Blazor Grid - Select


Smart.Grid provides multiple ways for the user to select data from the Grid - Row Selection, Checkbox Selection and Cell Selection.

In addition to many other customization options, it is also possible to set the Grid Selection Mode - whether the user can select just one or multiple items

Row Selection

The default Grid Selection type is Row Selection. To enable row selection, create a GridSelection object and set it as a property of the Grid

@inject WeatherForecastService ForecastService

<Grid DataSource="@forecast"  Selection="@selection">
    <Column DataField="Date" Label="Date" AllowReorder="true"> </Column>
    <Column DataField="TemperatureC" Label="Temp. (C)" AllowReorder="true"> </Column>
    <Column DataField="TemperatureF" Label="Temp. (F)" AllowReorder="true"> </Column>
    <Column DataField="Summary" Label="Summary" AllowReorder="true"> </Column>

  GridSelection selection = new GridSelection()
      Enabled = true,
      Mode = GridSelectionMode.Many

  private WeatherForecast[] forecast;

  protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
      forecast = await ForecastService.GetForecastAsync(DateTime.Now);
Row selection

Note that multiple rows can be selected here since GridSelectionMode is set to Many

CheckBox Selection

When CheckBox Selection is enabled, the Smart.Grid will automatically generate a new checkbox column, which can be used to select rows

GridSelection selection = new GridSelection()
    Enabled = true,
    Mode = GridSelectionMode.Many,
    CheckBoxes = new GridSelectionCheckBoxes()
        Enabled = true,
        Position = Position.Near
CheckBox selection

Note that the properties of the checkboxes are set inside the GridSelectionCheckBoxes object

Cell Selection

It is possible to allow selection of individual cells, instead of the entire rows, using the AllowCellSelection property

GridSelection selection = new GridSelection()
    Enabled = true,
    AllowRowSelection = false,
    AllowCellSelection = true,
    AllowColumnHeaderSelection = true,
    Mode = GridSelectionMode.Many,
    CheckBoxes = new GridSelectionCheckBoxes()
        Enabled = true,
        Position = Position.Near

Note that since AllowColumnHeaderSelection is set to true, all cells of a column can be selected by clicking the column's header

Cell selection

Selection Methods

Smart.Grid allows you to programmaticaly set or get the selected state of a cell or row. Some of the main methods are:

  • GetSelectedCells - Gets the selected cells. Returns an array of cells. Each cell is an array with row id, column data field and cell value
  • GetSelectedRows - Gets the selected rows. Returns an arrat of the selected row ids
  • GetSelectedRows - Gets the selected rows. Returns an arrat of the selected row ids
  • ClearSelection - Clears the selection that user has made. All row, cell and column selection highlights will be removed
  • Select - Selects a row, cell or column. Expects:
    • rowId - string | number
    • dataField - not required - string
  • SelectRows - Select multiple rows by id. Expects array of rowId.
  • Unselect - Unselects a row, cell or column. Expects:
    • rowId - string | number
    • dataField - not required - string