Grid Blazor API

Grid Properties

AppearanceGridAppearanceN/AAn object containing settings related to the grid's appearance.
BehaviorGridBehaviorN/AAn object containing settings related to the grid's behavior.
LayoutGridLayoutN/AAn object containing settings related to the grid's layout.
Localestring"en"Sets or gets the language. Used in conjunction with the property messages.
ClipboardGridClipboardN/AThe clipboard property is used to enable/disable clipboard operations with Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X and Ctrl+V keyboard navigations..
ColumnsIEnumerable<IGridColumn>[]The columns property is used to describe all columns displayed in the grid.
ColumnMenuGridColumnMenuN/AColumn Menu is the drop-down menu displayed after clicking the column header's drop-down button, which is displayed when you hover the column header. It allows you to customize column settings. For example: Sort, Filter or Group the Grid by the current column.
ColumnGroupsIEnumerable<IGridColumnGroup>N/ADescribes the settings of the column groups.
ConditionalFormattingIEnumerable<IGridConditionalFormatting>N/ASets or gets details about conditional formatting to be applied to the Grid's cells.
ChartingGridChartingN/ASets the Grid Charting Data Visualization.
CheckBoxesGridCheckBoxesN/ASets the TreeGrid checkboxes.
DataExportGridDataExportN/ASets the Grid Data Export options.
DataSourceobjectN/ASets the grid's data source. The value of dataSource can be an instance of IEnumerable<object> or an Array.
DataSourceSettingsGridDataSourceSettingsN/ASets the grid's data source settings when the dataSource property is set to an Array or URL.
EditingGridEditingN/ADescribes the grid's editing settings.
FilteringGridFilteringN/ADescribes the grid's filtering settings.
GroupingGridGroupingN/ADescribes the grid's grouping settings.
MessagesobjectN/ASets the messages values.
OnCellValueAction<object>N/ACallback function, which is called when the Grid needs a cell value to render it. When you implement this function, you can override the default cell value rendering.
OnCellUpdateAction<object>N/ACallback function, which is called when a cell value will be updated. This function is useful if you want to make Ajax call to a server to validate the cell changes. If the changes are validated, invoke the confirm function.
OnCellRenderAction<object>N/ACallback function, which is called when a cell is rendered. This function is useful if you want to customize GridCell properties, before the cell is rendered.
OnBeforeInitAction<object>N/ACallback function() called before the grid has been initialized and the Grid's Virtual DOM is not created.
OnInitAction<object>N/ACallback function() called when the grid is initializing and the Grid's Virtual DOM is created.
OnAfterInitAction<object>N/ACallback function() called after the grid has been initialized and the Grid's Virtual DOM is created.
OnChartInitobjectN/ACallback function(chart: Smart.Chart) called when the chart has been initialized. You can use this function to customize the Chart element settings.
OnRenderobjectN/ACallback function() called when the grid has been rendered.
OnKeyAction<object>N/ACallback function(event: KeyboardEvent) called when the grid is on focus and a keyboard key is pressed.
OnRowInitAction<object>N/ACallback function, which is called when a row is initializing. This function can be used to customize the row settings.
OnRowDetailInitAction<object>N/ACallback function, which is called when a row detail is initializing. Row details are displayed below the row's data or in a separate dialog.
OnRowDetailUpdatedAction<object>N/ACallback function, which is called when a row detail is udpating.
OnRowInsertedAction<object>N/ACallback function which is called when a row has been inserted.
OnRowRemovedAction<object>N/ACallback function, which is called when a row has been removed.
OnRowUpdateAction<object>N/ACallback function, which is called when row's cell values will be updated. This function is useful if you want to make Ajax call to a server to validate the edit changes. If the changes are validated, invoke the confirm function.
OnRowUpdatedAction<object>N/ACallback function, called when a row has been updated.
OnColumnInitAction<object>N/ACallback function, which is called when a column has been initialized. This function can be used to customize the column settings.
OnColumnInsertedAction<object>N/ACallback function, which called when a column has been inserted.
OnColumnRemovedAction<object>N/ACallback function, which is called when a column has been removed.
OnColumnUpdatedAction<object>N/ACallback function, which is called when a column has been updated.
OnCommandAction<object>N/ACallback function, which is called when a command is executed. The name argument is the command's name. The command argument is the command's function. details are built in command arguments passed by the Grid. The handled parameter allows you to cancel built-in command, because when you set it to true the Grid will not execute the default command's behavior.
CurrentUserobjectSets or gets the id of the current user. Has to correspond to the id of an item from the users property/array. Depending on the current user, different privileges are enabled. If no current user is set, privileges depend on the element's properties.
UsersIEnumerable<object>[]Sets the grid users. Expects an array with 'id', 'name' and optionally 'color' and 'image' properties.
PagingGridPagingN/ADescribes the paging settings.
PagerGridPagerN/ADescribes the pager settings.
RowDetailGridRowDetailN/ASets the row details.
ScrollingScrollingScrolling.PhysicalSets the scroll mode settings.
ColumnHeaderGridColumnHeaderN/ADescribes the column header settings.
SummaryRowGridSummaryRowN/ADescribes the summary row settings.
GroupHeaderGridGroupHeaderN/ADescribes the settings for the group header.
HeaderGridHeaderN/ADescribes the header settings of the grid.
FooterGridFooterN/ADescribes the footer settings of the grid.
RightToLeftboolfalseSets or gets the value indicating whether the element is aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts.
RowsIEnumerable<IGridRow>N/AThe rows property is used to describe all rows displayed in the grid.
SelectionGridSelectionN/ADescribes the selection settings.
SortingGridSortingN/ADescribes sorting settings.

Grid Methods

AddFiltervoidstring dataField, string filter, bool refreshFiltersAdds a filter to a column. This method will apply a filter to the Grid data.Args: string dataField - column bound data field. For example, if you have a column with dataField: 'firstName', set 'firstName' here.,string filter - Filter expression like: 'startsWith B'. Example 2: ['contains Andrew or contains Nancy'], Example 3: ['quantity', '&lt;= 3 and &gt;= 8']. Filter conditions which you can use in the expressions: '=', 'EQUAL','&lt;&gt;', 'NOT_EQUAL', '!=', '&lt;', 'LESS_THAN','&gt;', 'GREATER_THAN', '&lt;=', 'LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL', '&gt;=', 'GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL','starts with', 'STARTS_WITH','ends with', 'ENDS_WITH', '', 'EMPTY', 'CONTAINS','DOES_NOT_CONTAIN', 'NULL','NOT_NULL',bool refreshFilters - Set this to false, if you will use multiple 'addFilter' calls. By doing this, you will avoid unnecessary renders.
AddFiltervoidstring dataField, string filterAdds a filter to a column. This method will apply a filter to the Grid data.
AddGroupvoidstring dataFieldGroups the Grid by a data field. This method will add a group to the Grid when grouping is enabled.Args: string dataField - column bound data field. For example, if you have a column with dataField: 'firstName', set 'firstName' here.
AddNewColumnnoneIEnumerable<object> columnAdds a new column.Args: dynamic column - A Grid column object. See 'columns' property.
AddNewRowboolstring positionAdds a new row and puts it into edit mode. When batch editing is enabled, the row is not saved until the batch edit is saved.Args: string position - 'near' or 'far'
AddNewRowboolN/AAdds a new row and puts it into edit mode. When batch editing is enabled, the row is not saved until the batch edit is saved.
AddRowvoidobject data, bool insertAtBottom, object callbackAdds a row. When batch editing is enabled, the row is not saved until the batch edit is saved.Args: object data - row data matching the data source,bool insertAtBottom - Determines whether to add the new row to the bottom or top of the collection. The default value is 'true',object callback - Sets a callback function, which is called after the new row is added. The callback's argument is the new row.
AddRowvoidobject dataAdds a row. When batch editing is enabled, the row is not saved until the batch edit is saved.
AddSortvoidstring dataField, string sortOrderSorts the Grid by a data field. This method will add a sorting to the Grid when sorting is enabled.Args: string dataField - column bound data field. For example, if you have a column with dataField: 'firstName', set 'firstName' here.,string sortOrder - column's sort order. Use 'asc' or 'desc'.
AddUnboundRowboolint count, string positionAdds a new unbound row to the top or bottom. Unbound rows are not part of the Grid's dataSource. They become part of the dataSource, after an unbound row is edited.Args: int count - The count of unbound rows.,string position - 'near' or 'far'
AddUnboundRowboolint countAdds a new unbound row to the top or bottom. Unbound rows are not part of the Grid's dataSource. They become part of the dataSource, after an unbound row is edited.
AreAllRowsSelectedboolN/AThis method returns true, if all rows in the Grid are selected.
AutoSizeColumnsvoidN/AAuto-sizes grid columns. This method will update the "width" of all Grid columns.
AutoSizeRowsvoidN/AAuto-sizes grid rows. This method will update the "height" of all Grid rows.
BeginEditvoidobject rowId, string dataFieldBegins row, cell or column. This method allows you to programmatically start a cell, row or column editing. After calling it, an editor HTMLElement will be created and displayed in the Grid.Args: string rowId - row bound id,string dataField - column bound data field. For example, if you have a column with dataField: 'firstName', set 'firstName' here.
BeginEditvoidobject rowIdBegins row, cell or column. This method allows you to programmatically start a cell, row or column editing. After calling it, an editor HTMLElement will be created and displayed in the Grid.
BeginEditvoidstring rowId, string dataFieldBegins row, cell or column. This method allows you to programmatically start a cell, row or column editing. After calling it, an editor HTMLElement will be created and displayed in the Grid.Args: string rowId - row bound id,string dataField - column bound data field. For example, if you have a column with dataField: 'firstName', set 'firstName' here.
BeginEditvoidstring rowIdBegins row, cell or column. This method allows you to programmatically start a cell, row or column editing. After calling it, an editor HTMLElement will be created and displayed in the Grid.
BeginEditvoidint rowId, string dataFieldBegins row, cell or column. This method allows you to programmatically start a cell, row or column editing. After calling it, an editor HTMLElement will be created and displayed in the Grid.Args: int rowId - row bound id,string dataField - column bound data field. For example, if you have a column with dataField: 'firstName', set 'firstName' here.
BeginEditvoidint rowIdBegins row, cell or column. This method allows you to programmatically start a cell, row or column editing. After calling it, an editor HTMLElement will be created and displayed in the Grid.
BeginUpdatevoidN/AStarts an update operation. This is appropriate when calling multiple methods or set multiple properties at once.
CancelEditvoidN/ACancels the editing. This method closes the cell editor and cancels the changes.
CheckAllRowsvoidN/AChecks all TreeGrid or Grouping rows. This method updates all check-boxes in the TreeGrid or Grouping rows.
CheckRowvoidobject rowIdChecks a TreeGrid row. This method updates the row's check-box.Args: string rowId - row bound id
CheckRowvoidstring rowIdChecks a TreeGrid row. This method updates the row's check-box.Args: string rowId - row bound id
CheckRowvoidint rowIdChecks a TreeGrid row. This method updates the row's check-box.Args: int rowId - row bound id
ClearFiltervoidN/AClears all filters. Refreshes the view and updates all filter input components.
ClearGroupsvoidN/AClears all data groups. Refreshes the view and updates the DataGrid component.
ClearRowsvoidN/AClears the user selection and empties the data source. The Grid will display 'No Rows' in the view.
ClearSelectionvoidN/AClears the selection that user have made. All row, cell and column selection highlights will be removed.
ClearSortvoidN/AClears all sorting. Refreshes the view and updates the DataGrid component.
CloseMenuvoidN/ACloses the column drop-down menu.
CollapseAllRowsvoidN/ACollapses all TreeGrid or Grouping rows.
CollapseRowvoidobject rowIdCollapses a TreeGrid or Grouping row.Args: string rowId - row bound id
CollapseRowvoidstring rowIdCollapses a TreeGrid or Grouping row.Args: string rowId - row bound id
CollapseRowvoidint rowIdCollapses a TreeGrid or Grouping row.Args: int rowId - row bound id
CreateChartvoidstring type, object dataSourceCreates a Chart, when charting is enabled.Args: string type - Chart's type,object dataSource - Chart's data source
CreateChartvoidstring typeCreates a Chart, when charting is enabled.
DeleteRowvoidobject rowId, object callbackDelete a row. When batch editing is enabled, the row is not saved until the batch edit is saved.Args: string rowId - row bound id,object callback - Sets a callback function, which is called after the row is deleted. The callback's argument is the deleted row.
DeleteRowvoidobject rowIdDelete a row. When batch editing is enabled, the row is not saved until the batch edit is saved.
EndEditvoidN/AEnds the editing. This method confirms all changes and closes the opened cell editor(s).
EndUpdatevoidbool refreshEnds the update operation. This method will resume the rendering and will refresh the Grid.Args: bool refresh - The flag that control the calls of the refresh method.
EndUpdatevoidN/AEnds the update operation. This method will resume the rendering and will refresh the Grid.
EnsureVisibleboolobject rowId, string dataFieldScrolls to a row or cell. This method scrolls to a row or cell, when scrolling is necessary. If pagination is enabled, it will automatically change the page.Args: string rowId - row bound id,string dataField - column bound data field. For example, if you have a column with dataField: 'firstName', set 'firstName' here.
EnsureVisibleboolobject rowIdScrolls to a row or cell. This method scrolls to a row or cell, when scrolling is necessary. If pagination is enabled, it will automatically change the page.
EnsureVisibleboolstring rowId, string dataFieldScrolls to a row or cell. This method scrolls to a row or cell, when scrolling is necessary. If pagination is enabled, it will automatically change the page.Args: string rowId - row bound id,string dataField - column bound data field. For example, if you have a column with dataField: 'firstName', set 'firstName' here.
EnsureVisibleboolstring rowIdScrolls to a row or cell. This method scrolls to a row or cell, when scrolling is necessary. If pagination is enabled, it will automatically change the page.
EnsureVisibleboolint rowId, string dataFieldScrolls to a row or cell. This method scrolls to a row or cell, when scrolling is necessary. If pagination is enabled, it will automatically change the page.Args: int rowId - row bound id,string dataField - column bound data field. For example, if you have a column with dataField: 'firstName', set 'firstName' here.
EnsureVisibleboolint rowIdScrolls to a row or cell. This method scrolls to a row or cell, when scrolling is necessary. If pagination is enabled, it will automatically change the page.
ExpandAllRowsvoidN/AExpands all TreeGrid or Grouping rows.
ExpandRowvoidobject rowIdExpands a TreeGrid or Grouping row.Args: string rowId - row bound id
ExpandRowvoidstring rowIdExpands a TreeGrid or Grouping row.Args: string rowId - row bound id
ExpandRowvoidint rowIdExpands a TreeGrid or Grouping row.Args: int rowId - row bound id
ExportDatavoidstring DataformatExports the Grid data to .XLSX, .PDF, .JSON, .XML, .CSV, .TSV, .HTML, .JPEG or .PNG. The method uses the options of the "dataExport" property.Args: string Data format - 'xlsx', 'pdf', 'json', 'xml', 'csv', 'tsv', 'html', 'png', 'jpeg'.
FirstPagevoidN/ANavigates to the first page, when grid paging is enabled.
GetBatchEditChangesobjectN/AGets the changes from the batch edit.
GetCellValueobjectobject rowId, string dataFieldGets a value of a cell.Args: string rowId - row bound id,string dataField - column bound data field. For example, if you have a column with dataField: 'firstName', set 'firstName' here.
GetCellValueobjectstring rowId, string dataFieldGets a value of a cell.Args: string rowId - row bound id,string dataField - column bound data field. For example, if you have a column with dataField: 'firstName', set 'firstName' here.
GetCellValueobjectint rowId, string dataFieldGets a value of a cell.Args: int rowId - row bound id,string dataField - column bound data field. For example, if you have a column with dataField: 'firstName', set 'firstName' here.
GetCheckedAsync()Task<bool>'N/A'Gets the &quot;Checked&quot; property as Task&lt;bool&gt;.
GetColumnPropertyobjectstring dataField, string propertyNameGets a value of a column.Args: string dataField - column bound data field. For example, if you have a column with dataField: 'firstName', set 'firstName' here.,string propertyName - The property name.
GetColumnsIEnumerable<object>N/AGets the columns array. Each item in the array contains the column properties which are dynamically set by the user interaction and the columns initialization data properties such as: 'label', 'dataField', 'dataType', 'visible'.
GetDataSourceAsync()Task<IEnumerable<object>>'N/A'Gets the &quot;DataSource&quot; property as Task&lt;IEnumerable&lt;object&gt;&gt;.
GetFilteredColumnsIEnumerable<object>N/AGets an array of columns with applied filters.
GetGroupsIEnumerable<object>N/AGets the groups array.
GetHorizontalScrollMaxintN/AGets the maximum position of the horizontal scrollbar. You can use this method in combination with the setHorizontalScrollValue to apply a new scroll position.
GetHorizontalScrollValueintN/AGets the position of the horizontal scrollbar.
GetIsExpandedAsync()Task<bool>'N/A'Gets the &quot;IsExpanded&quot; property as Task&lt;bool&gt;.
GetPageIndexAsync()Task<int>'N/A'Gets the &quot;PageIndex&quot; property as Task&lt;int&gt;.
GetRowDataobjectobject rowIdGets the Data source data associated to the row.Args: string rowId - row bound id
GetRowDataobjectstring rowIdGets the Data source data associated to the row.Args: string rowId - row bound id
GetRowDataobjectint rowIdGets the Data source data associated to the row.Args: int rowId - row bound id
GetRowIdobjectint rowIndexGets the Row's id.Args: int rowIndex - row index
GetRowPropertyobjectobject rowId, string propertyNameGets a value of a row.Args: string rowId - row bound id,string propertyName - The property name.
GetRowPropertyobjectstring rowId, string propertyNameGets a value of a row.Args: string rowId - row bound id,string propertyName - The property name.
GetRowPropertyobjectint rowId, string propertyNameGets a value of a row.Args: int rowId - row bound id,string propertyName - The property name.
GetSelectedAsync()Task<string>'N/A'Gets the &quot;Selected&quot; property as Task&lt;string&gt;.
GetSelectedCellsIEnumerable<object>N/AGets the selected cells. The method returns an array of cell. Each cell is an array with row id, column data field and cell value.
GetSelectedRowsIEnumerable<object>N/AGets the selected row ids.
GetSelectionIEnumerable<object>N/AGets the selection.
GetSortedColumnsobjectN/AGets an array of columns with applied sorting. Each member in the array is with column's data field used as a key and 'sortOrder' and 'sortIndex' as a value.
GetStateobjectN/AGets a JSON object with the following fields: 'sort', 'filter', 'groups', 'paging', 'selectedCells', 'selectedrows'.
GetValueAsync()Task<object>'N/A'Gets the &quot;Value&quot; property as Task&lt;object&gt;.
GetVerticalScrollMaxintN/AGets the maximum position of the vertical scrollbar. You can use this method in combination with the setVerticalScrollValue to apply a new scroll position.
GetVerticalScrollValueintN/AGets the position of the vertical scrollbar.
GetViewRowsIEnumerable<object>N/AGets the result of the getVisibleRows or the rows hierarchy, when the Grid is in TreeGrid/Grouping mode.
GetVisibleRowsIEnumerable<object>N/AGets an array of rows, which are visible and match the applied filter.
GoToPagevoidint indexNavigates to a page, when paging is enabled.Args: int index - page index
HasMenuboolN/AGets whether a column's drop-down menu is opened.
HasSelectedRowsboolN/AThis method returns true, if any rows in the Grid are selected.
HideDetailvoidobject rowIdHides the Details of a Row, when row details are enabled.Args: string rowId - row bound id
HideDetailvoidstring rowIdHides the Details of a Row, when row details are enabled.Args: string rowId - row bound id
HideDetailvoidint rowIdHides the Details of a Row, when row details are enabled.Args: int rowId - row bound id
HighlightCellvoidobject rowId, string dataField, string classNameHighlights a cell. Calling the method a second time toggle the highlight state.Args: string rowId - row bound id,string dataField - column bound data field. For example, if you have a column with dataField: 'firstName', set 'firstName' here.,string className - CSS Class Name
HighlightCellvoidobject rowId, string dataFieldHighlights a cell. Calling the method a second time toggle the highlight state.
HighlightCellvoidstring rowId, string dataField, string classNameHighlights a cell. Calling the method a second time toggle the highlight state.Args: string rowId - row bound id,string dataField - column bound data field. For example, if you have a column with dataField: 'firstName', set 'firstName' here.,string className - CSS Class Name
HighlightCellvoidstring rowId, string dataFieldHighlights a cell. Calling the method a second time toggle the highlight state.
HighlightCellvoidint rowId, string dataField, string classNameHighlights a cell. Calling the method a second time toggle the highlight state.Args: int rowId - row bound id,string dataField - column bound data field. For example, if you have a column with dataField: 'firstName', set 'firstName' here.,string className - CSS Class Name
HighlightCellvoidint rowId, string dataFieldHighlights a cell. Calling the method a second time toggle the highlight state.
HighlightColumnvoidstring dataFieldHighlights a column. Highlights a Grid column.Args: string dataField - column bound data field. For example, if you have a column with dataField: 'firstName', set 'firstName' here.
HighlightRowvoidobject rowId, string classNameHighlights a row. Calling the method a second time toggle the highlight state.Args: string rowId - row bound id,string className - CSS Class Name
HighlightRowvoidobject rowIdHighlights a row. Calling the method a second time toggle the highlight state.
HighlightRowvoidstring rowId, string classNameHighlights a row. Calling the method a second time toggle the highlight state.Args: string rowId - row bound id,string className - CSS Class Name
HighlightRowvoidstring rowIdHighlights a row. Calling the method a second time toggle the highlight state.
HighlightRowvoidint rowId, string classNameHighlights a row. Calling the method a second time toggle the highlight state.Args: int rowId - row bound id,string className - CSS Class Name
HighlightRowvoidint rowIdHighlights a row. Calling the method a second time toggle the highlight state.
LastPagevoidN/ANavigates to the last page, when grid paging is enabled.
NextPagevoidN/ANavigates to the next page, when grid paging is enabled.
OpenMenuvoidstring dataFieldOpens a column drop-down menu.Args: string dataField - column bound data field. For example, if you have a column with dataField: 'firstName', set 'firstName' here.
PrevPagevoidN/ANavigates to the prev page, when grid paging is enabled.
PrintvoidN/APrints the Grid data. The method uses the options of the "dataExport" property. When printed, the Grid will not display any scrollbars so all rows and columns will be displayed. The grid will auto resize width and height to fit all contents. To customize the printing options, you can use the "dataExport" property.
Refreshvoid'N/A'Refreshes the Blazor Component. Performs a layout of the HTML Elements and recalculates the measurements.
RefreshvoidN/ARefreshes the grid with the current property values. This method will refresh the Grid layout.
RefreshSortvoidN/ARe-sorts the Grid by using the already applied column sortings and re-renders the Grid.
RefreshViewvoidN/ARefreshes the grid cells in view. The method is useful for live-updates of cell values.
RemoveFiltervoidstring dataField, bool refreshFiltersRemoves a column filter. Args: string dataField - column bound data field. For example, if you have a column with dataField: 'firstName', set 'firstName' here.,bool refreshFilters - Set this to false, if you need to make multiple removeFilter calls.
RemoveFiltervoidstring dataFieldRemoves a column filter.
RemoveGroupvoidstring dataFieldRemoves a group by data field. This method will remove a group to the Grid when grouping is enabled.Args: string dataField - column bound data field. For example, if you have a column with dataField: 'firstName', set 'firstName' here.
RemoveSortvoidstring dataFieldRemoves a sorting by data field. This method will remove a sorting from a Grid column.Args: string dataField - column bound data field. For example, if you have a column with dataField: 'firstName', set 'firstName' here.
Rendervoid'N/A'Re-renders the Blazor Component. This method will make a full re-render.
RendervoidN/ARenders the grid. This method will make a full-refresh like in the initial Grid creation. It will create Rows, Columns and Cells HTML Elements and then refresh the Grid layout.
ReorderColumnsvoidobject dataField, object referenceDataField, bool insertAfterReorders two DataGrid columns.Args: string dataField - The data field or column index of the first grid column.,string referenceDataField - The data field or column index of the second grid column.,bool insertAfter - Determines whether to insert the first column after the reference column.
ReorderColumnsvoidobject dataField, object referenceDataFieldReorders two DataGrid columns.
ReorderColumnsvoidstring dataField, string referenceDataField, bool insertAfterReorders two DataGrid columns.Args: string dataField - The data field or column index of the first grid column.,string referenceDataField - The data field or column index of the second grid column.,bool insertAfter - Determines whether to insert the first column after the reference column.
ReorderColumnsvoidstring dataField, string referenceDataFieldReorders two DataGrid columns.
ReorderColumnsvoidint dataField, int referenceDataField, bool insertAfterReorders two DataGrid columns.Args: string dataField - The data field or column index of the first grid column.,int referenceDataField - The data field or column index of the second grid column.,bool insertAfter - Determines whether to insert the first column after the reference column.
ReorderColumnsvoidint dataField, int referenceDataFieldReorders two DataGrid columns.
RevertBatchEditvoidN/AReverts the batch edit changes. This method cancels all changes made by the end-user.
SaveBatchEditvoidN/ASaves the batch edit changes. This method confirms the editing changes made by the end-user.
Selectvoidobject rowId, string dataFieldSelects a row, cell or column.Args: string rowId - row bound id,string dataField - column bound data field
Selectvoidobject rowIdSelects a row, cell or column.
Selectvoidstring rowId, string dataFieldSelects a row, cell or column.Args: string rowId - row bound id,string dataField - column bound data field
Selectvoidstring rowIdSelects a row, cell or column.
Selectvoidint rowId, string dataFieldSelects a row, cell or column.Args: int rowId - row bound id,string dataField - column bound data field
Selectvoidint rowIdSelects a row, cell or column.
SelectAllRowsvoidN/ASelects all rows.
SelectRangevoidobject rowId, string dataField, object endRowId, string endDataFieldSelects a range of rows, cells or columns. The result of the method depends on the "selection" configuration of the Grid.Args: string rowId - row bound id,string dataField - column bound data field,string endRowId - row bound id,string endDataField - column bound data field
SelectRangevoidstring rowId, string dataField, string endRowId, string endDataFieldSelects a range of rows, cells or columns. The result of the method depends on the "selection" configuration of the Grid.Args: string rowId - row bound id,string dataField - column bound data field,string endRowId - row bound id,string endDataField - column bound data field
SelectRangevoidint rowId, string dataField, int endRowId, string endDataFieldSelects a range of rows, cells or columns. The result of the method depends on the "selection" configuration of the Grid.Args: int rowId - row bound id,string dataField - column bound data field,int endRowId - row bound id,string endDataField - column bound data field
SelectRowsvoidIEnumerable<object> rowIdSelects multiple rows by their ids.Args: IEnumerable<object> rowId - Array of row ids
SelectRowsvoidstring[] rowIdSelects multiple rows by their ids.Args: string[] rowId - Array of row ids
SelectRowsvoidint[] rowIdSelects multiple rows by their ids.Args: int[] rowId - Array of row ids
SelectRowsByIndexvoidint[] rowIndexSelects multiple rows by their index.Args: int[] rowIndex - Array of row indexes
SelectRowsRangevoidobject rowId, object endRowIdSelects a range of rows.Args: string rowId - row bound id,string endRowId - row bound id
SelectRowsRangevoidstring rowId, string endRowIdSelects a range of rows.Args: string rowId - row bound id,string endRowId - row bound id
SelectRowsRangevoidint rowId, int endRowIdSelects a range of rows.Args: int rowId - row bound id,int endRowId - row bound id
SetCellValuevoidobject rowId, string dataField, object valueSets a new value to a cell.Args: string rowId - row bound id,string dataField - column bound data field. For example, if you have a column with dataField: 'firstName', set 'firstName' here.,object value - New Cell value.
SetCellValuevoidstring rowId, string dataField, string valueSets a new value to a cell.Args: string rowId - row bound id,string dataField - column bound data field. For example, if you have a column with dataField: 'firstName', set 'firstName' here.,string value - New Cell value.
SetCellValuevoidint rowId, string dataField, int valueSets a new value to a cell.Args: int rowId - row bound id,string dataField - column bound data field. For example, if you have a column with dataField: 'firstName', set 'firstName' here.,int value - New Cell value.
SetColumnPropertyvoidstring dataField, string propertyName, object valueSets a property to a column.Args: string dataField - column bound data field. For example, if you have a column with dataField: 'firstName', set 'firstName' here.,string propertyName - The column property's name.,object value - The new property value.
SetHorizontalScrollValuevoidint valueSets the position of the horizontal scrollbar. You can use this method in combination with the getHorizontalScrollValue and getHorizontalScrollMax.Args: int value - The new scroll position
SetRowPropertyvoidobject rowId, string propertyName, object valueSets a property to a row.Args: string rowId - row bound id,string propertyName - The row property's name.,object value - The new property value.
SetVerticalScrollValuevoidint valueSets the position of the vertical scrollbar. You can use this method in combination with the getVerticalScrollValue and getVerticalScrollMax.Args: int value - The new scroll position
ShowDetailvoidobject rowIdShows the Details of a Row, when row details are enabled.Args: string rowId - row bound id
ShowDetailvoidstring rowIdShows the Details of a Row, when row details are enabled.Args: string rowId - row bound id
ShowDetailvoidint rowIdShows the Details of a Row, when row details are enabled.Args: int rowId - row bound id
SortByvoidstring dataField, string sortOrderSorts the Grid by a data field. This method will add or remove sorting, when sorting is enabled. To remove the sorting, use 'null' for the sortOrder parameter.Args: string dataField - column bound data field. For example, if you have a column with dataField: 'firstName', set 'firstName' here.,string sortOrder - column's sort order. Use 'asc', 'desc' or null.
SortByvoidstring dataField, string sortOrderSorts the Grid by a data field. This method will add or remove sorting, when sorting is enabled. To remove the sorting, use 'null' for the sortOrder parameter.Args: string dataField - column bound data field. For example, if you have a column with dataField: 'firstName', set 'firstName' here.,string sortOrder - column's sort order. Use 'asc', 'desc' or null.
StateHasChangedvoid'N/A'Refreshes the state and Re-renders the Blazor Component, if necessary.
SwapColumnsvoidobject dataField, object referenceDataFieldSwaps two DataGrid columns.Args: string dataField - The data field or column index of the first grid column.,string referenceDataField - The data field or column index of the second grid column.
SwapColumnsvoidstring dataField, string referenceDataFieldSwaps two DataGrid columns.Args: string dataField - The data field or column index of the first grid column.,string referenceDataField - The data field or column index of the second grid column.
SwapColumnsvoidint dataField, int referenceDataFieldSwaps two DataGrid columns.Args: string dataField - The data field or column index of the first grid column.,int referenceDataField - The data field or column index of the second grid column.
ToggleRowvoidobject rowIdToggles a TreeGrid row. When this method is called, the row is expanded, if it's state is collapsed and collapsed if it's state is expanded.Args: string rowId - row bound id
ToggleRowvoidstring rowIdToggles a TreeGrid row. When this method is called, the row is expanded, if it's state is collapsed and collapsed if it's state is expanded.Args: string rowId - row bound id
ToggleRowvoidint rowIdToggles a TreeGrid row. When this method is called, the row is expanded, if it's state is collapsed and collapsed if it's state is expanded.Args: int rowId - row bound id
UncheckAllRowsvoidN/AUnchecks all TreeGrid or Grouping rows. Sets all check-boxes to false.
UncheckRowvoidobject rowIdUnchecks a TreeGrid row. Sets its check-box to false.Args: string rowId - row bound id
UncheckRowvoidstring rowIdUnchecks a TreeGrid row. Sets its check-box to false.Args: string rowId - row bound id
UncheckRowvoidint rowIdUnchecks a TreeGrid row. Sets its check-box to false.Args: int rowId - row bound id
Unselectvoidobject rowId, string dataFieldUnselects a row, cell or column.Args: string rowId - row bound id,string dataField - column bound data field. For example, if you have a column with dataField: 'firstName', set 'firstName' here.
Unselectvoidobject rowIdUnselects a row, cell or column.
Unselectvoidstring rowId, string dataFieldUnselects a row, cell or column.Args: string rowId - row bound id,string dataField - column bound data field. For example, if you have a column with dataField: 'firstName', set 'firstName' here.
Unselectvoidstring rowIdUnselects a row, cell or column.
Unselectvoidint rowId, string dataFieldUnselects a row, cell or column.Args: int rowId - row bound id,string dataField - column bound data field. For example, if you have a column with dataField: 'firstName', set 'firstName' here.
Unselectvoidint rowIdUnselects a row, cell or column.
UpdateRowvoidobject rowId, object data, object callbackUpdates a row. When batch editing is enabled, the row is not saved until the batch edit is saved.Args: string rowId - row bound id,object data - row data matching the data source,object callback - Sets a callback function, which is called after the row is updated. The callback's argument is the updated row.
UpdateRowvoidobject rowId, object dataUpdates a row. When batch editing is enabled, the row is not saved until the batch edit is saved.

Grid Events

NameTypeDescriptionEvent Detail
OnBeginEditEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the edit begins.string id- The edited row id., string dataField- The edited column data field., dynamic row- The edited row., dynamic column- The edited column., dynamic cell- The edited cell.
BeginEditedevent GridBeginEditedEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the edit begins.GridBeginEditedEventArgs
OnBatchChangeEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the Grid's header toolbar is displayed and the 'OK' button of a header dropdown is clicked. For example, when you open the columns customize panel, reorder columns and click the 'OK' button.string type- The type of dropdown. Possible values: 'filter', 'sort', 'search', 'group', 'format', 'customize'
BatchChangedevent GridBatchChangedEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the Grid's header toolbar is displayed and the 'OK' button of a header dropdown is clicked. For example, when you open the columns customize panel, reorder columns and click the 'OK' button.GridBatchChangedEventArgs
OnBatchCancelEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the Grid's header toolbar is displayed and the 'Cancel' button of a header dropdown is clicked.string type- The type of dropdown. Possible values: 'filter', 'sort', 'search', 'group', 'format', 'customize'
BatchCanceledevent GridBatchCanceledEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the Grid's header toolbar is displayed and the 'Cancel' button of a header dropdown is clicked.GridBatchCanceledEventArgs
OnChangeEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the selection is changed. When you select with a drag, the event is triggered when the drag starts and ends. bool started- The flag is "true", when the selection starts. The flag is "false", when the selection ends and when the user changes the selection by dragging., bool finished- The flag is "true", when the selection ends. The flag is "false", when the selection starts and when the user changes the selection by dragging., Event originalEvent- The original event object, which is 'pointer', 'touch' or 'mouse' Event object, depending on the device type and web browser
Changedevent GridChangedEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the selection is changed. When you select with a drag, the event is triggered when the drag starts and ends. GridChangedEventArgs
OnColumnClickEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the user clicks on the header of a column.dynamic column- The clicked column., string dataField- The column's data field., dynamic originalEvent- The original event object, which is 'pointer', 'touch' or 'mouse' Event object, depending on the device type and web browser
ColumnClickedevent GridColumnClickedEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the user clicks on the header of a column.GridColumnClickedEventArgs
OnColumnDoubleClickEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the user double clicks on the header of a column.dynamic column- The double-clicked column., string dataField- The column's data field., dynamic originalEvent- The original event object, which is 'pointer', 'touch' or 'mouse' Event object, depending on the device type and web browser
ColumnDoubleClickedevent GridColumnDoubleClickedEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the user double clicks on the header of a column.GridColumnDoubleClickedEventArgs
OnColumnResizeEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the user resized a column.dynamic column- The resized column., string dataField- The column's data field., string oldWidth- The old width of the column., string width- The new width of the column.
ColumnResizedevent GridColumnResizedEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the user resized a column.GridColumnResizedEventArgs
OnColumnDragStartEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the user starts a column drag.dynamic column- The column., string dataField- The column's data field., int index- The column's index, dynamic originalEvent- The origianl Event object.
ColumnDragStartedevent GridColumnDragStartedEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the user starts a column drag.GridColumnDragStartedEventArgs
OnColumnDraggingEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the user drags a column.dynamic column- The column., string dataField- The column's data field., int index- The column's index, dynamic data- The dragging object. and data.feedbackLine are HTML Elements which are displayed while the user drags. The object has error(), success() and data() methods which you can call to set the feedback state., dynamic originalEvent- The origianl Event object.
ColumnDraggingevent GridColumnDraggingEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the user drags a column.GridColumnDraggingEventArgs
OnColumnDragEndEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the user drops a column.dynamic column- The column., string dataField- The column's data field., int index- The column's index, int newIndex- The column's new index, dynamic data- The dragging object. and data.feedbackLine are HTML Elements which are displayed while the user drags. The object has error(), success() and data() methods which you can call to set the feedback state., dynamic originalEvent- The origianl Event object.
ColumnDragEndedevent GridColumnDragEndedEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the user drops a column.GridColumnDragEndedEventArgs
OnColumnReorderEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the user reorders a column.dynamic column- The column., string dataField- The column's data field., int index- The column's index, int newIndex- The column's new index, dynamic data- The dragging object. and data.feedbackLine are HTML Elements which are displayed while the user drags. The object has error(), success() and data() methods which you can call to set the feedback state., dynamic originalEvent- The origianl Event object.
ColumnReorderedevent GridColumnReorderedEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the user reorders a column.GridColumnReorderedEventArgs
OnCommentAddEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the user enters a comment in the row edit dialog.string id- The row's id., any comment- The comment object. The comment object has 'text: string', 'id: string', 'userId: string | number', and 'time: date' fields. The 'text' is the comment's text. 'id' is the comment's unique id, 'userId' is the user's id who entered the comment and 'time' is a javascript date object.
CommentAddedevent GridCommentAddedEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the user enters a comment in the row edit dialog.GridCommentAddedEventArgs
OnCommentRemoveEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the user removes a comment in the row edit dialog.string id- The row's id., any comment- The comment object. The comment object has 'text: string', 'id: string', 'userId: string | number', and 'time: date' fields. The 'text' is the comment's text. 'id' is the comment's unique id, 'userId' is the user's id who entered the comment and 'time' is a javascript date object.
CommentRemovedevent GridCommentRemovedEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the user removes a comment in the row edit dialog.GridCommentRemovedEventArgs
OnRowDragStartEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the user starts a row drag.dynamic row- The row., string id- The row's id, int index- The row's index, dynamic originalEvent- The origianl Event object.
RowDragStartedevent GridRowDragStartedEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the user starts a row drag.GridRowDragStartedEventArgs
OnRowDraggingEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the user drags a row.dynamic row- The row., string id- The row's id, int index- The row's index, dynamic data- The dragging object. and data.feedbackLine are HTML Elements which are displayed while the user drags. The object has error(), success() and data() methods which you can call to set the feedback state., dynamic originalEvent- The origianl Event object.
RowDraggingevent GridRowDraggingEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the user drags a row.GridRowDraggingEventArgs
OnRowDragEndEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the user drags a row.dynamic row- The row., string id- The row's id, int index- The row's index, int newIndex- The row's new index, dynamic data- The dragging object. and data.feedbackLine are HTML Elements which are displayed while the user drags. The object has error(), success() and data() methods which you can call to set the feedback state., dynamic originalEvent- The origianl Event object.
RowDragEndedevent GridRowDragEndedEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the user drags a row.GridRowDragEndedEventArgs
OnRowReorderEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the user reorders a row.dynamic row- The row., string id- The row's id, int index- The row's index, int newIndex- The row's new index, dynamic data- The dragging object. and data.feedbackLine are HTML Elements which are displayed while the user drags. The object has error(), success() and data() methods which you can call to set the feedback state., dynamic originalEvent- The origianl Event object.
RowReorderedevent GridRowReorderedEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the user reorders a row.GridRowReorderedEventArgs
OnRowExpandEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the user expands a row of the grid. The Grid is in TreeGrid/Grouping mode.dynamic row- The expanded row., string id- The row's id, dynamic originalEvent- The original event object, which is 'pointer', 'touch' or 'mouse' Event object, depending on the device type and web browser
RowExpandedevent GridRowExpandedEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the user expands a row of the grid. The Grid is in TreeGrid/Grouping mode.GridRowExpandedEventArgs
OnRowCollapseEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the user collapsed a row of the grid. The Grid is in TreeGrid/Grouping mode.dynamic row- The collapsed row. , string id- The row's id, dynamic originalEvent- The original event object, which is 'pointer', 'touch' or 'mouse' Event object, depending on the device type and web browser
RowCollapsedevent GridRowCollapsedEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the user collapsed a row of the grid. The Grid is in TreeGrid/Grouping mode.GridRowCollapsedEventArgs
OnRowClickEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the user clicks on a row of the grid.dynamic row- The clicked row., dynamic originalEvent- The original event object, which is 'pointer', 'touch' or 'mouse' Event object, depending on the device type and web browser, string id- Gets the row id., bool isRightClick- Gets whether the pointing device's right button is clicked., int pageX- Gets the click's X position., int pageY- Gets the click's Y position.
RowClickedevent GridRowClickedEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the user clicks on a row of the grid.GridRowClickedEventArgs
OnRowDoubleClickEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the user double clicks on a row of the grid.dynamic row- The double-clicked row., dynamic originalEvent- The original event object, which is 'pointer', 'touch' or 'mouse' Event object, depending on the device type and web browser, string id- Gets the row id., bool isRightClick- Gets whether the pointing device's right button is clicked., int pageX- Gets the click's X position., int pageY- Gets the click's Y position.
RowDoubleClickedevent GridRowDoubleClickedEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the user double clicks on a row of the grid.GridRowDoubleClickedEventArgs
OnRowResizeEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the user resized a row.dynamic row- The resized row., string id- Gets the row id., string oldHeight- The old height of the row., string height- The new height of the row.
RowResizedevent GridRowResizedEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the user resized a row.GridRowResizedEventArgs
OnCellClickEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the user clicks on a cell of the grid.dynamic cell- The clicked cell., dynamic originalEvent- The original event object, which is 'pointer', 'touch' or 'mouse' Event object, depending on the device type and web browser, string id- Gets the row id., string dataField- Gets the column dataField., bool isRightClick- Gets whether the pointing device's right button is clicked., int pageX- Gets the click's X position., int pageY- Gets the click's Y position.
CellClickedevent GridCellClickedEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the user clicks on a cell of the grid.GridCellClickedEventArgs
OnCellDoubleClickEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the user double clicks on a cell of the grid.dynamic cell- The double-clicked cell. , dynamic originalEvent- The original event object, which is 'pointer', 'touch' or 'mouse' Event object, depending on the device type and web browser, string id- Gets the row id., string dataField- Gets the column dataField., bool isRightClick- Gets whether the pointing device's right button is clicked., int pageX- Gets the click's X position., int pageY- Gets the click's Y position.
CellDoubleClickedevent GridCellDoubleClickedEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the user double clicks on a cell of the grid.GridCellDoubleClickedEventArgs
OnEndEditEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the edit ends.string id- The edited row id., string dataField- The edited column data field., dynamic row- The edited row., dynamic column- The edited column., dynamic cell- The edited cell.
EndEditedevent GridEndEditedEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the edit ends.GridEndEditedEventArgs
OnFilterEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when a filter is added or removed.dynamic columns- Array of columns., dynamic data- Array of {dataField: string, filter: object}. "dataField" is the column's data field. "filter" is a FilterGroup object., dynamic expressions- Array of {dataField: string, filter: string}. "dataField" is the column's data field. "filter" is a filter expression like 'startsWith B'. In each array item, you will have an object with column's name and filter string. Example: [['firstName', 'contains Andrew or contains Nancy'], ['quantity', '&lt;= 3 and &gt;= 8']], [['firstName', 'EQUAL' 'Andrew' or 'EQUAL' 'Antoni' or 'EQUAL' 'Beate']], [['lastName','CONTAINS' 'burke' or 'CONTAINS' 'peterson']]. Filter conditions used in the filter expressions: '=', 'EQUAL','&lt;&gt;', 'NOT_EQUAL', '!=', '&lt;', 'LESS_THAN','&gt;', 'GREATER_THAN', '&lt;=', 'LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL', '&gt;=', 'GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL','starts with', 'STARTS_WITH','ends with', 'ENDS_WITH', '', 'EMPTY', 'CONTAINS','DOES_NOT_CONTAIN', 'NULL','NOT_NULL'
Filteredevent GridFilteredEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when a filter is added or removed.GridFilteredEventArgs
OnGroupEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the rows grouping is changed.IEnumerable<string> groups- Array of column data fields.
Groupedevent GridGroupedEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the rows grouping is changed.GridGroupedEventArgs
OnOpenColumnDialogEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the add new column dialog is opened.string dataField- The column data field.
OpenColumnDialogedevent GridOpenColumnDialogedEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the add new column dialog is opened.GridOpenColumnDialogedEventArgs
OnCloseColumnDialogEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the add new column dialog is closed.string dataField- The column data field.
CloseColumnDialogedevent GridCloseColumnDialogedEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the add new column dialog is closed.GridCloseColumnDialogedEventArgs
OnRowTapEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when the user touches and holds on the row for at least 300ms.dynamic row- The tapped row., dynamic originalEvent- The original event object, which is 'pointer', 'touch' or 'mouse' Event object, depending on the device type and web browser
RowTapedevent GridRowTapedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when the user touches and holds on the row for at least 300ms.GridRowTapedEventArgs
OnCellTapEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when the user touches and holds on the cell for at least 300ms.dynamic cell- The tapped row., dynamic originalEvent- The original event object, which is 'pointer', 'touch' or 'mouse' Event object, depending on the device type and web browser
CellTapedevent GridCellTapedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when the user touches and holds on the cell for at least 300ms.GridCellTapedEventArgs
OnPageEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the user changes the pages.N/A
Pagedevent GridPagedEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the user changes the pages.GridPagedEventArgs
OnSortEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when a sorting column is added or removed.dynamic columns- Array of columns., dynamic data- Array of {dataField: string, sortOrder: string, sortIndex: number}. "dataField" is the column's data field. "sortOrder" is 'asc' or 'desc', "sortIndex" is the index of the column in multi column sorting.
Sortedevent GridSortedEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when a sorting column is added or removed.GridSortedEventArgs
OnScrollBottomReachedEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the user reaches the bottom of the grid.N/A
ScrollBottomReachedevent GridScrollBottomReachedEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the user reaches the bottom of the grid.GridScrollBottomReachedEventArgs
OnScrollTopReachedEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered, when the user reaches the top of the grid.N/A
ScrollTopReachedevent GridScrollTopReachedEventHandlerThis event is triggered, when the user reaches the top of the grid.GridScrollTopReachedEventArgs




























































Column Properties

AlignHorizontalAlignmentHorizontalAlignment.LeftSets or gets the column's header alignment. Accepts: HorizontalAlignment.Left, HorizontalAlignment.Center, HorizontalAlignment.Right
AllowExportbooltrueSets or gets whether the column can be exported.
AllowGroupbooltrueSets or gets whether the column can be grouped.
AllowHidebooltrueSets or gets whether the column can be hidden.
AllowSelectbooltrueSets or gets whether the column can be selected.
AllowEditbooltrueSets or gets whether the column can be edited.
AllowSortbooltrueSets or gets whether the column can be sorted.
AllowHeaderEditbooltrueSets or gets whether the column can be edited, when header editing is enabled.
AllowFilterbooltrueSets or gets whether the column can be filtered.
AllowReorderbooltrueSets or gets whether the column can be reordered.
AllowResizebooltrueSets or gets whether the column can be resized.
AllowNullbooltrueSets or gets whether the column can have 'null' values.
CellsFormatstring""Sets or gets the column's cells format. This property is used for applying a formatting to the cell values. Number format strings:
'd' - decimal numbers.
'f' - floating-point numbers.
'n' - integer numbers.
'c' - currency numbers.
'p' - percentage numbers.

For adding decimal places to the numbers, add a number after the formatting stri

For example: 'c3' displays a number in this format $25.256
Built-in Date formats:
// short date pattern
'd' - 'M/d/yyyy',
// long date pattern
'D' - 'dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy',
// short time pattern
't' - 'h:mm tt',
// long time pattern
'T' - 'h:mm:ss tt',
// long date, short time pattern
'f' - 'dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm tt',
// long date, long time pattern
'F' - 'dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt',
// month/day pattern
'M' - 'MMMM dd',
// month/year pattern
'Y' - 'yyyy MMMM',
// S is a sortable format that does not vary by culture
'S' - 'yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'

Date format strings:
'd'-the day of the month;
'dd'-the day of the month
'ddd'-the abbreviated name of the day of the week
'dddd'- the full name of the day of the week
'h'-the hour, using a 12-hour clock from 1 to 12
'hh'-the hour, using a 12-hour clock from 01 to 12

'H'-the hour, using a 24-hour clock from 0 to 23
'HH'- the hour, using a 24-hour clock from 00 to 23
'm'-the minute, from 0 through 59
'mm'-the minutes,from 00 though59
'M'- the month, from 1 through 12
'MM'- the month, from 01 through 12
'MMM'-the abbreviated name of the month
'MMMM'-the full name of the month
's'-the second, from 0 through 59
'ss'-the second, from 00 through 59
't'- the first character of the AM/PM designator
'tt'-the AM/PM designator
'y'- the year, from 0 to 99
'yy'- the year, from 00 to 99
'yyy'-the year, with a minimum of three digits
'yyyy'-the year as a four-digit number;
'yyyyy'-the year as a four-digit number.
CellsAlignHorizontalAlignmentHorizontalAlignment.LeftSets or gets the column's cells alignment. Accepts: 'left', 'right' and 'center'
CellsWrapboolfalseSets or gets the column's cells wrapping. Accepts: true or false.
CellsVerticalAlignVerticalAlignmentVerticalAlignment.CenterSets or gets the column's cells vertical alignment. Accepts: VerticalAlignment.Top, VerticalAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Bottom
ClassNamestring""Sets or gets the column's header CSS class name.
CellsClassNamestring""Sets or gets the column's cells CSS class name.
ColumnGroupstring""Sets the name of the column group.
DataFieldstring""Sets or gets the column's data source bound field.
DataTypestring"string"Sets or gets the column's data type. Any of the following value is valid: 'string', 'number', 'int', 'date', 'bool', 'object', 'any'
DisplayFieldstring""Sets or gets the column's data source bound field which will be displayed to the user. When the property is not set, it is equal to the 'dataField'.
Descriptionstring""Sets or gets the column's description. The description of the column is displayed in the column's header, when the end-user moves the pointer over the description button. 'showDescriptionButton' property determines whether the description button is visible.
ElementobjectnullGets the HTML Element. The property returns null when the Column is not in the View.
EditorobjectnullSets or gets the column's editor. The property expects 'input', 'autoComplete', 'comboBox', 'dropDownList', 'image', 'numberInput', 'checkBox', 'multiInput', 'multiComboInput', 'checkInput', 'slider', 'dateTimePicker', 'timeInput', 'dateInput', 'dateRangeInput', 'maskedTextBox', 'textArea' or a custom object with 'template' property which defines the editor type, 'settings' property which defines the custom editor's properties, 'onInit(int row, string column, object editor, object rowData): object', 'onRender(int row, string column, object editor, object rowData): object', 'setValue(object value): void' and 'getValue(object value): object' callback functions.
Freezestring"false"Sets or gets the Freeze mode. Accepts: 'near', 'far', true and false. Freezes/Pins the column to left(near) or right(far).
Filterstring""Sets or gets the filter of the column. Example: ['contains Andrew or contains Nancy']. Example with numeric filter ['quantity', '<= 3 and >= 8']. Additional example with filter which we want to apply to a column with filterMenuMode='excel' - ['EQUAL' 'Andrew' or 'EQUAL' 'Antoni' or 'EQUAL' 'Beate']. Example with a string filter applied to a string column - ['CONTAINS' 'burke' or 'CONTAINS' 'peterson']. Filter conditions which you can use in the expressions: '=', 'EQUAL','<>', 'NOT_EQUAL', '!=', '<', 'LESS_THAN','>', 'GREATER_THAN', '<=', 'LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL', '>=', 'GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL','starts with', 'STARTS_WITH','ends with', 'ENDS_WITH', '', 'EMPTY', 'CONTAINS','DOES_NOT_CONTAIN', 'NULL','NOT_NULL'
FilterMenuModeGridColumnFilterMenuModeGridColumnFilterMenuMode.DefaultSets or gets the filter menu mode of the column. In 'basic' mode, a single input is displayed in the filter menu. In 'default' mode, two input options are available for more precise filtering. In 'excel' mode, checked list with unique values is displayed.
FormatSettingsobjectnew object()Sets or gets the column's format settings. You can use any of the build in formatting options or to NumberFormat object like that: 'Intl: { NumberFormat: { style: \'currency\', currency: \'EUR\' }}' or DateTimeFormat object like that: 'Intl: { DateTimeFormat: { dateStyle: \'full\' }}''
Groupstring""Sets or gets the column's group.
Iconstring""Sets or gets the column's icon. Expects CSS class name.
Labelstring""Sets or gets the text displayed in the column's header.
MinWidthint30Sets or gets the minimum width.
SortOrderGridColumnSortOrderGridColumnSortOrder.NullSets or gets the sort order of the column. Accepts: 'asc', 'desc' and null.
SortIndexint-1Sets or gets the sort index of the column. Accepts an integer value. This property can be used to get or set the column's sort index when sorting mode is 'many'.
ShowActionButtonbooltrueSets or gets whether the column's header action drop-down button is displayed. This button opens the column's menu.
ShowIconboolfalseSets or gets whether the column's header icon is displayed.
ShowDescriptionButtonboolfalseSets or gets whether the column's header description button is displayed.
Widthobject""Sets or gets the width. Accepts: 'number', 'px', 'em', 'auto', 'null' values.
Templateobject""Sets or gets the column's template. The property expects the 'id' of HTMLTemplateElement or HTML string which is displayed in the cells. Built-in string values are: 'checkBox', 'switchButton', 'radioButton', 'url', 'email', 'dropdownlist', 'list', 'progress', 'tags', 'autoNumber', 'modifiedBy', 'createdBy', 'createdTime', 'modifiedTime', 'images. For example, when you set the template to 'url', the cells will be render anchor tags. When you set the template property to HTMLTemplateElement you should consider that once a template is rendered, the formatObject.template property stores the rendered template component for further use.
ValidationRulesIEnumerable<object>nullSets or gets the column's validation rules. The expected value is an Array of Objects. Each object should have a 'type' property that can be set to 'required', 'min', 'max', 'minLength', 'maxLength', 'email', 'null', 'requiredTrue', 'minData', 'maxDate', 'pattern'. The 'value' property should be set, too. For validation rule types 'required', 'requiredTrue' and 'null' you can skip the 'value' property. Optional property is 'message', which determines the error message.
VerticalAlignVerticalAlignmentVerticalAlignment.CenterSets or gets the column's header vertical alignment. Accepts: VerticalAlignment.Top, VerticalAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Bottom
Summarystring[]new string[]{}Sets or gets the column summary. The property should be set to an array with the following possible values: 'sum', 'min', 'max', 'avg', 'count', 'median', 'stdev', 'stdevp', 'var', 'varp'.
VisiblebooltrueSets or gets whether the column is visible. Set the property to 'false' to hide the column.

GridAppearance Properties

AlternationStartint0Starting row index of alternating colors.
AlternationEndint0Ending row index of alternating colors.
AlternationCountint0number of row color alternations.
AllowColumnStickyPositionboolfalseEnables sticky columns.
AllowHoverboolfalseEnables row hover effect. Applies a hover style to the cells.
AllowHeaderHoverbooltrueEnables header hover effect. Applies a hover style to the headers.
AllowRowToggleAnimationboolfalseEnables row toggle animation. This animation starts when you expand/collapse a row in TreeGrid/Grouping mode.
AllowRowDetailToggleAnimationboolfalseEnables row detail toggle animation. This animation starts when you expand/collapse a row in TreeGrid/Grouping mode.
AllowSortAnimationboolfalseEnables sorting animation. Data records are sorted with animation, when sorting is applied.
AllowColumnLabelAnimationbooltrueEnables column label animation. The label is moved to 'left' with animation, when the column header's drop-down button is displayed on hover or sorting is applied.
AllowColumnMenuAnimationbooltrueEnables column menu animation. When you click on the column header's drop-down button, the menu is animated.
AllowColumnSortButtonAnimationbooltrueEnables column sort button animation. When you click on a sortable column to change the sort order, the sort button is animated.
AllowColumnActionButtonAnimationbooltrueEnables column action button animation. The drop-down button displayed on column header hover is optionally animated.
AllowColumnFilterButtonAnimationbooltrueEnables column filter button animation.
AutoShowColumnSortButtonbooltrueIf enabled, automatically shows column sort button. The sort button is displayed only when the column is sorted. If the property's value is false, sort button will be always displayed to indicate that sorting is possible.
AutoShowColumnActionButtonbooltrueIf enabled, automatically shows column action button.
AutoShowColumnFilterButtonbooltrueIf enabled, automatically shows column filter button.
AutoGenerateRowLabelModeGridAppearanceAutoGenerateRowLabelModeGridAppearanceAutoGenerateRowLabelMode.NumberGenerates labels as 'numbers' or 'letters'. This property affects the rendering of the row header.
AutoGenerateColumnLabelModeGridAppearanceAutoGenerateColumnLabelModeGridAppearanceAutoGenerateColumnLabelMode.LetterGenerates labels as 'numbers' or 'letters. This property affects the rendering of the column header.
DisplayLoadingIndicatorboolfalseSets the visibility of the loading indicator. This is the Loading... image displayed in the Grid while loading data.
LoadingIndicatorPlaceholderstring"Loading..."Sets the loading indicator label. This is the Text displayed while loading data.
Placeholderstring"No Rows"Sets the placeholder of the Grid. The placeholder is displayed when the Grid is empty.
SortAnimationDurationint500Sets the duration of sorting animation. This property is related to the allowSortAnimation property.
ShowRowHeaderboolfalseShows or hides Row header.
ShowRowHeaderNumberboolfalseShows row indexes in the row header. The showRowHeader property should be true
ShowRowHeaderEditIconbooltrueShows edit icon when a cell or row is in edit state.
ShowRowHeaderSelectIconboolfalseShows select icon when the pointer is over the row header cell.
ShowRowHeaderFocusIconboolfalseShows focus icon on cell or row focus.
ShowRowHeaderDragIconboolfalseShows drag icon on the row header.
ShowColumnHeaderLinesbooltrueShows column header lines.
ShowColumnLinesbooltrueShows column lines.
ShowRowLinesbooltrueShows row lines.
ShowColumnGroupsInColumnPanelboolfalseShows column groups in the Hide columns panel. Column groups and columns are shown in a tree-like structure. When the property is set to false, the column groups are not displayed and the column labels contain the column group name.
ShowFilterColumnBackgroundbooltrueShows filtered column background, when filter is applied.
ShowSortColumnBackgroundbooltrueShows sorted column background, when sorting is applied.
ShowFrozenColumnBackgroundbooltrueShows frozen column background, when the Grid has frozen columns.
ShowFrozenRowBackgroundbooltrueShows filtered row background, when the Grid has frozen rows.
ShowColumnSortButtonbooltrueShows column sort button.
ShowColumnFilterButtonbooltrueShows column filter button.
ShowColumnDescriptionButtonboolfalseShows column description button. The button's style is customizable through the Grid CSS.
ShowColumnIconboolfalseShows column icon within the column's header.
ShowColumnCustomButtonboolfalseShows column custom button. User-defined button shown in the column header.
ShowColumnActionButtonbooltrueShows column action button. This is the drop-down button displayed in the column header.
ShowTooltipsboolfalseShows tooltips when user hovers columns or cells.
ShowHorizontalScrollBarOnFixedColumnsboolfalseShows horizontal scrollbar on fixed columns.
ShowVerticalScrollBarOnFixedColumnsboolfalseShows vertical scrollbar on fixed columns.

GridBehavior Properties

AllowColumnAutoSizeOnDoubleClickbooltrueAuto-Resize on double-click of a column's right border.
AllowRowAutoSizeOnDoubleClickbooltrueAuto-Resize on double-click of a row's bottom border.
AllowRowReorderboolfalseDetermines whether row reorder is enabled.
AllowColumnReorderboolfalseDetermines whether column reorder is enabled.
AllowColumnFreezeboolfalseDetermines whether column freeze with drag and drop is enabled. When other columns are frozen/pinned, drag the column to the existing frozen area. When no columns are pinned, drag the column to the edge of the grid and wait for approximately one second. The grid will then assume you want to freeze/pin and create a frozen/pinned area and place the column into it.
ColumnResizeModeGridResizeModeGridResizeMode.NoneSets the column resize mode. split resize mode 'grows' or 'shrinks' the resize element's size and 'shrinks' or 'grows' the next sibling element's size. growAndShrink resize mode 'grows' or 'shrinks' the resize element's size
RowResizeModeGridResizeModeGridResizeMode.NoneSets the row resize mode. split resize mode 'grows' or 'shrinks' the resize element's size and 'shrinks' or 'grows' the next sibling element's size. growAndShrink resize mode 'grows' or 'shrinks' the resize element's size

GridLayout Properties

AllowCellsWrapboolfalseEnables or disables the Cells Value wrapping. When the property is true, cell value can wrap in multiple lines.
AutoSizeNewColumnboolfalseAutomatically sets width to any new Column which does not have its 'width' property set.
AutoGenerateColumnWidthobjectnullSets the width of the auto-generated Grid columns.
ColumnWidthobjectnullSets the width of the Grid columns.
ColumnHeightobjectnullSets the height of the Grid columns.
ColumnMinHeightint30Sets the minimum height of the Grid columns.
RowMinHeightint30Sets the minimum height of the Grid rows.
RowHeightobjectnullSets the height of the Grid rows. The property can be set to null, auto or a number.

GridClipboard Properties

EnabledbooltrueSets or gets whether the property is enabled.
AutoFillModeGridClipboardAutoFillModeGridClipboardAutoFillMode.FillSeriesSets or gets whether the copy-pasted values will be auto-filled by using automatic pattern detection. This is used in the Drag&Drop Multiple Cells selection. none does nothing. copy just copies the cells. 'fillSeries' detects and automatically fills the values. For example, if the selection has '1, 2' and the possible positions are more, the pasted values would be '1, 2, 3, 4, etc.
OnPasteValueobjectnullSets or gets a callback on paste.

GridColumn Properties

AlignHorizontalAlignmentHorizontalAlignment.LeftSets or gets the column's header alignment. Accepts: HorizontalAlignment.Left, HorizontalAlignment.Center, HorizontalAlignment.Right
AllowExportbooltrueSets or gets whether the column can be exported.
AllowGroupbooltrueSets or gets whether the column can be grouped.
AllowHidebooltrueSets or gets whether the column can be hidden.
AllowSelectbooltrueSets or gets whether the column can be selected.
AllowEditbooltrueSets or gets whether the column can be edited.
AllowSortbooltrueSets or gets whether the column can be sorted.
AllowHeaderEditbooltrueSets or gets whether the column can be edited, when header editing is enabled.
AllowFilterbooltrueSets or gets whether the column can be filtered.
AllowReorderbooltrueSets or gets whether the column can be reordered.
AllowResizebooltrueSets or gets whether the column can be resized.
AllowNullbooltrueSets or gets whether the column can have 'null' values.
CellsFormatstring""Sets or gets the column's cells format. This property is used for applying a formatting to the cell values. Number format strings:
'd' - decimal numbers.
'f' - floating-point numbers.
'n' - integer numbers.
'c' - currency numbers.
'p' - percentage numbers.

For adding decimal places to the numbers, add a number after the formatting stri

For example: 'c3' displays a number in this format $25.256
Built-in Date formats:
// short date pattern
'd' - 'M/d/yyyy',
// long date pattern
'D' - 'dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy',
// short time pattern
't' - 'h:mm tt',
// long time pattern
'T' - 'h:mm:ss tt',
// long date, short time pattern
'f' - 'dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm tt',
// long date, long time pattern
'F' - 'dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt',
// month/day pattern
'M' - 'MMMM dd',
// month/year pattern
'Y' - 'yyyy MMMM',
// S is a sortable format that does not vary by culture
'S' - 'yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'

Date format strings:
'd'-the day of the month;
'dd'-the day of the month
'ddd'-the abbreviated name of the day of the week
'dddd'- the full name of the day of the week
'h'-the hour, using a 12-hour clock from 1 to 12
'hh'-the hour, using a 12-hour clock from 01 to 12

'H'-the hour, using a 24-hour clock from 0 to 23
'HH'- the hour, using a 24-hour clock from 00 to 23
'm'-the minute, from 0 through 59
'mm'-the minutes,from 00 though59
'M'- the month, from 1 through 12
'MM'- the month, from 01 through 12
'MMM'-the abbreviated name of the month
'MMMM'-the full name of the month
's'-the second, from 0 through 59
'ss'-the second, from 00 through 59
't'- the first character of the AM/PM designator
'tt'-the AM/PM designator
'y'- the year, from 0 to 99
'yy'- the year, from 00 to 99
'yyy'-the year, with a minimum of three digits
'yyyy'-the year as a four-digit number;
'yyyyy'-the year as a four-digit number.
CellsAlignHorizontalAlignmentHorizontalAlignment.LeftSets or gets the column's cells alignment. Accepts: 'left', 'right' and 'center'
CellsWrapboolfalseSets or gets the column's cells wrapping. Accepts: true or false.
CellsVerticalAlignVerticalAlignmentVerticalAlignment.CenterSets or gets the column's cells vertical alignment. Accepts: VerticalAlignment.Top, VerticalAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Bottom
ClassNamestring""Sets or gets the column's header CSS class name.
CellsClassNamestring""Sets or gets the column's cells CSS class name.
ColumnGroupstring""Sets the name of the column group.
DataFieldstring""Sets or gets the column's data source bound field.
DataTypestring"string"Sets or gets the column's data type. Any of the following value is valid: 'string', 'number', 'int', 'date', 'bool', 'object', 'any'
DisplayFieldstring""Sets or gets the column's data source bound field which will be displayed to the user. When the property is not set, it is equal to the 'dataField'.
Descriptionstring""Sets or gets the column's description. The description of the column is displayed in the column's header, when the end-user moves the pointer over the description button. 'showDescriptionButton' property determines whether the description button is visible.
ElementobjectnullGets the HTML Element. The property returns null when the Column is not in the View.
EditorobjectnullSets or gets the column's editor. The property expects 'input', 'autoComplete', 'comboBox', 'dropDownList', 'image', 'numberInput', 'checkBox', 'multiInput', 'multiComboInput', 'checkInput', 'slider', 'dateTimePicker', 'timeInput', 'dateInput', 'dateRangeInput', 'maskedTextBox', 'textArea' or a custom object with 'template' property which defines the editor type, 'settings' property which defines the custom editor's properties, 'onInit(int row, string column, object editor, object rowData): object', 'onRender(int row, string column, object editor, object rowData): object', 'setValue(object value): void' and 'getValue(object value): object' callback functions.
Freezestring"false"Sets or gets the Freeze mode. Accepts: 'near', 'far', true and false. Freezes/Pins the column to left(near) or right(far).
Filterstring""Sets or gets the filter of the column. Example: ['contains Andrew or contains Nancy']. Example with numeric filter ['quantity', '<= 3 and >= 8']. Additional example with filter which we want to apply to a column with filterMenuMode='excel' - ['EQUAL' 'Andrew' or 'EQUAL' 'Antoni' or 'EQUAL' 'Beate']. Example with a string filter applied to a string column - ['CONTAINS' 'burke' or 'CONTAINS' 'peterson']. Filter conditions which you can use in the expressions: '=', 'EQUAL','<>', 'NOT_EQUAL', '!=', '<', 'LESS_THAN','>', 'GREATER_THAN', '<=', 'LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL', '>=', 'GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL','starts with', 'STARTS_WITH','ends with', 'ENDS_WITH', '', 'EMPTY', 'CONTAINS','DOES_NOT_CONTAIN', 'NULL','NOT_NULL'
FilterMenuModeGridColumnFilterMenuModeGridColumnFilterMenuMode.DefaultSets or gets the filter menu mode of the column. In 'basic' mode, a single input is displayed in the filter menu. In 'default' mode, two input options are available for more precise filtering. In 'excel' mode, checked list with unique values is displayed.
FormatSettingsobjectnew object()Sets or gets the column's format settings. You can use any of the build in formatting options or to NumberFormat object like that: 'Intl: { NumberFormat: { style: \'currency\', currency: \'EUR\' }}' or DateTimeFormat object like that: 'Intl: { DateTimeFormat: { dateStyle: \'full\' }}''
Groupstring""Sets or gets the column's group.
Iconstring""Sets or gets the column's icon. Expects CSS class name.
Labelstring""Sets or gets the text displayed in the column's header.
MinWidthint30Sets or gets the minimum width.
SortOrderGridColumnSortOrderGridColumnSortOrder.NullSets or gets the sort order of the column. Accepts: 'asc', 'desc' and null.
SortIndexint-1Sets or gets the sort index of the column. Accepts an integer value. This property can be used to get or set the column's sort index when sorting mode is 'many'.
ShowActionButtonbooltrueSets or gets whether the column's header action drop-down button is displayed. This button opens the column's menu.
ShowIconboolfalseSets or gets whether the column's header icon is displayed.
ShowDescriptionButtonboolfalseSets or gets whether the column's header description button is displayed.
Widthobject""Sets or gets the width. Accepts: 'number', 'px', 'em', 'auto', 'null' values.
Templateobject""Sets or gets the column's template. The property expects the 'id' of HTMLTemplateElement or HTML string which is displayed in the cells. Built-in string values are: 'checkBox', 'switchButton', 'radioButton', 'url', 'email', 'dropdownlist', 'list', 'progress', 'tags', 'autoNumber', 'modifiedBy', 'createdBy', 'createdTime', 'modifiedTime', 'images. For example, when you set the template to 'url', the cells will be render anchor tags. When you set the template property to HTMLTemplateElement you should consider that once a template is rendered, the formatObject.template property stores the rendered template component for further use.
ValidationRulesIEnumerable<object>nullSets or gets the column's validation rules. The expected value is an Array of Objects. Each object should have a 'type' property that can be set to 'required', 'min', 'max', 'minLength', 'maxLength', 'email', 'null', 'requiredTrue', 'minData', 'maxDate', 'pattern'. The 'value' property should be set, too. For validation rule types 'required', 'requiredTrue' and 'null' you can skip the 'value' property. Optional property is 'message', which determines the error message.
VerticalAlignVerticalAlignmentVerticalAlignment.CenterSets or gets the column's header vertical alignment. Accepts: VerticalAlignment.Top, VerticalAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Bottom
Summarystring[]new string[]{}Sets or gets the column summary. The property should be set to an array with the following possible values: 'sum', 'min', 'max', 'avg', 'count', 'median', 'stdev', 'stdevp', 'var', 'varp'.
VisiblebooltrueSets or gets whether the column is visible. Set the property to 'false' to hide the column.

GridColumnMenu Properties

AutoClosebooltrueAutomatically closes the column menu.
DataSourceGridColumnMenuDataSourcenew GridColumnMenuDataSource()Sets the data sources to the column menu.
VisibleboolfalseGets the visibility of the column menu. Returns true, when the column menu is visible.
EnabledboolfalseSets or gets whether the column menu is enabled. If the value is false, the column menu will not be displayed, when user hovers the column.
Widthint250Sets the width of the column menu.
Heightint?nullSets the height of the column menu.

GridColumnMenuDataSource Properties

ColumnMenuCustomizeTypeGridCommandnew GridCommand()Describes the settings of the column menu customize type
ColumnMenuItemRenameGridCommandnew GridCommand()Describes the settings of the column menu item rename.
ColumnMenuItemEditDescriptionGridCommandnew GridCommand()Describes the settings of the column menu item edit description.
ColumnMenuItemDuplicateGridCommandnew GridCommand()Describes the settings of the column menu item duplicate.
ColumnMenuItemInsertLeftGridCommandnew GridCommand()Describes the settings of the column menu item insert left.
ColumnMenuItemInsertRightGridCommandnew GridCommand()Describes the settings of the of the column menu item insert right.
ColumnMenuItemSortAscGridCommandnew GridCommand()Describes the settings of the column menu item sort ascending.
ColumnMenuItemSortDescGridCommandnew GridCommand()Describes the settings of the column menu item sort descending.
ColumnMenuItemRemoveSortGridCommandnew GridCommand()Describes the settings of the column menu item remove sort.
ColumnMenuItemFilterGridCommandnew GridCommand()Describes the settings of the column menu item filter.
ColumnMenuItemRemoveFilterGridCommandnew GridCommand()Describes the settings of the column menu item remove filter.
ColumnMenuItemGroupByGridCommandnew GridCommand()Describes the settings of the column menu item group by.
ColumnMenuItemRemoveGroupByGridCommandnew GridCommand()Describes the settings of the column menu item group by.
ColumnMenuItemHideGridCommandnew GridCommand()Describes the settings of the column menu item hide.
ColumnMenuItemDeleteGridCommandnew GridCommand()Describes the settings of the column menu item delete.

GridCommand Properties

Commandstring"customizeTypeCommand"Sets the command of the column menu customize type.
EnabledbooltrueEnables the column menu customize type.
VisibleboolfalseSets the visibility of the column menu customize type.
Iconstring"jqx-icon-customize"Sets the icon of the column menu customize type.
Labelstring"{{messages}}"Sets the label of the column menu customize type.

GridColumnGroup Properties

Labelstring""Sets the label.
AlignHorizontalAlignmentHorizontalAlignment.CenterSets the align.
Namestring""Sets the name of the column group.
ParentGroupstring""Sets the name of the parent column group.
VerticalAlignVerticalAlignmentVerticalAlignment.CenterSets the vertical align.

GridConditionalFormatting Properties

Columnstring"all"The data field of a numeric column to format. Set 'all' to format all numeric columns.
ConditionGridConditionalFormattingConditionGridConditionalFormattingCondition.LessThanThe formatting condition.
FirstValueint0The value to compare by. When condition is 'between', this is the start (from) value.
FontFamilystring""The fontFamily to apply to formatted cells.
FontSizestring"The default fontSize as set in CSS"The fontSize to apply to formatted cells.
Highlightstring"The default backgroundColor as set in CSS"The background color to apply to formatted cells.
SecondValueint1When condition is 'between', this is the end (to) value. Otherwise, this value is not used.
Textstring"The default color as set in CSS"The text color to apply to formatted cells.

GridCharting Properties

EnabledboolfalseSets or gets whether charting is enabled.
ColorSchemestring"scheme01"Sets or gets the charting colors. Accepts the 'colorScheme' values of our Chart component.
AppendToobjectnullSets or gets the chart's container.
DialogDialognew Dialog()Sets or gets the charting dialog.

Dialog Properties

Headerstring"{{message}}"Sets or gets the dialog header.
Heightint400Sets or gets the dialog height.
Widthint400Sets or gets the dialog width.
Leftobject"center"Sets or gets the dialog Left position.
Topobject"center"Sets or gets the dialog Top position.
EnabledbooltrueSets or gets whether the dialog is enabled.
VisibleboolfalseGets whether the dialog is displayed.

GridCheckBoxes Properties

VisibleboolfalseSets the visibility of the TreeGrid checkboxes.
HasThreeStatesboolfalseSets the three-state mode of the TreeGrid checkboxes. In that mode, checking a checkbox affects the parent-child rows checkboxes.

GridDataExport Properties

HeaderbooltrueSets whether the columns header will be exported.
FilterByobjectnullSets whether the export uses the applied filters.
GroupByobjectnullSets the groups of the exported data.
StyleobjectnullSets a custom style object of the dataExport.
FileNamestring"jqxGrid"Sets the exported file's name.
PageOrientationGridDataExportPageOrientationGridDataExportPageOrientation.PortraitSets the page orientation, when exporting to PDF.
ExpandCharstring"+"Sets the expand char displayed when the Grid with row hierarchy(TreeGrid / Grouped) is exported.
CollapseCharstring"-"Sets the collapse char displayed when the Grid with row hierarchy(TreeGrid / Grouped) is exported.
ViewboolfalseExports only the visible data of the Grid.
ViewStartint?nullDetermines the start row index that will be exported or printed. 'view' should be set to true
ViewEndint?nullDetermines the end row index that will be exported or printed. 'view' should be set to true
RowIdsIEnumerable<object>nullAn array of row ids that denotes the rows to export.

GridDataSourceSettings Properties

AutoGenerateColumnsboolfalseSets or gets whether a column will be auto-generated.
ChildrenDataFieldstring""Sets or gets a children data field like 'children', 'items' in the data source. When this property is set, the component will look for this data field when looping through the items. If it is found a hierarchical data source would be created.
SanitizeHTMLGridDataSourceSettingsSanitizeHTMLGridDataSourceSettingsSanitizeHTML.BlackListSets or gets the XML binding root.
Rootstring""Sets or gets the XML binding root.
Recordstring""Sets or gets the XML binding record.
GroupBystring[]new string[]{}Sets or gets the data fields to group by.
DataFieldsIEnumerable<IGridDataSourceSettingsDataField>nullSets or gets the data fields which decribe the loaded data and data type. Ex: ['id: number', 'firstName: string', 'lastName: string']
DataSourceTypeGridDataSourceSettingsDataSourceTypeGridDataSourceSettingsDataSourceType.ArraySets or gets whether the data source type.
Idstring""Sets or gets the component's id
KeyDataFieldstring""Sets or gets the key data field to be used for building the hierarchy. It is used in combination with the parentDataField property. Usually the 'id' field is used as key data field and 'parentId' as parent data field'
ParentDataFieldstring""Sets or gets the parent data field to be used for building the hierarchy. It is used in combination with the keyDataField property. Usually the 'id' field is used as key data field and 'parentId' as parent data field'
MapCharstring"."Sets the 'mapChar' data field of the record
VirtualDataSourceobjectnullSets the virtual data source function which is called each time the Grid requests data. Demos using 'virtualDataSource' are available on the Grid demos page.
VirtualDataSourceOnExpandobjectnullSets the virtual data source on expand function. This function is called when we load data on demand in Tree or TreeGrid and virtualDataSource in these components is set, too

GridDataSourceSettingsDataField Properties

Namestring""Sets the dataField name.
Mapstring""Sets the dataField mapping path. For nested mapping, use '.'. Example: 'name.firstName'.
DataTypeGridDataSourceSettingsDataFieldDataTypeGridDataSourceSettingsDataFieldDataType.StringSets the dataField type.

GridEditing Properties

AllowRowHeaderEditboolfalseEnables row header cells editing.
AllowColumnHeaderEditboolfalseEnables column headers editing.
EnabledboolfalseEnables editing.
BatchboolfalseEnables batch editing. This allows editing multiple grid rows on the client side and sending them with a single server request.
ActionGridEditingActionGridEditingAction.ClickDetermines the way editing is initiated.
CommandKeysGridEditingCommandKeysnew GridEditingCommandKeys()Describes command keys.
CommandBarGridEditingCommandBarnew GridEditingCommandBar()Describes the grid's command bar settings. The command bar is a toolbar or statusbar with tools for saving and reverting edits.
CommandColumnGridEditingCommandColumnnew GridEditingCommandColumn()Describes the grid's command column settings. The command column can be used to edit or delete a row.
ModeGridEditingModeGridEditingMode.CellSets the grid's edit mode.
AddNewRowGridEditingAddNewRownew GridEditingAddNewRow()Describes the settings of the 'Add New Row' UI element which enables the quick adding of rows to the Grid with a single click.
AddNewColumnGridEditingAddNewColumnnew GridEditingAddNewColumn()Enables users to dynamically add new columns through the User Interface. When the add new column is visible, a '+' is displayed as a last column. Clicking it opens a dialog for adding new columns.
DialogDialognew Dialog()Describes dialog's editing settings.
AddDialogDialognew Dialog()Describes add dialog's settings
DeleteDialogDialognew Dialog()Describes delete dialog's settings

GridEditingCommandKeys Properties

CommandKeyEditGridCommandKeynew GridCommandKey()Describes the edit command key.
CommandKeyCancelGridCommandKeynew GridCommandKey()Describes the cancel command key.
CommandKeyUpdateGridCommandKeynew GridCommandKey()Describes the update command key.

GridCommandKey Properties

Commandstring"commandKeyEditCommand"Sets the name of the edit key command.
Keystring"F2"Sets the key that invokes the edit command.

GridEditingCommandBar Properties

VisibleboolfalseMakes the command bar visible.
PositionLayoutPositionLayoutPosition.NearSets the command bar's position.
DisplayModeGridCommandDisplayModeGridCommandDisplayMode.LabelAndIconSets what is to be displayed in command bar buttons.
DataSourceGridEditingCommandBarDataSourcenew GridEditingCommandBarDataSource()Sets the command bar's data source.

GridEditingCommandBarDataSource Properties

CommandBarAddRowGridCommandnew GridCommand()Describes the settings of the command bar's button for adding rows.
CommandBarDeleteRowGridCommandnew GridCommand()Describes the settings of the command bar's button for deleting rows.
CommandBarBatchSaveGridCommandnew GridCommand()Describes the settings of the command bar's button for saving changes.
CommandBarBatchRevertGridCommandnew GridCommand()Describes the settings of the command bar's button for reverting changes.

GridEditingCommandColumn Properties

VisibleboolfalseMakes the command column visible.
InlineboolfalseEnables inline display of the command column.
PositionPositionPosition.FarSets the command column's position.
DisplayModeGridCommandDisplayModeGridCommandDisplayMode.IconSets what is to be displayed in command column buttons.
DataSourceGridEditingCommandColumnDataSourcenew GridEditingCommandColumnDataSource()Sets the command column's data source.
Widthint?nullSets the width of the command column.

GridEditingCommandColumnDataSource Properties

CommandColumnMenuGridCommandnew GridCommand()Describes the settings of the command column's button displayed in the column's header. By default, this Command opens a Menu with Column Chooser.
CommandColumnEditGridCommandnew GridCommand()Describes the settings of the command column's button for editing rows.
CommandColumnDeleteGridCommandnew GridCommand()Describes the settings of the command column's button for deleting rows.
CommandColumnUpdateGridCommandnew GridCommand()Describes the settings of the command column's button for updating rows.
CommandColumnCancelGridCommandnew GridCommand()Describes the settings of the command column's button for canceling edits.
CommandColumnRowMenuGridCommandnew GridCommand()Describes the settings of the command column's row menu button.
CommandColumnCustomGridCommandnew GridCommand()Describes the settings of the command column's custom button.

GridEditingAddNewRow Properties

AutoCreateboolfalseAdds new row by clicking the Enter button, when the focused row is the last row.
AutoEditbooltrueDetermines whether the newly added row enters automatically in edit mode, when added.
PositionLayoutPositionLayoutPosition.BothSets the position of the 'Add New Row' UI element.
DisplayModeGridEditingAddNewRowDisplayModeGridEditingAddNewRowDisplayMode.RowSets or gets the display mode of the new row action. It could be either 'row' or 'button'.
VisibleboolfalseMakes the 'Add New Row' UI element visible.
Labelstring"{{message}}"Sets the label of the 'Add New Row' UI element.

GridEditingAddNewColumn Properties

VisibleboolfalseMakes the 'Add New Row' UI element visible.

GridFiltering Properties

EnabledboolfalseEnables filtering.
FilterIEnumerable<object>new List<object>()An array of filtering conditions to apply to the DataGrid. Each member of the filter array is an array with two members. The first one is the column dataField to apply the filter to. The second one is the filtering condition. Example: [['firstName', 'contains Andrew or contains Nancy'], ['quantity', '<= 3 and >= 8']]. Additional example with filter which we want to apply to a column with filterMenuMode='excel' - [['firstName', 'EQUAL' 'Andrew' or 'EQUAL' 'Antoni' or 'EQUAL' 'Beate']]. Example with a string filter applied to a string column - [['lastName','CONTAINS' 'burke' or 'CONTAINS' 'peterson']]. Filter conditions which you can use in the expressions: '=', 'EQUAL','<>', 'NOT_EQUAL', '!=', '<', 'LESS_THAN','>', 'GREATER_THAN', '<=', 'LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL', '>=', 'GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL','starts with', 'STARTS_WITH','ends with', 'ENDS_WITH', '', 'EMPTY', 'CONTAINS','DOES_NOT_CONTAIN', 'NULL','NOT_NULL'
FilterRowGridFilteringFilterRownew GridFilteringFilterRow()Describes the filter row's settings.
FilterMenuGridFilteringFilterMenunew GridFilteringFilterMenu()Describes the settings for the filter menu.
FilterBuilderGridFilteringFilterBuildernew GridFilteringFilterBuilder()(In Development)Describes the settings for the filter builder.

GridFilteringFilterRow Properties

VisibleboolfalseMakes the filter row visible.
MenuVisibleboolfalseMakes the filter row's menu visible.
ApplyModeGridFilteringFilterRowApplyModeGridFilteringFilterRowApplyMode.AutoSets the way filtering through the filter row is applied.
AutoApplyModeDelayint300Sets the delay (in milliseconds) before applying filtering (when filtering.filterRow.applyMode is 'auto').

GridFilteringFilterMenu Properties

VisiblebooltrueSets the visibility of the filter menu.
Buttonsstring[]new string[]{}Sets the button text of the filter menu.
ModeGridFilteringFilterMenuModeGridFilteringFilterMenuMode.DefaultSets the filter menu mode.
DataSourceobjectnullSets the filter menu datasource.
Widthint250Sets the width of the filter menu.
Heightint200Sets the height of the filter menu.

GridFilteringFilterBuilder Properties

VisibleboolfalseSets the visibility of the filter builder.
Heightint?nullSets the height of the filter builder.

GridGrouping Properties

EnabledboolfalseEnables grouping.
AllowCollapseboolfalseEnables collapsing of groups.
AutoExpandAllboolfalseAutomatically expands all groups.
AutoHideGroupColumnboolfalseAutomatically hides all grouped columns.
ExpandModeGridGroupingExpandModeGridGroupingExpandMode.ButtonClickSets the group expand mode.
RenderModeGridGroupingRenderModeGridGroupingRenderMode.AdvancedSets the group render mode. 'basic' mode renders the group headers without taking into account the indent, groupRowHeight and column label properties. 'compact' mode is the same as basic, but also renders the column labels in the group headers. The default mode is 'advanced', which adds indents to groups that depend on the group level.
GroupRowHeightobject50Sets the group row height.
ToggleButtonIndentint16Sets the indent of the group toggle button.
GroupIndentint16Sets the indent of the group.
GroupBarGridGroupingGroupBarnew GridGroupingGroupBar()Describes the group bar's settings.
SummaryRowGridGroupingSummaryRownew GridGroupingSummaryRow()Describes the group summary row's settings.

GridGroupingGroupBar Properties

VisibleboolfalseMakes the group bar visible.
AllowColumnDragDropboolfalseEnables column drag and drop.
AllowColumnCloseButtonsbooltrueEnables column close buttons.

GridGroupingSummaryRow Properties

InlinebooltrueEnables inline display of the group summary row.
VisiblebooltrueMakes the group summary row visible.

GridPaging Properties

EnabledboolfalseEnables pagination.
SpinnerGridPagingSpinnernew GridPagingSpinner()Describes the spinner pagination settings.
PageSizeint10Sets the number of rows per page.
PageIndexint0Sets the start page.

GridPagingSpinner Properties

EnabledboolfalseEnables spinner pagination.
Stepint1Sets the step of page

GridPager Properties

AutoEllipsisGridPagerAutoEllipsisGridPagerAutoEllipsis.BothSets the ellipsis display mode.
PositionLayoutPositionLayoutPosition.FarSets the position of pager.
Templateobject""Sets a template for the pager.
PageSizeSelectorGridPagerPageSizeSelectornew GridPagerPageSizeSelector()Describes the settings for the 'rows per page' option.
SummaryGridPagerSummarynew GridPagerSummary()Describes the summary settings.
NavigationButtonsGridPagerNavigationButtonsnew GridPagerNavigationButtons()Describes the navigation buttons settings.
NavigationInputGridPagerNavigationInputnew GridPagerNavigationInput()Describes the settings about navigation input option.
PageIndexSelectorsGridPagerPageIndexSelectorsnew GridPagerPageIndexSelectors()Describes the settings for the numeric page buttons.
VisibleboolfalseSets the visibility of pager.

GridPagerPageSizeSelector Properties

VisibleboolfalseSets the visibility of the 'rows per page' option.
DataSourceobject"10,20,50"Sets the count of the 'rows per page' option.
PositionPositionPosition.FarSets the position of the 'rows per page' option.

GridPagerSummary Properties

PositionPositionPosition.FarSets the position of the summary.
VisibleboolfalseSets the visibility of the summary.

GridPagerNavigationButtons Properties

PositionLayoutPositionLayoutPosition.BothSets the navigation buttons position.
PrevNextButtonsGridPagerNavigationButtonsPrevNextButtonsnew GridPagerNavigationButtonsPrevNextButtons()Describes the settings about buttons 'previous page' and 'next page'.
FirstLastButtonsGridPagerNavigationButtonsFirstLastButtonsnew GridPagerNavigationButtonsFirstLastButtons()Describes the settings about buttons 'first page' and 'last page'.
LabelsGridPagerNavigationButtonsLabelsnew GridPagerNavigationButtonsLabels()Describes the labels settings for navigation buttons.

GridPagerNavigationButtonsPrevNextButtons Properties

VisiblebooltrueSets the visibility of 'previous page' and 'next page' buttons.

GridPagerNavigationButtonsFirstLastButtons Properties

VisiblebooltrueSets the visibility of 'first page' and 'last page' buttons.

GridPagerNavigationButtonsLabels Properties

VisibleboolfalseSets the visibility of labels for navigation buttons.

GridPagerNavigationInput Properties

PositionPositionPosition.FarSets the position of navigation input option.
VisibleboolfalseSets the visibility of navigation input option.

GridPagerPageIndexSelectors Properties

VisiblebooltrueSets the visibility of numeric page buttons.
DataSourceobject10Sets the number of visible page buttons.

GridRowDetail Properties

EnabledboolfalseEnables the row details.
Heightint200Sets the height of the row details.
PositionPositionPosition.NearSets the position of the Column which allows you to dynamically expand/collapse the row details.
Templateobject""Sets the template of the row details.
VisiblebooltrueSets the visibility of the Column which allows you to dynamically expand/collapse the row details.
DialogDialognew Dialog()Sets the row details dialog. When enabled, row details will be displayed in a Dialog.

GridColumnHeader Properties

VisiblebooltrueSets the column header visibility.

GridSummaryRow Properties

VisibleboolfalseSets the summary row visibility.
EditingboolfalseSets the summary row editor. When you point over a summary row cell, an editor is displayed and you will be able to dynamically change the summary type.

GridGroupHeader Properties

VisibleboolfalseSets the visibility of the group header.
Templateobject""Sets a template for the group header.

GridHeader Properties

VisibleboolfalseSets the header visibility.
Templateobject""Sets a template for the header.
OnInitobjectnullThis callback function can be used for customization of the Header toolbar. The Toolbar HTML Element is passed as an argument.
Buttonsstring[]new string[]{}Determines the buttons displayed in the Grid header. 'columns' displays a button opening the columns chooser panel. 'filter' displays a button opening the filtering panel. 'group' displays a button opening the grouping panel. 'sort' displays a button opening the sorting panel. 'format' displays a button opening the conditional formatting panel. 'search' displays a button opening the search panel.

GridFooter Properties

VisibleboolfalseSets the footer visibility.
Templateobject""Sets a template for the footer.

GridRow Properties

AllowTogglebooltrueSets or gets the row can be expanded or collapsed.
AllowResizebooltrueSets or gets the row can be resized.
AllowSelectbooltrueSets or gets the row can be selected.
AllowCheckbooltrueSets or gets the row can be checked. This property is used when the Grid is in Tree Grid or Grouped mode.
CheckedbooltrueSets or gets the row's check state. This property is used when the Grid is in Tree Grid or Grouped mode.
CellsIEnumerable<IGridRowCell>new List<object>()Gets the Row's Cells array.
ChildrenIEnumerable<object>nullGets the row's children array of GridRow. This property is associated to the TreeGrid and Groupng mode of the Grid.
DataobjectnullGets the row's bound data.
DetailHeightint200Sets or gets the row's detail height.
DetailTemplateobjectnullSets or gets the row's detail template.
ElementobjectnullGets the HTML Element. The property returns null when the Row is not in the View.
IsExpandedboolfalseSets or gets the row is expanded. This property is used when the Grid is in Tree Grid or Grouped mode.
HeaderobjectnullGets the row's header element.
Heightint30Sets or gets the row's height.
Indexint-1Gets the row's bound index.
Idobject""Gets the row's bound id.
LeafboolfalseGets whether the row is leaf row in TreeGrid or Grouping mode.
MaxHeightint100Sets or gets the row's maximum height.
MinHeightint30Sets or gets the row's minimum height.
Freezestring"false"Sets or gets the Freeze mode. Accepts: 'near', 'far', true and false. Freezes/Pins the row to top(near) or bottom(far).
SelectedboolfalseSets or gets whether the row is selected.
ShowDetailboolfalseSets or gets whether the row detail is displayed.
SetStyleAction<object>null"Method which applies a style object to all cells. Expects a JSON object with the following allowed values: 'background', 'color', 'fontSize', 'fontFamily', 'fontWeight', 'fontStyle', 'textDecoration'
VisiblebooltrueSets or gets whether the row is visible. Set the property to 'false' to hide the row.
VisibleIndexint-1Gets the visible index of the row.
GetCellobject-1Methods which gets a cell, which is inside a row. A dataField string is a required argument, when you call this method.

GridRowCell Properties

Alignstring"left""Sets or gets the horizontal alignment. Allowed values are: 'left', 'center' or 'right'".
ColumnobjectnullGets the column associated to the cell.
Colorstring""Sets or gets the cell's text color.
Backgroundstring""Sets or gets the cell's background.
BorderColorstring""Sets or gets the cell's borderColor.
ColSpanint1Sets or gets the cell's colSpan.
EditorobjectnullSets or gets the cell's editor.
ElementobjectnullGets the HTMLElement associated to the cell.
GetFormattedValueAction<object>nullGets a formatted number or Date.
IsEditingboolfalseGets whether the cell is in edit mode.
OldValueobjectnullGets the old value of the cell
FontSizestring""Sets or gets the cell's fontSize
FontWeightstring""Sets or gets the cell's fontWeight
FontFamilystring""Sets or gets the cell's fontFamily
FontStylestring""Sets or gets the cell's fontStyle
Readonlyboolfalse"Sets or gets whether the cell can be edited.".
RowobjectnullGets the row object associated to the cell.
RowSpanint1Sets or gets the row span.
SelectedboolfalseSets or gets whether the cell is selected.
SetPropertiesAction<object>null"Each property is an object{name: string, value: any}. This function allows you to update multiple properties with single refresh.".
Tooltipstring"""Allowed values are: 'top', 'middle' or 'bottom'".
ValueobjectnullThe cell's value
VerticalAlignstring"center""Sets or gets the vertical alignment. Allowed values are: 'top', 'center' or 'bottom'".
SetStyleAction<object>null"Method which applies a cell style object. Expects a JSON object with the following possible values: 'background', 'color', 'fontSize', 'fontFamily', 'fontWeight', 'fontStyle', 'textDecoration'

GridSelection Properties

EnabledboolfalseEnables the selection option.
AllowRowHeaderSelectionboolfalseSets or gets whether selection by clicking on a Row header is allowed.
AllowColumnHeaderSelectionboolfalseSets or gets whether selection by clicking on a Column header is allowed.
AllowRowSelectionbooltrueSets or gets whether selection by clicking on a Row is allowed.
AllowCellSelectionboolfalseSets or gets whether selection by clicking on a cell is allowed.
AllowDragSelectionbooltrueSets or gets whether selection by dragging(like in Excel) is allowed.
AllowDragSelectionAutoScrollbooltrueSets or gets whether selection by dragging will automatically scroll the Grid view.
AllowCellDragSelectionHandlebooltrueSets or gets whether the Cells selection bottom-right corner selection 'Drag Handle' (litte square like in Excel) is displayed. That handle allows you to resize the selection horizontally or vertically
AllowCellDragDropSelectionHandlebooltrueSets or gets whether the Cells selection can be dragged and dropped. Drag happens when the cursor is moved to the bottom of the cells selection. The cursor is changed to a drag cursor. Press the button and hold and move the selection. By default the dragged cell values are copied on drop.
AllowCellDragSelectionAutoFillbooltrueSets or gets whether the Cells selection will be auto-filled with values on drop when dragging through the 'Drag Handle'.
DefaultSelectionboolfalseSets or gets whether the default browser's text selection is enabled.
ModeGridSelectionModeGridSelectionMode.ManySets or gets whether the selection allows you to select 'one', 'many' or a variation of 'many' called 'extended'. 'one' allows you to have only single cell or row selected. 'many'
ActionGridSelectionActionGridSelectionAction.ClickSets or gets whether the selection happens on 'click' or 'doubleClick'. 'none' means that selection can happen only through API.
CheckBoxesGridSelectionCheckBoxesnew GridSelectionCheckBoxes()

GridSelectionCheckBoxes Properties

AutoShowboolfalseSets or gets whether the checkboxes are automatically displayed only when the mouse is over the Grid. When false, checkboses are always displayed
EnabledboolfalseSets or gets whether the checkboxes selection is enabled. In that mode a new column with checkboxes is displayed.
ActionGridSelectionActionGridSelectionAction.ClickSets or gets whether the selection happens on 'click' or 'doubleClick'. 'none' means that selection can happen only through API.
SelectAllModeGridSelectionCheckBoxesSelectAllModeGridSelectionCheckBoxesSelectAllMode.PageSets or gets whether the checkbox selection selects all rows in the current page or all rows. The 'none' setting disables the header checkbox.
PositionPositionPosition.NearSets or gets whether the position of the checkbox selection column.

GridSorting Properties

EnabledboolfalseEnables sorting.
Sortstring[]new string[]{}Sets the sort columns to be sorted.
ModeGridSortingModeGridSortingMode.OneSets the count of allowed sorting columns. When the property value is set to 'many', users can sort data by multiple columns.
SortToggleThreeStatesbooltrueEnables switching between the three sort states: ascending, descending and not sorted.