Scheduler Blazor API

Scheduler Properties

AutoScrollStepint30Determines the scroll speed while dragging an event.
ColorSchemestring[]new string[]{}Determines the color scheme for the event background selector in the event window editor.
CurrentTimeIndicatorboolfalseEnables/Disables the current time indicator. Current time indicator shows the current time in the appropriate view cells.
CurrentTimeIndicatorIntervalint1Determines the refresh interval in seconds for the currentTimeIndicator.
ContextMenuDataSourceIEnumerable<object>N/ADetermines the context menu items that are visible when the Context Menu is opened.
ContextMenuClipboardActionsboolfalseDetermines whether the clipboard shortcuts for copy/paste/cut action of events are visible in the Scheduler context menu or not.
EventTemplateobjectN/AAllows to customize the content of the event elements. It can be an HTMLTemplateElement that will be applied to all events or it's id as a string or a function that will be called for each event with the following parameters:
  • eventContent - the content holder for the event,
  • eventObj - the event object.
. When using an HTMLTemplateElement it's possible to add property bindings inside the template that will be mapped to the corresponding object properties.
EventCollectorTemplateobjectN/AAllows to customize the content of the event collector elements. It can be an HTMLTemplateElement that will be applied to all events or it's id as a string or a function that will be called for each event with the following parameters:
  • eventContent - the content holder for the event,
  • eventObj - the event object.
. When using an HTMLTemplateElement it's possible to add property bindings inside the template that will be mapped to the corresponding object properties.
EventRenderModeSchedulerEventRenderModeSchedulerEventRenderMode.Modern Determines how the events inside the Scheduler are rendered.
  • classic - the events are arranged next to each other and try to fit inside the cells.
  • modern - the events obey the CSS property that determines their size and if there's not enough space inside the cell for all events to appear, an event collector is created to hold the rest of the events. On mobile phones only collectors are created.
EventTooltipTemplateobjectN/AAllows to customize the content of the event menu items (tooltip). When clicked on an event element an event menu with details opens. It can be an HTMLTemplateElement that will be applied to all events or it's id as a string or a function that will be called for each event with the following parameters:
  • eventContent - the content holder for the event,
  • eventObj - the event object.
. When using an HTMLTemplateElement it's possible to add property bindings inside the template that will be mapped to the corresponding object properties.
CellTemplateobjectN/AAllows to customize the content of the timeline cells. It can be an HTMLTemplateElement that will be applied to all cells or it's id as a string or a function that will be called for each cell with the following parameters:
  • cellContent - the content holder for the cell,
  • cellDate - the cell date.
. When using an HTMLTemplateElement it's possible to add property bindings inside the template that will be mapped to the value of the cell.
DateCurrentobjectnew Date()Determines the currently visible date for the Scheduler.
DataExportSchedulerDataExportN/ASets the Schedulers's Data Export options.
DataSourceIEnumerable<ISchedulerDataSource>N/ADetermines the events that will be loaded inside the Timeline. Each event represents an object that should contain the following properties:
DayFormatSchedulerDayFormatSchedulerDayFormat.ShortDetermines the day format of the dates in the timeline.
DisabledboolfalseEnables or disables the element.
DisableAutoScrollboolfalseDisables auto scrolling of the timeline while dragging/resizing an event.
DisableDragboolfalseDisables dragging of events.
DisableDropboolfalseDisables dropping of events.
DisableResizeboolfalseDisables resizing of events.
DisableSelectionboolfalseDisables the cell selection.
DisableWindowEditorboolfalseDisables the window editor for the events.
DisableContextMenuboolfalseDisables the context menu of the events and cells.
DisableEventMenuboolfalseDisables the event menu that appears when an event/collector has been clicked.
DisableViewMenuboolfalseDisables the view menu that allows to select the current Scheduler view.
DisableDateMenuboolfalseDisables the date menu that allows to select the current Scheduler date.
DragOffsetIEnumerable<object>N/ADetermines the offset for the drag feedback from the pointer.
FilterIEnumerable<object>N/ADetermines the filtering condition for the events.The filter property takes an array of objects or a function. Each object represents a single filtering condition with the following attributes:
  • name - the name of the Scheduler event property that will be filtered by.
  • value - the filtering condition value. The value will be used to compare the events based on the filterMode, for example: [{ name: 'price', value: 25 }]. The value can also be a function. The function accepts a single arguemnt - the value that corresponds to the filtered attribute. The function allows to apply custom condition that is different from the default filter modes. It should return true ( if the evnet passes the filtering condition ) or false ( if the event does not meet the filtering condition ). Here's an example: [{ name: 'roomId', value: (id) => ['2', '3'].indexOf(id + '') > -1 }]. In the example the events that do not have a 'roomId' property that is equal to '2' or '3' will be filtered out.
. If a function is set to the filter property instead, it allows to completely customize the filtering logic. The function passes a single argument - each Scheduler event that will be displayed. The function should return true ( if the condition is met ) or false ( if not ).
FilterableIEnumerable<object>N/ADetermines whether Scheduler's filtering is enabled or not.
FilterModeFilterModeFilterMode.EqualsDetermines the filter mode.
EventsIEnumerable<ISchedulerEvent>A getter that returns an array of all Scheduler events.
FirstDayOfWeekint0Determines the first day of week for the Scheduler. By default it's Sunday.
FooterTemplateobjectN/AAllows to customize the footer of the Scheduler. It can be an HTMLTemplateElement, it's id as a string or a function with the following parameters:
  • footerContainer - the footer container.
GroupByDateboolfalseDetermines whether the events will be grouped by date.
GroupOrientationSchedulerGroupOrientationSchedulerGroupOrientation.HorizontalDetermines the grouping orientation.
GroupTemplateobjectN/AAllows to customize the content of the group cells that are visible inside the header. It can be an HTMLTemplateElement that will be applied to all cells or it's id as a string or a function that will be called for each group cell with the following parameters:
  • cellContent - the content holder for the group cell.
  • cellObj - the group cell object.
. When using an HTMLTemplateElement it's possible to add property bindings inside the template that will be mapped to the corresponding object properties.
GroupsIEnumerable<object>N/ADetermines the resources that the events are grouped by.
HourEndint23Determines the end hour that will be displayed in 'day' and 'week' views.
HourStartint0Determines the start hour that will be displayed in 'day' and 'week' views.
HourFormatSchedulerHourFormatSchedulerHourFormat.NumericDetermines the formatting of hours inside the element.
HeaderTemplateobjectN/AAllows to customize the header of the Scheduler. It can be an HTMLTemplateElement, it's id as a string or a function with the following parameters:
  • headerContent - the header container.
HeaderDatePositionSchedulerHeaderDatePositionSchedulerHeaderDatePosition.Near Determines the position of the Date selector inside the Header of the element.
HeaderNavigationStyleSchedulerHeaderNavigationStyleSchedulerHeaderNavigationStyle.Flat Determines the styling of the Header navigation controls.
HeaderViewPositionSchedulerHeaderViewPositionSchedulerHeaderViewPosition.Far Determines the position of the view selector control inside the Header of the element.
HideAllDayboolfalseDetermines whether the 'All Day' container with the all day events is hidden or not.
HideNonworkingWeekdaysboolfalseDetermines whether the days set by 'nonworkingDays' property are hidden or not.
HideOtherMonthDaysboolfalseDetermines whether other month days are visible when view is set to month. When enabled, events that start on other month days are not displayed and the cells that represent such days do not allow the creation of new events on them. Also dragging and droping an event on other month days is not allowed. Reszing is also affected. Events can end on other month days, but cannot start on one.
HideTodayButtonboolfalseDetermines whether the 'Today' button is hidden or not.
HideViewMenuCheckableItemsboolfalseDetermines whether the checkable items in the view selection menu are hidden or not.
HideWeekendboolfalseDetermines whether the weekend days are hidden or not.
LegendLocationSchedulerLegendLocationSchedulerLegendLocation.FooterDetermines the location of the legend inside the Scheduler. By default the location is inside the footer but it can also reside in the header.
LegendPositionSchedulerLegendPositionSchedulerLegendPosition.NearDetermines the position of the legend. By default it's positioned to the near side but setting it to 'far' will change that.
MouseWheelStepint-1Determines the mouse wheel step. When this property is set to a positive number, the scroll step with mouse wheel or trackpad will depend on the property value.
HorizontalScrollBarVisibilityHorizontalScrollBarVisibilityHorizontalScrollBarVisibility.AutoDetermines weather or not horizontal scrollbar is shown.
Localestring"en" Determines the language of the Scheduler.
Maxobject2100-1-1Detetmines the maximum view date for the Scheduler.
MaxEventsPerCellint?N/ADetetmines the maximum number of events per Scheduler cell. By default this property is null which means that the number of events per cell is automatically determined by the size of the events.
Minobject1900-1-1Detetmines the minimum view date for the Scheduler.
MessagesobjectN/ASets or gets an object specifying strings used in the element that can be localized. Used in conjunction with the property locale.
MinuteFormatMinuteFormatMinuteFormat.2DigitDetermines the minute formatting inside the Scheduler.
MonthFormatMonthFormatMonthFormat.LongDetermines the month name formatting inside the Scheduler.
NonworkingDaysIEnumerable<object>N/ADetermines the nonworking days of the week from 0 to 6, where 0 is the first day of the week and 6 is the last day. Nonworking days will be colored differently inside the Timeline. The color is determined by a CSS variable.
NonworkingHoursIEnumerable<object>N/ADetermines the nonworking hours of the day. Hours are represented as numbers inside an array, however ranges of hours can be defined as an array with starting and ending hour separated by a comma. In the timline the cells that represent nonworking days are colored differently from the rest.
NotificationIntervalint60Determines the interval (in seconds) at which the element will check for notifications.
ResizeHandlesVisibilityResizeHandlesVisibilityResizeHandlesVisibility.AutoDetermines the visibility of the resize handles.
ResizeIntervalint0Determines the rate at which the element will refresh it's content on element resize. By default it's refresh immediately. This property is used for element resize throttling
ResourcesIEnumerable<ISchedulerResource>N/AAn array of resources that can be assigned to the events.
RestrictedDatesIEnumerable<object>N/ADefines an array of dates that are not allowed to have events on. Events that overlap restricted Dates or start/end on them will not be displayed.
RestrictedHoursIEnumerable<object>N/ADefines an array of hours that are not allowed to have events on. Events that overlap restricted Hours or start/end on them will not be displayed.
RightToLeftboolfalseSets or gets the value indicating whether the element is aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts.
ScrollButtonsPositionSchedulerScrollButtonsPositionSchedulerScrollButtonsPosition.Near Determines the position of the date navigation navigation buttons inside the header of the element.
ShadeUntilCurrentTimeboolfalseEnables/Disables the current time shader. If enabled all cells that represent past time will be shaded.
ShowLegendboolfalseDetermines whether the resource legend is visible or not. The Legend shows the resources and their items in the footer section of the Scheduler. If filterable is enabled it is possible to filter by resource items by clicking on the corresponding resource item from the legend.
SortBystring"null"Determines the name of the resource data item property that will be used for sorting the resource data defined as the resource.dataSource.
SortOrderSchedulerSortOrderSchedulerSortOrder.AscDetermines the sorting order of the resource data items. When set to custom, a custom sorting function has to be defined for the sortFunction property. The asc stands for 'ascending' while desc means 'descending' sorting order.
SpinButtonsDelayint80Determines the repeating delay of the repeat buttons inside the header of the element. Such buttons are the Date navigation buttons and the view scroll buttons.
SpinButtonsInitialDelayint0Determines the initial delay of the repeat buttons inside the header of the element. Such buttons are the Date navigation buttons and the view scroll buttons.
StatusesIEnumerable<ISchedulerStatuse>[{"label":"None"},{"label":"Free","value":"free"},{"label":"Tentative","value":"tentative"},{"label":"Busy","value":"busy"},{"label":"Out of Office","value":"outOfOffice"}]Defines the statuses that will be available for selection thourgh the window editor for the events.
Themestring""Sets or gets the element's visual theme.
TimelineDayScaleSchedulerTimelineDayScaleSchedulerTimelineDayScale.HourDetermines the date scale for the timeline cells.
TimeRulerTicksboolfalseEnables/Disables the tick marks next to the time cells in the vertical header of the element. Time header appears in 'day' and 'week' views.
TimeZoneSchedulerTimeZoneSchedulerTimeZone.Determines the timeZone for the element. By default if the local time zone is used if the property is not set.
TimeZonesIEnumerable<object>N/AAllows to display additional timeZones at once along with the default that is set via the timeZone property. Accepts an array values that represent the ids of valid time zones. The possbile time zones can be viewed in the timeZone property description. By default the local time zone is displayed.
TooltipDelayint0Determines the delay ( in miliseconds) before the tooltip/menu appears.
TooltipOffsetint[]new int[]{}Determines the offset ot the tooltip/menu.
VerticalScrollBarVisibilityVerticalScrollBarVisibilityVerticalScrollBarVisibility.AutoDetermines weather or not vertical scrollbar is shown.
ViewSchedulerViewTypeN/ADetermines the current view. The property accepts view values that are defined in the views property. Custom views should contain a valid value that will be set as the current view.
ViewTypeSchedulerViewTypeSchedulerViewType.DayIndicates the current Scheduler viewType. Custom views must contain a valid type property that corresponds to one of the view types. This property should not be set.
ViewsIEnumerable<SchedulerViewType>N/ADetermines the viewing date range of the timeline. The property should be set to an array of strings or view objects. When you set it to a string, you should use any of the following: 'day', 'week', 'month', 'agenda', 'timelineDay', 'timelineWeek', 'timelineMonth'. Custom views can be defined as objects instead of strings. The view object should contain the following properties:
  • label - the label for the view.
  • value - the value for the view. The value is the unique identifier for the view.
  • type - the type of view. The type should be one of the default allowed values for a view.
  • hideWeekend - an Optional property that allows to hide the weekend only for this specific view.
  • hideNonworkingWeekdays - an Optional property that allows to hide the nonwrking weekdays for this specific view.
  • shortcutKey - an Optional property that allows to set a custom shortcut key for the view.
  • hideHours - an Optional property applicable only to timelineWeek view that allows to hide the hour cells and only show the day cells.
ViewSelectorTypeSchedulerViewSelectorTypeSchedulerViewSelectorType.MenuDetermines type of the view selector located in the header of the element.
WeekdayFormatWeekDayFormatWeekDayFormat.ShortDetermines the format of the week days inside the element.
YearFormatYearFormatYearFormat.NumericDetermines the format of the dates inside the timeline header when they represent years.
UnfocusableboolfalseSets or gets if the element can be focused.
UndoRedoStepsint100Determines the maximum number of redo/undo steps that will be remembered by the Scheduler. When the number is reached the oldest records are removed in order to add new.

Scheduler Methods

AddEventvoidobject eventObjAdds an event to the Scheduler. Accepts an event object of the following format (same as the dataSource format): <pre>{ label?: string, dateStart: date, dateEnd: date, description?: string, id?: string | number, class?: string, backgroundColor?: string, color?: string, notifications?: { interval: numeric, type?: string, time: number[] }[], allDay?: boolean, disableDrag?: boolean, disableResize?: boolean, repeat?: { repeatFreq: string, repeatInterval: number, repeatOn?: number | number[] | date, repeatEnd?: number | date, exceptions?: { date: date, dateStart?: date, dateEnd?: date, hidden?: boolean, backgroundColor?: string, status?: string, label?: string, description?: string, notifications?: { interval: numeric, type?: string, time: number[] }[], disableDrag?: boolean, disableResize?: boolean }[] }, status?: string }</pre>Args: object eventObj - An object describing a Scheduler event that is not already present in the element.
AddEventExceptionvoidobject eventObj, object exceptionObjAdds an event exception to a repeating event. The exception occurences for a repeating event can be gathered via the following methods: <ul><li><b>occurences</b></li><li><b>occurrencesBetween</b></li><li><b>occurrenceAfter</b></li><li><b>occurrenceBefore</b></li></ul>. <p>Example usage:</p> <pre>scheduler.addEventException(eventObj, { date: occuranceDate, dateStart: newDateStart, dateEnd: newDateEnd, label: 'Exception' });</pre>Args: object eventObj - The index, id or an object reference of an existing repeating Scheduler event.,object exceptionObj - An event object that describes an exception. Exception event objects must have a <b>date</b> attribute of type Date which indicates the date of occurence.
BeginUpdatevoidN/AStarts an update operation. This is appropriate when calling multiple methods or set multiple properties at once.
CanRedoboolN/AIndicates whether it is possible to redo an action.
CanUndoboolN/AIndicates whether it is possbile to undo an action.
ClearStatevoidN/ARemoves a previously saved state of the element form LocalStorage according to it's id. "Requires an id to be set to the element."
CloseEventTooltipvoidN/ACloses the event tooltip (event menu).
CloseNotificationsvoidN/ACloses all notifications.
CloseWindowvoidN/ACloses the popup window.
ContainsEventboolobject eventObjChecks whether the Scheduler contains the event.Args: object eventObj - A Scheduler event object.
CreateEventvoidstring label, string value, string dateStart, string dateEnd, bool allDayCreates an event and adds it to the Scheduler.Args: string label - Event label.,string value - Event value.,string dateStart - Event date start.,string dateEnd - Event date end.,bool allDay - Event all day. Set it to true to create all day event.
DeleteUndoRedoHistoryboolN/ADeletes the current undo/redo history.
EndUpdatevoidN/AEnds the update operation. This method will resume the rendering and will refresh the element.
ExportDatavoidstring dataFormat, object callbackExports the events from the Scheduler.Args: string dataFormat - Determines the format of the exported file. The following values are available: <ul><li><b>pdf</b></li><li><b>xlsx</b></li><li><b>html</b></li><li><b>iCal</b></li></ul>,object callback - A callback that allows to format the exported data based on a condition. For additional details, refer ro the Smart Export Documentation.
ExportDatavoidstring dataFormatExports the events from the Scheduler.
GetCellDateRangeobjectobject cellReturns the dateStart/dateEnd of a timeline cell.Args: object cell - A Scheduler timeline cell element.
GetDataSourceobject[]N/AReturns a JSON representation of the events inside the Scheduler.
GetDataSourceAsync()Task<object[]>'N/A'Gets the &quot;DataSource&quot; property as Task&lt;object[]&gt;.
GetDateCurrentAsync()Task<object>'N/A'Gets the &quot;DateCurrent&quot; property as Task&lt;object&gt;.
GetDateFromCoordinatesstringint x, int yGets a date from coordinatesArgs: int x - X coordinate.,int y - Y coordinate.
GetEventExceptionsIEnumerable<object>object eventObjReturns an array of all exceptions of the target repeating event.Args: object eventObj - The index, id or an object reference of an existing repeating Scheduler event.
GetEventExceptionsIEnumerable<object>int eventObjReturns an array of all exceptions of the target repeating event.Args: int eventObj - The index, id or an object reference of an existing repeating Scheduler event.
GetEventExceptionsIEnumerable<object>string eventObjReturns an array of all exceptions of the target repeating event.Args: string eventObj - The index, id or an object reference of an existing repeating Scheduler event.
GetIsAllDayCellFromCoordinatesboolint x, int yGets whether a cell is all day cell from coordinatesArgs: int x - X coordinate.,int y - Y coordinate.
GetResourcesobject[]N/AReturns a JSON representation of the resources inside the Scheduler.
GetStateobjectN/AReturns the current state of the Scheduler. Includes the current <b>dateCurernt</b>, <b>dataSource</b> and <b>timeZone</b> properties.
GetValueAsync()Task<string>'N/A'Gets the &quot;Value&quot; property as Task&lt;string&gt;.
InsertEventvoidobject eventObj, int indexInserts an event as object of the following format (same as the dataSource format): <pre>{ label?: string, dateStart: date, dateEnd: date, description?: string, id?: string | number, class?: string, backgroundColor?: string, color?: string, notifications?: { interval: numeric, type?: string, time: number[] }[], allDay?: boolean, disableDrag?: boolean, disableResize?: boolean, repeat?: { repeatFreq: string, repeatInterval: number, repeatOn?: number | number[] | date, repeatEnd?: number | date, exceptions?: { date: date, dateStart?: date, dateEnd?: date, hidden?: boolean, backgroundColor?: string, status?: string, label?: string, description?: string, notifications?: { interval: numeric, type?: string, time: number[] }[], disableDrag?: boolean, disableResize?: boolean }[] }, status?: string }</pre>Args: object eventObj - An object describing a Scheduler event that is not already present in the element.,int index - A number that represents the index to insert the event at. If not provided the event is inserted at the end of the list.
InsertEventvoidobject eventObjInserts an event as object of the following format (same as the dataSource format):
{ label?: string, dateStart: date, dateEnd: date, description?: string, id?: string | number, class?: string, backgroundColor?: string, color?: string, notifications?: { interval: numeric, type?: string, time: number[] }[], allDay?: boolean, disableDrag?: boolean, disableResize?: boolean, repeat?: { repeatFreq: string, repeatInterval: number, repeatOn?: number | number[] | date, repeatEnd?: number | date, exceptions?: { date: date, dateStart?: date, dateEnd?: date, hidden?: boolean, backgroundColor?: string, status?: string, label?: string, description?: string, notifications?: { interval: numeric, type?: string, time: number[] }[], disableDrag?: boolean, disableResize?: boolean }[] }, status?: string }
IsDateRestrictedboolDateTime dateReturns true or false whether the date is restricted or not.Args: DateTime date - A Date object.
IsEventRestrictedboolobject eventObjReturns true or false whether the event is restricted or not.Args: object eventObj - A Scheduler event object or a direct event HTMLElement instance.
IsHourRestrictedboolobject hourReturns true or false whether the hour is restricted or not.Args: object hour - A number that represents an hour ( 0 to 23 ) or a Date object.
IsHourRestrictedboolint hourReturns true or false whether the hour is restricted or not.Args: int hour - A number that represents an hour ( 0 to 23 ) or a Date object.
LoadStatevoidIEnumerable<object> stateLoads a previously saved state of the element or checks LocalStorage for any saved states if no argument is passed to the method.Args: IEnumerable<string> state - An Array containing a valid structure of Scheduler events. If no state is provided, the element will check localStorage for a saved state.
LoadStatevoidN/ALoads a previously saved state of the element or checks LocalStorage for any saved states if no argument is passed to the method.
NavigateToDatevoidDateTime dateNavigates the Scheduler to a Date.Args: DateTime date - The date to navigate to.
OccurrenceAftervoidobject eventObj, int dateReturns the first occurance of an event after a date.Args: object eventObj - A Scheduler event object.,int date - The date after which the first occurance of the event will be returned.
OccurrenceBeforevoidobject eventObj, int dateReturns the last occurance of an event before a date.Args: object eventObj - A Scheduler event object.,int date - The date before which the first occurance of the event will be returned.
Occurrencesvoidobject eventObj, int countReturns all occurances of an event.Args: object eventObj - A Scheduler evnet object.,int count - The number of occurances to return. By default 100 date occurances of the event are returned.
OccurrencesBetweenvoidobject eventObj, DateTime dateFrom, DateTime dateToReturns all occurances of an event between two dates.Args: object eventObj - A Scheduler event object.,DateTime dateFrom - The start date.,DateTime dateTo - The end date.
OpenEventTooltipvoidobject eventObjOpens the tooltip(event menu) for an event.Args: object eventObj - A Scheduler event object or it's index.
OpenEventTooltipvoidint eventObjOpens the tooltip(event menu) for an event.Args: int eventObj - A Scheduler event object or it's index.
OpenNotificationvoidstring message, object toastSettingsOpens a custom notification.Args: string message - The notification message.,object toastSettings - Smart.Toast settings to be applied to the Toast element when opening the notification.
OpenWindowvoidobject indexOpens the popup Window for specific event Editing.Args: int index - A number that represents the index of a event or the actual event object to be edited.
OpenWindowvoidint indexOpens the popup Window for specific event Editing.Args: int index - A number that represents the index of a event or the actual event object to be edited.
PrintvoidN/APrepares the Scheduler for printing by opening the browser's Print Preview.
Redoboolint stepRedo the next event modification.Args: int step - A step to redo to.
RedoboolN/ARedo the next event modification.
Refreshvoid'N/A'Refreshes the Blazor Component. Performs a layout of the HTML Elements and recalculates the measurements.
Refreshvoidbool fullRefreshRefereshes the Scheduler by recalculating the Scrollbars. Args: bool fullRefresh - If set the Scheduler will be re-rendered completely.
RefreshvoidN/ARefereshes the Scheduler by recalculating the Scrollbars.
RemoveEventvoidobject indexRemoves an existing event.Args: int index - A number that represents the index of an event or the actual event object to be removed.
RemoveEventvoidint indexRemoves an existing event.Args: int index - A number that represents the index of an event or the actual event object to be removed.
RemoveEventExceptionvoidobject eventObj, object indexRemoves an exception from a repeating event.Args: object eventObj - The index, id or an object reference of an existing repeating Scheduler event.,int index - The index, id, occurance date or an object reference of an event exception that belongs to the target repeating event.
RemoveEventExceptionvoidint eventObj, string indexRemoves an exception from a repeating event.Args: int eventObj - The index, id or an object reference of an existing repeating Scheduler event.,int index - The index, id, occurance date or an object reference of an event exception that belongs to the target repeating event.
RemoveEventExceptionvoidstring eventObj, int indexRemoves an exception from a repeating event.Args: string eventObj - The index, id or an object reference of an existing repeating Scheduler event.,int index - The index, id, occurance date or an object reference of an event exception that belongs to the target repeating event.
Rendervoid'N/A'Re-renders the Blazor Component. This method will make a full re-render.
SaveStatevoidIEnumerable<object> stateSaves the current events of the element to LocalStorage. "Requires an id to be set to the element."Args: IEnumerable<string> state - An Array containing a valid structure of Scheduler events.
SaveStatevoidN/ASaves the current events of the element to LocalStorage. Requires an id to be set to the element.
ScrollToDatevoidDateTime date, bool strictScroll, bool autoScrollScrolls the Scheduler to a Date.Args: DateTime date - The date to scroll to.,bool strictScroll - Determines whether to scroll strictly to the date or not. This mean sthat the Scheduler wll scroll to the begining of the cell that corresponds to the target date.,bool autoScroll - Calculates the scroll positions and element bounds, then adds an offset to scroll within the middle of the view.
ScrollToDatevoidDateTime dateScrolls the Scheduler to a Date.
ScrollToEventvoidobject indexScrolls the Scheduler to an event.Args: int index - The index of a Scheduler event or the actual event object to scroll to.
ScrollToEventvoidint indexScrolls the Scheduler to an event.Args: int index - The index of a Scheduler event or the actual event object to scroll to.
StateHasChangedvoid'N/A'Refreshes the state and Re-renders the Blazor Component, if necessary.
Undoboolint stepUndo the last event modification.Args: int step - A step to undo to.
UndoboolN/AUndo the last event modification.
UpdateEventvoidobject index, object eventObjUpdates an event object of the following format (same as the dataSource format): <pre>{ label?: string, dateStart: date, dateEnd: date, description?: string, id?: string | number, class?: string, backgroundColor?: string, color?: string, notifications?: { interval: numeric, type?: string, time: number[] }[], allDay?: boolean, disableDrag?: boolean, disableResize?: boolean, repeat?: { repeatFreq: string, repeatInterval: number, repeatOn?: number | number[] | date, repeatEnd?: number | date, exceptions?: { date: date, dateStart?: date, dateEnd?: date, hidden?: boolean, backgroundColor?: string, status?: string, label?: string, description?: string, notifications?: { interval: numeric, type?: string, time: number[] }[], disableDrag?: boolean, disableResize?: boolean }[] }, status?: string }</pre>Args: int index - A number that represents the index of an event or a Scheduler event object.,object eventObj - An object describing a Scheduler event. The properties of this object will be applied to the desired event.
UpdateEventExceptionvoidobject eventObj, object exceptionRef, object exceptionObjUpdates an event exception of a repeating event. The exception occurences for a repeating event can be gathered via the following methods: <ul><li><b>occurences</b></li><li><b>occurrencesBetween</b></li><li><b>occurrenceAfter</b></li><li><b>occurrenceBefore</b></li></ul>. <p>Example usage:</p> <pre>scheduler.updateEventException(eventObj, dateOfOccurance, { dateStart: newDateStart, dateEnd: newDateEnd, label: 'Updated Exception' });</pre>Args: object eventObj - The index, id or an object reference of an existing repeating Scheduler event.,object exceptionRef - The index, id, an occurence date of the exception or an object reference of an existing Scheduler repeating event exception.,object exceptionObj - An event object that describes an exception. All attributes of an exception can be updated except the occurance date (the <b>date</b> attribute).

Scheduler Events

NameTypeDescriptionEvent Detail
OnBeginUpdateEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when a batch update was started after executing the <b>beginUpdate</b> method.N/A
BeginUpdatedevent SchedulerBeginUpdatedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when a batch update was started after executing the <b>beginUpdate</b> method.SchedulerBeginUpdatedEventArgs
OnEndUpdateEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when a batch update was ended from after executing the <b>endUpdate</b> method.N/A
EndUpdatedevent SchedulerEndUpdatedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when a batch update was ended from after executing the <b>endUpdate</b> method.SchedulerEndUpdatedEventArgs
OnChangeEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when a new cell is selected/unselected.dynamic value- The new selected Date., dynamic oldValue- The previously selected Date.
Changedevent SchedulerChangedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when a new cell is selected/unselected.SchedulerChangedEventArgs
OnItemChangeEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when an Event has been updated/inserted/removed/dragged/resized or an exception of a repeating event has been added/updated/removed.dynamic item- An object that represents the actual item with it's attributes., dynamic type- The type of change that is being done to the item.
ItemChangedevent SchedulerItemChangedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when an Event has been updated/inserted/removed/dragged/resized or an exception of a repeating event has been added/updated/removed.SchedulerItemChangedEventArgs
OnItemChangingEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when an Event is going to be updated/inserted/removed. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.dynamic item- An object that represents the actual item with it's attributes., dynamic type- The type of change that is going to be made to the item (e.g. 'inserting', 'removing', 'updating', 'exceptionInserting', 'exceptionUpdating', 'exceptionRemoving').
ItemChangingevent SchedulerItemChangingEventHandlerThis event is triggered when an Event is going to be updated/inserted/removed. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.SchedulerItemChangingEventArgs
OnItemClickEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when en event, event item or a context menu item is clicked.dynamic item- The HTMLElement for the event., dynamic type- The type of item that is clicked. The possible values are: <ul><li>event - when an event item is clicked.</li><li>context - when a context menu item is clicked.</li></ul>., dynamic itemObj- The event object.
ItemClickedevent SchedulerItemClickedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when en event, event item or a context menu item is clicked.SchedulerItemClickedEventArgs
OnItemInsertEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when an Event is inserted.dynamic item- An object that represents the actual item with it's attributes.
ItemInsertedevent SchedulerItemInsertedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when an Event is inserted.SchedulerItemInsertedEventArgs
OnItemRemoveEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when an Event is removed.dynamic item- An object that represents the actual item with it's attributes.
ItemRemovedevent SchedulerItemRemovedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when an Event is removed.SchedulerItemRemovedEventArgs
OnItemUpdateEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when an Event is updated.dynamic type- The type of item that has been modified., dynamic item- An object that represents the actual item with it's attributes.
ItemUpdatedevent SchedulerItemUpdatedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when an Event is updated.SchedulerItemUpdatedEventArgs
OnViewChangeEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when the view is changed via user interaction.dynamic oldValue- The value of the previously selected view., dynamic value- The value of the new selected view.
ViewChangedevent SchedulerViewChangedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when the view is changed via user interaction.SchedulerViewChangedEventArgs
OnViewChangingEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered before the view is changed via user interaction. The view change action can be canceled if event.preventDefault() is called on the event.dynamic oldValue- The value of the previously selected view., dynamic value- The value of the new selected view.
ViewChangingevent SchedulerViewChangingEventHandlerThis event is triggered before the view is changed via user interaction. The view change action can be canceled if event.preventDefault() is called on the event.SchedulerViewChangingEventArgs
OnEventShortcutKeyEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when a shortcut key for an event is pressed. By default only 'Delete' key is used.dynamic key- The shortcut key that was pressed., dynamic target- The event target (HTMLElement)., dynamic eventObj- The scheduler Event object that affected by the keypress.
EventShortcutKeyedevent SchedulerEventShortcutKeyedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when a shortcut key for an event is pressed. By default only 'Delete' key is used.SchedulerEventShortcutKeyedEventArgs
OnDateChangeEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when the 'dateCurrent' property is changed. This can be caused by navigating to a different date.dynamic oldValue- The previous current date that was in view., dynamic value- The current date in view.
DateChangedevent SchedulerDateChangedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when the 'dateCurrent' property is changed. This can be caused by navigating to a different date.SchedulerDateChangedEventArgs
OnDragStartEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when dragging of an event begins. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.dynamic target- The HTMLElement that corresponds to the event that is going to be dragged., dynamic item- The scheduler Event object that is going to be dragged., dynamic itemDateRange- The start/end dates for the Scheduler Event., dynamic originalEvent- The original event object.
DragStartedevent SchedulerDragStartedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when dragging of an event begins. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.SchedulerDragStartedEventArgs
OnDragEndEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when dragging of an event finishes.dynamic target- The HTMLElement that corresponds to the event that is dragged., dynamic item- The scheduler Event object that is dragged., dynamic itemDateRange- The new start/end dates for the dragged Scheduler Event., dynamic originalEvent- The original event object.
DragEndedevent SchedulerDragEndedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when dragging of an event finishes.SchedulerDragEndedEventArgs
OnDropoverCellEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when the user drops an item over a cell.dynamic target- The HTMLElement that corresponds to the event that is dragged., dynamic date- The cell's date under the pointer., dynamic allDay- Boolean value, which is true when the cell under the pointer is all day cell.
DropoverCelledevent SchedulerDropoverCelledEventHandlerThis event is triggered when the user drops an item over a cell.SchedulerDropoverCelledEventArgs
OnResizeStartEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when resizing of a task starts. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.dynamic target- The HTMLElement that corresponds to the event that is going to be resized., dynamic item- The scheduler Event object that is going to be resized., dynamic itemDateRange- The start/end dates for Scheduler Event that is going to be resized., dynamic originalEvent- The original event object.
ResizeStartedevent SchedulerResizeStartedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when resizing of a task starts. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.SchedulerResizeStartedEventArgs
OnResizeEndEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when the resizing of an event finishes.dynamic target- The HTMLElement that corresponds to the event that is resized., dynamic item- The scheduler Event object that is resized., dynamic itemDateRange- The new start/end dates for the resized Scheduler Event., dynamic originalEvent- The original event object.
ResizeEndedevent SchedulerResizeEndedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when the resizing of an event finishes.SchedulerResizeEndedEventArgs
OnEditDialogOpeningEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when the user starts top open the event dialog window. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.dynamic target- The dialog window that is opening., dynamic item- The event object that is going to be edited., dynamic type- The type of window that is going to open. Two window types are available, the dafault which is an empty string ( does not have a type) and 'confirm' which is displayed when clicked on a repeating event., dynamic eventObj- The event object that is the target of the menu.
EditDialogOpeningevent SchedulerEditDialogOpeningEventHandlerThis event is triggered when the user starts top open the event dialog window. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.SchedulerEditDialogOpeningEventArgs
OnEditDialogOpenEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when the user opens the event dialog window.dynamic target- The dialog window that is opened., dynamic editors- An object containing all event editors that are present inside the window. This property is undefined when the window is of type 'confirm', because confirm windows do not contain editors., dynamic item- The event object that is being edited., dynamic eventObj- The event object that is the target of the menu.
EditDialogOpenedevent SchedulerEditDialogOpenedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when the user opens the event dialog window.SchedulerEditDialogOpenedEventArgs
OnEditDialogCloseEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when the user closes the event dialog window.dynamic target- The dialog window that is closed., dynamic editors- An object containing all event editors that are present inside the window. This property is undefined when the window is of type 'confirm', because confirm windows do not contain editors., dynamic item- The event object that is being edited., dynamic eventObj- The event object that is the target of the menu.
EditDialogClosedevent SchedulerEditDialogClosedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when the user closes the event dialog window.SchedulerEditDialogClosedEventArgs
OnEditDialogClosingEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when the user is about to close the event dialog window. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.dynamic target- The dialog window that is closing., dynamic item- The event object that is edited., dynamic type- The type of window that is going to be closed. Two window types are available, the dafault which is an empty string ( does not have a type) and 'confirm' which is displayed when clicked on a repeating event., dynamic eventObj- The event object that is the target of the menu.
EditDialogClosingevent SchedulerEditDialogClosingEventHandlerThis event is triggered when the user is about to close the event dialog window. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.SchedulerEditDialogClosingEventArgs
OnContextMenuOpeningEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when the user begins to open the context menu on a timeline cell or an event element. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.dynamic target- The context menu instance., dynamic owner- The HTMLElement that the menu belongs to., dynamic cellObj- The cell object that is the target of the menu. If the target is an event instead of a cell this parameter will be undefined., dynamic eventObj- The event object that is the target of the menu. If the target is a cell instead of an event this paramter will be undefined.
ContextMenuOpeningevent SchedulerContextMenuOpeningEventHandlerThis event is triggered when the user begins to open the context menu on a timeline cell or an event element. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.SchedulerContextMenuOpeningEventArgs
OnContextMenuOpenEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when the context menu is opened.dynamic target- The context menu instance., dynamic owner- The HTMLElement that the menu belongs to., dynamic cellObj- The cell object that is the target of the menu. If the target is an event instead of a cell this parameter will be undefined., dynamic eventObj- The event object that is the target of the menu. If the target is a cell instead of an event this paramter will be undefined.
ContextMenuOpenedevent SchedulerContextMenuOpenedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when the context menu is opened.SchedulerContextMenuOpenedEventArgs
OnContextMenuCloseEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when the context menu is closed.dynamic target- The context menu instance., dynamic owner- The HTMLElement that the menu belongs to., dynamic cellObj- The cell object that is the target of the menu. If the target is an event instead of a cell this parameter will be undefined., dynamic eventObj- The event object that is the target of the menu. If the target is a cell instead of an event this paramter will be undefined.
ContextMenuClosedevent SchedulerContextMenuClosedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when the context menu is closed.SchedulerContextMenuClosedEventArgs
OnContextMenuClosingEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when the user is about to close the context menu. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.dynamic target- The context menu instance., dynamic owner- The HTMLElement that the menu belongs to., dynamic cellObj- The cell object that is the target of the menu. If the target is an event instead of a cell this parameter will be undefined., dynamic eventObj- The event object that is the target of the menu. If the target is a cell instead of an event this paramter will be undefined.
ContextMenuClosingevent SchedulerContextMenuClosingEventHandlerThis event is triggered when the user is about to close the context menu. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.SchedulerContextMenuClosingEventArgs
OnEventMenuOpeningEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when the event menu is about to open. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.dynamic target- The menu instance., dynamic owner- The HTMLElement of the event that the menu belongs to., dynamic eventObj- The event object that is the target of the menu.
EventMenuOpeningevent SchedulerEventMenuOpeningEventHandlerThis event is triggered when the event menu is about to open. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.SchedulerEventMenuOpeningEventArgs
OnEventMenuOpenEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when the event menu is opened.dynamic target- The menu instance., dynamic owner- The HTMLElement of the event that the menu belongs to., dynamic eventObj- The event object that is the target of the menu.
EventMenuOpenedevent SchedulerEventMenuOpenedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when the event menu is opened.SchedulerEventMenuOpenedEventArgs
OnEventMenuCloseEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when the event menu is closed.dynamic target- The menu instance., dynamic owner- The HTMLElement of the event that the menu belongs to., dynamic eventObj- The event object that is the target of the menu.
EventMenuClosedevent SchedulerEventMenuClosedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when the event menu is closed.SchedulerEventMenuClosedEventArgs
OnEventMenuClosingEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when the evet menu is about to close. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.dynamic target- The menu instance., dynamic owner- The HTMLElement of the event that the menu belongs to., dynamic eventObj- The event object that is the target of the menu.
EventMenuClosingevent SchedulerEventMenuClosingEventHandlerThis event is triggered when the evet menu is about to close. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.SchedulerEventMenuClosingEventArgs
OnDateMenuOpenEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when the date selection menu is opened.dynamic target- The menu instance.
DateMenuOpenedevent SchedulerDateMenuOpenedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when the date selection menu is opened.SchedulerDateMenuOpenedEventArgs
OnDateMenuCloseEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when the date selection menu is closed.dynamic target- The menu instance.
DateMenuClosedevent SchedulerDateMenuClosedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when the date selection menu is closed.SchedulerDateMenuClosedEventArgs
OnViewMenuOpenEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when the view selection menu is opened.dynamic target- The menu instance.
ViewMenuOpenedevent SchedulerViewMenuOpenedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when the view selection menu is opened.SchedulerViewMenuOpenedEventArgs
OnViewMenuCloseEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when the view selection menu is closed.dynamic target- The menu instance.
ViewMenuClosedevent SchedulerViewMenuClosedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when the view selection menu is closed.SchedulerViewMenuClosedEventArgs
OnNotificationOpenEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when a notification is opened.dynamic instance- The toast item instance that is opened.
NotificationOpenedevent SchedulerNotificationOpenedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when a notification is opened.SchedulerNotificationOpenedEventArgs
OnNotificationCloseEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when a notification is closed.dynamic instance- The toast item instance that is closed.
NotificationClosedevent SchedulerNotificationClosedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when a notification is closed.SchedulerNotificationClosedEventArgs






















































SchedulerDataExport Properties

HeaderbooltrueSets whether the columns header will be exported.
Columnsstring[]new string[]{}Sets the name of the event properties that will be exported as columns.
StyleobjectnullSets a custom style object of the dataExport.
FileNamestring"jqxScheduler"Sets the exported file's name.
PageOrientationstring"portrait"Sets the page orientation, when exporting to PDF.

SchedulerDataSource Properties

RepeatSchedulerDataSourceRepeatnullEvent Repeat Object.
Classstring""Event CSS class.
DateStartobject""Event start date.
DateEndobject""Event end date.
DisableDragboolfalseDetermines whether dragging is disabled for the event.
DisableResizeboolfalseDetermines whether resizing is disabled for the event.
Idstring""Event unique id.
Labelstring""Event Label.
Descriptionstring""Event Description.
AllDayboolfalseDetermines whether an event is an all day event ot nor. All day events ignore time.
BackgroundColorstring"false"Sets a background color for the event. The background color should be in HEX format.
Colorstring"false"Sets a color for the event. The color should be in HEX format.
Statusstring"false"Sets the appointment status.
ResourceIdstring""Event resource unique id.
NotificationsIEnumerable<ISchedulerDataSourceNotification>nullEvent notifications.

SchedulerDataSourceRepeat Properties

RepeatFreqSchedulerRepeatFreqSchedulerRepeatFreq.HourlyDetermines the repeating frequency. The event can repeat hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.
RepeatIntervalint1Determines the repeating interval.
RepeatOnobject""Determines on wah day/date the event will repeat on. This is applicable only when repeatFreq is of type 'weekly' ( allows to pick the days of week from 0 to 6, where 0 is Sunday and 6 is Saturday), 'monthly' ( allows to pick a date of the month from 0 to 31) or 'yearly' (allows to pick a particular Date to repeat on. The date can be set as a Date or an object of type{ month: string, date: number }).
RepeatEndobject0Determines when the repeating event will end. By default it does not have an end condition. If the value is set to a number than it is considered as the number of time the event will repeat before it ends. If it's a Date then it is considered as the end date for the repeating series. If not set it will never end.
ExceptionsIEnumerable<object>nullEvent exceptions represent a repeating series event that has been re-scheduler for another date/time or it has been hidden from the Scheduler. Exceptions cannot repeat.

SchedulerDataSourceNotification Properties

Intervalint0The number of days/weeks when the notification should appear before the event starts.
TypeSchedulerNotificationTypeSchedulerNotificationType.DaysThe type of the interval for the notification.
Timeint[]nullAn array that represents the time when the notification should appear before the event starts. The array should have the following format: [hours: number, minutes:number]
Messagestring""The message that will appear inside the notificaiton. If no message is set, then the label of the event is displayed.
IconTypestring""Determines the type of icon that will be displayed inside the notification. By default the iconType is 'info'.

SchedulerEvent Properties

RepeatSchedulerEventRepeatnullEvent Repeat Object.
Classstring""Event CSS class.
DateStartobject""Event start date.
DateEndobject""Event end date.
DisableDragboolfalseDetermines whether dragging is disabled for the event.
DisableResizeboolfalseDetermines whether resizing is disabled for the event.
Idobject""Event unique id.
Labelobject""Event Label.
Descriptionobject""Event Description.
AllDayobjectfalseDetermines whether an event is an all day event ot nor. All day events ignore time.
BackgroundColorobjectfalseSets a background color for the event. The background color should be in HEX format.
ColorobjectfalseSets a color for the event. The color should be in HEX format.
NotificationsIEnumerable<ISchedulerEventNotification>nullEvent notifications.

SchedulerEventRepeat Properties

RepeatFreqSchedulerRepeatFreqSchedulerRepeatFreq.HourlyDetermines the repeating frequency. The event can repeat hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.
RepeatIntervalint1Determines the repeating interval.
RepeatOnobject""Determines on wah day/date the event will repeat on. This is applicable only when repeatFreq is of type 'weekly' ( allows to pick the days of week from 0 to 6, where 0 is Sunday and 6 is Saturday), 'monthly' ( allows to pick a date of the month from 0 to 31) or 'yearly' (allows to pick a particular Date to repeat on. The date can be set as a Date or an object of type{ month: string, date: number }).
RepeatEndobject0Determines when the repeating event will end. By default it does not have an end condition. If the value is set to a number than it is considered as the number of time the event will repeat before it ends. If it's a Date then it is considered as the end date for the repeating series. If not set it will never end.
ExceptionsIEnumerable<object>nullEvent exceptions represent a repeating series event that has been re-scheduler for another date/time or it has been hidden from the Scheduler. Exceptions cannot repeat.

SchedulerEventNotification Properties

Intervalint0The number of days/weeks when the notification should appear before the event starts.
TypeSchedulerNotificationTypeSchedulerNotificationType.DaysThe type of the interval for the notification.
TimeIEnumerable<object>new List<object>()An array that represents the time when the notification should appear before the event starts. The array should have the following format: [hours: number, minutes:number]
Messageobject""The message that will appear inside the notificaiton. If no message is set, then the label of the event is displayed.
IconTypeobject""Determines the type of icon that will be displayed inside the notification. By default the iconType is 'info'.

SchedulerResource Properties

Labelstring""Resource label.
Valuestring""Resource unique value.
DataSourceobject[]new object[]{}An array that defined the data of the resources. The data represents objects that should contain the following proeprties:
  • lable - the label for the resource item.
  • id - the unique id for the resource item.
  • backgroundColor - the background color for the events that have the resource item assigned.
  • color - the color for the events that have the resource item assigned.
SortBystring""Determines the property name to sort the dataSource by.
SortOrderSchedulerResourceSortOrderSchedulerResourceSortOrder.AscDetermines the sorting order. When set to custom, a custom sorting function has to be defined for the sortFunction property. The asc stands for 'ascending' while desc means 'descending' sorting order.

SchedulerStatuse Properties

Labelstring""Status label.
Valuestring""Status unique value.