Blazor - Get Started with Carousel

Blazor - Get Started with Smart.Carousel

Setup The Project

Follow the Getting Started guide to set up your Blazor Application with Smart UI.

Smart.Carousel is a custom component that enables you to easily create highly customizable slideshows.

  1. Add the Carousel component to the Pages/Index.razor file
  2. Create the array of items in the Carousel. Each item can contain Label, Content and Image. Items can also be set tu custom HTML content.
    <Carousel DataSource="items"></Carousel>
    @code {
      dynamic[] items = new dynamic[]{
          new {label="First Label", content="Additional Information", image=""},
          new {label="Second Label", content="Additional Information", image=""},
          new {label="Third Label", content="Additional Information", image=""},
          new {label="Forth Label", content="Additional Information", image=""},

By deafault, the carousel can be controlled with controls and/or indicators

Basic carousel


The navigation arrows and indicators are enabled by default but can be disabled using the HideArrows and HideIndicators
The Carousel can also be set to slideshow mode - the slides are switched automatically in custom interval:

<Carousel DataSource="items" HideArrows HideIndicators SlideShow AutoPlay Loop Interval="1500"></Carousel>
Carousel slideshow


Slides inside Smart.Carousel can be set to a custom template element. Set the ItemTemplate property to the id of the template:

<template id="itemTemplate">
  <h3 class="template-header">{{label}}</h3>
  <p class="template-content">{{content}}</p>
  <img class="template-image" src="{{image}}" />

<Carousel DataSource="items" ItemTemplate="itemTemplate"></Carousel>

@code {
  string itemTemplate = "itemTemplate";
Carousel templates

Smart.Carousel natively supports 3D display mode by setting DisplayMode to CarouselDisplayMode.Threed In addition, the scrolling direction and look of the slides can be customized with the Class property

<Carousel DataSource="items" DisplayMode="CarouselDisplayMode.Threed" Class="horizontal circle"></Carousel>
3d display mode

Display Multiple Slides

The Carousel component can display multiple slides at the same time by setting DisplayMode to CarouselDisplayMode.Multiple

<Carousel DataSource="items" DisplayMode="CarouselDisplayMode.Multiple"></Carousel>
Multiple slides

Carousel Events

Smart.Carousel provides multiple events that can help you expand the component's functionality.
Each event object has unique event.detail parameters.

  • OnChange - triggered when the active ( in view ) slide is changed.
    Event Details: int index, int index
  • OnChanging - triggered when the process of slide changing starts.
    Event Details: int index, int index
  • SwipeLeft - triggered when the user swipes to the left inside the Carousel.
    Event Details: N/A
  • SwipeRight - triggered when the user swipes to the right inside the Carousel.
    Event Details: N/A

The demo below uses the OnChange Event to always return to the first slide after each change:

<Carousel @ref="@carousel" DataSource="items"  DisplayMode="CarouselDisplayMode.Threed" Class="circle" OnChange="OnChange"></Carousel>

@code {
  Carousel carousel;
  dynamic[] items = new dynamic[]{
        new {label="First Label", content="Additional Information", image=""},
        new {label="Second Label", content="Additional Information", image=""},
        new {label="Third Label", content="Additional Information", image=""},
        new {label="Forth Label", content="Additional Information", image=""},
    private void OnChange(){
Carousel OnChange event