Blazor - Get Started with Button

Blazor - Get Started with Smart.Button

Setup The Project

Follow the Getting Started guide to set up your Blazor Application with Smart UI.

Setup Basic Button

Smart.Button is a highly customizable button element with additional features, styling options and event that can help you further expand the component's functionality
Add the Button component to the Pages/Index.razor file

Basic Button

Button Types

Smart.Button has four distinct button types that can be used depending on the type of action performed by the button:

  • Raised - The raised button looks as if it is lifted above the other elements. It can be used to emphasize important actions
    <Button Class="raised"></Button>
    Raised button
  • Flat - The flat button minimizes distraction from other content. It can be used for actions, which are not critical for the application
    <Button Class="flat"></Button>
    Floating button
  • Floating - The floating button has a small circular shape filled with color. It is best used for actions that need to be avaible at any time to the user
    <Button Class="floating"></Button>
    Floating button
  • Outlined - The otlined button is less emphasized than the default or raised button types. It can be used for secondary actions
    <Button Class="outlined"></Button>
    Outlined button

Button Customization

The role of the button element can also be shown by using some of the built-in color options:

<Button Class="">Default</Button>
<Button Class="primary">Primary</Button>
<Button Class="secondary">Secondary</Button>
<Button Class="success">Success</Button>
<Button Class="error">Error</Button>
Button colors

Shape and size can also be customized using the Class property:

<Button  Class="icon squared primary"><span class="material-icons">alarm</span> Timer</Button>
Timer button

Button Groups

Button Group is a series of buttons placed on the same line. The buttons should execute similar action

        <ButtonGroup DataSource="@options">
            string[] options = new string[]{"Left", "Middle", "Right"};
Button groups

Click Event

The button's action is specified in the OnClick Event:

<Button Class="primary" OnClick="OnClick">Click Me</Button>

    string message = "";
    private void OnClick(){
        message="The button was clicked";

Button click