applicable only to TabsWindow.
TabTextOrientationOrientationOrientation.HorizontalSets or gets the orientation of the text in the tabs labels of the TabsWindow. Applicable only to TabsWindow.
Themestring""Determines the theme. Theme defines the look of the element
UnfocusableboolfalseIf is set to true, the element cannot be focused.
ValueobjectDetermines the value of the TextBox/ProgressBar inside the Dialog/Prompt/Progress Window
WindowParentobjectN/ADetermines the actual parent of the element. The window can size and move only in the area of that element.
WrapWindowWrapWindowWrap.SoftIndicates how the input wraps text. Applicable only to MultilinePromptWindow.

Window Methods

AppendChilddynamicdynamic nodeAppends a tabitem to the end of the list of tab items inside element.Args: dynamic node - A TabItem element that should be added to the rest of the items as the last item.
BringToFrontvoidN/ASets the window to the top level so the user can interact with it.
ClearvoidN/AClears the content of the Window.
ClosevoidN/ACloses the window.
CollapseobjectN/ACollapses the window.
EnsureVisiblevoidint indexMakes sure a tab item is visible by scrolling to it. "Applicable only to TabsWindow."Args: int index - The index of the tab to scroll to.
ExpandIEnumerable<object>N/AExpands the window after being collapsed.
GetDataSourceAsync()Task<IEnumerable<object>>'N/A'Gets the &quot;DataSource&quot; property as Task&lt;IEnumerable&lt;object&gt;&gt;.
GetIsCollapsedAsync()Task<bool>'N/A'Gets the &quot;IsCollapsed&quot; property as Task&lt;bool&gt;.
GetIsOpenedAsync()Task<bool>'N/A'Gets the &quot;IsOpened&quot; property as Task&lt;bool&gt;.
GetSelectedIndexAsync()Task<int?>'N/A'Gets the &quot;SelectedIndex&quot; property as Task&lt;int?&gt;.
GetValueAsync()Task<object>'N/A'Gets the &quot;Value&quot; property as Task&lt;object&gt;.
Insertvoidint index, object detailsInserts a new tab and an associated content section. "Applicable only to TabsWindow."Args: int index - The index to insert a new tab at.,object details - An Object with the fields "label", "labelSize", "content" and "group".
InsertBeforedynamicdynamic newNode, dynamic referenceNodeInserts the specified "smart-tab-item" node before the reference "smart-tab-item" node. "Applicable only to TabsWindow."Args: dynamic newNode - The "smart-tab-item" node to insert.,dynamic referenceNode - The "smart-tab-item" node before which newNode is inserted.
InsertBeforedynamicdynamic newNodeInserts the specified "smart-tab-item" node before the reference "smart-tab-item" node. Applicable only to TabsWindow.
MaximizevoidN/AMaximizes the window to fill the area.
MinimizevoidN/AMinimizes the window.
OpenvoidN/AOpens the window
PinvoidN/APins the window. Disables window dragging.
Refreshvoid'N/A'Refreshes the Blazor Component. Performs a layout of the HTML Elements and recalculates the measurements.
RemoveAtvoidint indexRemoves a tab and its associated content section. "Applicable only to TabsWindow."Args: int index - The index of the tab to remove.
RemoveChilddynamicdynamic nodeRemoves a child "smart-tab-item" node. "Applicable only to TabsWindow."Args: dynamic node - The "smart-tab-item" node to remove.
Rendervoid'N/A'Re-renders the Blazor Component. This method will make a full re-render.
RestorevoidN/ARestores the window to it's previous size before maximization/minimization.
Selectvoidint indexSelects a tab. " Applicalbe only to TabsWindow elements."Args: int index - The index of the tab to select.
StateHasChangedvoid'N/A'Refreshes the state and Re-renders the Blazor Component, if necessary.
UnpinvoidN/AUnpins the window. Enables window dragging.
Updatevoidint index, string label, string contentUpdates a tab and its associated content section. " Applicalbe only to TabsWindow elements."Args: int index - The index of the tab to update.,string label - The new label of the tab. The value can be the id of an HTMLTemplateElement,string content - The new content of the tab.

Window Events

NameTypeDescriptionEvent Detail
OnOpeningEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered just before the window starts opening.N/A
Openingevent WindowOpeningEventHandlerThis event is triggered just before the window starts opening.WindowOpeningEventArgs
OnOpenEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when the window is opened( visible ).N/A
Openedevent WindowOpenedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when the window is opened( visible ).WindowOpenedEventArgs
OnClosingEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered just before the window starts closing.N/A
Closingevent WindowClosingEventHandlerThis event is triggered just before the window starts closing.WindowClosingEventArgs
OnCloseEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when the window is closed( hidden )N/A
Closedevent WindowClosedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when the window is closed( hidden )WindowClosedEventArgs
OnCollapseEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when the window is collapsed.N/A
Collapsedevent WindowCollapsedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when the window is collapsed.WindowCollapsedEventArgs
OnDragEndEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when window's dragging is ended.N/A
DragEndedevent WindowDragEndedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when window's dragging is ended.WindowDragEndedEventArgs
OnDragStartEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when window's dragging is started.N/A
DragStartedevent WindowDragStartedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when window's dragging is started.WindowDragStartedEventArgs
OnExpandEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when the window is expanded.N/A
Expandedevent WindowExpandedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when the window is expanded.WindowExpandedEventArgs
OnMaximizeEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when the window is maximized.N/A
Maximizedevent WindowMaximizedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when the window is maximized.WindowMaximizedEventArgs
OnMinimizeEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when the window is minimized.N/A
Minimizedevent WindowMinimizedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when the window is minimized.WindowMinimizedEventArgs
OnResizeEndEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when window's resizing is ended.N/A
ResizeEndedevent WindowResizeEndedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when window's resizing is ended.WindowResizeEndedEventArgs
OnResizeStartEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when window's resizing is started.N/A
ResizeStartedevent WindowResizeStartedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when window's resizing is started.WindowResizeStartedEventArgs
OnRestoreEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when the window is restored to it's previous state before maximization.N/A
Restoredevent WindowRestoredEventHandlerThis event is triggered when the window is restored to it's previous state before maximization.WindowRestoredEventArgs
























