Chart Javascript API



Chart is a feature-complete interactive graph library that answers the data visualization needs of any modern web app.




AanimationSets or gets the animation mode. Animation is disabled when the property is set to 'none'.
AanimationDurationDetermines the animation duration in milliseconds. The value must be between 0 and 5000. If it is outside of this range smartChart will reset it to the default value.
BbackgroundColorSets the chart's background color. For example: '#DDFFE8'
BbackgroundImageSets the chart's background image. For example: ''
BborderLineColorSets the chart's border color. For example: '#098700'
BborderLineWidthSets the chart's border line width.
CcaptionSets the caption (title) of the chart.
CclipDetermines whether to clip plotted elements that overflow the axis boundaries.
CcolorSchemeSets the chart's color pallete. smartChart suppports 32 color schemes from 'scheme01' to 'scheme32'.
CcolumnSeriesOverlapEnables or disables overlapping of the column series.
CcrosshairsColorGets or sets the color of the crosshairs lines. The 'enableCrosshairs' property should be 'true'.
CcrosshairsDashStyleGets or sets the dash style of the crosshairs lines. The style is a series of numbers indicating line length followed by space length. The 'enableCrosshairs' property should be 'true'. For example: '3,3'
CcrosshairsLineWidthGets or sets the width of the crosshairs lines. The 'enableCrosshairs' property should be 'true'
DdataSourceSets the chart's data source.
DdescriptionSets the description text of the chart.
DdisabledEnables or disables the chart.
DdrawDetermines the drawing function of smartChart. When the property is set, you can override the smartChart's drawing.
DdrawBeforeFunction for custom drawing before the caption and other chart elements.
EenableAxisTextAnimationDetermines if the animation of the axes text is enabled.
EenableCrosshairsEnables or disables the crosshairs lines. The lines are displayed in line and area series when you move over a data point.
GgreyScaleDetermines whether to display the chart using greyscale colors.
LlegendLayoutSets the legend's layout. Click for more details. Property object's options:
    LlocaleSets or gets the locale. Used in conjunction with the property messages.
    LlocalizationLocalization object containing culture-specific properties required for formatting currencies, numbers and dates. Click for more details. Property object's options:
    • decimalSeparator:string - A symbol used to mark the border between the integer and fractional parts of a number.
    • patterns:object | null - An object containing datetime formatting patterns.
    • thousandsSeparator:string - A symbol used to mark the border between thousands, millions, billions, etc.
    MmessagesSets or gets an object specifying strings used in the widget that can be localized. Used in conjunction with the property locale.
    PpaddingSets the left, top, right and bottom padding of the Chart. Click for more details. Property object's options:
    • bottom:number - Bottom padding of the Chart.
    • left:number - Left padding of the Chart.
    • right:number - Right padding of the Chart.
    • top:number - Top padding of the Chart.
    RrenderEngineDetermines the rendering engine used to display the chart. When the property is set to an empty string, smartChart will automatically select an optimal rendering engine depending on the browser capabilities.
    RrightToLeftSets or gets a value indicating whether the Chart's layout is mirrored.
    SseriesGroupsThe seriesGroups property is used to describe all series displayed on the chart. smartChart supports multiple series of different types and series grouping. Each series group may have its own Value Axis (Y-axis) which allows you to have values with different scales displayed on the same chart at the same time. It also allows you to display multiple series types together on the same chart. For example, you can display all series in one group as lines and the series in a second group as columns. seriesGroups is an array of objects where each object represents one group. Click for more details. Property object's options:
    • annotations:[] - An array of chart annotation objects.
    • Property object's options:
      • fillColor:string | null - Fill/background color of the annotation.
      • height:number - Height of the annotation.
      • lineColor:string | null - Line color of the annotation.
      • offset:object - Custom offset of the annotation relative to xValue & yValue.
      • path:string | null - Line path command in case the type is 'path', e.g. 'M 10,10 L 20,20 L 50,50'.
      • radius:number - Radius of the annotation in case its type is 'circle'.
      • text:object - Object describing the text of the annotation.
      • type:string | null - Shape type of the annotation.
      • width:number - Width of the annotation.
      • xValue:number - Value to determine the horizontal offset of the annotation.
      • xValue2:number - Optional 2nd value to determine the horizontal offset of the annotation bottom-right point.
      • yValue:number - Value to determine the vertical offset of the annotation.
      • yValue2:number - Optional 2nd value to determine the vertical offset of the annotation's bottom-right point.
    • bands:[] - Optional color bands dislayed in the chart's plot area.
    • Property object's options:
      • color:string | null - Color used to fill the area between the minValue and the maxValue.
      • dashStyle:string | null - Dash style of the band lines. The style is a series of numbers indicating line length followed by space length.
      • lineColor:string | null - Band line color.
      • lineWidth:string | number | null - Band line width.
      • maxValue:any - End value of the color band.
      • minValue:any - Start value of the color band.
      • opacity:number - Fraction indicating the fill opacity.
    • columnsGapPercent:number - Percentage gap between columns within the same serie.
    • columnsMaxWidth:number | null - Maximum width of columns in column series.
    • columnsMinWidth:number - Minimum width of columns in column series.
    • columnsBottomWidthPercent:number - Columns bottom width (as percentage of the total width).
    • columnsTopWidthPercent:number - Columns top width (as percentage of the total width).
    • draw:function | null - Determines the drawing function of the series group. When the property is set, you can draw after the series group has been plotted.
    • dataSource:any - Determines the data source of the serie
    • drawBefore:function | null - Function for custom drawing before the series group.
    • enableSelection:boolean - Determines whether series are selectable.
    • enableSeriesToggle:boolean - Determines whether to toggle series visibility after click on a legend's box.
    • endAngle:number - The end angle (in degrees) of the polar coordinate system. Applicable to polar and spider charts only.
    • formatFunction:{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string} - Callback function used to format series labels.
    • formatSettings:object - Object describing the format settings of series labels.
    • Property object's options:
      • dateFormat:string | null - Optional date format string. This property is applicable only when displaying Date objects.
      • decimalPlaces:number | null - Decimal places of numeric values.
      • decimalSeparator:string | null - A symbol used to mark the border between the integer and fractional parts of a number. The default value is inherited from localization.decimalSeparator.
      • negativeWithBrackets:boolean - A boolean value indicating whether to display negative numbers in brackets.
      • prefix:string - Text to prepend to the value.
      • sufix:string - Text to append to the value
      • thousandsSeparator:string | null - A symbol used to mark the border between thousands, millions, billions, etc. The default value is inherited from localization.thousandsSeparator.
    • linesUnselectMode:string - Determines how line and area series are unselected based on mouse and touch events. If the value is set to 'click', once a line or area serie is selected, it will remain selected until the user clicks or moves the cursor outside the chart. In default mode, the serie will be unselected immediatelly after the cursor moves over another serie or outside the chart.
    • offsetX:number - Horizontal position of the center of the polar coordinate system. Applicable to polar and spider charts only.
    • offsetY:number - Vertical position of the center of the polar coordinate system. Applicable to polar and spider charts only.
    • orientation:string - Specifies the orientation of the series group.
    • summary:string - Specifies the summary of the series group.
    • polar:boolean - When polar is set to true, the chart will render in polar coordinates.
    • radius:number - The radius of the polar coordinate system. Applicable to polar and spider charts only.
    • series:[] - An array of chart series.
    • Property object's options:
      • centerOffset:number - Offset from the center point in a pie/donut series.
      • colorFunction:function | null - A custom function that returns the color of a data point. The function will receive the following parameters: dataValue, itemIndex, serie, group. The implementation of the function can return a single color which will be used as a fillColor and the other colors will be derived or it can return an object containing fillColor, fillColorSelected, etc.
      • colorScheme:string | null - Color palette to use when rendering the serie.
      • dataField:string - Name of the field in the data source.
      • dataFieldClose:string - Data field used in candlestcik and ohlc series.
      • dataFieldHigh:string - Data field used in candlestcik and ohlc series.
      • dataFieldLow:string - Data field used in candlestcik and ohlc series.
      • dataFieldOpen:string - Data field used in candlestcik and ohlc series.
      • dataFieldFrom:string - Data field used in in range column series as a start data field.
      • dataFieldTo:string - Data field used in range column series as an end data field.
      • radiusDataField:string - Data field used in bubble series.
      • displayText:string - Name to display for this serie.
      • displayTextClose:string - Name to display for candlestick and ohlc series.
      • displayTextHigh:string - Name to display for candlestick and ohlc series.
      • displayTextLow:string - Name to display for candlestick and ohlc series.
      • displayTextOpen:string - Name to display for candlestick and ohlc series.
      • emptyPointsDisplay:string - Determines how to display value gaps in line series.
      • enableSelection:boolean - Determines whether the serie is selectable.
      • enableSeriesToggle:boolean - Determines whether to toggle the series visibility after click on a legend's box.
      • labelRadius:number - Determines the labels rotation radius when the Chart is 'pie' or 'donut'.
      • formatFunction:{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string} - Callback function used to format the labels.
      • formatSettings:object - Object describing the format settings of the labels.
      • summary:string - Specifies the summary of the series group.
      • endAngle:number - Maximum angle in a pie, donut, polar and spider series.
      • fillColor:string | null - Fill color for the serie.
      • fillColorAlt:string | null - Alternating fill color for the serie. Applicable to OHLC series only.
      • fillColorAltSelected:string | null - Alternating fill color for the serie when selected. Applicable to OHLC series only.
      • fillColorSelected:string | null - Fill color for the serie when selected.
      • fillColorSymbol:string | null - Fill color for the marker symbols in the serie.
      • fillColorSymbolSelected:string | null - Fill color for the the marker symbols in serie when selected.
      • greyScale:boolean | null - Determines whether to display the serie in grey scale.
      • hiddenPointsDisplay:boolean - Determines whether to hide slices of toggled points in pie and donut series.
      • initialAngle:number - Initial angle in pie and donut series.
      • innerRadius:number - Inner radius of donut series in pixels or percents.
      • labels:object - Object describing the labels properties of the axis.
      • legendFillColor:string | null - Fill color of the legend box. The default value is inherited from the serie's color.
      • legendFormatFunction:function | null - Legend data formatting function for the values in the serie.
      • legendFormatSettings:object - Legend data formatting settings for the values in the serie.
      • legendLineColor:string | null - Line color of the legend box. The default value is inherited from the serie's color.
      • lineColor:string | null - Line color for the serie.
      • lineColorSelected:string | null - Line color for the serie when selected.
      • lineColorSymbol:string | null - Line color for the marker symbols in serie.
      • lineColorSymbolSelected:string | null - Line color for the marker symbols in the serie when selected.
      • lineDashStyle:string | null - A string sequence of numbers represening line and space lengths, e.g. '2,2'.
      • linesUnselectMode:string - Determines how line and area series are unselected based on mouse and touch events. If the value is set to 'click', once a line or area serie is selected, it will remain selected until the user clicks or moves the cursor outside the chart. In default mode, the serie will be unselected immediatelly after the cursor moves over another serie or outside the chart.
      • lineWidth:string | null | number - Determines the line tickness of the items in this serie.
      • lineWidthSelected:string | null | number - Determines the line tickness of the items in this serie when selected.
      • minRadius:string | null | number - Min radius of bubble series in pixels or percents.
      • maxRadius:string | null | number - Max radius of bubble series in pixels or percents.
      • opacity:number - Determines the opacity of the items in this serie.
      • radius:number | null - Outer radius of pie and donut series in pixels or percents.
      • selectedRadiusChange:number | null - Radius change on selection of pie and donut series in pixels or percents.
      • startAngle:number - Minimum angle in a pie, donut, polar and spider series.
      • symbolSize:number - Determines the size of the symbol element.
      • symbolSizeSelected:number - Determines the size of the symbol element. This property is applicable to line and area series only.
      • symbolType:string - Determines the symbol type displayed for the data points in the serie. This parameter is applicable to line, area, scatter and bubble series only.
      • toolTipBackground:string | null - Determines the tooltip's background.
      • toolTipClass:string | null - Determines the tooltip's CSS class name.
      • toolTipFormatFunction:{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string} - Tooltip data formatting function for the values in the serie.
      • toolTipFormatSettings:object - Tooltip data formatting settings for the values in the serie.
      • toolTipLineColor:string | null - Determines the tooltip's border lines color.
      • useGradientColors:boolean - Determines whether to use color gradients.
    • seriesGapPercent:number - Percentage gap between columns belonging to different series.
    • skipOverlappingPoints:boolean - Determines whether to display overlapping data points in column, ohlc and candlestick series.
    • showLabels:boolean - When showLabels is set to true, the chart will render pie labels.
    • spider:boolean - When spider is set to true, the chart will render in polar coordinates.
    • startAngle:number - The start angle (in degrees) of the polar coordinate system. Applicable to polar and spider charts only.
    • type:string | null - Sets the chart type. smartChart supports several common chart types. You can easily plot series of different types on a common chart. A type must be specified for each series group. Currently, smartChart supports the following series types:
      • 'column' - simple column series
      • 'stackedcolumn' - stacked column series
      • 'stackedcolumn100' - percentage stacked columns
      • 'rangecolumn' - floating column between two values
      • 'waterfall' - waterfall series
      • 'stackedwaterfall' - stacked waterfall series
      • 'line' - simple straight lines connecting the value points
      • 'stackedline' - stacked lines
      • 'stackedline100' - percentage stacked lines
      • 'spline' - smooth lines connecting the value points
      • 'stackedspline' - smooth stacked lines
      • 'stackedspline100' - percentage stacked smooth lines
      • 'stepline' - step line
      • 'stackedstepline' - stacked step line
      • 'stackedstepline100' - percentage stacked step line
      • 'area' - area connecting the value points with straight lines
      • 'stackedarea' - stacked area with straight lines between the points
      • 'stackedarea100' - percentage stacked area with straight lines between the points
      • 'rangearea' - floating area between pairs of value points
      • 'splinearea' - smooth area connecting the value points
      • 'stackedsplinearea' - stacked smooth area connecting the value points
      • 'stackedsplinearea100' - percentage stacked smooth area
      • 'splinerangearea' - smooth floating area between pairs of value points
      • 'steprangearea' - step area between pairs of value points
      • 'stackedsplineara' - smooth stacked area
      • 'steparea' - step area connecting the value points
      • 'stackedsteparea' - step stacked area
      • 'stackedsteparea100' - percentage stacked step area
      • 'pie' - circular chart divided into sectors, illustrating proportion
      • 'donut' - chart divided into circular sectors with different inner and outer radius
      • 'scatter' - data is displayed as a collection of points
      • 'stackedscatter' - data is displayed as a collection of points and the values are stacked
      • 'stackedscatter100' - data is displayed as a collection of points and the values are percentage stacked
      • 'bubble' - data is displayed as a collection of bubbles
      • 'stackedbubble' - data is displayed as a collection of bubbles and the values are stacked
      • 'stackedbubble100' - data is displayed as a collection of bubbles and the values are percentage stacked
      • 'candlestick' - display candlestick series using open, high, low, close data points
      • 'ohlc' - display OHLC series using open, high, low, close data points
    • toolTipFormatSettings:object - Object describing the format settings of series tooltips.
    • Property object's options:
      • dateFormat:string | null - Optional date format string. This property is applicable only when displaying Date objects.
      • decimalPlaces:number | null - Decimal places of numeric values.
      • decimalSeparator:string | null - A symbol used to mark the border between the integer and fractional parts of a number. The default value is inherited from localization.decimalSeparator.
      • negativeWithBrackets:boolean - A boolean value indicating whether to display negative numbers in brackets.
      • prefix:string - Text to prepend to the value.
      • sufix:string - Text to append to the value
      • thousandsSeparator:string | null - A symbol used to mark the border between thousands, millions, billions, etc. The default value is inherited from localization.thousandsSeparator.
    • toolTipFormatFunction:{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string} - Sets the tooltip format function. The function is used to format the tooltips of the Chart serie
    • useGradientColors:boolean - Determines whether to use color gradients.
    • valueAxis:object - Object describing the valueAxis for this group. smartChart allows you to use a common valueAxis and/or multiple value axes per serie group.
    • Property object's options:
      • alternatingBackgroundColor:string - Alternating background color between grid lines.
      • alternatingBackgroundColor2:string - Second alternating background color.
      • alternatingBackgroundOpacity:number - Opacity of the alternating background.
      • axisSize:number | string | null - Sets the size of the axis.
      • bands:[] - Optional color bands dislayed in the chart's plot area.
      • baselineValue:any - Sets the baseline value for the axis.
      • customDraw:boolean - boolean determining whether to draw the axis or the user will use APIs to draw it.
      • description:string - Sets the description of the value axis.
      • displayValueAxis:boolean - Specifies whether the values axis is displayed.
      • flip:boolean - Specifies whether the values are displayed in reverse order.
      • formatFunction:{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string} - Custom function to format the displayed values along the axis.
      • formatSettings:object - Settings used to format the displayed values along the axis.
      • gridLines:object - Object describing the grid lines properties of the valueAxis.
      • labels:object - Object describing the labels properties of the axis.
      • line:object - Object describing the line properties of the axis.
      • logarithmicScale:boolean - Determines whether to use logarithmic scale.
      • logarithmicScaleBase:number - Base for logarithmic scale.
      • maxValue:any - Sets the maximum value of the valueAxis.
      • minValue:any - Sets the minimum value of the valueAxis.
      • padding:object - Object describing the padding of the axis.
      • position:string - Sets the axis position. The values 'left' and 'right' are available in the default case. If the valueAxis is horizontal, only 'top' and 'bottom' are available.
      • textRotationAngle:number | null - Text rotation angle.
      • type:string - Value Axis Type
      • textRotationPoint:string - Position to rotate the text around.
      • tickMarks:object - Object describing the tick marks properties of the valueAxis.
      • title:object - Object describing the title of the valueAxis.
      • unitInterval:number | null - Sets the interval between the units.
      • valuesOnTicks:boolean - Specifies whether the axis values will be aligned with the tick marks.
      • visible:boolean - Shows or hides the valueAxis.
    • xAxis:object - Object describing the xAxis for this group.
    • Property object's options:
      • alternatingBackgroundColor:string - Alternating background color between grid lines.
      • alternatingBackgroundColor2:string - Second alternating background color.
      • alternatingBackgroundOpacity:number - Opacity of the alternating background.
      • axisSize:number | string | null - Sets the size of the xAxis.
      • bands:[] - Optional color bands dislayed in the chart's plot area.
      • baseUnit:string | null - The base unit when used with 'date' axis.
      • customDraw:boolean - boolean determining whether to draw the axis or the user will use APIs to draw it.
      • dataField:string - Points to a data field in the data source.
      • dateFormat:string | null - Optional date format for parsing the data from the data source. Applicable when xAxis.type is set to 'date'.
      • displayText:string | null - Optional custom xAxis display text.
      • flip:boolean - Specifies whether the values are displayed in reverse order.
      • formatFunction:{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string} - Custom function to format the displayed values along the axis.
      • formatSettings:object - Settings used to format the displayed values along the axis.
      • gridLines:object - Object describing the grid lines properties of the xAxis.
      • labels:object - Object describing the labels properties of the axis.
      • line:object - Object describing the line properties of the axis.
      • logarithmicScale:boolean - Determines whether to use logarithmic scale.
      • logarithmicScaleBase:number - Base for logarithmic scale.
      • maxValue:any - Sets the maximum value of the xAxis.
      • minValue:any - Sets the minimum value of the xAxis.
      • padding:object - Object describing the padding of the axis.
      • position:string - Sets the axis position. The values 'bottom' and 'top' are available in the default case. If the xAxis is vertical, only 'left' and 'right' are available.
      • rangeSelector:object - Definition of a range selector on the xAxis. The range selector itself is also an instance of smart-chart.
      • text:string - xAxis's text value.
      • textRotationAngle:number | null - Text rotation angle.
      • textRotationPoint:string - Position to rotate the text around.
      • tickMarks:object - Object describing the tick marks properties of the xAxis.
      • title:object - Object describing the title of the xAxis.
      • toolTipFormatFunction:{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string} - Custom function to format xAxis values in tooltips.
      • toolTipFormatSettings:object - Settings used to format xAxis values in tooltips.
      • type:string - The type of the axis.
        • 'auto' - automatically detects and switches to 'basic', 'linear' or 'date'.
        • 'date' - when displaying dates.
        • 'basic' - displays all data points sequentially.
        • 'linear' - linear arrangement by the value of the xAxis data field.
      • unitInterval:number | null - Sets the interval between the units.
      • valuesOnTicks:boolean - Specifies whether the axis values will be aligned with the tick marks.
      • visible:boolean - Shows or hides the xAxis.
    SshowBorderLineDetermines whether to display the chart's border line.
    SshowLegendDetermines whether to show or hide the chart series legend.
    SshowToolTipsEnables or disables the chart tooltips.
    SshowToolTipsOnAllSeriesDetermines whether to show a composite tooltip containing information for all series.
    TthemeDetermines the set of default background, line, text and band colors that will be used in the Chart.
    TtitlePaddingSets the padding of the chart's title (caption). Click for more details. Property object's options:
    • bottom:number - Bottom padding.
    • left:number - Left padding.
    • right:number - Right padding.
    • top:number - Top padding.
    TtoolTipBackgroundTooltip background color.
    TtoolTipFormatFunctionUser defined tooltip text formatting callback function.
    TtoolTipHideDelayDetermines the tooltip hide delay in milliseconds.
    TtoolTipLineColorTooltip line color.
    TtoolTipShowDelayDetermines the tooltip show delay in milliseconds. Values may range from 0 to 10000 [ms].
    VvalueAxisAn object with settings about the Chart's y-axis (value axis). Click for more details. Property object's options:
    • alternatingBackgroundColor:string - Alternating background color between grid lines.
    • alternatingBackgroundColor2:string - Second alternating background color.
    • alternatingBackgroundOpacity:number - Opacity of the alternating background.
    • axisSize:number | string | null - Sets the size of the axis.
    • bands:[] - Optional color bands dislayed in the chart's plot area.
    • Property object's options:
      • color:string | null - Color used to fill the area between the minValue and the maxValue.
      • dashStyle:string | null - Dash style of the band lines. The style is a series of numbers indicating line length followed by space length.
      • lineColor:string | null - Band line color.
      • lineWidth:string | null - Band line width.
      • maxValue:any - End value of the color band.
      • minValue:any - Start value of the color band.
      • opacity:number - Fraction indicating the fill opacity.
    • baselineValue:any - Sets the baseline value for the axis.
    • customDraw:boolean - boolean determining whether to draw the axis or the user will use APIs to draw it.
    • description:string - Sets the description of the value axis.
    • displayValueAxis:boolean - Specifies whether the values axis is displayed.
    • flip:boolean - Specifies whether the values are displayed in reverse order.
    • formatFunction:{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string} - Custom function to format the displayed values along the axis.
    • formatSettings:object - Settings used to format the displayed values along the axis.
    • Property object's options:
      • dateFormat:string | null - Optional date format string. This property is applicable only when displaying Date objects.
      • decimalPlaces:number | null - Decimal places of numeric values.
      • decimalSeparator:string | null - A symbol used to mark the border between the integer and fractional parts of a number. The default value is inherited from localization.decimalSeparator.
      • negativeWithBrackets:boolean - A boolean value indicating whether to display negative numbers in brackets.
      • prefix:string - Text to prepend to the value.
      • sufix:string - Text to append to the value
      • thousandsSeparator:string | null - A symbol used to mark the border between thousands, millions, billions, etc. The default value is inherited from localization.thousandsSeparator.
    • gridLines:object - Object describing the grid lines properties of the valueAxis.
    • Property object's options:
      • color:string - Color of the grid lines.
      • custom:[] | null - An array of custom values/offsets where a grid line will be displayed. Applicable only if gridLines.visible is set to 'custom'.
      • dashStyle:string - Grid lines dash style, e.g. '2,2'.
      • lineWidth:number - Line width (in pixels) of the grid lines.
      • step:number | null - Interval steps between grid line placements (multiples of the axis unit interval).
      • unitInterval:number - Sets the interval between the grid lines.
      • visible:boolean | string -

        Possible values: true, false, 'custom'.

        Determines the visibility of grid lines. When 'custom' is set, displays only custom values/offsets from the gridLines.custom array.

    • labels:object - Object describing the labels properties of the axis.
    • Property object's options:
      • angle:number - Text rotation angle.
      • autoRotate:boolean - boolean determining if auto rotation is enabled. Applicable to polar and spider charts only.
      • class:string | null - CSS class of the labels.
      • custom:[] | null - An array of custom values/offsets where a label will be displayed. Applicable only if labels.visible is set to 'custom'.
      • formatFunction:{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string} - Callback function used to format the labels.
      • formatSettings:object - Object describing the format settings of the labels.
      • horizontalAlignment:string - Horizontal labels alignment.
      • offset:object - Labels offset.
      • rotationPoint:string - Position to rotate the text around.
      • step:number | null - Interval steps between label placements (multiples of the axis unit interval).
      • unitInterval:number - Sets the interval between the labels.
      • verticalAlignment:string - Vertical labels alignment.
      • visible:boolean | string -

        Possible values: true, false, 'custom'.

        Determines the visibility of labels. When 'custom' is set, displays only custom values/offsets from the labels.custom array.

    • line:object - Object describing the line properties of the axis.
    • Property object's options:
      • color:string - Color of axis line.
      • dashStyle:string - Line dash style, e.g. '2,2'. The default is inherited from gridLines.dashStyle.
      • lineWidth:number - Line width. The default is inherited from gridLines.lineWidth.
      • visible:boolean - boolean determining the visibility of the axis line.
    • logarithmicScale:boolean - Determines whether to use logarithmic scale.
    • logarithmicScaleBase:number - Base for logarithmic scale.
    • maxValue:any - Sets the maximum value of the valueAxis.
    • minValue:any - Sets the minimum value of the valueAxis.
    • padding:object - Object describing the padding of the axis.
    • Property object's options:
      • bottom:number - Bottom padding. Available for horizontal valueAxis.
      • left:number - Left padding. Available for vertical valueAxis.
      • right:number - Right padding. Available for vertical valueAxis.
      • top:number - Top padding. Available for horizontal valueAxis.
    • position:string - Sets the axis position. The values 'left' and 'right' are available in the default case. If the valueAxis is horizontal, only 'top' and 'bottom' are available.
    • type:string - Value Axis Type
    • textRotationAngle:number | null - Text rotation angle.
    • textRotationPoint:string - Position to rotate the text around.
    • tickMarks:object - Object describing the tick marks properties of the valueAxis.
    • Property object's options:
      • color:string - Color of the tick marks.
      • custom:[] | null - An array of custom values/offsets where a tick mark will be displayed. Applicable only if tickMarks.visible is set to 'custom'.
      • dashStyle:string - Tick marks dash style, e.g. '2,2'.
      • lineWidth:number - Line width (in pixels) of the tick marks.
      • size:number - Size (in pixels) of the tick marks.
      • step:number | null - Interval steps between tick mark placements (multiples of the axis unit interval).
      • unitInterval:number - Sets the interval between tick marks.
      • visible:boolean | string -

        Possible values: true, false, 'custom'.

        Determines the visibility of tick marks. When 'custom' is set, displays only custom values/offsets from the tickMarks.custom array.

    • title:object - Object describing the title of the valueAxis.
    • Property object's options:
      • class:string | null - CSS class of the title text.
      • horizontalAlignment:string - Horizontal alignment.
      • text:string - Text of the title.
      • verticalAlignment:string - Vertical alignment.
      • visible:boolean - boolean determining the visibility of the title.
    • unitInterval:number | null - Sets the interval between the units.
    • valuesOnTicks:boolean - Specifies whether the axis values will be aligned with the tick marks.
    • visible:boolean - Shows or hides the valueAxis.
    XxAxisSets the Chart's xAxis. Click for more details. Property object's options:
    • alternatingBackgroundColor:string - Alternating background color between grid lines.
    • alternatingBackgroundColor2:string - Second alternating background color.
    • alternatingBackgroundOpacity:number - Opacity of the alternating background.
    • axisSize:number | string | null - Sets the size of the xAxis.
    • bands:[] - Optional color bands dislayed in the chart's plot area.
    • Property object's options:
      • color:string | null - Color used to fill the area between the minValue and the maxValue.
      • dashStyle:string | null - Dash style of the band lines. The style is a series of numbers indicating line length followed by space length.
      • lineColor:string | null - Band line color.
      • lineWidth:string | null - Band line width.
      • maxValue:any - End value of the color band.
      • minValue:any - Start value of the color band.
      • opacity:number - Fraction indicating the fill opacity.
    • baseUnit:string | null - The base unit when used with 'date' axis.
    • customDraw:boolean - boolean determining whether to draw the axis or the user will use APIs to draw it.
    • dataField:string - Points to a data field in the data source.
    • dateFormat:string | null - Optional date format for parsing the data from the data source. Applicable when xAxis.type is set to 'date'.
    • displayText:string | null - Optional custom xAxis display text.
    • flip:boolean - Specifies whether the values are displayed in reverse order.
    • formatFunction:{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string} - Custom function to format the displayed values along the axis.
    • formatSettings:object - Settings used to format the displayed values along the axis.
    • Property object's options:
      • dateFormat:string | null - Optional date format string. This property is applicable only when displaying Date objects.
      • decimalPlaces:number | null - Decimal places of numeric values.
      • decimalSeparator:string | null - A symbol used to mark the border between the integer and fractional parts of a number. The default value is inherited from localization.decimalSeparator.
      • negativeWithBrackets:boolean - A boolean value indicating whether to display negative numbers in brackets.
      • prefix:string - Text to prepend to the value.
      • sufix:string - Text to append to the value
      • thousandsSeparator:string | null - A symbol used to mark the border between thousands, millions, billions, etc. The default value is inherited from localization.thousandsSeparator.
    • gridLines:object - Object describing the grid lines properties of the xAxis.
    • Property object's options:
      • color:string - Color of the grid lines.
      • custom:[] | null - An array of custom values/offsets where a grid line will be displayed. Applicable only if gridLines.visible is set to 'custom'.
      • dashStyle:string - Grid lines dash style, e.g. '2,2'.
      • lineWidth:number - Line width (in pixels) of the grid lines.
      • step:number | null - Interval steps between grid line placements (multiples of the axis unit interval).
      • unitInterval:number - Sets the interval between the grid lines.
      • visible:boolean | string -

        Possible values: true, false, 'custom'.

        Determines the visibility of grid lines. When 'custom' is set, displays only custom values/offsets from the gridLines.custom array.

    • labels:object - Object describing the labels properties of the axis.
    • Property object's options:
      • angle:number - Text rotation angle.
      • autoRotate:boolean - boolean determining if auto rotation is enabled. Applicable to polar and spider charts only.
      • class:string | null - CSS class of the labels.
      • custom:[] | null - An array of custom values/offsets where a label will be displayed. Applicable only if labels.visible is set to 'custom'.
      • formatFunction:{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string} - Callback function used to format the labels.
      • formatSettings:object - Object describing the format settings of the labels.
      • horizontalAlignment:string - Horizontal labels alignment.
      • offset:object - Labels offset.
      • rotationPoint:string - Position to rotate the text around.
      • step:number | null - Interval steps between label placements (multiples of the axis unit interval).
      • unitInterval:number - Sets the interval between the labels.
      • verticalAlignment:string - Vertical labels alignment.
      • visible:boolean | string -

        Possible values: true, false, 'custom'.

        Determines the visibility of labels. When 'custom' is set, displays only custom values/offsets from the labels.custom array.

    • line:object - Object describing the line properties of the axis.
    • Property object's options:
      • color:string - Color of axis line.
      • dashStyle:string - Line dash style, e.g. '2,2'. The default is inherited from gridLines.dashStyle.
      • lineWidth:number - Line width. The default is inherited from gridLines.lineWidth.
      • visible:boolean - boolean determining the visibility of the axis line.
    • logarithmicScale:boolean - Determines whether to use logarithmic scale.
    • logarithmicScaleBase:number - Base for logarithmic scale.
    • maxValue:any - Sets the maximum value of the xAxis.
    • minValue:any - Sets the minimum value of the xAxis.
    • padding:object - Object describing the padding of the axis.
    • Property object's options:
      • bottom:number - Bottom padding. Available for horizontal xAxis.
      • left:number - Left padding. Available for vertical xAxis.
      • right:number - Right padding. Available for vertical xAxis.
      • top:number - Top padding. Available for horizontal xAxis.
    • position:string - Sets the axis position. The values 'bottom' and 'top' are available in the default case. If the xAxis is vertical, only 'left' and 'right' are available.
    • rangeSelector:object - Definition of a range selector on the xAxis. The range selector itself is also an instance of smart-chart.
    • Property object's options:
      • backgroundColor:string | null - Sets the range selector chart's background color.
      • backgroundImage:string - Sets the range selector chart's background image.
      • baseUnit:string | null - The base unit when used with 'date' axis.
      • borderLineColor:string | null - Sets the range selector chart's border color.
      • borderLineWidth:number | null - Sets the range selector chart's border line width.
      • caption:string - Sets the caption (title) of the range selector chart.
      • colorScheme:string | null - Sets the range selector chart's color pallete. smartChart suppports 32 color schemes from 'scheme01' to 'scheme32'.
      • columnSeriesOverlap:boolean - Enables or disables overlapping of the column series.
      • columnsGapPercent:number - Percentage gap between columns within the same serie.
      • dataField:string | null - Points to a data field in the data source.
      • description:string - Sets the description text of the range selector chart.
      • greyScale:boolean | null - Determines whether to display the range selector chart using greyscale colors.
      • formatFunction:{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string} - Callback function used to format the values.
      • formatSettings:any - Chart Format Settings
      • gridLines:object - Object describing the grid lines properties of the range selector chart's xAxis.
      • labels:object - Object describing the labels properties of the axis.
      • maxValue:any - Sets the maximum value of the range selector chart's xAxis.
      • minValue:any - Sets the minimum value of the range selector chart's xAxis.
      • padding:object - Object describing the padding of the range selector chart.
      • position:string | null - Sets the range selector chart position.
      • renderTo:HTMLElement | null - An HTML element outside the chart to render the range selector chart to.
      • rightToLeft:boolean | null - Sets or gets a value indicating whether the range selector chart's layout is mirrored.
      • seriesGapPercent:number - Percentage gap between columns belonging to different series.
      • seriesGroups:[] | null -

        (Optional) The seriesGroups property is used to describe all series displayed on the range selector chart.

        Please refer to the main seriesGroups property entry for more information and a full subproperty list.

      • serieType:string | null - Sets the range selector chart type. smartChart supports several common chart types. You can easily plot series of different types on a common chart. A type must be specified for each series group. Currently, smartChart supports the following series types:
        • 'column' - simple column series
        • 'stackedcolumn' - stacked column series
        • 'stackedcolumn100' - percentage stacked columns
        • 'rangecolumn' - floating column between two values
        • 'waterfall' - waterfall series
        • 'stackedwaterfall' - stacked waterfall series
        • 'line' - simple straight lines connecting the value points
        • 'stackedline' - stacked lines
        • 'stackedline100' - percentage stacked lines
        • 'spline' - smooth lines connecting the value points
        • 'stackedspline' - smooth stacked lines
        • 'stackedspline100' - percentage stacked smooth lines
        • 'stepline' - step line
        • 'stackedstepline' - stacked step line
        • 'stackedstepline100' - percentage stacked step line
        • 'area' - area connecting the value points with straight lines
        • 'stackedarea' - stacked area with straight lines between the points
        • 'stackedarea100' - percentage stacked area with straight lines between the points
        • 'rangearea' - floating area between pairs of value points
        • 'splinearea' - smooth area connecting the value points
        • 'stackedsplinearea' - stacked smooth area connecting the value points
        • 'stackedsplinearea100' - percentage stacked smooth area
        • 'splinerangearea' - smooth floating area between pairs of value points
        • 'steprangearea' - step area between pairs of value points
        • 'stackedsplineara' - smooth stacked area
        • 'steparea' - step area connecting the value points
        • 'stackedsteparea' - step stacked area
        • 'stackedsteparea100' - percentage stacked step area
        • 'pie' - circular chart divided into sectors, illustrating proportion
        • 'donut' - chart divided into circular sectors with different inner and outer radius
        • 'scatter' - data is displayed as a collection of points
        • 'stackedscatter' - data is displayed as a collection of points and the values are stacked
        • 'stackedscatter100' - data is displayed as a collection of points and the values are percentage stacked
        • 'bubble' - data is displayed as a collection of bubbles
        • 'stackedbubble' - data is displayed as a collection of bubbles and the values are stacked
        • 'stackedbubble100' - data is displayed as a collection of bubbles and the values are percentage stacked
        • 'candlestick' - display candlestick series using open, high, low, close data points
        • 'ohlc' - display OHLC series using open, high, low, close data points
      • showBorderLine:boolean | null - Determines whether to display the range selector chart's border line.
      • size:number | null - Sets the size of the range selector chart.
      • skipOverlappingPoints:boolean - Determines whether to display overlapping data points in column, ohlc and candlestick series.
      • titlePadding:object - Sets the padding of the chart's title (caption).
      • unitInterval:number | null - Sets the interval between the units.
      • valueAxis:object - An object with settings about the range selector Chart's y-axis (value axis).
      • visible:boolean - Shows or hides the range selector.
    • text:string - xAxis's text value.
    • textRotationAngle:number | null - Text rotation angle.
    • textRotationPoint:string - Position to rotate the text around.
    • tickMarks:object - Object describing the tick marks properties of the xAxis.
    • Property object's options:
      • color:string - Color of the tick marks.
      • custom:[] | null - An array of custom values/offsets where a tick mark will be displayed. Applicable only if tickMarks.visible is set to 'custom'.
      • dashStyle:string - Tick marks dash style, e.g. '2,2'.
      • lineWidth:number - Line width (in pixels) of the tick marks.
      • size:number - Size (in pixels) of the tick marks.
      • step:number | null - Interval steps between tick mark placements (multiples of the axis unit interval).
      • unitInterval:number - Sets the interval between tick marks.
      • visible:boolean | string -

        Possible values: true, false, 'custom'.

        Determines the visibility of tick marks. When 'custom' is set, displays only custom values/offsets from the tickMarks.custom array.

    • title:object - Object describing the title of the xAxis.
    • Property object's options:
      • class:string | null - CSS class of the title text.
      • horizontalAlignment:string - Horizontal alignment.
      • text:string - Text of the title.
      • verticalAlignment:string - Vertical alignment.
      • visible:boolean - boolean determining the visibility of the title.
    • toolTipFormatFunction:{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string} - Custom function to format xAxis values in tooltips.
    • toolTipFormatSettings:object - Settings used to format xAxis values in tooltips.
    • Property object's options:
      • dateFormat:string | null - Optional date format string. This property is applicable only when displaying Date objects.
      • decimalPlaces:number | null - Decimal places of numeric values.
      • decimalSeparator:string | null - A symbol used to mark the border between the integer and fractional parts of a number. The default value is inherited from localization.decimalSeparator.
      • negativeWithBrackets:boolean - A boolean value indicating whether to display negative numbers in brackets.
      • prefix:string - Text to prepend to the value.
      • sufix:string - Text to append to the value
      • thousandsSeparator:string | null - A symbol used to mark the border between thousands, millions, billions, etc. The default value is inherited from localization.thousandsSeparator.
    • type:string - The type of the axis.
      • 'auto' - automatically detects and switches to 'basic', 'linear' or 'date'.
      • 'date' - when displaying dates.
      • 'basic' - displays all data points sequentially.
      • 'linear' - linear arrangement by the value of the xAxis data field.
    • unitInterval:number | null - Sets the interval between the units.
    • valuesOnTicks:boolean - Specifies whether the axis values will be aligned with the tick marks.
    • visible:boolean - Shows or hides the xAxis.


    AannotationClickThe event is raised when the user clicks on a chart annotation.
    AannotationMouseenterThe event is raised when the user moves the cursor above a chart annotation.
    AannotationMouseleaveThe event is raised when the user moves the cursor out of a chart annotation.
    CclickThe event is raised when the user clicks on series element.
    MmouseoutThe event is raised when the user moves the cursor out of a series element.
    MmouseoverThe event is raised when the user moves the cursor above a series element.
    RrangeSelectionChangedThe event is raised after the chart's range selector position changes and after the chart ends rendering.
    RrangeSelectionChangingThe event is raised when the chart's range selector position changes and before the chart starts rendering.
    RrefreshBeginThe event is raised when the chart begins rendering.
    RrefreshEndThe event is raised when the chart finishes rendering.
    TtoggleThe event is raised when a serie is toggled by a user click in the chart's legend or through an API call.


    AaddColorSchemeAdds a new color sheme. If a scheme with the same name already exists, the method will update its colors.
    GgetColorSchemeReturns the colors of a color scheme by name. If the scheme doesn't exist the method returns undefined.
    GgetItemCoordGets the rendered coordinates of a data point element.
    GgetItemsCountGets the number of rendered items in a specific serie.
    GgetValueAxisLabelsGets the rendered coordinates and values of the valueAxis labels.
    GgetValueAxisRectGets the rendered rectangle coordinates of the valueAxis of specific serie group.
    GgetValueAxisValueGets the valueAxis (vertical axis)'s value.
    GgetXAxisLabelsGets the rendered coordinates and values of the xAxis labels.
    GgetXAxisRectGets the rendered rectangle coordinates of the x-Axis of specific serie group.
    GgetXAxisValueGets the xAxis (horizontal axis)'s value.
    HhideSerieHides a chart serie. The result of calling this function is same as the user unchecking the legend box of a chart serie.
    HhideToolTipHides the current tooltip if visible.
    PprintPrints the chart.
    RrefreshRefreshes the content of the chart element after a property or data update.
    RremoveColorSchemeRemoves an existing color scheme. If the scheme does not exist, the method has no effect.
    SsaveAsJPEGExports the chart's content as JPEG image.
    SsaveAsPNGExports the chart's content as PNG image.
    SsaveAsPDFExports the chart's content as PDF.
    SshowSerieShows a hidden chart serie. The result of calling this function is same as the user checking the legend box of a chart serie.
    SshowToolTipShows a the tooltip for a particular data point.
    UupdateUpdates the values of the chart series without full refresh of the entire chart. The method should be used for animation of frequently changing values.


    animation"none" | "simple" | "advanced"

    Sets or gets the animation mode. Animation is disabled when the property is set to 'none'.

    Allowed Values

    • "none" - animation is disabled
    • "simple" - ripple animation is disabled
    • "advanced" - all animations are enabled

    Default value


    Example about animation

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { animation: 'none', caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });


    Determines the animation duration in milliseconds. The value must be between 0 and 5000. If it is outside of this range smartChart will reset it to the default value.

    Default value


    Example about animationDuration

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { animationDuration: 500, caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });

    backgroundColorstring | null

    Sets the chart's background color. For example: '#DDFFE8'

    Example about backgroundColor

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { backgroundColor: '#DDFFE8', caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });


    Sets the chart's background image. For example: ''

    Default value


    Example about backgroundImage

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { backgroundImage: 'chart_background.png', caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });

    borderLineColorstring | null

    Sets the chart's border color. For example: '#098700'

    Example about borderLineColor

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { borderLineColor: '#098700', caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });


    Sets the chart's border line width.

    Default value


    Example about borderLineWidth

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { borderLineWidth: 2, caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });


    Sets the caption (title) of the chart.

    Default value



    Determines whether to clip plotted elements that overflow the axis boundaries.

    Default value


    Example about clip

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { clip: false, caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });

    colorScheme"scheme01" | "scheme02" | "scheme03" | "scheme04" | "scheme05" | "scheme06" | "scheme07" | "scheme08" | "scheme09" | "scheme10" | "scheme11" | "scheme12" | "scheme13" | "scheme14" | "scheme15" | "scheme16" | "scheme17" | "scheme18" | "scheme19" | "scheme20" | "scheme21" | "scheme22" | "scheme23" | "scheme24" | "scheme25" | "scheme26" | "scheme27" | "scheme28" | "scheme29" | "scheme30" | "scheme31" | "scheme32" | "custom"

    Sets the chart's color pallete. smartChart suppports 32 color schemes from 'scheme01' to 'scheme32'.

    Default value


    Example about colorScheme

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { colorScheme: 'scheme31', caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });


    Enables or disables overlapping of the column series.

    Default value


    Example about columnSeriesOverlap

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { columnSeriesOverlap: true, caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });

    crosshairsColorstring | null

    Gets or sets the color of the crosshairs lines. The 'enableCrosshairs' property should be 'true'.

    Example about crosshairsColor

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { crosshairsColor: '#303030', caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });


    Gets or sets the dash style of the crosshairs lines. The style is a series of numbers indicating line length followed by space length. The 'enableCrosshairs' property should be 'true'. For example: '3,3'

    Default value


    Example about crosshairsDashStyle

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { crosshairsDashStyle: '3,3', caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });


    Gets or sets the width of the crosshairs lines. The 'enableCrosshairs' property should be 'true'

    Default value


    Example about crosshairsLineWidth

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { crosshairsLineWidth: 2, caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });


    Sets the chart's data source.

    Example about dataSource

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });


    Sets the description text of the chart.

    Default value



    Enables or disables the chart.

    Default value


    Example about disabled

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { disabled: true, caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });

    drawfunction | null

    Determines the drawing function of smartChart. When the property is set, you can override the smartChart's drawing.

    Example about draw

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { draw: draw: function (renderer, rect) { renderer.path('m25,1 6,17h18l-14,11 5,17-15-10-15,10 5-17-14-11h18z', { fill: '#564D90', stroke: '#C14B91' }); }, caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });

    drawBeforefunction | null

    Function for custom drawing before the caption and other chart elements.

    Example about drawBefore

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { drawBefore: drawBefore: function (renderer, rect) { renderer.path('m25,1 6,17h18l-14,11 5,17-15-10-15,10 5-17-14-11h18z', { fill: '#564D90', stroke: '#C14B91' }); }, caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });


    Determines if the animation of the axes text is enabled.

    Default value


    Example about enableAxisTextAnimation

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { enableAxisTextAnimation: true, caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });


    Enables or disables the crosshairs lines. The lines are displayed in line and area series when you move over a data point.

    Default value


    Example about enableCrosshairs

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { enableCrosshairs: true, caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });


    Determines whether to display the chart using greyscale colors.

    Default value


    Example about greyScale

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { greyScale: true, caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });

    legendLayoutobject | null

    Sets the legend's layout.

    Example about legendLayout

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { legendLayout: { flow: 'vertical', width: 50, height: 200, left: 600, top: 0 }, caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });


    Sets or gets the locale. Used in conjunction with the property messages.

    Default value


    Example about locale

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { locale: 'es', caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });


    Localization object containing culture-specific properties required for formatting currencies, numbers and dates.


    A symbol used to mark the border between the integer and fractional parts of a number.

    Default value


    Get the decimalSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalSeparator = chart.localization.decimalSeparator;

    patternsobject | null

    An object containing datetime formatting patterns.

    Get the patterns property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let patterns = chart.localization.patterns;


    A symbol used to mark the border between thousands, millions, billions, etc.

    Default value


    Get the thousandsSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let thousandsSeparator = chart.localization.thousandsSeparator;

    Example about localization

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { localization: { decimalSeparator: ',', thousandsSeparator: ' ' }, caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });


    Sets or gets an object specifying strings used in the widget that can be localized. Used in conjunction with the property locale.

    Default value

    Example about messages

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { messages: { 'es': { 'invalidRadiusDataField': 'smart-chart: Valor de radiusDataField no valido en [{{index}}]', 'invalidSeries': 'smart-chart: Propiedad no valida: cada grupo de series debe tener una propiedad 'series' que debe ser una Array valida.', 'invalidSeriesGroups': 'smart-chart: Propiedad no valida: la propiedad 'seriesGroups' es obligatoria y debe ser una Array valida.', 'invalidType': 'smart-chart: Tipo de serie no valido "{{type}}".', 'missingAxis': 'smart-chart: seriesGroup[{{index}}] le falta a la definicion de {{axis}}.', 'missingReference': 'smart-chart: Falta la referencia a {{files}}.', 'missingType': 'smart-chart: Propiedad no valida: cada grupo de series debe tener una propiedad 'type' valida.' } }, caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });


    Sets the left, top, right and bottom padding of the Chart.



    Bottom padding of the Chart.

    Default value


    Get the bottom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let bottom = chart.padding.bottom;


    Left padding of the Chart.

    Default value


    Get the left property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let left = chart.padding.left;


    Right padding of the Chart.

    Default value


    Get the right property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let right = chart.padding.right;


    Top padding of the Chart.

    Default value


    Get the top property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let top =;

    Example about padding

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { padding: { left: 10, top: 10, right: 10, bottom: 10 }, caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });

    renderEngine"" | "SVG" | "HTML5"

    Determines the rendering engine used to display the chart. When the property is set to an empty string, smartChart will automatically select an optimal rendering engine depending on the browser capabilities.

    Default value


    Example about renderEngine

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { renderEngine: 'HTML5', caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });


    Sets or gets a value indicating whether the Chart's layout is mirrored.

    Default value


    Example about rightToLeft

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { rightToLeft: true, caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });


    The seriesGroups property is used to describe all series displayed on the chart. smartChart supports multiple series of different types and series grouping. Each series group may have its own Value Axis (Y-axis) which allows you to have values with different scales displayed on the same chart at the same time. It also allows you to display multiple series types together on the same chart. For example, you can display all series in one group as lines and the series in a second group as columns. seriesGroups is an array of objects where each object represents one group.


    An array of chart annotation objects.

    fillColorstring | null

    Fill/background color of the annotation.

    Get the fillColor property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let fillColor = chart.seriesGroups[0].annotations[0].fillColor;


    Height of the annotation.

    Get the height property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let height = chart.seriesGroups[0].annotations[0].height;

    lineColorstring | null

    Line color of the annotation.

    Get the lineColor property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineColor = chart.seriesGroups[0].annotations[0].lineColor;


    Custom offset of the annotation relative to xValue & yValue.


    xnumber | null

    Horizontal offset.

    Get the x property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let x = chart.seriesGroups[0].annotations[0].offset.x;

    ynumber | null

    Vertical offset.

    Get the y property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let y = chart.seriesGroups[0].annotations[0].offset.y;

    Get the offset property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let offset = chart.seriesGroups[0].annotations[0].offset;

    pathstring | null

    Line path command in case the type is 'path', e.g. 'M 10,10 L 20,20 L 50,50'.

    Get the path property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let path = chart.seriesGroups[0].annotations[0].path;


    Radius of the annotation in case its type is 'circle'.

    Get the radius property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let radius = chart.seriesGroups[0].annotations[0].radius;


    Object describing the text of the annotation.


    Text rotation angle.

    Get the angle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let angle = chart.seriesGroups[0].annotations[0].text.angle;

    classstring | null

    CSS class of the annotation.

    Get the class property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let class = chart.seriesGroups[0].annotations[0].text.class;

    fillColorstring | null

    Inner text color (fill).

    Get the fillColor property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let fillColor = chart.seriesGroups[0].annotations[0].text.fillColor;

    horizontalAlignment"center" | "left" | "right"

    Horizontal text alignment.

    Default value


    Get the horizontalAlignment property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let horizontalAlignment = chart.seriesGroups[0].annotations[0].text.horizontalAlignment;

    lineColorstring | null

    Outer text color (stroke).

    Get the lineColor property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineColor = chart.seriesGroups[0].annotations[0].text.lineColor;


    Offset of the annotation text relative to the base annotation offset.



    Horizontal offset.

    Get the x property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let x = chart.seriesGroups[0].annotations[0].text.offset.x;


    Vertical offset.

    Get the y property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let y = chart.seriesGroups[0].annotations[0].text.offset.y;

    Get the offset property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let offset = chart.seriesGroups[0].annotations[0].text.offset;

    rotationPoint"auto" | "left" | "center" | "right" | "topleft" | "topcenter" | "topright" | "bottomleft" | "bottomcenter" | "bottomright" | "centermiddle"

    Position to rotate the text around.

    Default value


    Get the rotationPoint property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let rotationPoint = chart.seriesGroups[0].annotations[0].text.rotationPoint;

    valuestring | null

    Text of the annotation.

    Get the value property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let value = chart.seriesGroups[0].annotations[0].text.value;

    verticalAlignment"center" | "top" | "bottom"

    Vertical text alignment.

    Default value


    Get the verticalAlignment property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let verticalAlignment = chart.seriesGroups[0].annotations[0].text.verticalAlignment;

    Get the text property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let text = chart.seriesGroups[0].annotations[0].text;

    type"text" | "rect" | "circle" | "line" | "path" | "null"

    Shape type of the annotation.

    Get the type property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let type = chart.seriesGroups[0].annotations[0].type;


    Width of the annotation.

    Get the width property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let width = chart.seriesGroups[0].annotations[0].width;


    Value to determine the horizontal offset of the annotation.

    Get the xValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let xValue = chart.seriesGroups[0].annotations[0].xValue;


    Optional 2nd value to determine the horizontal offset of the annotation bottom-right point.

    Get the xValue2 property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let xValue2 = chart.seriesGroups[0].annotations[0].xValue2;


    Value to determine the vertical offset of the annotation.

    Get the yValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let yValue = chart.seriesGroups[0].annotations[0].yValue;


    Optional 2nd value to determine the vertical offset of the annotation's bottom-right point.

    Get the yValue2 property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let yValue2 = chart.seriesGroups[0].annotations[0].yValue2;

    Get the annotations property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let annotations = chart.seriesGroups[0].annotations;


    Optional color bands dislayed in the chart's plot area.

    colorstring | null

    Color used to fill the area between the minValue and the maxValue.

    Get the color property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let color = chart.seriesGroups[0].bands[0].color;

    dashStylestring | null

    Dash style of the band lines. The style is a series of numbers indicating line length followed by space length.

    Get the dashStyle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dashStyle = chart.seriesGroups[0].bands[0].dashStyle;

    lineColorstring | null

    Band line color.

    Get the lineColor property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineColor = chart.seriesGroups[0].bands[0].lineColor;

    lineWidthstring | number | null

    Band line width.

    Get the lineWidth property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineWidth = chart.seriesGroups[0].bands[0].lineWidth;


    End value of the color band.

    Default value


    Get the maxValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let maxValue = chart.seriesGroups[0].bands[0].maxValue;


    Start value of the color band.

    Default value


    Get the minValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let minValue = chart.seriesGroups[0].bands[0].minValue;


    Fraction indicating the fill opacity.

    Default value


    Get the opacity property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let opacity = chart.seriesGroups[0].bands[0].opacity;

    Get the bands property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let bands = chart.seriesGroups[0].bands;


    Percentage gap between columns within the same serie.

    Default value


    Get the columnsGapPercent property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let columnsGapPercent = chart.seriesGroups[0].columnsGapPercent;

    columnsMaxWidthnumber | null

    Maximum width of columns in column series.

    Get the columnsMaxWidth property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let columnsMaxWidth = chart.seriesGroups[0].columnsMaxWidth;


    Minimum width of columns in column series.

    Default value


    Get the columnsMinWidth property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let columnsMinWidth = chart.seriesGroups[0].columnsMinWidth;


    Columns bottom width (as percentage of the total width).

    Default value


    Get the columnsBottomWidthPercent property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let columnsBottomWidthPercent = chart.seriesGroups[0].columnsBottomWidthPercent;


    Columns top width (as percentage of the total width).

    Default value


    Get the columnsTopWidthPercent property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let columnsTopWidthPercent = chart.seriesGroups[0].columnsTopWidthPercent;

    drawfunction | null

    Determines the drawing function of the series group. When the property is set, you can draw after the series group has been plotted.

    Get the draw property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let draw = chart.seriesGroups[0].draw;


    Determines the data source of the serie

    Get the dataSource property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dataSource = chart.seriesGroups[0].dataSource;

    drawBeforefunction | null

    Function for custom drawing before the series group.

    Get the drawBefore property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let drawBefore = chart.seriesGroups[0].drawBefore;


    Determines whether series are selectable.

    Default value


    Get the enableSelection property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let enableSelection = chart.seriesGroups[0].enableSelection;


    Determines whether to toggle series visibility after click on a legend's box.

    Default value


    Get the enableSeriesToggle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let enableSeriesToggle = chart.seriesGroups[0].enableSeriesToggle;


    The end angle (in degrees) of the polar coordinate system. Applicable to polar and spider charts only.

    Default value


    Get the endAngle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let endAngle = chart.seriesGroups[0].endAngle;

    formatFunction{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string}

    Callback function used to format series labels.

    Get the formatFunction property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatFunction = chart.seriesGroups[0].formatFunction;


    Object describing the format settings of series labels.

    dateFormatstring | null

    Optional date format string. This property is applicable only when displaying Date objects.

    Get the dateFormat property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dateFormat = chart.seriesGroups[0].formatSettings[0].dateFormat;

    decimalPlacesnumber | null

    Decimal places of numeric values.

    Get the decimalPlaces property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalPlaces = chart.seriesGroups[0].formatSettings[0].decimalPlaces;

    decimalSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between the integer and fractional parts of a number. The default value is inherited from localization.decimalSeparator.

    Get the decimalSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalSeparator = chart.seriesGroups[0].formatSettings[0].decimalSeparator;


    A boolean value indicating whether to display negative numbers in brackets.

    Default value


    Get the negativeWithBrackets property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let negativeWithBrackets = chart.seriesGroups[0].formatSettings[0].negativeWithBrackets;


    Text to prepend to the value.

    Default value


    Get the prefix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let prefix = chart.seriesGroups[0].formatSettings[0].prefix;


    Text to append to the value

    Default value


    Get the sufix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let sufix = chart.seriesGroups[0].formatSettings[0].sufix;

    thousandsSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between thousands, millions, billions, etc. The default value is inherited from localization.thousandsSeparator.

    Get the thousandsSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let thousandsSeparator = chart.seriesGroups[0].formatSettings[0].thousandsSeparator;

    Get the formatSettings property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatSettings = chart.seriesGroups[0].formatSettings;

    linesUnselectMode"click" | "default"

    Determines how line and area series are unselected based on mouse and touch events. If the value is set to 'click', once a line or area serie is selected, it will remain selected until the user clicks or moves the cursor outside the chart. In default mode, the serie will be unselected immediatelly after the cursor moves over another serie or outside the chart.

    Default value


    Get the linesUnselectMode property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let linesUnselectMode = chart.seriesGroups[0].linesUnselectMode;


    Horizontal position of the center of the polar coordinate system. Applicable to polar and spider charts only.

    Get the offsetX property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let offsetX = chart.seriesGroups[0].offsetX;


    Vertical position of the center of the polar coordinate system. Applicable to polar and spider charts only.

    Get the offsetY property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let offsetY = chart.seriesGroups[0].offsetY;

    orientation"vertical" | "horizontal"

    Specifies the orientation of the series group.

    Default value


    Get the orientation property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let orientation = chart.seriesGroups[0].orientation;


    Specifies the summary of the series group.

    Default value


    Get the summary property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let summary = chart.seriesGroups[0].summary;


    When polar is set to true, the chart will render in polar coordinates.

    Default value


    Get the polar property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let polar = chart.seriesGroups[0].polar;


    The radius of the polar coordinate system. Applicable to polar and spider charts only.

    Get the radius property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let radius = chart.seriesGroups[0].radius;


    An array of chart series.


    Offset from the center point in a pie/donut series.

    Default value


    Get the centerOffset property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let centerOffset = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].centerOffset;

    colorFunctionfunction | null

    A custom function that returns the color of a data point. The function will receive the following parameters: dataValue, itemIndex, serie, group. The implementation of the function can return a single color which will be used as a fillColor and the other colors will be derived or it can return an object containing fillColor, fillColorSelected, etc.

    Get the colorFunction property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let colorFunction = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].colorFunction;

    colorScheme"scheme01" | "scheme02" | "scheme03" | "scheme04" | "scheme05" | "scheme06" | "scheme07" | "scheme08" | "scheme09" | "scheme10" | "scheme11" | "scheme12" | "scheme13" | "scheme14" | "scheme15" | "scheme16" | "scheme17" | "scheme18" | "scheme19" | "scheme20" | "scheme21" | "scheme22" | "scheme23" | "scheme24" | "scheme25" | "scheme26" | "scheme27" | "scheme28" | "scheme29" | "scheme30" | "scheme31" | "scheme32" | "custom"

    Color palette to use when rendering the serie.

    Default value


    Get the colorScheme property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let colorScheme = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].colorScheme;


    Name of the field in the data source.

    Default value


    Get the dataField property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dataField = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].dataField;


    Data field used in candlestcik and ohlc series.

    Default value


    Get the dataFieldClose property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dataFieldClose = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].dataFieldClose;


    Data field used in candlestcik and ohlc series.

    Default value


    Get the dataFieldHigh property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dataFieldHigh = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].dataFieldHigh;


    Data field used in candlestcik and ohlc series.

    Default value


    Get the dataFieldLow property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dataFieldLow = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].dataFieldLow;


    Data field used in candlestcik and ohlc series.

    Default value


    Get the dataFieldOpen property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dataFieldOpen = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].dataFieldOpen;


    Data field used in in range column series as a start data field.

    Default value


    Get the dataFieldFrom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dataFieldFrom = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].dataFieldFrom;


    Data field used in range column series as an end data field.

    Default value


    Get the dataFieldTo property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dataFieldTo = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].dataFieldTo;


    Data field used in bubble series.

    Default value


    Get the radiusDataField property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let radiusDataField = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].radiusDataField;


    Name to display for this serie.

    Default value


    Get the displayText property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let displayText = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].displayText;


    Name to display for candlestick and ohlc series.

    Default value


    Get the displayTextClose property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let displayTextClose = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].displayTextClose;


    Name to display for candlestick and ohlc series.

    Default value


    Get the displayTextHigh property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let displayTextHigh = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].displayTextHigh;


    Name to display for candlestick and ohlc series.

    Default value


    Get the displayTextLow property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let displayTextLow = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].displayTextLow;


    Name to display for candlestick and ohlc series.

    Default value


    Get the displayTextOpen property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let displayTextOpen = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].displayTextOpen;

    emptyPointsDisplay"connect" | "skip" | "zero"

    Determines how to display value gaps in line series.

    Default value


    Get the emptyPointsDisplay property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let emptyPointsDisplay = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].emptyPointsDisplay;


    Determines whether the serie is selectable.

    Default value


    Get the enableSelection property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let enableSelection = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].enableSelection;


    Determines whether to toggle the series visibility after click on a legend's box.

    Default value


    Get the enableSeriesToggle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let enableSeriesToggle = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].enableSeriesToggle;


    Determines the labels rotation radius when the Chart is 'pie' or 'donut'.

    Default value


    Get the labelRadius property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let labelRadius = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labelRadius;

    formatFunction{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string}

    Callback function used to format the labels.

    Get the formatFunction property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatFunction = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].formatFunction;


    Object describing the format settings of the labels.

    dateFormatstring | null

    Optional date format string. This property is applicable only when displaying Date objects.

    Get the dateFormat property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dateFormat = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].formatSettings[0].dateFormat;

    decimalPlacesnumber | null

    Decimal places of numeric values.

    Get the decimalPlaces property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalPlaces = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].formatSettings[0].decimalPlaces;

    decimalSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between the integer and fractional parts of a number. The default value is inherited from localization.decimalSeparator.

    Get the decimalSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalSeparator = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].formatSettings[0].decimalSeparator;


    A boolean value indicating whether to display negative numbers in brackets.

    Default value


    Get the negativeWithBrackets property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let negativeWithBrackets = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].formatSettings[0].negativeWithBrackets;


    Text to prepend to the value.

    Default value


    Get the prefix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let prefix = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].formatSettings[0].prefix;


    Text to append to the value

    Default value


    Get the sufix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let sufix = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].formatSettings[0].sufix;

    thousandsSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between thousands, millions, billions, etc. The default value is inherited from localization.thousandsSeparator.

    Get the thousandsSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let thousandsSeparator = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].formatSettings[0].thousandsSeparator;

    Get the formatSettings property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatSettings = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].formatSettings;


    Specifies the summary of the series group.

    Default value


    Get the summary property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let summary = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].summary;


    Maximum angle in a pie, donut, polar and spider series.

    Default value


    Get the endAngle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let endAngle = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].endAngle;

    fillColorstring | null

    Fill color for the serie.

    Get the fillColor property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let fillColor = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].fillColor;

    fillColorAltstring | null

    Alternating fill color for the serie. Applicable to OHLC series only.

    Get the fillColorAlt property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let fillColorAlt = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].fillColorAlt;

    fillColorAltSelectedstring | null

    Alternating fill color for the serie when selected. Applicable to OHLC series only.

    Get the fillColorAltSelected property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let fillColorAltSelected = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].fillColorAltSelected;

    fillColorSelectedstring | null

    Fill color for the serie when selected.

    Get the fillColorSelected property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let fillColorSelected = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].fillColorSelected;

    fillColorSymbolstring | null

    Fill color for the marker symbols in the serie.

    Get the fillColorSymbol property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let fillColorSymbol = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].fillColorSymbol;

    fillColorSymbolSelectedstring | null

    Fill color for the the marker symbols in serie when selected.

    Get the fillColorSymbolSelected property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let fillColorSymbolSelected = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].fillColorSymbolSelected;

    greyScaleboolean | null

    Determines whether to display the serie in grey scale.

    Default value


    Get the greyScale property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let greyScale = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].greyScale;


    Determines whether to hide slices of toggled points in pie and donut series.

    Default value


    Get the hiddenPointsDisplay property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let hiddenPointsDisplay = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].hiddenPointsDisplay;


    Initial angle in pie and donut series.

    Default value


    Get the initialAngle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let initialAngle = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].initialAngle;


    Inner radius of donut series in pixels or percents.

    Default value


    Get the innerRadius property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let innerRadius = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].innerRadius;


    Object describing the labels properties of the axis.

    Default value




    Text rotation angle.

    Default value


    Get the angle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let angle = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].angle;


    boolean determining if auto rotation is enabled.

    Default value


    Get the autoRotate property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let autoRotate = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].autoRotate;

    backgroundColorstring | null

    Labels background color.

    Get the backgroundColor property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let backgroundColor = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].backgroundColor;

    backgroundOpacitynumber | null

    Labels background opacity.

    Default value


    Get the backgroundOpacity property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let backgroundOpacity = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].backgroundOpacity;

    borderColorstring | null

    Labels border line color.

    Get the borderColor property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let borderColor = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].borderColor;

    borderOpacitynumber | null

    Labels border line opacity.

    Default value


    Get the borderOpacity property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let borderOpacity = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].borderOpacity;

    classstring | null

    CSS class of the labels.

    Get the class property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let class = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].class;

    custom[] | null

    An array of custom values/offsets where a label will be displayed. Applicable only if labels.visible is set to 'custom'.

    Get the custom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let custom = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].custom;

    formatFunction{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string}

    Callback function used to format the labels.

    Get the formatFunction property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatFunction = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].formatFunction;


    Object describing the format settings of the labels.

    dateFormatstring | null

    Optional date format string. This property is applicable only when displaying Date objects.

    Get the dateFormat property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dateFormat = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].formatSettings[0].dateFormat;

    decimalPlacesnumber | null

    Decimal places of numeric values.

    Get the decimalPlaces property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalPlaces = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].formatSettings[0].decimalPlaces;

    decimalSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between the integer and fractional parts of a number. The default value is inherited from localization.decimalSeparator.

    Get the decimalSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalSeparator = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].formatSettings[0].decimalSeparator;


    A boolean value indicating whether to display negative numbers in brackets.

    Default value


    Get the negativeWithBrackets property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let negativeWithBrackets = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].formatSettings[0].negativeWithBrackets;


    Text to prepend to the value.

    Default value


    Get the prefix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let prefix = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].formatSettings[0].prefix;


    Text to append to the value

    Default value


    Get the sufix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let sufix = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].formatSettings[0].sufix;

    thousandsSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between thousands, millions, billions, etc. The default value is inherited from localization.thousandsSeparator.

    Get the thousandsSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let thousandsSeparator = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].formatSettings[0].thousandsSeparator;

    Get the formatSettings property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatSettings = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].formatSettings;

    horizontalAlignment"left" | "center" | "right"

    Horizontal labels alignment.

    Default value


    Get the horizontalAlignment property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let horizontalAlignment = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].horizontalAlignment;


    Determines whether to use direct lines for the labels in pie/donut series.

    Default value


    Get the linesAngles property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let linesAngles = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].linesAngles;


    Determines whether to use lines for the labels in pie/donut series.

    Default value


    Get the linesEnabled property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let linesEnabled = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].linesEnabled;


    Labels offset.



    Horizontal offset.

    Default value


    Get the x property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let x = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].offset.x;


    Vertical offset.

    Default value


    Get the y property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let y = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].offset.y;

    Get the offset property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let offset = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].offset;


    Object describing the padding of the labels.



    Bottom padding.

    Default value


    Get the bottom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let bottom = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].padding.bottom;


    Left padding.

    Default value


    Get the left property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let left = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].padding.left;


    Right padding.

    Default value


    Get the right property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let right = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].padding.right;


    Top padding.

    Default value


    Get the top property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let top = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0];

    Get the padding property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let padding = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].padding;

    radiusnumber | null

    Radius of the labels in pie/donut series.

    Get the radius property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let radius = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].radius;

    rotationPoint"auto" | "left" | "center" | "right" | "topleft" | "topcenter" | "topright" | "bottomleft" | "bottomcenter" | "bottomright" | "centermiddle"

    Position to rotate the text around.

    Default value


    Get the rotationPoint property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let rotationPoint = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].rotationPoint;

    stepnumber | null

    Interval steps between label placements (multiples of the axis unit interval).

    Get the step property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let step = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].step;


    Sets the interval between the labels.

    Get the unitInterval property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let unitInterval = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].unitInterval;

    verticalAlignment"top" | "center" | "bottom"

    Vertical labels alignment.

    Default value


    Get the verticalAlignment property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let verticalAlignment = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].verticalAlignment;

    visibleboolean | string

    Possible values: true, false, 'custom'.

    Determines the visibility of labels. When 'custom' is set, displays only custom values/offsets from the labels.custom array.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].visible;

    Get the labels property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let labels = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].labels;

    legendFillColorstring | null

    Fill color of the legend box. The default value is inherited from the serie's color.

    Get the legendFillColor property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let legendFillColor = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].legendFillColor;

    legendFormatFunctionfunction | null

    Legend data formatting function for the values in the serie.

    Get the legendFormatFunction property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let legendFormatFunction = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].legendFormatFunction;


    Legend data formatting settings for the values in the serie.

    dateFormatstring | null

    Optional date format string. This property is applicable only when displaying Date objects.

    Get the dateFormat property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dateFormat = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].legendFormatSettings[0].dateFormat;

    decimalPlacesnumber | null

    Decimal places of numeric values.

    Get the decimalPlaces property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalPlaces = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].legendFormatSettings[0].decimalPlaces;

    decimalSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between the integer and fractional parts of a number. The default value is inherited from localization.decimalSeparator.

    Get the decimalSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalSeparator = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].legendFormatSettings[0].decimalSeparator;


    A boolean value indicating whether to display negative numbers in brackets.

    Default value


    Get the negativeWithBrackets property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let negativeWithBrackets = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].legendFormatSettings[0].negativeWithBrackets;


    Text to prepend to the value.

    Default value


    Get the prefix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let prefix = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].legendFormatSettings[0].prefix;


    Text to append to the value

    Default value


    Get the sufix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let sufix = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].legendFormatSettings[0].sufix;

    thousandsSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between thousands, millions, billions, etc. The default value is inherited from localization.thousandsSeparator.

    Get the thousandsSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let thousandsSeparator = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].legendFormatSettings[0].thousandsSeparator;

    Get the legendFormatSettings property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let legendFormatSettings = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].legendFormatSettings;

    legendLineColorstring | null

    Line color of the legend box. The default value is inherited from the serie's color.

    Get the legendLineColor property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let legendLineColor = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].legendLineColor;

    lineColorstring | null

    Line color for the serie.

    Get the lineColor property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineColor = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].lineColor;

    lineColorSelectedstring | null

    Line color for the serie when selected.

    Get the lineColorSelected property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineColorSelected = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].lineColorSelected;

    lineColorSymbolstring | null

    Line color for the marker symbols in serie.

    Get the lineColorSymbol property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineColorSymbol = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].lineColorSymbol;

    lineColorSymbolSelectedstring | null

    Line color for the marker symbols in the serie when selected.

    Get the lineColorSymbolSelected property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineColorSymbolSelected = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].lineColorSymbolSelected;

    lineDashStylestring | null

    A string sequence of numbers represening line and space lengths, e.g. '2,2'.

    Get the lineDashStyle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineDashStyle = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].lineDashStyle;

    linesUnselectMode"click" | "default"

    Determines how line and area series are unselected based on mouse and touch events. If the value is set to 'click', once a line or area serie is selected, it will remain selected until the user clicks or moves the cursor outside the chart. In default mode, the serie will be unselected immediatelly after the cursor moves over another serie or outside the chart.

    Default value


    Get the linesUnselectMode property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let linesUnselectMode = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].linesUnselectMode;

    lineWidthstring | null | number

    Determines the line tickness of the items in this serie.

    Get the lineWidth property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineWidth = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].lineWidth;

    lineWidthSelectedstring | null | number

    Determines the line tickness of the items in this serie when selected.

    Get the lineWidthSelected property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineWidthSelected = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].lineWidthSelected;

    minRadiusstring | null | number

    Min radius of bubble series in pixels or percents.

    Get the minRadius property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let minRadius = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].minRadius;

    maxRadiusstring | null | number

    Max radius of bubble series in pixels or percents.

    Get the maxRadius property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let maxRadius = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].maxRadius;


    Determines the opacity of the items in this serie.

    Default value


    Get the opacity property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let opacity = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].opacity;

    radiusnumber | null

    Outer radius of pie and donut series in pixels or percents.

    Get the radius property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let radius = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].radius;

    selectedRadiusChangenumber | null

    Radius change on selection of pie and donut series in pixels or percents.

    Get the selectedRadiusChange property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let selectedRadiusChange = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].selectedRadiusChange;


    Minimum angle in a pie, donut, polar and spider series.

    Default value


    Get the startAngle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let startAngle = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].startAngle;


    Determines the size of the symbol element.

    Get the symbolSize property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let symbolSize = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].symbolSize;


    Determines the size of the symbol element. This property is applicable to line and area series only.

    Get the symbolSizeSelected property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let symbolSizeSelected = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].symbolSizeSelected;

    symbolType"none" | "circle" | "square" | "diamond" | "triangle_up" | "triangle_down" | "triangle_left" | "triangle_right"

    Determines the symbol type displayed for the data points in the serie. This parameter is applicable to line, area, scatter and bubble series only.

    Default value


    Get the symbolType property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let symbolType = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].symbolType;

    toolTipBackgroundstring | null

    Determines the tooltip's background.

    Get the toolTipBackground property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let toolTipBackground = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].toolTipBackground;

    toolTipClassstring | null

    Determines the tooltip's CSS class name.

    Get the toolTipClass property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let toolTipClass = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].toolTipClass;

    toolTipFormatFunction{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string}

    Tooltip data formatting function for the values in the serie.

    Get the toolTipFormatFunction property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let toolTipFormatFunction = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].toolTipFormatFunction;


    Tooltip data formatting settings for the values in the serie.

    dateFormatstring | null

    Optional date format string. This property is applicable only when displaying Date objects.

    Get the dateFormat property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dateFormat = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].toolTipFormatSettings[0].dateFormat;

    decimalPlacesnumber | null

    Decimal places of numeric values.

    Get the decimalPlaces property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalPlaces = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].toolTipFormatSettings[0].decimalPlaces;

    decimalSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between the integer and fractional parts of a number. The default value is inherited from localization.decimalSeparator.

    Get the decimalSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalSeparator = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].toolTipFormatSettings[0].decimalSeparator;


    A boolean value indicating whether to display negative numbers in brackets.

    Default value


    Get the negativeWithBrackets property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let negativeWithBrackets = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].toolTipFormatSettings[0].negativeWithBrackets;


    Text to prepend to the value.

    Default value


    Get the prefix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let prefix = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].toolTipFormatSettings[0].prefix;


    Text to append to the value

    Default value


    Get the sufix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let sufix = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].toolTipFormatSettings[0].sufix;

    thousandsSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between thousands, millions, billions, etc. The default value is inherited from localization.thousandsSeparator.

    Get the thousandsSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let thousandsSeparator = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].toolTipFormatSettings[0].thousandsSeparator;

    Get the toolTipFormatSettings property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let toolTipFormatSettings = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].toolTipFormatSettings;

    toolTipLineColorstring | null

    Determines the tooltip's border lines color.

    Get the toolTipLineColor property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let toolTipLineColor = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].toolTipLineColor;


    Determines whether to use color gradients.

    Default value


    Get the useGradientColors property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let useGradientColors = chart.seriesGroups[0].series[0].labels[0].useGradientColors;

    Get the series property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let series = chart.seriesGroups[0].series;


    Percentage gap between columns belonging to different series.

    Default value


    Get the seriesGapPercent property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let seriesGapPercent = chart.seriesGroups[0].seriesGapPercent;


    Determines whether to display overlapping data points in column, ohlc and candlestick series.

    Default value


    Get the skipOverlappingPoints property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let skipOverlappingPoints = chart.seriesGroups[0].skipOverlappingPoints;


    When showLabels is set to true, the chart will render pie labels.

    Default value


    Get the showLabels property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let showLabels = chart.seriesGroups[0].showLabels;


    When spider is set to true, the chart will render in polar coordinates.

    Default value


    Get the spider property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let spider = chart.seriesGroups[0].spider;


    The start angle (in degrees) of the polar coordinate system. Applicable to polar and spider charts only.

    Default value


    Get the startAngle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let startAngle = chart.seriesGroups[0].startAngle;

    type"column" | "stackedcolumn" | "stackedcolumn100" | "rangecolumn" | "waterfall" | "stackedwaterfall" | "line" | "stackedline" | "stackedline100" | "spline" | "stackedspline" | "stackedspline100" | "stepline" | "stackedstepline" | "stackedstepline100" | "area" | "stackedarea" | "stackedarea100" | "rangearea" | "splinearea" | "stackedsplinearea" | "stackedsplinearea100" | "splinerangearea" | "steprangearea" | "stackedsplineara" | "steparea" | "stackedsteparea" | "stackedsteparea100" | "pie" | "donut" | "scatter" | "stackedscatter" | "stackedscatter100" | "bubble" | "stackedbubble" | "stackedbubble100" | "candlestick" | "ohlc"

    Sets the chart type. smartChart supports several common chart types. You can easily plot series of different types on a common chart. A type must be specified for each series group. Currently, smartChart supports the following series types:

    • 'column' - simple column series
    • 'stackedcolumn' - stacked column series
    • 'stackedcolumn100' - percentage stacked columns
    • 'rangecolumn' - floating column between two values
    • 'waterfall' - waterfall series
    • 'stackedwaterfall' - stacked waterfall series
    • 'line' - simple straight lines connecting the value points
    • 'stackedline' - stacked lines
    • 'stackedline100' - percentage stacked lines
    • 'spline' - smooth lines connecting the value points
    • 'stackedspline' - smooth stacked lines
    • 'stackedspline100' - percentage stacked smooth lines
    • 'stepline' - step line
    • 'stackedstepline' - stacked step line
    • 'stackedstepline100' - percentage stacked step line
    • 'area' - area connecting the value points with straight lines
    • 'stackedarea' - stacked area with straight lines between the points
    • 'stackedarea100' - percentage stacked area with straight lines between the points
    • 'rangearea' - floating area between pairs of value points
    • 'splinearea' - smooth area connecting the value points
    • 'stackedsplinearea' - stacked smooth area connecting the value points
    • 'stackedsplinearea100' - percentage stacked smooth area
    • 'splinerangearea' - smooth floating area between pairs of value points
    • 'steprangearea' - step area between pairs of value points
    • 'stackedsplineara' - smooth stacked area
    • 'steparea' - step area connecting the value points
    • 'stackedsteparea' - step stacked area
    • 'stackedsteparea100' - percentage stacked step area
    • 'pie' - circular chart divided into sectors, illustrating proportion
    • 'donut' - chart divided into circular sectors with different inner and outer radius
    • 'scatter' - data is displayed as a collection of points
    • 'stackedscatter' - data is displayed as a collection of points and the values are stacked
    • 'stackedscatter100' - data is displayed as a collection of points and the values are percentage stacked
    • 'bubble' - data is displayed as a collection of bubbles
    • 'stackedbubble' - data is displayed as a collection of bubbles and the values are stacked
    • 'stackedbubble100' - data is displayed as a collection of bubbles and the values are percentage stacked
    • 'candlestick' - display candlestick series using open, high, low, close data points
    • 'ohlc' - display OHLC series using open, high, low, close data points

    Default value


    Get the type property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let type = chart.seriesGroups[0].type;


    Object describing the format settings of series tooltips.

    dateFormatstring | null

    Optional date format string. This property is applicable only when displaying Date objects.

    Get the dateFormat property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dateFormat = chart.seriesGroups[0].toolTipFormatSettings[0].dateFormat;

    decimalPlacesnumber | null

    Decimal places of numeric values.

    Get the decimalPlaces property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalPlaces = chart.seriesGroups[0].toolTipFormatSettings[0].decimalPlaces;

    decimalSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between the integer and fractional parts of a number. The default value is inherited from localization.decimalSeparator.

    Get the decimalSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalSeparator = chart.seriesGroups[0].toolTipFormatSettings[0].decimalSeparator;


    A boolean value indicating whether to display negative numbers in brackets.

    Default value


    Get the negativeWithBrackets property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let negativeWithBrackets = chart.seriesGroups[0].toolTipFormatSettings[0].negativeWithBrackets;


    Text to prepend to the value.

    Default value


    Get the prefix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let prefix = chart.seriesGroups[0].toolTipFormatSettings[0].prefix;


    Text to append to the value

    Default value


    Get the sufix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let sufix = chart.seriesGroups[0].toolTipFormatSettings[0].sufix;

    thousandsSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between thousands, millions, billions, etc. The default value is inherited from localization.thousandsSeparator.

    Get the thousandsSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let thousandsSeparator = chart.seriesGroups[0].toolTipFormatSettings[0].thousandsSeparator;

    Get the toolTipFormatSettings property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let toolTipFormatSettings = chart.seriesGroups[0].toolTipFormatSettings;

    toolTipFormatFunction{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string}

    Sets the tooltip format function. The function is used to format the tooltips of the Chart serie

    Get the toolTipFormatFunction property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let toolTipFormatFunction = chart.seriesGroups[0].toolTipFormatFunction;


    Determines whether to use color gradients.

    Default value


    Get the useGradientColors property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let useGradientColors = chart.seriesGroups[0].useGradientColors;


    Object describing the valueAxis for this group. smartChart allows you to use a common valueAxis and/or multiple value axes per serie group.


    Alternating background color between grid lines.

    Default value


    Get the alternatingBackgroundColor property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let alternatingBackgroundColor = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].alternatingBackgroundColor;


    Second alternating background color.

    Default value


    Get the alternatingBackgroundColor2 property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let alternatingBackgroundColor2 = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].alternatingBackgroundColor2;


    Opacity of the alternating background.

    Default value


    Get the alternatingBackgroundOpacity property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let alternatingBackgroundOpacity = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].alternatingBackgroundOpacity;

    axisSizenumber | string | null

    Sets the size of the axis.

    Get the axisSize property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let axisSize = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].axisSize;


    Optional color bands dislayed in the chart's plot area.

    colorstring | null

    Color used to fill the area between the minValue and the maxValue.

    Get the color property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let color = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].bands[0].color;

    dashStylestring | null

    Dash style of the band lines. The style is a series of numbers indicating line length followed by space length.

    Get the dashStyle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dashStyle = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].bands[0].dashStyle;

    lineColorstring | null

    Band line color.

    Get the lineColor property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineColor = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].bands[0].lineColor;

    lineWidthstring | null | number

    Band line width.

    Get the lineWidth property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineWidth = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].bands[0].lineWidth;


    End value of the color band.

    Default value


    Get the maxValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let maxValue = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].bands[0].maxValue;


    Start value of the color band.

    Default value


    Get the minValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let minValue = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].bands[0].minValue;


    Fraction indicating the fill opacity.

    Default value


    Get the opacity property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let opacity = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].bands[0].opacity;

    Get the bands property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let bands = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].bands;


    Sets the baseline value for the axis.

    Default value


    Get the baselineValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let baselineValue = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].baselineValue;


    boolean determining whether to draw the axis or the user will use APIs to draw it.

    Default value


    Get the customDraw property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let customDraw = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].customDraw;


    Sets the description of the value axis.

    Default value


    Get the description property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let description = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].description;


    Specifies whether the values axis is displayed.

    Default value


    Get the displayValueAxis property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let displayValueAxis = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].displayValueAxis;


    Specifies whether the values are displayed in reverse order.

    Default value


    Get the flip property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let flip = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].flip;

    formatFunction{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string}

    Custom function to format the displayed values along the axis.

    Get the formatFunction property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatFunction = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].formatFunction;


    Settings used to format the displayed values along the axis.

    dateFormatstring | null

    Optional date format string. This property is applicable only when displaying Date objects.

    Get the dateFormat property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dateFormat = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].formatSettings[0].dateFormat;

    decimalPlacesnumber | null

    Decimal places of numeric values.

    Get the decimalPlaces property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalPlaces = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].formatSettings[0].decimalPlaces;

    decimalSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between the integer and fractional parts of a number. The default value is inherited from localization.decimalSeparator.

    Get the decimalSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalSeparator = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].formatSettings[0].decimalSeparator;


    A boolean value indicating whether to display negative numbers in brackets.

    Default value


    Get the negativeWithBrackets property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let negativeWithBrackets = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].formatSettings[0].negativeWithBrackets;


    Text to prepend to the value.

    Default value


    Get the prefix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let prefix = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].formatSettings[0].prefix;


    Text to append to the value

    Default value


    Get the sufix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let sufix = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].formatSettings[0].sufix;

    thousandsSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between thousands, millions, billions, etc. The default value is inherited from localization.thousandsSeparator.

    Get the thousandsSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let thousandsSeparator = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].formatSettings[0].thousandsSeparator;

    Get the formatSettings property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatSettings = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].formatSettings;


    Object describing the grid lines properties of the valueAxis.


    Color of the grid lines.

    Default value


    Get the color property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let color = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].gridLines[0].color;

    custom[] | null

    An array of custom values/offsets where a grid line will be displayed. Applicable only if gridLines.visible is set to 'custom'.

    Get the custom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let custom = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].gridLines[0].custom;


    Grid lines dash style, e.g. '2,2'.

    Default value


    Get the dashStyle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dashStyle = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].gridLines[0].dashStyle;

    lineWidthstring | number | null

    Line width (in pixels) of the grid lines.

    Default value


    Get the lineWidth property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineWidth = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].gridLines[0].lineWidth;

    sizestring | number | null

    Size (in pixels) of the tick marks.

    Default value


    Get the size property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let size = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].gridLines[0].size;

    stepnumber | null

    Interval steps between grid line placements (multiples of the axis unit interval).

    Get the step property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let step = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].gridLines[0].step;


    Sets the interval between the grid lines.

    Get the unitInterval property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let unitInterval = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].gridLines[0].unitInterval;

    visibleboolean | string

    Possible values: true, false, 'custom'.

    Determines the visibility of grid lines. When 'custom' is set, displays only custom values/offsets from the gridLines.custom array.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].gridLines[0].visible;

    Get the gridLines property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let gridLines = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].gridLines;


    Object describing the labels properties of the axis.


    Text rotation angle.

    Default value


    Get the angle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let angle = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].labels[0].angle;


    boolean determining if auto rotation is enabled. Applicable to polar and spider charts only.

    Default value


    Get the autoRotate property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let autoRotate = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].labels[0].autoRotate;

    classstring | null

    CSS class of the labels.

    Get the class property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let class = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].labels[0].class;

    custom[] | null

    An array of custom values/offsets where a label will be displayed. Applicable only if labels.visible is set to 'custom'.

    Get the custom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let custom = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].labels[0].custom;

    formatFunction{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string}

    Callback function used to format the labels.

    Get the formatFunction property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatFunction = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].labels[0].formatFunction;


    Object describing the format settings of the labels.

    dateFormatstring | null

    Optional date format string. This property is applicable only when displaying Date objects.

    Get the dateFormat property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dateFormat = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].dateFormat;

    decimalPlacesnumber | null

    Decimal places of numeric values.

    Get the decimalPlaces property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalPlaces = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].decimalPlaces;

    decimalSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between the integer and fractional parts of a number. The default value is inherited from localization.decimalSeparator.

    Get the decimalSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalSeparator = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].decimalSeparator;


    A boolean value indicating whether to display negative numbers in brackets.

    Default value


    Get the negativeWithBrackets property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let negativeWithBrackets = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].negativeWithBrackets;


    Text to prepend to the value.

    Default value


    Get the prefix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let prefix = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].prefix;


    Text to append to the value

    Default value


    Get the sufix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let sufix = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].sufix;

    thousandsSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between thousands, millions, billions, etc. The default value is inherited from localization.thousandsSeparator.

    Get the thousandsSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let thousandsSeparator = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].thousandsSeparator;

    Get the formatSettings property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatSettings = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings;

    horizontalAlignment"left" | "center" | "right"

    Horizontal labels alignment.

    Default value


    Get the horizontalAlignment property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let horizontalAlignment = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].labels[0].horizontalAlignment;


    Labels offset.



    Horizontal offset.

    Default value


    Get the x property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let x = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].labels[0].offset.x;


    Vertical offset.

    Default value


    Get the y property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let y = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].labels[0].offset.y;

    Get the offset property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let offset = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].labels[0].offset;

    rotationPoint"auto" | "left" | "center" | "right" | "topleft" | "topcenter" | "topright" | "bottomleft" | "bottomcenter" | "bottomright" | "centermiddle"

    Position to rotate the text around.

    Default value


    Get the rotationPoint property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let rotationPoint = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].labels[0].rotationPoint;

    stepnumber | null

    Interval steps between label placements (multiples of the axis unit interval).

    Get the step property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let step = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].labels[0].step;


    Sets the interval between the labels.

    Get the unitInterval property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let unitInterval = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].labels[0].unitInterval;

    verticalAlignment"top" | "center" | "bottom"

    Vertical labels alignment.

    Default value


    Get the verticalAlignment property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let verticalAlignment = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].labels[0].verticalAlignment;

    visibleboolean | string

    Possible values: true, false, 'custom'.

    Determines the visibility of labels. When 'custom' is set, displays only custom values/offsets from the labels.custom array.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].labels[0].visible;

    Get the labels property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let labels = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].labels;


    Object describing the line properties of the axis.


    Color of axis line.

    Default value


    Get the color property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let color = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].line.color;


    Line dash style, e.g. '2,2'. The default is inherited from gridLines.dashStyle.

    Default value


    Get the dashStyle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dashStyle = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].line.dashStyle;


    Line width. The default is inherited from gridLines.lineWidth.

    Default value


    Get the lineWidth property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineWidth = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].line.lineWidth;


    boolean determining the visibility of the axis line.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].line.visible;

    Get the line property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let line = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].line;


    Determines whether to use logarithmic scale.

    Default value


    Get the logarithmicScale property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let logarithmicScale = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].logarithmicScale;


    Base for logarithmic scale.

    Default value


    Get the logarithmicScaleBase property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let logarithmicScaleBase = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].logarithmicScaleBase;


    Sets the maximum value of the valueAxis.

    Default value


    Get the maxValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let maxValue = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].maxValue;


    Sets the minimum value of the valueAxis.

    Default value


    Get the minValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let minValue = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].minValue;


    Object describing the padding of the axis.



    Bottom padding. Available for horizontal valueAxis.

    Default value


    Get the bottom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let bottom = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].padding.bottom;


    Left padding. Available for vertical valueAxis.

    Default value


    Get the left property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let left = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].padding.left;


    Right padding. Available for vertical valueAxis.

    Default value


    Get the right property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let right = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].padding.right;


    Top padding. Available for horizontal valueAxis.

    Default value


    Get the top property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let top = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0];

    Get the padding property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let padding = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].padding;

    position"left" | "right" | "top" | "bottom"

    Sets the axis position. The values 'left' and 'right' are available in the default case. If the valueAxis is horizontal, only 'top' and 'bottom' are available.

    Default value


    Get the position property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let position = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].position;

    textRotationAnglenumber | null

    Text rotation angle.

    Get the textRotationAngle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let textRotationAngle = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].textRotationAngle;


    Value Axis Type

    Default value


    Get the type property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let type = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].type;

    textRotationPoint"auto" | "left" | "center" | "right" | "topleft" | "topcenter" | "topright" | "bottomleft" | "bottomcenter" | "bottomright" | "centermiddle"

    Position to rotate the text around.

    Default value


    Get the textRotationPoint property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let textRotationPoint = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].textRotationPoint;


    Object describing the tick marks properties of the valueAxis.


    Color of the tick marks.

    Default value


    Get the color property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let color = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].tickMarks[0].color;

    custom[] | null

    An array of custom values/offsets where a tick mark will be displayed. Applicable only if tickMarks.visible is set to 'custom'.

    Get the custom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let custom = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].tickMarks[0].custom;


    Tick marks dash style, e.g. '2,2'.

    Default value


    Get the dashStyle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dashStyle = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].tickMarks[0].dashStyle;


    Line width (in pixels) of the tick marks.

    Default value


    Get the lineWidth property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineWidth = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].tickMarks[0].lineWidth;


    Size (in pixels) of the tick marks.

    Default value


    Get the size property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let size = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].tickMarks[0].size;

    stepnumber | null

    Interval steps between tick mark placements (multiples of the axis unit interval).

    Get the step property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let step = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].tickMarks[0].step;


    Sets the interval between tick marks.

    Get the unitInterval property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let unitInterval = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].tickMarks[0].unitInterval;

    visibleboolean | string

    Possible values: true, false, 'custom'.

    Determines the visibility of tick marks. When 'custom' is set, displays only custom values/offsets from the tickMarks.custom array.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].tickMarks[0].visible;

    Get the tickMarks property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let tickMarks = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].tickMarks;


    Object describing the title of the valueAxis.

    classstring | null

    CSS class of the title text.

    Get the class property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let class = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].title.class;

    horizontalAlignment"left" | "center" | "right"

    Horizontal alignment.

    Default value


    Get the horizontalAlignment property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let horizontalAlignment = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].title.horizontalAlignment;


    Text of the title.

    Default value


    Get the text property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let text = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].title.text;

    verticalAlignment"top" | "center" | "bottom"

    Vertical alignment.

    Default value


    Get the verticalAlignment property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let verticalAlignment = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].title.verticalAlignment;


    boolean determining the visibility of the title.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].title.visible;

    Get the title property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let title = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].title;

    unitIntervalnumber | null

    Sets the interval between the units.

    Get the unitInterval property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let unitInterval = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].unitInterval;


    Specifies whether the axis values will be aligned with the tick marks.

    Default value


    Get the valuesOnTicks property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let valuesOnTicks = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].valuesOnTicks;


    Shows or hides the valueAxis.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis[0].visible;

    Get the valueAxis property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let valueAxis = chart.seriesGroups[0].valueAxis;


    Object describing the xAxis for this group.


    Alternating background color between grid lines.

    Default value


    Get the alternatingBackgroundColor property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let alternatingBackgroundColor = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].alternatingBackgroundColor;


    Second alternating background color.

    Default value


    Get the alternatingBackgroundColor2 property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let alternatingBackgroundColor2 = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].alternatingBackgroundColor2;


    Opacity of the alternating background.

    Default value


    Get the alternatingBackgroundOpacity property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let alternatingBackgroundOpacity = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].alternatingBackgroundOpacity;

    axisSizenumber | string | null

    Sets the size of the xAxis.

    Get the axisSize property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let axisSize = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].axisSize;


    Optional color bands dislayed in the chart's plot area.

    colorstring | null

    Color used to fill the area between the minValue and the maxValue.

    Get the color property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let color = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].bands[0].color;

    dashStylestring | null

    Dash style of the band lines. The style is a series of numbers indicating line length followed by space length.

    Get the dashStyle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dashStyle = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].bands[0].dashStyle;

    lineColorstring | null

    Band line color.

    Get the lineColor property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineColor = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].bands[0].lineColor;

    lineWidthstring | null | number

    Band line width.

    Get the lineWidth property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineWidth = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].bands[0].lineWidth;


    End value of the color band.

    Default value


    Get the maxValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let maxValue = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].bands[0].maxValue;


    Start value of the color band.

    Default value


    Get the minValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let minValue = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].bands[0].minValue;


    Fraction indicating the fill opacity.

    Default value


    Get the opacity property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let opacity = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].bands[0].opacity;

    Get the bands property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let bands = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].bands;

    baseUnitnull | "year" | "month" | "day" | "hour" | "minute" | "second" | "millisecond"

    The base unit when used with 'date' axis.

    Get the baseUnit property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let baseUnit = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].baseUnit;


    boolean determining whether to draw the axis or the user will use APIs to draw it.

    Default value


    Get the customDraw property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let customDraw = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].customDraw;


    Points to a data field in the data source.

    Default value


    Get the dataField property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dataField = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].dataField;

    dateFormatstring | null

    Optional date format for parsing the data from the data source. Applicable when xAxis.type is set to 'date'.

    Get the dateFormat property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dateFormat = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].dateFormat;

    displayTextstring | null

    Optional custom xAxis display text.

    Get the displayText property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let displayText = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].displayText;


    Specifies whether the values are displayed in reverse order.

    Default value


    Get the flip property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let flip = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].flip;

    formatFunction{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string}

    Custom function to format the displayed values along the axis.

    Get the formatFunction property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatFunction = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].formatFunction;


    Settings used to format the displayed values along the axis.

    dateFormatstring | null

    Optional date format string. This property is applicable only when displaying Date objects.

    Get the dateFormat property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dateFormat = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].formatSettings[0].dateFormat;

    decimalPlacesnumber | null

    Decimal places of numeric values.

    Get the decimalPlaces property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalPlaces = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].formatSettings[0].decimalPlaces;

    decimalSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between the integer and fractional parts of a number. The default value is inherited from localization.decimalSeparator.

    Get the decimalSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalSeparator = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].formatSettings[0].decimalSeparator;


    A boolean value indicating whether to display negative numbers in brackets.

    Default value


    Get the negativeWithBrackets property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let negativeWithBrackets = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].formatSettings[0].negativeWithBrackets;


    Text to prepend to the value.

    Default value


    Get the prefix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let prefix = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].formatSettings[0].prefix;


    Text to append to the value

    Default value


    Get the sufix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let sufix = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].formatSettings[0].sufix;

    thousandsSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between thousands, millions, billions, etc. The default value is inherited from localization.thousandsSeparator.

    Get the thousandsSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let thousandsSeparator = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].formatSettings[0].thousandsSeparator;

    Get the formatSettings property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatSettings = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].formatSettings;


    Object describing the grid lines properties of the xAxis.


    Color of the grid lines.

    Default value


    Get the color property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let color = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].gridLines[0].color;

    custom[] | null

    An array of custom values/offsets where a grid line will be displayed. Applicable only if gridLines.visible is set to 'custom'.

    Get the custom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let custom = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].gridLines[0].custom;


    Grid lines dash style, e.g. '2,2'.

    Default value


    Get the dashStyle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dashStyle = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].gridLines[0].dashStyle;

    lineWidthstring | number | null

    Line width (in pixels) of the grid lines.

    Default value


    Get the lineWidth property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineWidth = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].gridLines[0].lineWidth;

    stepnumber | null

    Interval steps between grid line placements (multiples of the axis unit interval).

    Get the step property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let step = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].gridLines[0].step;


    Sets the interval between the grid lines.

    Get the unitInterval property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let unitInterval = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].gridLines[0].unitInterval;

    visibleboolean | string

    Possible values: true, false, 'custom'.

    Determines the visibility of grid lines. When 'custom' is set, displays only custom values/offsets from the gridLines.custom array.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].gridLines[0].visible;

    Get the gridLines property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let gridLines = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].gridLines;


    Object describing the labels properties of the axis.


    Text rotation angle.

    Default value


    Get the angle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let angle = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].labels[0].angle;


    boolean determining if auto rotation is enabled. Applicable to polar and spider charts only.

    Default value


    Get the autoRotate property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let autoRotate = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].labels[0].autoRotate;

    classstring | null

    CSS class of the labels.

    Get the class property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let class = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].labels[0].class;

    custom[] | null

    An array of custom values/offsets where a label will be displayed. Applicable only if labels.visible is set to 'custom'.

    Get the custom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let custom = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].labels[0].custom;

    formatFunction{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string}

    Callback function used to format the labels.

    Get the formatFunction property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatFunction = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].labels[0].formatFunction;


    Object describing the format settings of the labels.

    dateFormatstring | null

    Optional date format string. This property is applicable only when displaying Date objects.

    Get the dateFormat property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dateFormat = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].dateFormat;

    decimalPlacesnumber | null

    Decimal places of numeric values.

    Get the decimalPlaces property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalPlaces = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].decimalPlaces;

    decimalSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between the integer and fractional parts of a number. The default value is inherited from localization.decimalSeparator.

    Get the decimalSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalSeparator = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].decimalSeparator;


    A boolean value indicating whether to display negative numbers in brackets.

    Default value


    Get the negativeWithBrackets property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let negativeWithBrackets = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].negativeWithBrackets;


    Text to prepend to the value.

    Default value


    Get the prefix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let prefix = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].prefix;


    Text to append to the value

    Default value


    Get the sufix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let sufix = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].sufix;

    thousandsSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between thousands, millions, billions, etc. The default value is inherited from localization.thousandsSeparator.

    Get the thousandsSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let thousandsSeparator = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].thousandsSeparator;

    Get the formatSettings property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatSettings = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings;

    horizontalAlignment"left" | "center" | "right"

    Horizontal labels alignment.

    Default value


    Get the horizontalAlignment property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let horizontalAlignment = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].labels[0].horizontalAlignment;


    Labels offset.



    Horizontal offset.

    Default value


    Get the x property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let x = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].labels[0].offset.x;


    Vertical offset.

    Default value


    Get the y property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let y = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].labels[0].offset.y;

    Get the offset property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let offset = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].labels[0].offset;

    rotationPoint"auto" | "left" | "center" | "right" | "topleft" | "topcenter" | "topright" | "bottomleft" | "bottomcenter" | "bottomright" | "centermiddle"

    Position to rotate the text around.

    Default value


    Get the rotationPoint property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let rotationPoint = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].labels[0].rotationPoint;

    stepnumber | null

    Interval steps between label placements (multiples of the axis unit interval).

    Get the step property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let step = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].labels[0].step;


    Sets the interval between the labels.

    Get the unitInterval property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let unitInterval = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].labels[0].unitInterval;

    verticalAlignment"top" | "center" | "bottom"

    Vertical labels alignment.

    Default value


    Get the verticalAlignment property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let verticalAlignment = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].labels[0].verticalAlignment;

    visibleboolean | string

    Possible values: true, false, 'custom'.

    Determines the visibility of labels. When 'custom' is set, displays only custom values/offsets from the labels.custom array.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].labels[0].visible;

    Get the labels property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let labels = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].labels;


    Object describing the line properties of the axis.


    Color of axis line.

    Default value


    Get the color property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let color = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].line.color;


    Line dash style, e.g. '2,2'. The default is inherited from gridLines.dashStyle.

    Default value


    Get the dashStyle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dashStyle = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].line.dashStyle;

    lineWidthstring | number | null

    Line width. The default is inherited from gridLines.lineWidth.

    Default value


    Get the lineWidth property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineWidth = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].line.lineWidth;


    boolean determining the visibility of the axis line.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].line.visible;

    Get the line property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let line = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].line;


    Determines whether to use logarithmic scale.

    Default value


    Get the logarithmicScale property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let logarithmicScale = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].logarithmicScale;


    Base for logarithmic scale.

    Default value


    Get the logarithmicScaleBase property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let logarithmicScaleBase = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].logarithmicScaleBase;


    Sets the maximum value of the xAxis.

    Default value


    Get the maxValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let maxValue = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].maxValue;


    Sets the minimum value of the xAxis.

    Default value


    Get the minValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let minValue = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].minValue;


    Object describing the padding of the axis.



    Bottom padding. Available for horizontal xAxis.

    Default value


    Get the bottom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let bottom = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].padding.bottom;


    Left padding. Available for vertical xAxis.

    Default value


    Get the left property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let left = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].padding.left;


    Right padding. Available for vertical xAxis.

    Default value


    Get the right property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let right = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].padding.right;


    Top padding. Available for horizontal xAxis.

    Default value


    Get the top property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let top = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0];

    Get the padding property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let padding = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].padding;

    position"bottom" | "top" | "left" | "right"

    Sets the axis position. The values 'bottom' and 'top' are available in the default case. If the xAxis is vertical, only 'left' and 'right' are available.

    Default value


    Get the position property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let position = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].position;


    Definition of a range selector on the xAxis. The range selector itself is also an instance of smart-chart.

    backgroundColorstring | null

    Sets the range selector chart's background color.

    Get the backgroundColor property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let backgroundColor = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.backgroundColor;


    Sets the range selector chart's background image.

    Default value


    Get the backgroundImage property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let backgroundImage = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.backgroundImage;

    baseUnitnull | "year" | "month" | "day" | "hour" | "minute" | "second" | "millisecond"

    The base unit when used with 'date' axis.

    Get the baseUnit property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let baseUnit = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.baseUnit;

    borderLineColorstring | null

    Sets the range selector chart's border color.

    Get the borderLineColor property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let borderLineColor = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.borderLineColor;

    borderLineWidthnumber | null

    Sets the range selector chart's border line width.

    Get the borderLineWidth property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let borderLineWidth = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.borderLineWidth;


    Sets the caption (title) of the range selector chart.

    Default value


    Get the caption property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let caption = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.caption;

    colorScheme"scheme01" | "scheme02" | "scheme03" | "scheme04" | "scheme05" | "scheme06" | "scheme07" | "scheme08" | "scheme09" | "scheme10" | "scheme11" | "scheme12" | "scheme13" | "scheme14" | "scheme15" | "scheme16" | "scheme17" | "scheme18" | "scheme19" | "scheme20" | "scheme21" | "scheme22" | "scheme23" | "scheme24" | "scheme25" | "scheme26" | "scheme27" | "scheme28" | "scheme29" | "scheme30" | "scheme31" | "scheme32" | "custom"

    Sets the range selector chart's color pallete. smartChart suppports 32 color schemes from 'scheme01' to 'scheme32'.

    Default value


    Get the colorScheme property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let colorScheme = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.colorScheme;


    Enables or disables overlapping of the column series.

    Default value


    Get the columnSeriesOverlap property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let columnSeriesOverlap = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.columnSeriesOverlap;


    Percentage gap between columns within the same serie.

    Default value


    Get the columnsGapPercent property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let columnsGapPercent = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.columnsGapPercent;

    dataFieldstring | null

    Points to a data field in the data source.

    Get the dataField property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dataField = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.dataField;


    Sets the description text of the range selector chart.

    Default value


    Get the description property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let description = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.description;

    greyScaleboolean | null

    Determines whether to display the range selector chart using greyscale colors.

    Default value


    Get the greyScale property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let greyScale = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.greyScale;


    Object describing the grid lines properties of the range selector chart's xAxis.


    Color of the grid lines.

    Default value


    Get the color property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let color = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.gridLines[0].color;

    custom[] | null

    An array of custom values/offsets where a grid line will be displayed. Applicable only if gridLines.visible is set to 'custom'.

    Get the custom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let custom = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.gridLines[0].custom;


    Grid lines dash style, e.g. '2,2'.

    Default value


    Get the dashStyle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dashStyle = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.gridLines[0].dashStyle;


    Line width (in pixels) of the grid lines.

    Default value


    Get the lineWidth property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineWidth = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.gridLines[0].lineWidth;

    stepnumber | null

    Interval steps between grid line placements (multiples of the axis unit interval).

    Get the step property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let step = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.gridLines[0].step;


    Sets the interval between the grid lines.

    Get the unitInterval property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let unitInterval = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.gridLines[0].unitInterval;

    visibleboolean | string

    Possible values: true, false, 'custom'.

    Determines the visibility of grid lines. When 'custom' is set, displays only custom values/offsets from the gridLines.custom array.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.gridLines[0].visible;

    Get the gridLines property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let gridLines = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.gridLines;

    formatFunction{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string}

    Callback function used to format the values.

    Get the formatFunction property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatFunction = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.formatFunction;


    Chart Format Settings

    Get the formatSettings property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatSettings = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.formatSettings;


    Object describing the labels properties of the axis.


    Text rotation angle.

    Default value


    Get the angle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let angle = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].angle;


    boolean determining if auto rotation is enabled. Applicable to polar and spider charts only.

    Default value


    Get the autoRotate property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let autoRotate = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].autoRotate;

    classstring | null

    CSS class of the labels.

    Get the class property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let class = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].class;

    custom[] | null

    An array of custom values/offsets where a label will be displayed. Applicable only if labels.visible is set to 'custom'.

    Get the custom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let custom = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].custom;

    formatFunction{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string}

    Callback function used to format the labels.

    Get the formatFunction property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatFunction = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].formatFunction;


    Object describing the format settings of the labels.

    dateFormatstring | null

    Optional date format string. This property is applicable only when displaying Date objects.

    Get the dateFormat property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dateFormat = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].formatSettings[0].dateFormat;

    decimalPlacesnumber | null

    Decimal places of numeric values.

    Get the decimalPlaces property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalPlaces = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].formatSettings[0].decimalPlaces;

    decimalSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between the integer and fractional parts of a number. The default value is inherited from localization.decimalSeparator.

    Get the decimalSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalSeparator = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].formatSettings[0].decimalSeparator;


    A boolean value indicating whether to display negative numbers in brackets.

    Default value


    Get the negativeWithBrackets property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let negativeWithBrackets = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].formatSettings[0].negativeWithBrackets;


    Text to prepend to the value.

    Default value


    Get the prefix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let prefix = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].formatSettings[0].prefix;


    Text to append to the value

    Default value


    Get the sufix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let sufix = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].formatSettings[0].sufix;

    thousandsSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between thousands, millions, billions, etc. The default value is inherited from localization.thousandsSeparator.

    Get the thousandsSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let thousandsSeparator = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].formatSettings[0].thousandsSeparator;

    Get the formatSettings property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatSettings = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].formatSettings;

    horizontalAlignment"left" | "center" | "right"

    Horizontal labels alignment.

    Default value


    Get the horizontalAlignment property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let horizontalAlignment = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].horizontalAlignment;


    Labels offset.



    Horizontal offset.

    Default value


    Get the x property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let x = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].offset.x;


    Vertical offset.

    Default value


    Get the y property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let y = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].offset.y;

    Get the offset property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let offset = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].offset;

    rotationPoint"auto" | "left" | "center" | "right" | "topleft" | "topcenter" | "topright" | "bottomleft" | "bottomcenter" | "bottomright" | "centermiddle"

    Position to rotate the text around.

    Default value


    Get the rotationPoint property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let rotationPoint = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].rotationPoint;

    stepnumber | null

    Interval steps between label placements (multiples of the axis unit interval).

    Get the step property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let step = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].step;


    Sets the interval between the labels.

    Get the unitInterval property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let unitInterval = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].unitInterval;

    verticalAlignment"top" | "center" | "bottom"

    Vertical labels alignment.

    Default value


    Get the verticalAlignment property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let verticalAlignment = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].verticalAlignment;

    visibleboolean | string

    Possible values: true, false, 'custom'.

    Determines the visibility of labels. When 'custom' is set, displays only custom values/offsets from the labels.custom array.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].visible;

    Get the labels property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let labels = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels;


    Sets the maximum value of the range selector chart's xAxis.

    Default value


    Get the maxValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let maxValue = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.maxValue;


    Sets the minimum value of the range selector chart's xAxis.

    Default value


    Get the minValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let minValue = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.minValue;


    Object describing the padding of the range selector chart.



    Bottom padding.

    Default value


    Get the bottom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let bottom = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.padding.bottom;


    Left padding.

    Default value


    Get the left property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let left = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.padding.left;


    Right padding.

    Default value


    Get the right property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let right = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.padding.right;


    Top padding.

    Default value


    Get the top property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let top = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0];

    Get the padding property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let padding = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.padding;

    position"bottom" | "top" | "left" | "right"

    Sets the range selector chart position.

    Default value


    Get the position property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let position = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.position;

    renderToHTMLElement | null

    An HTML element outside the chart to render the range selector chart to.

    Get the renderTo property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let renderTo = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.renderTo;

    rightToLeftboolean | null

    Sets or gets a value indicating whether the range selector chart's layout is mirrored.

    Default value


    Get the rightToLeft property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let rightToLeft = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.rightToLeft;


    Percentage gap between columns belonging to different series.

    Default value


    Get the seriesGapPercent property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let seriesGapPercent = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.seriesGapPercent;

    seriesGroups[] | null

    (Optional) The seriesGroups property is used to describe all series displayed on the range selector chart.

    Please refer to the main seriesGroups property entry for more information and a full subproperty list.

    Get the seriesGroups property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let seriesGroups = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.seriesGroups;

    serieType"column" | "stackedcolumn" | "stackedcolumn100" | "rangecolumn" | "waterfall" | "stackedwaterfall" | "line" | "stackedline" | "stackedline100" | "spline" | "stackedspline" | "stackedspline100" | "stepline" | "stackedstepline" | "stackedstepline100" | "area" | "stackedarea" | "stackedarea100" | "rangearea" | "splinearea" | "stackedsplinearea" | "stackedsplinearea100" | "splinerangearea" | "steprangearea" | "stackedsplineara" | "steparea" | "stackedsteparea" | "stackedsteparea100" | "pie" | "donut" | "scatter" | "stackedscatter" | "stackedscatter100" | "bubble" | "stackedbubble" | "stackedbubble100" | "candlestick" | "ohlc"

    Sets the range selector chart type. smartChart supports several common chart types. You can easily plot series of different types on a common chart. A type must be specified for each series group. Currently, smartChart supports the following series types:

    • 'column' - simple column series
    • 'stackedcolumn' - stacked column series
    • 'stackedcolumn100' - percentage stacked columns
    • 'rangecolumn' - floating column between two values
    • 'waterfall' - waterfall series
    • 'stackedwaterfall' - stacked waterfall series
    • 'line' - simple straight lines connecting the value points
    • 'stackedline' - stacked lines
    • 'stackedline100' - percentage stacked lines
    • 'spline' - smooth lines connecting the value points
    • 'stackedspline' - smooth stacked lines
    • 'stackedspline100' - percentage stacked smooth lines
    • 'stepline' - step line
    • 'stackedstepline' - stacked step line
    • 'stackedstepline100' - percentage stacked step line
    • 'area' - area connecting the value points with straight lines
    • 'stackedarea' - stacked area with straight lines between the points
    • 'stackedarea100' - percentage stacked area with straight lines between the points
    • 'rangearea' - floating area between pairs of value points
    • 'splinearea' - smooth area connecting the value points
    • 'stackedsplinearea' - stacked smooth area connecting the value points
    • 'stackedsplinearea100' - percentage stacked smooth area
    • 'splinerangearea' - smooth floating area between pairs of value points
    • 'steprangearea' - step area between pairs of value points
    • 'stackedsplineara' - smooth stacked area
    • 'steparea' - step area connecting the value points
    • 'stackedsteparea' - step stacked area
    • 'stackedsteparea100' - percentage stacked step area
    • 'pie' - circular chart divided into sectors, illustrating proportion
    • 'donut' - chart divided into circular sectors with different inner and outer radius
    • 'scatter' - data is displayed as a collection of points
    • 'stackedscatter' - data is displayed as a collection of points and the values are stacked
    • 'stackedscatter100' - data is displayed as a collection of points and the values are percentage stacked
    • 'bubble' - data is displayed as a collection of bubbles
    • 'stackedbubble' - data is displayed as a collection of bubbles and the values are stacked
    • 'stackedbubble100' - data is displayed as a collection of bubbles and the values are percentage stacked
    • 'candlestick' - display candlestick series using open, high, low, close data points
    • 'ohlc' - display OHLC series using open, high, low, close data points

    Default value


    Get the serieType property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let serieType = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.serieType;

    showBorderLineboolean | null

    Determines whether to display the range selector chart's border line.

    Default value


    Get the showBorderLine property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let showBorderLine = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.showBorderLine;

    sizenumber | null

    Sets the size of the range selector chart.

    Get the size property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let size = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.size;


    Determines whether to display overlapping data points in column, ohlc and candlestick series.

    Default value


    Get the skipOverlappingPoints property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let skipOverlappingPoints = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.skipOverlappingPoints;


    Sets the padding of the chart's title (caption).



    Bottom padding.

    Default value


    Get the bottom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let bottom = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.titlePadding.bottom;


    Left padding.

    Default value


    Get the left property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let left = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.titlePadding.left;


    Right padding.

    Default value


    Get the right property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let right = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.titlePadding.right;


    Top padding.

    Default value


    Get the top property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let top = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0];

    Get the titlePadding property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let titlePadding = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.titlePadding;

    unitIntervalnumber | null

    Sets the interval between the units.

    Get the unitInterval property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let unitInterval = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.unitInterval;


    An object with settings about the range selector Chart's y-axis (value axis).


    Alternating background color between grid lines.

    Default value


    Get the alternatingBackgroundColor property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let alternatingBackgroundColor = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].alternatingBackgroundColor;


    Second alternating background color.

    Default value


    Get the alternatingBackgroundColor2 property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let alternatingBackgroundColor2 = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].alternatingBackgroundColor2;


    Opacity of the alternating background.

    Default value


    Get the alternatingBackgroundOpacity property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let alternatingBackgroundOpacity = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].alternatingBackgroundOpacity;

    axisSizenumber | string | null

    Sets the size of the axis.

    Get the axisSize property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let axisSize = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].axisSize;


    Optional color bands dislayed in the chart's plot area.

    colorstring | null

    Color used to fill the area between the minValue and the maxValue.

    Get the color property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let color = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].bands[0].color;

    dashStylestring | null

    Dash style of the band lines. The style is a series of numbers indicating line length followed by space length.

    Get the dashStyle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dashStyle = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].bands[0].dashStyle;

    lineColorstring | null

    Band line color.

    Get the lineColor property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineColor = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].bands[0].lineColor;

    lineWidthstring | null

    Band line width.

    Get the lineWidth property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineWidth = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].bands[0].lineWidth;


    End value of the color band.

    Default value


    Get the maxValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let maxValue = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].bands[0].maxValue;


    Start value of the color band.

    Default value


    Get the minValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let minValue = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].bands[0].minValue;


    Fraction indicating the fill opacity.

    Default value


    Get the opacity property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let opacity = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].bands[0].opacity;

    Get the bands property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let bands = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].bands;


    Sets the baseline value for the axis.

    Default value


    Get the baselineValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let baselineValue = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].baselineValue;


    boolean determining whether to draw the axis or the user will use APIs to draw it.

    Default value


    Get the customDraw property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let customDraw = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].customDraw;


    Specifies whether the values axis is displayed.

    Default value


    Get the displayValueAxis property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let displayValueAxis = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].displayValueAxis;


    Specifies whether the values are displayed in reverse order.

    Default value


    Get the flip property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let flip = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].flip;

    formatFunction{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string}

    Custom function to format the displayed values along the axis.

    Get the formatFunction property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatFunction = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].formatFunction;


    Settings used to format the displayed values along the axis.

    dateFormatstring | null

    Optional date format string. This property is applicable only when displaying Date objects.

    Get the dateFormat property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dateFormat = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].formatSettings[0].dateFormat;

    decimalPlacesnumber | null

    Decimal places of numeric values.

    Get the decimalPlaces property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalPlaces = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].formatSettings[0].decimalPlaces;

    decimalSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between the integer and fractional parts of a number. The default value is inherited from localization.decimalSeparator.

    Get the decimalSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalSeparator = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].formatSettings[0].decimalSeparator;


    A boolean value indicating whether to display negative numbers in brackets.

    Default value


    Get the negativeWithBrackets property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let negativeWithBrackets = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].formatSettings[0].negativeWithBrackets;


    Text to prepend to the value.

    Default value


    Get the prefix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let prefix = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].formatSettings[0].prefix;


    Text to append to the value

    Default value


    Get the sufix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let sufix = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].formatSettings[0].sufix;

    thousandsSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between thousands, millions, billions, etc. The default value is inherited from localization.thousandsSeparator.

    Get the thousandsSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let thousandsSeparator = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].formatSettings[0].thousandsSeparator;

    Get the formatSettings property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatSettings = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].formatSettings;


    Object describing the grid lines properties of the valueAxis.


    Color of the grid lines.

    Default value


    Get the color property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let color = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].gridLines[0].color;

    custom[] | null

    An array of custom values/offsets where a grid line will be displayed. Applicable only if gridLines.visible is set to 'custom'.

    Get the custom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let custom = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].gridLines[0].custom;


    Grid lines dash style, e.g. '2,2'.

    Default value


    Get the dashStyle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dashStyle = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].gridLines[0].dashStyle;


    Line width (in pixels) of the grid lines.

    Default value


    Get the lineWidth property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineWidth = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].gridLines[0].lineWidth;

    stepnumber | null

    Interval steps between grid line placements (multiples of the axis unit interval).

    Get the step property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let step = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].gridLines[0].step;


    Sets the interval between the grid lines.

    Get the unitInterval property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let unitInterval = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].gridLines[0].unitInterval;

    visibleboolean | string

    Possible values: true, false, 'custom'.

    Determines the visibility of grid lines. When 'custom' is set, displays only custom values/offsets from the gridLines.custom array.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].gridLines[0].visible;

    Get the gridLines property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let gridLines = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].gridLines;


    Object describing the labels properties of the axis.


    Text rotation angle.

    Default value


    Get the angle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let angle = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].labels[0].angle;


    boolean determining if auto rotation is enabled. Applicable to polar and spider charts only.

    Default value


    Get the autoRotate property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let autoRotate = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].labels[0].autoRotate;

    classstring | null

    CSS class of the labels.

    Get the class property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let class = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].labels[0].class;

    custom[] | null

    An array of custom values/offsets where a label will be displayed. Applicable only if labels.visible is set to 'custom'.

    Get the custom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let custom = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].labels[0].custom;

    formatFunction{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string}

    Callback function used to format the labels.

    Get the formatFunction property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatFunction = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].labels[0].formatFunction;


    Object describing the format settings of the labels.

    dateFormatstring | null

    Optional date format string. This property is applicable only when displaying Date objects.

    Get the dateFormat property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dateFormat = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].dateFormat;

    decimalPlacesnumber | null

    Decimal places of numeric values.

    Get the decimalPlaces property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalPlaces = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].decimalPlaces;

    decimalSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between the integer and fractional parts of a number. The default value is inherited from localization.decimalSeparator.

    Get the decimalSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalSeparator = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].decimalSeparator;


    A boolean value indicating whether to display negative numbers in brackets.

    Default value


    Get the negativeWithBrackets property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let negativeWithBrackets = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].negativeWithBrackets;


    Text to prepend to the value.

    Default value


    Get the prefix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let prefix = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].prefix;


    Text to append to the value

    Default value


    Get the sufix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let sufix = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].sufix;

    thousandsSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between thousands, millions, billions, etc. The default value is inherited from localization.thousandsSeparator.

    Get the thousandsSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let thousandsSeparator = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].thousandsSeparator;

    Get the formatSettings property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatSettings = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings;

    horizontalAlignment"left" | "center" | "right"

    Horizontal labels alignment.

    Default value


    Get the horizontalAlignment property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let horizontalAlignment = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].labels[0].horizontalAlignment;


    Labels offset.



    Horizontal offset.

    Default value


    Get the x property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let x = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].labels[0].offset.x;


    Vertical offset.

    Default value


    Get the y property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let y = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].labels[0].offset.y;

    Get the offset property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let offset = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].labels[0].offset;

    rotationPoint"auto" | "left" | "center" | "right" | "topleft" | "topcenter" | "topright" | "bottomleft" | "bottomcenter" | "bottomright" | "centermiddle"

    Position to rotate the text around.

    Default value


    Get the rotationPoint property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let rotationPoint = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].labels[0].rotationPoint;

    stepnumber | null

    Interval steps between label placements (multiples of the axis unit interval).

    Get the step property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let step = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].labels[0].step;


    Sets the interval between the labels.

    Get the unitInterval property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let unitInterval = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].labels[0].unitInterval;

    verticalAlignment"top" | "center" | "bottom"

    Vertical labels alignment.

    Default value


    Get the verticalAlignment property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let verticalAlignment = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].labels[0].verticalAlignment;

    visibleboolean | string

    Possible values: true, false, 'custom'.

    Determines the visibility of labels. When 'custom' is set, displays only custom values/offsets from the labels.custom array.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].labels[0].visible;

    Get the labels property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let labels = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].labels;


    Object describing the line properties of the axis.


    Color of axis line.

    Default value


    Get the color property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let color = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].line.color;


    Line dash style, e.g. '2,2'. The default is inherited from gridLines.dashStyle.

    Default value


    Get the dashStyle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dashStyle = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].line.dashStyle;


    Line width. The default is inherited from gridLines.lineWidth.

    Default value


    Get the lineWidth property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineWidth = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].line.lineWidth;


    boolean determining the visibility of the axis line.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].line.visible;

    Get the line property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let line = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].line;


    Determines whether to use logarithmic scale.

    Default value


    Get the logarithmicScale property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let logarithmicScale = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].logarithmicScale;


    Base for logarithmic scale.

    Default value


    Get the logarithmicScaleBase property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let logarithmicScaleBase = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].logarithmicScaleBase;


    Sets the maximum value of the valueAxis.

    Default value


    Get the maxValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let maxValue = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].maxValue;


    Sets the minimum value of the valueAxis.

    Default value


    Get the minValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let minValue = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].minValue;


    Object describing the padding of the axis.



    Bottom padding. Available for horizontal valueAxis.

    Default value


    Get the bottom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let bottom = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].padding.bottom;


    Left padding. Available for vertical valueAxis.

    Default value


    Get the left property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let left = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].padding.left;


    Right padding. Available for vertical valueAxis.

    Default value


    Get the right property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let right = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].padding.right;


    Top padding. Available for horizontal valueAxis.

    Default value


    Get the top property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let top = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0];

    Get the padding property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let padding = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].padding;

    position"left" | "right" | "top" | "bottom"

    Sets the axis position. The values 'left' and 'right' are available in the default case. If the valueAxis is horizontal, only 'top' and 'bottom' are available.

    Default value


    Get the position property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let position = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].position;

    textRotationAnglenumber | null

    Text rotation angle.

    Get the textRotationAngle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let textRotationAngle = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].textRotationAngle;

    textRotationPoint"auto" | "left" | "center" | "right" | "topleft" | "topcenter" | "topright" | "bottomleft" | "bottomcenter" | "bottomright" | "centermiddle"

    Position to rotate the text around.

    Default value


    Get the textRotationPoint property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let textRotationPoint = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].textRotationPoint;


    Value Axis Type

    Default value


    Get the type property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let type = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].type;


    Object describing the tick marks properties of the valueAxis.


    Color of the tick marks.

    Default value


    Get the color property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let color = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].tickMarks[0].color;

    custom[] | null

    An array of custom values/offsets where a tick mark will be displayed. Applicable only if tickMarks.visible is set to 'custom'.

    Get the custom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let custom = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].tickMarks[0].custom;


    Tick marks dash style, e.g. '2,2'.

    Default value


    Get the dashStyle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dashStyle = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].tickMarks[0].dashStyle;


    Line width (in pixels) of the tick marks.

    Default value


    Get the lineWidth property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineWidth = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].tickMarks[0].lineWidth;


    Size (in pixels) of the tick marks.

    Default value


    Get the size property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let size = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].tickMarks[0].size;

    stepnumber | null

    Interval steps between tick mark placements (multiples of the axis unit interval).

    Get the step property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let step = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].tickMarks[0].step;


    Sets the interval between tick marks.

    Get the unitInterval property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let unitInterval = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].tickMarks[0].unitInterval;

    visibleboolean | string

    Possible values: true, false, 'custom'.

    Determines the visibility of tick marks. When 'custom' is set, displays only custom values/offsets from the tickMarks.custom array.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].tickMarks[0].visible;

    Get the tickMarks property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let tickMarks = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].tickMarks;


    Object describing the title of the valueAxis.

    classstring | null

    CSS class of the title text.

    Get the class property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let class = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].title.class;

    horizontalAlignment"left" | "center" | "right"

    Horizontal alignment.

    Default value


    Get the horizontalAlignment property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let horizontalAlignment = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].title.horizontalAlignment;


    Text of the title.

    Default value


    Get the text property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let text = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].title.text;

    verticalAlignment"top" | "center" | "bottom"

    Vertical alignment.

    Default value


    Get the verticalAlignment property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let verticalAlignment = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].title.verticalAlignment;


    boolean determining the visibility of the title.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].title.visible;

    Get the title property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let title = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].title;

    unitIntervalnumber | null

    Sets the interval between the units.

    Get the unitInterval property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let unitInterval = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].unitInterval;


    Specifies whether the axis values will be aligned with the tick marks.

    Default value


    Get the valuesOnTicks property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let valuesOnTicks = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].valuesOnTicks;


    Shows or hides the valueAxis.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].visible;

    Get the valueAxis property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let valueAxis = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis;


    Shows or hides the range selector.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector.visible;

    Get the rangeSelector property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let rangeSelector = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].rangeSelector;


    xAxis's text value.

    Default value


    Get the text property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let text = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].text;

    textRotationAnglenumber | null

    Text rotation angle.

    Get the textRotationAngle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let textRotationAngle = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].textRotationAngle;

    textRotationPoint"auto" | "left" | "center" | "right" | "topleft" | "topcenter" | "topright" | "bottomleft" | "bottomcenter" | "bottomright" | "centermiddle"

    Position to rotate the text around.

    Default value


    Get the textRotationPoint property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let textRotationPoint = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].textRotationPoint;


    Object describing the tick marks properties of the xAxis.


    Color of the tick marks.

    Default value


    Get the color property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let color = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].tickMarks[0].color;

    custom[] | null

    An array of custom values/offsets where a tick mark will be displayed. Applicable only if tickMarks.visible is set to 'custom'.

    Get the custom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let custom = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].tickMarks[0].custom;


    Tick marks dash style, e.g. '2,2'.

    Default value


    Get the dashStyle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dashStyle = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].tickMarks[0].dashStyle;


    Line width (in pixels) of the tick marks.

    Default value


    Get the lineWidth property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineWidth = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].tickMarks[0].lineWidth;


    Size (in pixels) of the tick marks.

    Default value


    Get the size property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let size = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].tickMarks[0].size;

    stepnumber | null

    Interval steps between tick mark placements (multiples of the axis unit interval).

    Get the step property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let step = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].tickMarks[0].step;


    Sets the interval between tick marks.

    Get the unitInterval property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let unitInterval = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].tickMarks[0].unitInterval;

    visibleboolean | string

    Possible values: true, false, 'custom'.

    Determines the visibility of tick marks. When 'custom' is set, displays only custom values/offsets from the tickMarks.custom array.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].tickMarks[0].visible;

    Get the tickMarks property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let tickMarks = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].tickMarks;


    Object describing the title of the xAxis.

    classstring | null

    CSS class of the title text.

    Get the class property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let class = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].title.class;

    horizontalAlignment"left" | "center" | "right"

    Horizontal alignment.

    Default value


    Get the horizontalAlignment property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let horizontalAlignment = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].title.horizontalAlignment;


    Text of the title.

    Default value


    Get the text property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let text = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].title.text;

    verticalAlignment"top" | "center" | "bottom"

    Vertical alignment.

    Default value


    Get the verticalAlignment property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let verticalAlignment = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].title.verticalAlignment;


    boolean determining the visibility of the title.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].title.visible;

    Get the title property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let title = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].title;

    toolTipFormatFunction{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string}

    Custom function to format xAxis values in tooltips.

    Get the toolTipFormatFunction property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let toolTipFormatFunction = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].toolTipFormatFunction;


    Settings used to format xAxis values in tooltips.

    dateFormatstring | null

    Optional date format string. This property is applicable only when displaying Date objects.

    Get the dateFormat property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dateFormat = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].toolTipFormatSettings[0].dateFormat;

    decimalPlacesnumber | null

    Decimal places of numeric values.

    Get the decimalPlaces property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalPlaces = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].toolTipFormatSettings[0].decimalPlaces;

    decimalSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between the integer and fractional parts of a number. The default value is inherited from localization.decimalSeparator.

    Get the decimalSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalSeparator = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].toolTipFormatSettings[0].decimalSeparator;


    A boolean value indicating whether to display negative numbers in brackets.

    Default value


    Get the negativeWithBrackets property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let negativeWithBrackets = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].toolTipFormatSettings[0].negativeWithBrackets;


    Text to prepend to the value.

    Default value


    Get the prefix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let prefix = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].toolTipFormatSettings[0].prefix;


    Text to append to the value

    Default value


    Get the sufix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let sufix = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].toolTipFormatSettings[0].sufix;

    thousandsSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between thousands, millions, billions, etc. The default value is inherited from localization.thousandsSeparator.

    Get the thousandsSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let thousandsSeparator = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].toolTipFormatSettings[0].thousandsSeparator;

    Get the toolTipFormatSettings property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let toolTipFormatSettings = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].toolTipFormatSettings;

    type"auto" | "date" | "basic" | "linear"

    The type of the axis.

    • 'auto' - automatically detects and switches to 'basic', 'linear' or 'date'.
    • 'date' - when displaying dates.
    • 'basic' - displays all data points sequentially.
    • 'linear' - linear arrangement by the value of the xAxis data field.

    Default value


    Get the type property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let type = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].type;

    unitIntervalnumber | null

    Sets the interval between the units.

    Get the unitInterval property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let unitInterval = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].unitInterval;


    Specifies whether the axis values will be aligned with the tick marks.

    Default value


    Get the valuesOnTicks property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let valuesOnTicks = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].valuesOnTicks;


    Shows or hides the xAxis.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis[0].visible;

    Get the xAxis property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let xAxis = chart.seriesGroups[0].xAxis;


    Determines whether to display the chart's border line.

    Default value


    Example about showBorderLine

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { showBorderLine: false, caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });


    Determines whether to show or hide the chart series legend.

    Default value


    Example about showLegend

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { showLegend: false, caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });


    Enables or disables the chart tooltips.

    Default value


    Example about showToolTips

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { showToolTips: false, caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });


    Determines whether to show a composite tooltip containing information for all series.

    Default value


    Example about showToolTipsOnAllSeries

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { showToolTipsOnAllSeries: true, caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });


    Determines the set of default background, line, text and band colors that will be used in the Chart.

    Default value


    Example about theme

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { theme: 'dark', caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });


    Sets the padding of the chart's title (caption).



    Bottom padding.

    Default value


    Get the bottom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let bottom = chart.titlePadding.bottom;


    Left padding.

    Default value


    Get the left property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let left = chart.titlePadding.left;


    Right padding.

    Default value


    Get the right property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let right = chart.titlePadding.right;


    Top padding.

    Default value


    Get the top property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let top =;

    Example about titlePadding

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { titlePadding: { top: 20, bottom: 50 }, caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });

    toolTipBackgroundstring | null

    Tooltip background color.

    Example about toolTipBackground

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { toolTipBackground: '#C0C0C0', caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });

    toolTipFormatFunction{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string}

    User defined tooltip text formatting callback function.

    Example about toolTipFormatFunction

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { toolTipFormatFunction: toolTipFormatFunction: function (value, itemIndex, serie, group, xAxisValue, xAxis) { return 'Highlighted value' + value; }, caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });


    Determines the tooltip hide delay in milliseconds.

    Default value


    Example about toolTipHideDelay

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { toolTipHideDelay: 10000, caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });

    toolTipLineColorstring | null

    Tooltip line color.

    Example about toolTipLineColor

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { toolTipLineColor: '#B200FF', caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });


    Determines the tooltip show delay in milliseconds. Values may range from 0 to 10000 [ms].

    Default value


    Example about toolTipShowDelay

    const sampleData = [ { Day: 'Monday', Keith: 30, Erica: 15, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Tuesday', Keith: 25, Erica: 25, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Wednesday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Thursday', Keith: 35, Erica: 25, George: 45 }, { Day: 'Friday', Keith: 20, Erica: 20, George: 25 }, { Day: 'Saturday', Keith: 30, Erica: 20, George: 30 }, { Day: 'Sunday', Keith: 60, Erica: 45, George: 90 } ]; const chart = new smartChart('#chart', { toolTipShowDelay: 1000, caption: 'Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard', description: 'Time spent in vigorous exercise', dataSource: sampleData, xAxis: { dataField: 'Day', gridLines: { visible: true } }, valueAxis: { description: 'Time in minutes', axisSize: 'auto', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, unitInterval: 10 }, seriesGroups: [ { type: 'column', columnsGapPercent: 50, seriesGapPercent: 0, series: [ { dataField: 'Keith', displayText: 'Keith' }, { dataField: 'Erica', displayText: 'Erica' }, { dataField: 'George', displayText: 'George' } ] } ] });


    An object with settings about the Chart's y-axis (value axis).


    Alternating background color between grid lines.

    Default value


    Get the alternatingBackgroundColor property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let alternatingBackgroundColor = chart.valueAxis[0].alternatingBackgroundColor;


    Second alternating background color.

    Default value


    Get the alternatingBackgroundColor2 property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let alternatingBackgroundColor2 = chart.valueAxis[0].alternatingBackgroundColor2;


    Opacity of the alternating background.

    Default value


    Get the alternatingBackgroundOpacity property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let alternatingBackgroundOpacity = chart.valueAxis[0].alternatingBackgroundOpacity;

    axisSizenumber | string | null

    Sets the size of the axis.

    Get the axisSize property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let axisSize = chart.valueAxis[0].axisSize;


    Optional color bands dislayed in the chart's plot area.

    colorstring | null

    Color used to fill the area between the minValue and the maxValue.

    Get the color property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let color = chart.valueAxis[0].bands[0].color;

    dashStylestring | null

    Dash style of the band lines. The style is a series of numbers indicating line length followed by space length.

    Get the dashStyle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dashStyle = chart.valueAxis[0].bands[0].dashStyle;

    lineColorstring | null

    Band line color.

    Get the lineColor property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineColor = chart.valueAxis[0].bands[0].lineColor;

    lineWidthstring | null

    Band line width.

    Get the lineWidth property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineWidth = chart.valueAxis[0].bands[0].lineWidth;


    End value of the color band.

    Default value


    Get the maxValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let maxValue = chart.valueAxis[0].bands[0].maxValue;


    Start value of the color band.

    Default value


    Get the minValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let minValue = chart.valueAxis[0].bands[0].minValue;


    Fraction indicating the fill opacity.

    Default value


    Get the opacity property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let opacity = chart.valueAxis[0].bands[0].opacity;

    Get the bands property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let bands = chart.valueAxis[0].bands;


    Sets the baseline value for the axis.

    Default value


    Get the baselineValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let baselineValue = chart.valueAxis[0].baselineValue;


    boolean determining whether to draw the axis or the user will use APIs to draw it.

    Default value


    Get the customDraw property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let customDraw = chart.valueAxis[0].customDraw;


    Sets the description of the value axis.

    Default value


    Get the description property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let description = chart.valueAxis[0].description;


    Specifies whether the values axis is displayed.

    Default value


    Get the displayValueAxis property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let displayValueAxis = chart.valueAxis[0].displayValueAxis;


    Specifies whether the values are displayed in reverse order.

    Default value


    Get the flip property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let flip = chart.valueAxis[0].flip;

    formatFunction{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string}

    Custom function to format the displayed values along the axis.

    Get the formatFunction property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatFunction = chart.valueAxis[0].formatFunction;


    Settings used to format the displayed values along the axis.

    dateFormatstring | null

    Optional date format string. This property is applicable only when displaying Date objects.

    Get the dateFormat property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dateFormat = chart.valueAxis[0].formatSettings[0].dateFormat;

    decimalPlacesnumber | null

    Decimal places of numeric values.

    Get the decimalPlaces property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalPlaces = chart.valueAxis[0].formatSettings[0].decimalPlaces;

    decimalSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between the integer and fractional parts of a number. The default value is inherited from localization.decimalSeparator.

    Get the decimalSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalSeparator = chart.valueAxis[0].formatSettings[0].decimalSeparator;


    A boolean value indicating whether to display negative numbers in brackets.

    Default value


    Get the negativeWithBrackets property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let negativeWithBrackets = chart.valueAxis[0].formatSettings[0].negativeWithBrackets;


    Text to prepend to the value.

    Default value


    Get the prefix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let prefix = chart.valueAxis[0].formatSettings[0].prefix;


    Text to append to the value

    Default value


    Get the sufix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let sufix = chart.valueAxis[0].formatSettings[0].sufix;

    thousandsSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between thousands, millions, billions, etc. The default value is inherited from localization.thousandsSeparator.

    Get the thousandsSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let thousandsSeparator = chart.valueAxis[0].formatSettings[0].thousandsSeparator;

    Get the formatSettings property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatSettings = chart.valueAxis[0].formatSettings;


    Object describing the grid lines properties of the valueAxis.


    Color of the grid lines.

    Default value


    Get the color property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let color = chart.valueAxis[0].gridLines[0].color;

    custom[] | null

    An array of custom values/offsets where a grid line will be displayed. Applicable only if gridLines.visible is set to 'custom'.

    Get the custom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let custom = chart.valueAxis[0].gridLines[0].custom;


    Grid lines dash style, e.g. '2,2'.

    Default value


    Get the dashStyle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dashStyle = chart.valueAxis[0].gridLines[0].dashStyle;


    Line width (in pixels) of the grid lines.

    Default value


    Get the lineWidth property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineWidth = chart.valueAxis[0].gridLines[0].lineWidth;

    stepnumber | null

    Interval steps between grid line placements (multiples of the axis unit interval).

    Get the step property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let step = chart.valueAxis[0].gridLines[0].step;


    Sets the interval between the grid lines.

    Get the unitInterval property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let unitInterval = chart.valueAxis[0].gridLines[0].unitInterval;

    visibleboolean | string

    Possible values: true, false, 'custom'.

    Determines the visibility of grid lines. When 'custom' is set, displays only custom values/offsets from the gridLines.custom array.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.valueAxis[0].gridLines[0].visible;

    Get the gridLines property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let gridLines = chart.valueAxis[0].gridLines;


    Object describing the labels properties of the axis.


    Text rotation angle.

    Default value


    Get the angle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let angle = chart.valueAxis[0].labels[0].angle;


    boolean determining if auto rotation is enabled. Applicable to polar and spider charts only.

    Default value


    Get the autoRotate property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let autoRotate = chart.valueAxis[0].labels[0].autoRotate;

    classstring | null

    CSS class of the labels.

    Get the class property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let class = chart.valueAxis[0].labels[0].class;

    custom[] | null

    An array of custom values/offsets where a label will be displayed. Applicable only if labels.visible is set to 'custom'.

    Get the custom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let custom = chart.valueAxis[0].labels[0].custom;

    formatFunction{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string}

    Callback function used to format the labels.

    Get the formatFunction property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatFunction = chart.valueAxis[0].labels[0].formatFunction;


    Object describing the format settings of the labels.

    dateFormatstring | null

    Optional date format string. This property is applicable only when displaying Date objects.

    Get the dateFormat property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dateFormat = chart.valueAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].dateFormat;

    decimalPlacesnumber | null

    Decimal places of numeric values.

    Get the decimalPlaces property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalPlaces = chart.valueAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].decimalPlaces;

    decimalSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between the integer and fractional parts of a number. The default value is inherited from localization.decimalSeparator.

    Get the decimalSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalSeparator = chart.valueAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].decimalSeparator;


    A boolean value indicating whether to display negative numbers in brackets.

    Default value


    Get the negativeWithBrackets property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let negativeWithBrackets = chart.valueAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].negativeWithBrackets;


    Text to prepend to the value.

    Default value


    Get the prefix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let prefix = chart.valueAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].prefix;


    Text to append to the value

    Default value


    Get the sufix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let sufix = chart.valueAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].sufix;

    thousandsSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between thousands, millions, billions, etc. The default value is inherited from localization.thousandsSeparator.

    Get the thousandsSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let thousandsSeparator = chart.valueAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].thousandsSeparator;

    Get the formatSettings property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatSettings = chart.valueAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings;

    horizontalAlignment"left" | "center" | "right"

    Horizontal labels alignment.

    Default value


    Get the horizontalAlignment property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let horizontalAlignment = chart.valueAxis[0].labels[0].horizontalAlignment;


    Labels offset.



    Horizontal offset.

    Default value


    Get the x property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let x = chart.valueAxis[0].labels[0].offset.x;


    Vertical offset.

    Default value


    Get the y property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let y = chart.valueAxis[0].labels[0].offset.y;

    Get the offset property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let offset = chart.valueAxis[0].labels[0].offset;

    rotationPoint"auto" | "left" | "center" | "right" | "topleft" | "topcenter" | "topright" | "bottomleft" | "bottomcenter" | "bottomright" | "centermiddle"

    Position to rotate the text around.

    Default value


    Get the rotationPoint property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let rotationPoint = chart.valueAxis[0].labels[0].rotationPoint;

    stepnumber | null

    Interval steps between label placements (multiples of the axis unit interval).

    Get the step property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let step = chart.valueAxis[0].labels[0].step;


    Sets the interval between the labels.

    Get the unitInterval property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let unitInterval = chart.valueAxis[0].labels[0].unitInterval;

    verticalAlignment"top" | "center" | "bottom"

    Vertical labels alignment.

    Default value


    Get the verticalAlignment property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let verticalAlignment = chart.valueAxis[0].labels[0].verticalAlignment;

    visibleboolean | string

    Possible values: true, false, 'custom'.

    Determines the visibility of labels. When 'custom' is set, displays only custom values/offsets from the labels.custom array.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.valueAxis[0].labels[0].visible;

    Get the labels property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let labels = chart.valueAxis[0].labels;


    Object describing the line properties of the axis.


    Color of axis line.

    Default value


    Get the color property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let color = chart.valueAxis[0].line.color;


    Line dash style, e.g. '2,2'. The default is inherited from gridLines.dashStyle.

    Default value


    Get the dashStyle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dashStyle = chart.valueAxis[0].line.dashStyle;


    Line width. The default is inherited from gridLines.lineWidth.

    Default value


    Get the lineWidth property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineWidth = chart.valueAxis[0].line.lineWidth;


    boolean determining the visibility of the axis line.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.valueAxis[0].line.visible;

    Get the line property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let line = chart.valueAxis[0].line;


    Determines whether to use logarithmic scale.

    Default value


    Get the logarithmicScale property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let logarithmicScale = chart.valueAxis[0].logarithmicScale;


    Base for logarithmic scale.

    Default value


    Get the logarithmicScaleBase property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let logarithmicScaleBase = chart.valueAxis[0].logarithmicScaleBase;


    Sets the maximum value of the valueAxis.

    Default value


    Get the maxValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let maxValue = chart.valueAxis[0].maxValue;


    Sets the minimum value of the valueAxis.

    Default value


    Get the minValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let minValue = chart.valueAxis[0].minValue;


    Object describing the padding of the axis.



    Bottom padding. Available for horizontal valueAxis.

    Default value


    Get the bottom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let bottom = chart.valueAxis[0].padding.bottom;


    Left padding. Available for vertical valueAxis.

    Default value


    Get the left property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let left = chart.valueAxis[0].padding.left;


    Right padding. Available for vertical valueAxis.

    Default value


    Get the right property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let right = chart.valueAxis[0].padding.right;


    Top padding. Available for horizontal valueAxis.

    Default value


    Get the top property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let top = chart.valueAxis[0];

    Get the padding property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let padding = chart.valueAxis[0].padding;

    position"left" | "right" | "top" | "bottom"

    Sets the axis position. The values 'left' and 'right' are available in the default case. If the valueAxis is horizontal, only 'top' and 'bottom' are available.

    Default value


    Get the position property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let position = chart.valueAxis[0].position;


    Value Axis Type

    Default value


    Get the type property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let type = chart.valueAxis[0].type;

    textRotationAnglenumber | null

    Text rotation angle.

    Get the textRotationAngle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let textRotationAngle = chart.valueAxis[0].textRotationAngle;

    textRotationPoint"auto" | "left" | "center" | "right" | "topleft" | "topcenter" | "topright" | "bottomleft" | "bottomcenter" | "bottomright" | "centermiddle"

    Position to rotate the text around.

    Default value


    Get the textRotationPoint property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let textRotationPoint = chart.valueAxis[0].textRotationPoint;


    Object describing the tick marks properties of the valueAxis.


    Color of the tick marks.

    Default value


    Get the color property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let color = chart.valueAxis[0].tickMarks[0].color;

    custom[] | null

    An array of custom values/offsets where a tick mark will be displayed. Applicable only if tickMarks.visible is set to 'custom'.

    Get the custom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let custom = chart.valueAxis[0].tickMarks[0].custom;


    Tick marks dash style, e.g. '2,2'.

    Default value


    Get the dashStyle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dashStyle = chart.valueAxis[0].tickMarks[0].dashStyle;


    Line width (in pixels) of the tick marks.

    Default value


    Get the lineWidth property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineWidth = chart.valueAxis[0].tickMarks[0].lineWidth;


    Size (in pixels) of the tick marks.

    Default value


    Get the size property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let size = chart.valueAxis[0].tickMarks[0].size;

    stepnumber | null

    Interval steps between tick mark placements (multiples of the axis unit interval).

    Get the step property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let step = chart.valueAxis[0].tickMarks[0].step;


    Sets the interval between tick marks.

    Get the unitInterval property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let unitInterval = chart.valueAxis[0].tickMarks[0].unitInterval;

    visibleboolean | string

    Possible values: true, false, 'custom'.

    Determines the visibility of tick marks. When 'custom' is set, displays only custom values/offsets from the tickMarks.custom array.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.valueAxis[0].tickMarks[0].visible;

    Get the tickMarks property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let tickMarks = chart.valueAxis[0].tickMarks;


    Object describing the title of the valueAxis.

    classstring | null

    CSS class of the title text.

    Get the class property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let class = chart.valueAxis[0].title.class;

    horizontalAlignment"left" | "center" | "right"

    Horizontal alignment.

    Default value


    Get the horizontalAlignment property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let horizontalAlignment = chart.valueAxis[0].title.horizontalAlignment;


    Text of the title.

    Default value


    Get the text property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let text = chart.valueAxis[0].title.text;

    verticalAlignment"top" | "center" | "bottom"

    Vertical alignment.

    Default value


    Get the verticalAlignment property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let verticalAlignment = chart.valueAxis[0].title.verticalAlignment;


    boolean determining the visibility of the title.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.valueAxis[0].title.visible;

    Get the title property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let title = chart.valueAxis[0].title;

    unitIntervalnumber | null

    Sets the interval between the units.

    Get the unitInterval property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let unitInterval = chart.valueAxis[0].unitInterval;


    Specifies whether the axis values will be aligned with the tick marks.

    Default value


    Get the valuesOnTicks property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let valuesOnTicks = chart.valueAxis[0].valuesOnTicks;


    Shows or hides the valueAxis.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.valueAxis[0].visible;


    Sets the Chart's xAxis.


    Alternating background color between grid lines.

    Default value


    Get the alternatingBackgroundColor property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let alternatingBackgroundColor = chart.xAxis[0].alternatingBackgroundColor;


    Second alternating background color.

    Default value


    Get the alternatingBackgroundColor2 property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let alternatingBackgroundColor2 = chart.xAxis[0].alternatingBackgroundColor2;


    Opacity of the alternating background.

    Default value


    Get the alternatingBackgroundOpacity property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let alternatingBackgroundOpacity = chart.xAxis[0].alternatingBackgroundOpacity;

    axisSizenumber | string | null

    Sets the size of the xAxis.

    Get the axisSize property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let axisSize = chart.xAxis[0].axisSize;


    Optional color bands dislayed in the chart's plot area.

    colorstring | null

    Color used to fill the area between the minValue and the maxValue.

    Get the color property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let color = chart.xAxis[0].bands[0].color;

    dashStylestring | null

    Dash style of the band lines. The style is a series of numbers indicating line length followed by space length.

    Get the dashStyle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dashStyle = chart.xAxis[0].bands[0].dashStyle;

    lineColorstring | null

    Band line color.

    Get the lineColor property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineColor = chart.xAxis[0].bands[0].lineColor;

    lineWidthstring | null

    Band line width.

    Get the lineWidth property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineWidth = chart.xAxis[0].bands[0].lineWidth;


    End value of the color band.

    Default value


    Get the maxValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let maxValue = chart.xAxis[0].bands[0].maxValue;


    Start value of the color band.

    Default value


    Get the minValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let minValue = chart.xAxis[0].bands[0].minValue;


    Fraction indicating the fill opacity.

    Default value


    Get the opacity property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let opacity = chart.xAxis[0].bands[0].opacity;

    Get the bands property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let bands = chart.xAxis[0].bands;

    baseUnitnull | "year" | "month" | "day" | "hour" | "minute" | "second" | "millisecond"

    The base unit when used with 'date' axis.

    Get the baseUnit property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let baseUnit = chart.xAxis[0].baseUnit;


    boolean determining whether to draw the axis or the user will use APIs to draw it.

    Default value


    Get the customDraw property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let customDraw = chart.xAxis[0].customDraw;


    Points to a data field in the data source.

    Default value


    Get the dataField property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dataField = chart.xAxis[0].dataField;

    dateFormatstring | null

    Optional date format for parsing the data from the data source. Applicable when xAxis.type is set to 'date'.

    Get the dateFormat property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dateFormat = chart.xAxis[0].dateFormat;

    displayTextstring | null

    Optional custom xAxis display text.

    Get the displayText property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let displayText = chart.xAxis[0].displayText;


    Specifies whether the values are displayed in reverse order.

    Default value


    Get the flip property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let flip = chart.xAxis[0].flip;

    formatFunction{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string}

    Custom function to format the displayed values along the axis.

    Get the formatFunction property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatFunction = chart.xAxis[0].formatFunction;


    Settings used to format the displayed values along the axis.

    dateFormatstring | null

    Optional date format string. This property is applicable only when displaying Date objects.

    Get the dateFormat property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dateFormat = chart.xAxis[0].formatSettings[0].dateFormat;

    decimalPlacesnumber | null

    Decimal places of numeric values.

    Get the decimalPlaces property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalPlaces = chart.xAxis[0].formatSettings[0].decimalPlaces;

    decimalSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between the integer and fractional parts of a number. The default value is inherited from localization.decimalSeparator.

    Get the decimalSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalSeparator = chart.xAxis[0].formatSettings[0].decimalSeparator;


    A boolean value indicating whether to display negative numbers in brackets.

    Default value


    Get the negativeWithBrackets property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let negativeWithBrackets = chart.xAxis[0].formatSettings[0].negativeWithBrackets;


    Text to prepend to the value.

    Default value


    Get the prefix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let prefix = chart.xAxis[0].formatSettings[0].prefix;


    Text to append to the value

    Default value


    Get the sufix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let sufix = chart.xAxis[0].formatSettings[0].sufix;

    thousandsSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between thousands, millions, billions, etc. The default value is inherited from localization.thousandsSeparator.

    Get the thousandsSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let thousandsSeparator = chart.xAxis[0].formatSettings[0].thousandsSeparator;

    Get the formatSettings property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatSettings = chart.xAxis[0].formatSettings;


    Object describing the grid lines properties of the xAxis.


    Color of the grid lines.

    Default value


    Get the color property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let color = chart.xAxis[0].gridLines[0].color;

    custom[] | null

    An array of custom values/offsets where a grid line will be displayed. Applicable only if gridLines.visible is set to 'custom'.

    Get the custom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let custom = chart.xAxis[0].gridLines[0].custom;


    Grid lines dash style, e.g. '2,2'.

    Default value


    Get the dashStyle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dashStyle = chart.xAxis[0].gridLines[0].dashStyle;


    Line width (in pixels) of the grid lines.

    Default value


    Get the lineWidth property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineWidth = chart.xAxis[0].gridLines[0].lineWidth;

    stepnumber | null

    Interval steps between grid line placements (multiples of the axis unit interval).

    Get the step property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let step = chart.xAxis[0].gridLines[0].step;


    Sets the interval between the grid lines.

    Get the unitInterval property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let unitInterval = chart.xAxis[0].gridLines[0].unitInterval;

    visibleboolean | string

    Possible values: true, false, 'custom'.

    Determines the visibility of grid lines. When 'custom' is set, displays only custom values/offsets from the gridLines.custom array.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.xAxis[0].gridLines[0].visible;

    Get the gridLines property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let gridLines = chart.xAxis[0].gridLines;


    Object describing the labels properties of the axis.


    Text rotation angle.

    Default value


    Get the angle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let angle = chart.xAxis[0].labels[0].angle;


    boolean determining if auto rotation is enabled. Applicable to polar and spider charts only.

    Default value


    Get the autoRotate property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let autoRotate = chart.xAxis[0].labels[0].autoRotate;

    classstring | null

    CSS class of the labels.

    Get the class property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let class = chart.xAxis[0].labels[0].class;

    custom[] | null

    An array of custom values/offsets where a label will be displayed. Applicable only if labels.visible is set to 'custom'.

    Get the custom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let custom = chart.xAxis[0].labels[0].custom;

    formatFunction{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string}

    Callback function used to format the labels.

    Get the formatFunction property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatFunction = chart.xAxis[0].labels[0].formatFunction;


    Object describing the format settings of the labels.

    dateFormatstring | null

    Optional date format string. This property is applicable only when displaying Date objects.

    Get the dateFormat property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dateFormat = chart.xAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].dateFormat;

    decimalPlacesnumber | null

    Decimal places of numeric values.

    Get the decimalPlaces property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalPlaces = chart.xAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].decimalPlaces;

    decimalSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between the integer and fractional parts of a number. The default value is inherited from localization.decimalSeparator.

    Get the decimalSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalSeparator = chart.xAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].decimalSeparator;


    A boolean value indicating whether to display negative numbers in brackets.

    Default value


    Get the negativeWithBrackets property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let negativeWithBrackets = chart.xAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].negativeWithBrackets;


    Text to prepend to the value.

    Default value


    Get the prefix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let prefix = chart.xAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].prefix;


    Text to append to the value

    Default value


    Get the sufix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let sufix = chart.xAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].sufix;

    thousandsSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between thousands, millions, billions, etc. The default value is inherited from localization.thousandsSeparator.

    Get the thousandsSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let thousandsSeparator = chart.xAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings[0].thousandsSeparator;

    Get the formatSettings property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatSettings = chart.xAxis[0].labels[0].formatSettings;

    horizontalAlignment"left" | "center" | "right"

    Horizontal labels alignment.

    Default value


    Get the horizontalAlignment property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let horizontalAlignment = chart.xAxis[0].labels[0].horizontalAlignment;


    Labels offset.



    Horizontal offset.

    Default value


    Get the x property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let x = chart.xAxis[0].labels[0].offset.x;


    Vertical offset.

    Default value


    Get the y property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let y = chart.xAxis[0].labels[0].offset.y;

    Get the offset property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let offset = chart.xAxis[0].labels[0].offset;

    rotationPoint"auto" | "left" | "center" | "right" | "topleft" | "topcenter" | "topright" | "bottomleft" | "bottomcenter" | "bottomright" | "centermiddle"

    Position to rotate the text around.

    Default value


    Get the rotationPoint property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let rotationPoint = chart.xAxis[0].labels[0].rotationPoint;

    stepnumber | null

    Interval steps between label placements (multiples of the axis unit interval).

    Get the step property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let step = chart.xAxis[0].labels[0].step;


    Sets the interval between the labels.

    Get the unitInterval property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let unitInterval = chart.xAxis[0].labels[0].unitInterval;

    verticalAlignment"top" | "center" | "bottom"

    Vertical labels alignment.

    Default value


    Get the verticalAlignment property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let verticalAlignment = chart.xAxis[0].labels[0].verticalAlignment;

    visibleboolean | string

    Possible values: true, false, 'custom'.

    Determines the visibility of labels. When 'custom' is set, displays only custom values/offsets from the labels.custom array.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.xAxis[0].labels[0].visible;

    Get the labels property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let labels = chart.xAxis[0].labels;


    Object describing the line properties of the axis.


    Color of axis line.

    Default value


    Get the color property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let color = chart.xAxis[0].line.color;


    Line dash style, e.g. '2,2'. The default is inherited from gridLines.dashStyle.

    Default value


    Get the dashStyle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dashStyle = chart.xAxis[0].line.dashStyle;


    Line width. The default is inherited from gridLines.lineWidth.

    Default value


    Get the lineWidth property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineWidth = chart.xAxis[0].line.lineWidth;


    boolean determining the visibility of the axis line.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.xAxis[0].line.visible;

    Get the line property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let line = chart.xAxis[0].line;


    Determines whether to use logarithmic scale.

    Default value


    Get the logarithmicScale property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let logarithmicScale = chart.xAxis[0].logarithmicScale;


    Base for logarithmic scale.

    Default value


    Get the logarithmicScaleBase property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let logarithmicScaleBase = chart.xAxis[0].logarithmicScaleBase;


    Sets the maximum value of the xAxis.

    Default value


    Get the maxValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let maxValue = chart.xAxis[0].maxValue;


    Sets the minimum value of the xAxis.

    Default value


    Get the minValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let minValue = chart.xAxis[0].minValue;


    Object describing the padding of the axis.



    Bottom padding. Available for horizontal xAxis.

    Default value


    Get the bottom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let bottom = chart.xAxis[0].padding.bottom;


    Left padding. Available for vertical xAxis.

    Default value


    Get the left property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let left = chart.xAxis[0].padding.left;


    Right padding. Available for vertical xAxis.

    Default value


    Get the right property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let right = chart.xAxis[0].padding.right;


    Top padding. Available for horizontal xAxis.

    Default value


    Get the top property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let top = chart.xAxis[0];

    Get the padding property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let padding = chart.xAxis[0].padding;

    position"bottom" | "top" | "left" | "right"

    Sets the axis position. The values 'bottom' and 'top' are available in the default case. If the xAxis is vertical, only 'left' and 'right' are available.

    Default value


    Get the position property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let position = chart.xAxis[0].position;


    Definition of a range selector on the xAxis. The range selector itself is also an instance of smart-chart.

    backgroundColorstring | null

    Sets the range selector chart's background color.

    Get the backgroundColor property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let backgroundColor = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.backgroundColor;


    Sets the range selector chart's background image.

    Default value


    Get the backgroundImage property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let backgroundImage = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.backgroundImage;

    baseUnitnull | "year" | "month" | "day" | "hour" | "minute" | "second" | "millisecond"

    The base unit when used with 'date' axis.

    Get the baseUnit property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let baseUnit = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.baseUnit;

    borderLineColorstring | null

    Sets the range selector chart's border color.

    Get the borderLineColor property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let borderLineColor = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.borderLineColor;

    borderLineWidthnumber | null

    Sets the range selector chart's border line width.

    Get the borderLineWidth property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let borderLineWidth = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.borderLineWidth;


    Sets the caption (title) of the range selector chart.

    Default value


    Get the caption property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let caption = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.caption;

    colorScheme"scheme01" | "scheme02" | "scheme03" | "scheme04" | "scheme05" | "scheme06" | "scheme07" | "scheme08" | "scheme09" | "scheme10" | "scheme11" | "scheme12" | "scheme13" | "scheme14" | "scheme15" | "scheme16" | "scheme17" | "scheme18" | "scheme19" | "scheme20" | "scheme21" | "scheme22" | "scheme23" | "scheme24" | "scheme25" | "scheme26" | "scheme27" | "scheme28" | "scheme29" | "scheme30" | "scheme31" | "scheme32" | "custom"

    Sets the range selector chart's color pallete. smartChart suppports 32 color schemes from 'scheme01' to 'scheme32'.

    Default value


    Get the colorScheme property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let colorScheme = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.colorScheme;


    Enables or disables overlapping of the column series.

    Default value


    Get the columnSeriesOverlap property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let columnSeriesOverlap = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.columnSeriesOverlap;


    Percentage gap between columns within the same serie.

    Default value


    Get the columnsGapPercent property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let columnsGapPercent = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.columnsGapPercent;

    dataFieldstring | null

    Points to a data field in the data source.

    Get the dataField property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dataField = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.dataField;


    Sets the description text of the range selector chart.

    Default value


    Get the description property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let description = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.description;

    greyScaleboolean | null

    Determines whether to display the range selector chart using greyscale colors.

    Default value


    Get the greyScale property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let greyScale = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.greyScale;

    formatFunction{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string}

    Callback function used to format the values.

    Get the formatFunction property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatFunction = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.formatFunction;


    Chart Format Settings

    Get the formatSettings property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatSettings = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.formatSettings;


    Object describing the grid lines properties of the range selector chart's xAxis.


    Color of the grid lines.

    Default value


    Get the color property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let color = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.gridLines[0].color;

    custom[] | null

    An array of custom values/offsets where a grid line will be displayed. Applicable only if gridLines.visible is set to 'custom'.

    Get the custom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let custom = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.gridLines[0].custom;


    Grid lines dash style, e.g. '2,2'.

    Default value


    Get the dashStyle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dashStyle = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.gridLines[0].dashStyle;


    Line width (in pixels) of the grid lines.

    Default value


    Get the lineWidth property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineWidth = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.gridLines[0].lineWidth;

    stepnumber | null

    Interval steps between grid line placements (multiples of the axis unit interval).

    Get the step property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let step = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.gridLines[0].step;


    Sets the interval between the grid lines.

    Get the unitInterval property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let unitInterval = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.gridLines[0].unitInterval;

    visibleboolean | string

    Possible values: true, false, 'custom'.

    Determines the visibility of grid lines. When 'custom' is set, displays only custom values/offsets from the gridLines.custom array.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.gridLines[0].visible;

    Get the gridLines property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let gridLines = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.gridLines;


    Object describing the labels properties of the axis.


    Text rotation angle.

    Default value


    Get the angle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let angle = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].angle;


    boolean determining if auto rotation is enabled. Applicable to polar and spider charts only.

    Default value


    Get the autoRotate property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let autoRotate = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].autoRotate;

    classstring | null

    CSS class of the labels.

    Get the class property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let class = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].class;

    custom[] | null

    An array of custom values/offsets where a label will be displayed. Applicable only if labels.visible is set to 'custom'.

    Get the custom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let custom = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].custom;

    formatFunction{(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string}

    Callback function used to format the labels.

    Get the formatFunction property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatFunction = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].formatFunction;


    Object describing the format settings of the labels.

    dateFormatstring | null

    Optional date format string. This property is applicable only when displaying Date objects.

    Get the dateFormat property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dateFormat = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].formatSettings[0].dateFormat;

    decimalPlacesnumber | null

    Decimal places of numeric values.

    Get the decimalPlaces property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalPlaces = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].formatSettings[0].decimalPlaces;

    decimalSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between the integer and fractional parts of a number. The default value is inherited from localization.decimalSeparator.

    Get the decimalSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let decimalSeparator = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].formatSettings[0].decimalSeparator;


    A boolean value indicating whether to display negative numbers in brackets.

    Default value


    Get the negativeWithBrackets property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let negativeWithBrackets = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].formatSettings[0].negativeWithBrackets;


    Text to prepend to the value.

    Default value


    Get the prefix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let prefix = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].formatSettings[0].prefix;


    Text to append to the value

    Default value


    Get the sufix property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let sufix = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].formatSettings[0].sufix;

    thousandsSeparatorstring | null

    A symbol used to mark the border between thousands, millions, billions, etc. The default value is inherited from localization.thousandsSeparator.

    Get the thousandsSeparator property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let thousandsSeparator = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].formatSettings[0].thousandsSeparator;

    Get the formatSettings property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let formatSettings = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].formatSettings;

    horizontalAlignment"left" | "center" | "right"

    Horizontal labels alignment.

    Default value


    Get the horizontalAlignment property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let horizontalAlignment = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].horizontalAlignment;


    Labels offset.



    Horizontal offset.

    Default value


    Get the x property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let x = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].offset.x;


    Vertical offset.

    Default value


    Get the y property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let y = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].offset.y;

    Get the offset property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let offset = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].offset;

    rotationPoint"auto" | "left" | "center" | "right" | "topleft" | "topcenter" | "topright" | "bottomleft" | "bottomcenter" | "bottomright" | "centermiddle"

    Position to rotate the text around.

    Default value


    Get the rotationPoint property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let rotationPoint = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].rotationPoint;

    stepnumber | null

    Interval steps between label placements (multiples of the axis unit interval).

    Get the step property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let step = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].step;


    Sets the interval between the labels.

    Get the unitInterval property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let unitInterval = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].unitInterval;

    verticalAlignment"top" | "center" | "bottom"

    Vertical labels alignment.

    Default value


    Get the verticalAlignment property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let verticalAlignment = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].verticalAlignment;

    visibleboolean | string

    Possible values: true, false, 'custom'.

    Determines the visibility of labels. When 'custom' is set, displays only custom values/offsets from the labels.custom array.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let visible = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels[0].visible;

    Get the labels property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let labels = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.labels;


    Sets the maximum value of the range selector chart's xAxis.

    Default value


    Get the maxValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let maxValue = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.maxValue;


    Sets the minimum value of the range selector chart's xAxis.

    Default value


    Get the minValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let minValue = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.minValue;


    Object describing the padding of the range selector chart.



    Bottom padding.

    Default value


    Get the bottom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let bottom = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.padding.bottom;


    Left padding.

    Default value


    Get the left property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let left = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.padding.left;


    Right padding.

    Default value


    Get the right property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let right = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.padding.right;


    Top padding.

    Default value


    Get the top property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let top = chart.xAxis[0];

    Get the padding property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let padding = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.padding;

    position"bottom" | "top" | "left" | "right"

    Sets the range selector chart position.

    Default value


    Get the position property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let position = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.position;

    renderToHTMLElement | null

    An HTML element outside the chart to render the range selector chart to.

    Get the renderTo property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let renderTo = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.renderTo;

    rightToLeftboolean | null

    Sets or gets a value indicating whether the range selector chart's layout is mirrored.

    Default value


    Get the rightToLeft property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let rightToLeft = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.rightToLeft;


    Percentage gap between columns belonging to different series.

    Default value


    Get the seriesGapPercent property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let seriesGapPercent = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.seriesGapPercent;

    seriesGroups[] | null

    (Optional) The seriesGroups property is used to describe all series displayed on the range selector chart.

    Please refer to the main seriesGroups property entry for more information and a full subproperty list.

    Get the seriesGroups property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let seriesGroups = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.seriesGroups;

    serieType"column" | "stackedcolumn" | "stackedcolumn100" | "rangecolumn" | "waterfall" | "stackedwaterfall" | "line" | "stackedline" | "stackedline100" | "spline" | "stackedspline" | "stackedspline100" | "stepline" | "stackedstepline" | "stackedstepline100" | "area" | "stackedarea" | "stackedarea100" | "rangearea" | "splinearea" | "stackedsplinearea" | "stackedsplinearea100" | "splinerangearea" | "steprangearea" | "stackedsplineara" | "steparea" | "stackedsteparea" | "stackedsteparea100" | "pie" | "donut" | "scatter" | "stackedscatter" | "stackedscatter100" | "bubble" | "stackedbubble" | "stackedbubble100" | "candlestick" | "ohlc"

    Sets the range selector chart type. smartChart supports several common chart types. You can easily plot series of different types on a common chart. A type must be specified for each series group. Currently, smartChart supports the following series types:

    • 'column' - simple column series
    • 'stackedcolumn' - stacked column series
    • 'stackedcolumn100' - percentage stacked columns
    • 'rangecolumn' - floating column between two values
    • 'waterfall' - waterfall series
    • 'stackedwaterfall' - stacked waterfall series
    • 'line' - simple straight lines connecting the value points
    • 'stackedline' - stacked lines
    • 'stackedline100' - percentage stacked lines
    • 'spline' - smooth lines connecting the value points
    • 'stackedspline' - smooth stacked lines
    • 'stackedspline100' - percentage stacked smooth lines
    • 'stepline' - step line
    • 'stackedstepline' - stacked step line
    • 'stackedstepline100' - percentage stacked step line
    • 'area' - area connecting the value points with straight lines
    • 'stackedarea' - stacked area with straight lines between the points
    • 'stackedarea100' - percentage stacked area with straight lines between the points
    • 'rangearea' - floating area between pairs of value points
    • 'splinearea' - smooth area connecting the value points
    • 'stackedsplinearea' - stacked smooth area connecting the value points
    • 'stackedsplinearea100' - percentage stacked smooth area
    • 'splinerangearea' - smooth floating area between pairs of value points
    • 'steprangearea' - step area between pairs of value points
    • 'stackedsplineara' - smooth stacked area
    • 'steparea' - step area connecting the value points
    • 'stackedsteparea' - step stacked area
    • 'stackedsteparea100' - percentage stacked step area
    • 'pie' - circular chart divided into sectors, illustrating proportion
    • 'donut' - chart divided into circular sectors with different inner and outer radius
    • 'scatter' - data is displayed as a collection of points
    • 'stackedscatter' - data is displayed as a collection of points and the values are stacked
    • 'stackedscatter100' - data is displayed as a collection of points and the values are percentage stacked
    • 'bubble' - data is displayed as a collection of bubbles
    • 'stackedbubble' - data is displayed as a collection of bubbles and the values are stacked
    • 'stackedbubble100' - data is displayed as a collection of bubbles and the values are percentage stacked
    • 'candlestick' - display candlestick series using open, high, low, close data points
    • 'ohlc' - display OHLC series using open, high, low, close data points

    Default value


    Get the serieType property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let serieType = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.serieType;

    showBorderLineboolean | null

    Determines whether to display the range selector chart's border line.

    Default value


    Get the showBorderLine property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let showBorderLine = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.showBorderLine;

    sizenumber | null

    Sets the size of the range selector chart.

    Get the size property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let size = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.size;


    Determines whether to display overlapping data points in column, ohlc and candlestick series.

    Default value


    Get the skipOverlappingPoints property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let skipOverlappingPoints = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.skipOverlappingPoints;


    Sets the padding of the chart's title (caption).



    Bottom padding.

    Default value


    Get the bottom property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let bottom = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.titlePadding.bottom;


    Left padding.

    Default value


    Get the left property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let left = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.titlePadding.left;


    Right padding.

    Default value


    Get the right property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let right = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.titlePadding.right;


    Top padding.

    Default value


    Get the top property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let top = chart.xAxis[0];

    Get the titlePadding property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let titlePadding = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.titlePadding;

    unitIntervalnumber | null

    Sets the interval between the units.

    Get the unitInterval property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let unitInterval = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.unitInterval;


    An object with settings about the range selector Chart's y-axis (value axis).


    Alternating background color between grid lines.

    Default value


    Get the alternatingBackgroundColor property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let alternatingBackgroundColor = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].alternatingBackgroundColor;


    Second alternating background color.

    Default value


    Get the alternatingBackgroundColor2 property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let alternatingBackgroundColor2 = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].alternatingBackgroundColor2;


    Opacity of the alternating background.

    Default value


    Get the alternatingBackgroundOpacity property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let alternatingBackgroundOpacity = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].alternatingBackgroundOpacity;

    axisSizenumber | string | null

    Sets the size of the axis.

    Get the axisSize property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let axisSize = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].axisSize;


    Optional color bands dislayed in the chart's plot area.

    colorstring | null

    Color used to fill the area between the minValue and the maxValue.

    Get the color property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let color = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].bands[0].color;

    dashStylestring | null

    Dash style of the band lines. The style is a series of numbers indicating line length followed by space length.

    Get the dashStyle property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let dashStyle = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].bands[0].dashStyle;

    lineColorstring | null

    Band line color.

    Get the lineColor property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineColor = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].bands[0].lineColor;

    lineWidthstring | null

    Band line width.

    Get the lineWidth property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let lineWidth = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].bands[0].lineWidth;


    End value of the color band.

    Default value


    Get the maxValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let maxValue = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].bands[0].maxValue;


    Start value of the color band.

    Default value


    Get the minValue property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let minValue = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valueAxis[0].bands[0].minValue;


    Fraction indicating the fill opacity.

    Default value


    Get the opacity property.

     const chart = document.querySelector('smart-chart');
     let opacity = chart.xAxis[0].rangeSelector.valu