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Release Notes

We use Semantic Versioning:

Smart UI v20.0.0 Release, Sep-06-2024

What's New:

  • Timeline component. The Timeline component displays a collection of events and their data in a chronological succession for each year. The Timeline allows you to render its events in a vertical or horizontal list and you can easily customize it with CSS.
  • Design blocks. A set of small blocks of UI Elements which will allow you to quickly build Shell, Checkout, Contact, Login Forms, Overlays or Site navigation.
  • Grid Conditional Formatting based on a Select column.
  • Grid AI column. It can be used to send propmpts and update cells in the same column or in another Grid column.
  • Scheduler Auto-Create dialog which allows users to create Events quickly after selecting a cell or range of cells.
  • Scheduler dynamically schedule or unschedule events through a built-in UI with drag and drop.
  • Scheduler disable conflicts. Option to disable multiple events in the same timeline.
  • TextArea background and color formatting options when the component is used in rich text mode.
  • Grid, Gantt, Editor and Scheduler localization files for Italian, Spanish, French, German, Korean, Japanesse, Chinese.

What's Improved:

  • Grid Checkbox column now has templates which allow you to choose from multiple predefined check styles.
  • Grid Selection API for selection of rows and getting data from the selected rows.
  • DateInput allows more customization of the Calendar popup.
  • Gantt formatting for tasks and tooltips.
  • Scheduler API for the events. Added disableContextMenu and disableEventMenu in the events which will allow more control over how an user uses the component.
  • Scheduler special dates api. Added new API which allow you to define special dates with different colors.
  • Gantt scrollTo method.
  • ListBox, DropDownList, ComboBox now come with native scrolling on phone and tablet devices.

What's Fixed:

  • Grid issue in auto height mode when paging is enabled.
  • Grid issue related to the row selection when paging is enabled and selectAllMode is set to 'all'.
  • Grid issue with a Null filter. Using a filter with NULL condition requires a value, otherwise the filter doesn't work correctly.
  • Grid column filter icon when column reorder is performed.
  • Kanban issue related to the column colors property. Incorrect styles were applied to the tasks in the Kanban.
  • Kanban issue related to the rendering when swimlanes are enabled and columns are dynamically shown or hidden.
  • Kanban issue related to the task custom fields. The custom fields were not applied and updated correctly.
  • Input issue related to the 'aria-hidden' WAI ARIA attribute.
  • Accordion issue with nested accordions and expand/collapse of the accordion items.

Smart UI v19.1.0 Release, May-23-2024/h2>

What's New:

  • Angular 18 support

Smart UI v19.0.0 Release, Apr-24-2024

What's New:

  • Dropdown Grid mode.
  • Conditional Cells and Rows Colors for the Grid.
  • Grid Sparklines.

What's Improved:

  • DateTimeInput API. The new API allows you to customize the settings of the dropdown calendar.
  • ListBox API. Added removeItem method which allows you to remove an item by its value.
  • Gantt API. Added "scrollTo" method which allows you to scroll to a specific date.
  • Grid Clipboard functionality allows you to copy/paste entire columns.
  • Grid Header row selection. Users can select multiple rows clicking the row header checkboxes.
  • Grid CardView Styling and Appearance.
  • Grid Readonly Edit mode. Allows you to make edits which will not update the data, but fill fire "cellEditRequest" event instead.
  • Grid Dates Filtering Options. Added filter conditions such as Next Week, This Week, Last Week and similar.

What's Fixed:

  • Firefox components resize.
  • Gantt Current Time Indicator.
  • Gantt Tasks Dependencies were not working correctly from the Dialog.
  • Gantt Tooltip positioning did not work correctly.
  • Blazor Chart Animation Property.
  • Blazor Table's OnFilter event.
  • Blazor Table's PageSize property did not work correctly.
  • Grid Grouping. The Row events did not work correctly when grouping is applied.
  • Grid "autoResizeColumns" method did not work correctly when there is a Date column.
  • Grid dynamic states change when some of the states are with frozen columns.
  • Grid Fixed paste in the filter row inputs.
  • Kanban remove comment did not work correctly, when the current user is not set.
  • Kanban "ensureVisible" method is not working correctly.
  • Scheduler event resize when resources are applied.
  • Scheduler Today button was not correctly resized when a different locale is used.
  • Scheduler header buttons navigation did not behave property with fast clicks.

Smart UI v18.0.0 Release, Jan-24-2024

What's New:

  • Grid Card view layout.
  • Grid Computed columns with Formulas.
  • Grid Column Editor with custom data source.

What's Improved:

  • Grid Performance. The scrolling, data updates and mobile UX.
  • Dropdownlist, ComboBox, Menus and other dropdowns UX animations & effects.
  • Gantt day view now allows you to display hour, half hour and quarter slots.

What's Fixed:

  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about column reorder in column groups.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about autoHideGroupColumn option.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid related to the prepared sql queries.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid related to the dropdown when the Grid is inside a Window.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid related to the Filter row when Ctrl+A is used.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid related to the localization of the Data Exported currencies.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid related to the column reorder & toolbar rendering after removing the Grid from the DOM and them adding it again.
  • Fixed an issue in the DockingLayout related to the state maitenance.
  • Fixed an issue in the DockingLayout related to the dragging of text and images in a layout panel.
  • Fixed an issue in the Gantt issue related to the rendering in Month view when monthScale = 'day'.
  • Fixed an issue in the Gantt issue related to the firstDayOfWeek property.
  • Fixed an issue in the Gantt dayScale which allows you to display hour, half hour and quarter in the Gantt's day view.
  • Fixed an issue in the Gantt about task base line rendering in month and year views.
  • Fixed an issue in the Scheduler issue is fixed related to the Timeline Month view when Event is resized.

What's New:

  • Smart.Blazor with .NET 8 support.

Smart UI v17.2.0 Release, Dec-01-2023

What's New:

  • Smart.Blazor with .NET 8 support.

Smart UI v17.1.0 Release, Nov-08-2023

What's New:

  • Angular 17 support

Smart UI v17.0.0 Release, Oct-23-2023

What's New:

  • Ribbon Bar component.
  • Grid Formulas.
  • Grid Rich text editor.
  • Grid Row Dialog
  • navigation. Users can navigate to next and previous rows by using navigation buttons in the dialog's header.
  • Grid User Comments. The Edit dialog allows you to add, update and remove row comments.
  • Grid Edit History. When the 'users' and 'storeHistory' properties are set, the dialog can display the update activies related to the row.
  • Richtext & User mention for the Textarea component.
  • New Templates for Angular, React, VueJS and Blazor.

What's Improved:

  • Grid Mobile User Experience. The scrolling of the Grid now uses the native browser scrolling in mobile mode.
  • Grid performance when scrolling. The horizontal and vertical scrolling performance is improved.
  • Grid trackpad and mousewheel User experience. Added animations when scrolling with mouse wheel. When scrolling with trackpad, the Grid uses the native browser scrolling.
  • Grid Images & attachment cell editors & cell templates.
  • Grid Due Date template.
  • Kanban drag and drop of tasks. Added drag animation.
  • Kanban edit mode. Users can choose to edit on single or double click.
  • Kanban add tasks with inline task text editing.

What's Fixed:

  • Fixed an issue in the NumberInput with german locale and currency input.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about the Textarea editor's browser bounds detection. The textarea dynamically detects the optimal position.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about server side filtering query about 'date' and 'number' columns.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about server side filter button in the Grid's toolbar. The button was incorrectly disabled after filtering.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about server side filtering, when filter row is applied and the Grid's state maintenance is enabled.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about frozen cell rendering when the cell is selected.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid selection when there is a frozen column.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about date filter in the filter row, when multiple dates are selected with CTRL.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about date formatting with specific date formats which include time formats like 'dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm'.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about cell validation.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about Grouping with the Toolbar.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about addrow UI element, when the Grid is empty.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about auto-height rendering, when paging & filter row are turned on and the Grid has horizontal scrolling. The last row was not visible.
  • Fixed an issue in the Form component about setting its value from a string.
  • Fixed an issue in the Form submit when control is dropdownlist.
  • Fixed an issue in the DropdownList when the name property is set and the Dropdownlist is within HTML Form.
  • Fixed an issue in the Scheduler component about the getDataSource method results, when time zone is applied.
  • Fixed an issue in the Gantt chart component about the column's formatFunction. There was an issue with the rendering when the formatFunction is set to the first column.
  • Fixed an issue in the Table about appllying a template to the tree column in Tree Table mode.
  • Fixed an issue in the Phone Input component about detecting correctly the country by entered phone number.

Smart UI v16.0.1 Release, Aug-04-2023

What's Improved:

  • Grid Rating, Duration & Time columns.
  • Grid Column Type change. The grid has a new functionality which allows users to dynamically change the column type.
  • Grid Grouping and dynamic addition of rows to groups. When the add new row functionality is turned on, Grid groups will display a button which adds a new row to the group.
  • Grid Toolbar drop-downs browser bounds detection. Drop-downs will open above the Grid when there is no available space.
  • Grid Appearance which allows users to show or hide cell lines within column groups.
  • Grid Edit Row dialog dragging functionality.
  • TextArea can be used as a Mention input by using the new "users" property.
  • Grid select columns summary option which displays legend bars at the bottom of the Grid with the summary details in the column.
  • Kanban tasks priority rendering.

What's Fixed:

  • Fixed an issue about dispatch of component events in Vue 3.
  • Fixed an issue about add/remove dynamic CSS class names in React components.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about Date filter usage within the filter row. The filter was not working correctly when the Grid column has a custom cells formatting.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about data grouping state maintenance after the data source is changed.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about the load state when there are groups.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about the "columnDragEnd" event's newIndex detail.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about the "setColumns" method.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid sorting after setting dynamically the "columns" property.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about the "createdBy" and "createdDate" column templates.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about the selection when infinite scroll is enabled.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about rendering emojis in grid cells.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about data export to Excel when the export column is a Date column and it contains null values.
  • Fixed an issue in the Data binding with JSON in the Grid, Scheduler, Kanban & Table components.
  • Fixed an issue in the Gantt chart about the zoom in/out functionality.
  • Fixed an issue in the FileUpload about the auto upload functionality.
  • Fixed an issue in the Kanban about comments, checklist and column header rendering and escaping.
  • Fixed an issue in the DateRangeInput calendar rendering with multiple months.
  • Fixed an issue in the DateRangeInput when the locale is set.
  • Fixed an issue in the DateRangeInput when the months property is set dynamically.
  • Fixed an issue in the Form when the form is created and the same form element is used for another form instance.
  • Fixed an issue in the Scheduler about the current time indicator. The current time indicator was not rendering dynamically as it should.
  • Fixed an issue in the Scheduler about Repeat events in Angular.
  • Fixed an issue in the Table to keep the expanded state of groups, when the data source updated.
  • Fixed an issue in the Input, Textarea and DropDownList about setting a custom tabindex.
  • Fixed an issue in the Input about selected item rendering, when the value contains script tags.
  • Fixed an issue in the Dropdownbutton about setting a template as a placeholder.
  • Fixed an issue in the Input and MulticomboInput components about Escape key handling.

Smart UI v15.2.9 Release, May-22-2023

What's Fixed:

  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about Filter Row and checkbox filter editor.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about Filter Row and remote data source.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about Paging and remote data source.
  • Fixed an issue in the Pager about unnecessary invoking events related to the page size selector.

Smart UI v15.2.1 Release, May-16-2023

What's New:

  • Angular 16 support. We updated the "smart-webcomponents-angular" npm pacakge to support the latest version of Angular.

What's improved:

  • Custom current time can be set up for Scheduler and Gantt components.
  • Improved Gantt API for rendering tasks and projects. This allows developers to customize the appearance. Added a 'quarterFormat' property to customize the quarter views.
  • Improved Editor API. Developers can easily add, remove and update tools from the editor.
  • Improved Kanban tasks priority look and feel.

What's Fixed:

  • Fixed an issue in the React Grid about state persistance.
  • Fixed an issue in the Tabs when the component is used within a Web components from another vendor.
  • Fixed an issue in the Scheduler when a custom time zone is used in the TimelineWeek view.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid with the subtasks editor.
  • Fixed an issue in the React components about changing props with object or array type.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about sanitizing row comments.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about state persistance of expanded rows when the data source is dynamically changed.
  • Fixed an issue in the Gantt about the firstDayOfWeek property in week view.
  • Fixed an issue in the Gantt about the weekFormat property in month view.
  • Fixed an issue in the Gantt about the dayFormat property in month view when the monthScale is set to "day".
  • Fixed an issue in the Scheduler about the currentTimeIndicator in RTL mode.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about the 'Tab' key and the 'change' event. The 'change' event was not raised.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about the Checkbox editor when the 'Space' key is pressed.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about the 'endEdit' event with checkbox editor.

Smart UI v15.2.0 Release, Apr-23-2023

What's New:

  • Gantt Views. The view property is extended with a new 'quarter' option which displays Quarters. The Month view now can display not only weeks, but also days.
  • Gantt first day of week. Users can choose the first day of the week in the Month view.
  • Gantt Headers rendering. Users can choose to display 1, 2 or 3 headers to handle complex rendering scenarios. For example, you can have an Year view as a top header, then a Quarters view as a sub header and Months view as a bottom header.
  • Grid Number column can be customized to display thousands separator separator.
  • Fluent UI Theme.

What's Improved:

  • Gantt Headers visibility can be customized to display one, two or three headers.
  • Gantt Month view can be customized to display Month and Weeks, Month and Days or Month, Weeks and Days.
  • Grid Cell Tags template now supports wrapping.
  • Grid Image column dialog now has a new section for choosing images set by the user during the Grid initialization.
  • Grid save and load state. Users can optionally save and load the state from the local storage and save specific state options. Multiple states are now supported.
  • Barcode & Qrcode now feature additional settings and customization options such as background color setup and size setup.

What's Fixed:

  • Fixed an issue in the DateTimePicker about mobile interaction when multiple components are used.
  • Fixed an issue in the DropDownButton about the dropdown rendering, when the dropdown's parent is the document's body tag.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about clipboard cut, copy, past on Mac OS.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about rows resize on double click.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about the Textarea editor and its rendering.
  • Fixed an issue in the Table about dynamic changing of the dataSource when the browser's tab is inactive.
  • Fixed an issue in the Table column menu and filtering, when a filter is applied the filter icon was not rendered correctly.
  • Fixed an issue in the Form about labelPosition and columns properties.
  • Fixed an issue in the Listbox selection.
  • Fixed an issue in the Tree grid about adding new row dynamically.
  • Fixed an issue in the Tree grid rendering when addnewrow is enabled.

Smart UI v15.0.0 Release, Jan-23-2023

What's New:

  • 3d Chart component.
  • Grid Save/Load state(persist state).

What's Improved:

  • Scheduler Available & Restricted options. You can define availablity for specific periods and restrict user input.
  • Scheduler Resources Legend Mobile friendly mode. When there are multiple legends, they are displayed in a dropdown component.
  • Scheduler Performance with many events.
  • Help documentation about Blazor, Angular & React. More than 20 new help topics are added.

What's Fixed:

  • Gantt: Week number calculation.
  • Grid: Fixed an issue about the tags template of Cells.
  • Grid: Fixed an issue about the Grid column editing for color and checklist column types.
  • Grid: Fixed an issue about the Grid cell styling with custom css class names.
  • Grid: Fixed an issue about CSS rules applied to grid cells.
  • Grid: Fixed an issue about escape content.
  • Grid: Fixed an issue about labelTemplate with horizontal scrolling.
  • Grid: Fixed an issue about Multicomboinput dropdown editor positioning.
  • Grid: Fixed an issue about column reorder.
  • Grid: Fixed an issue about localization of filtering dropdown when the filter mode is excel.
  • Form: Fixed an issue about the Form's showButtons, backButtonLabel and nextButtonLabel properties when the label is used as a html tag.
  • Kanban: Fixed an issue about add new button and multiple columns layout.
  • DropDownList: Fixed an issue about Tab key behavior when Filtering is enabled.

Smart UI v14.4.1 Release, Jan-18-2023

What's New:

  • .NET 7 support for Blazor

Smart UI v14.4.0 Release, Sep-29-2022

What's New:

  • Admin Template for Angular.
  • Admin Template for React.

What's Improved:

  • Grid Performance when rows are added dynamically.
  • Grid Image column. Configuration options for the file upload are added.
  • Query builder - sanitize html in input and select fields items. This avoids potential XSS attacks.
  • ListBox - sanitize html in list items. This avoids potential XSS attacks.

What's Fixed:

  • Grid about filtering with empty values.
  • Grid about the paste and copy values when using editor which has dataSource such as DropDownList or ComboBox editor.
  • Grid about the clipboard cut and delete when editing is disabled.
  • Grid about the keyboard delete when editing is disabled.
  • Grid about the columns property when the property is set dynamically and it contains frozen columns.
  • Grid about cells styling when filtering is applied.
  • Grid about grouping with empty rows. The rows visbile index was incorrect.
  • Grid about the edit dialog in readonly mode when editing is disabled.
  • ListBox about Filtering. The Listbox was not rendering correctly.
  • Kanban about the custom data fields rendering.
  • MultiComboInput about the selectedValues property not working correctly when set dynamically.
  • Scheduler about View property not working in Angular 14.
  • Table about browser window's resize. The rendering of the table when grouping is applied was not correct.
  • Scheduler about the date change event.
  • Calendar about the min date property. The property was with incorrect default value.
  • DateInput about the Calendar popup. The min and max dates were not synchronized correctly.

Smart UI v14.2.0 Release, July-12-2022

What's New:

  • Grid custom Sorting.
  • Grid custom Filter Menu.
  • Grid custom row and cells styling with CSS classes and rules.
  • Grid Multiple columns Grouping rendering mode.
  • Grid Server-side grouping update.
  • Grid context menu.
  • Grid rows span.

What's Improved:

  • Grid UI about loading groups and rows on demand.
  • DateInput - formatString property.
  • Kanban - Filter and Sort by custom fields.
  • Kanban custom fields data export.
  • Kanban readonly mode.
  • Kanban and Grid API.
  • Grid documentation.

What's Fixed:

  • DateTimePicker Grid editor, when entering values by typing in the input field.
  • Grid Filtering about filter row enabled in Tree Grid mode.
  • Grid when a column is created without a dataField.
  • Grid about editing of numbers and formatting them in floating-point and percent.
  • Grid about column reordering when Grouping is enabled.
  • Grid about column reordering drag line position.
  • Grid about column sanitization and escape of html tags.
  • Grid about row drag line position when the grid is in container with position: fixed.
  • Table about restoring the expanded groups.
  • Table about selection with frozen columns.
  • Table about sanitizeHTML for cells and groups.
  • Form about re-creating the component.
  • Form about initialization from tags and setting the value.
  • CardView about rendering after scrolling.
  • Kanban about readonly mode and custom fields.
  • Table about Filtering.
  • Table. Keeps the groups state when expandHierarchy = true
  • Query Builder about 'change' event details.
  • Kanban about columns collapse when columnWidth is defined.
  • DateInput about formatString property.
  • PivotTable about setting dynamically columns and calculating the grand total row.
  • ListBox about itemTemplate.

Breaking Changes:

  • Kanban - editable does not disable the edit dialog anymore. Only the disableDialog property does.

Smart UI v14.0.75 Release, June-03-2022

What's New:

  • Angular 14 support. The latest version of the smart-webcomponents-angular NPM package can be used in your Angular 14 projects.

Smart UI v14.0.0 Release, Apr-18-2022

What's New:

  • Barcode - new Barcode component.
  • QR code - new QR code component.

What's Fixed:

  • Kanban - updated kanban scss. The new change enables additional style for the Kanban board.
  • Kanban - new columnWidth property. Allows horizontal scrolling in Kanban boards.
  • Kanban - new dialogRendered property. Allows custom dialogs for Kanban boards.
  • Window - new API for move, updateContent, updateLabel.
  • Input - bug fix for selectedValues.
  • Grid - autoHideGroupColumn bug fix. The column did not appear after the group is removed.
  • Grid - sort problem in tree grid mode. Sorting was not operating correctly when the Grid was in tree mode.
  • Grid - undo/redo enable after init. Undo-redo is now enabled after the Grid is fully initialized.
  • Table - filtering, column menu and virtualization wrong rendering.
  • Input - create from option tag.

Smart UI v13.1.26 Release, Apr-05-2022

What's New:

  • Grid - New cell editor for color input.
  • Kanban - color entire column surface. The property applies different rendering to the kanban.
  • Kanban - column summary footer.

What's Improved:

  • Tree - selection API with getselectedvalues, setselectedvalues, unselectvalues methods.
  • Grid - styling API with setRowStyle and setCellStyle methods.
  • Docking layout - insert API with insertFloatingWindow method.
  • Datetimepicker - set/get API with setDate and getDate methods.

What's Fixed:

  • Grid - sort indexes bug fix. Improve sort event API.
  • Grid - dialog editors layout was not rendering correctly when the columns count is changed dynamically.
  • Blazor table - when the Table is created from html table, the buttons and anchors in TD tags with click events were not raising the events.
  • Blazor - fix for GetPropertyValueAsync method.
  • Table - Fix for templates settings with setValue method.
  • Docking layout - headerbuttons bug fix for keeping the state of the property.
  • Docking layout - dock/undock id bug fix for keeping the id property.
  • Kanban - Fix for taskUpdate event which did not fire correctly.
  • Dateinput - Fix for changing the date while the calendar is opened.
  • Grid - summary placeholder css class conflict when the Grid is used along with Bootstrap.
  • Grid - reorder drop line rendering. The reorder drop line was not rendered correctly when the Grid has margin.

Smart UI v13.1.0 Release, Mar-23-2022

What's New:

  • Kanban - UI Virtualization. This new feature allows working with 100,000+ Kanban tasks.
  • Grid - Undo/Redo for add, remove and update of Grid rows.
  • Scheduler: Video Conference Template.
  • Editor: spellcheck property - defines whether the Editor may be checked for spelling errors.

What's Improved:

  • Grid: New property editing.autoUpdateFilterAndSort. It determines whether an applied filtering and sorting will be re-applied after editing.
  • Grid: Displays specific notification if all rows are filtered.
  • Grid: Grouping rendering style.
  • Grid: Fixed columns with Drag and Drop. Automatically adds or removes fixed columns.
  • Grid: Auto-hide Grouped columns.
  • Grid: New Grouping Events.
  • Grid: Row editing history.
  • Grid: Image cell editor restrictions for upload size and number of images.
  • Grid: Performance when having date & number formatting in cells.
  • Grid: Events for the Comments.
  • Input: Selection API. The data source items now may include a 'selected' property and a new 'selectedValue' property is available.
  • Kanban: Custom Multi combo Input task field.
  • Kanban: Custom Image task field.
  • jqxDate: isValid method.

What's Fixed:

  • Grid: Summary was not updated after filtering.
  • Grid: Merged cells after editing.
  • Grid: Comments sync between Grid and Kanban.
  • Grid: Row style not applied after sorting.
  • Grid: Auto height not working correctly with the header bar turned on.
  • Grid: Filtering in Tree Grid mode.
  • Grid: Add new row with button not working in server-side mode.
  • Grid: Summary dialog auto-close on horizontal scroll.
  • Grid: Dropdownlist and auto-complete editors bug fixes when the editors with custom data source.
  • Grid: Textarea editor with Tab and Escape keys was not working.
  • Grid: Update editor after Grid data source update.
  • Grid: Image cell editor bug.
  • Grid: Right-to-Left layout rendering issue.
  • Number Input: Not working correctly with Percentages.
  • Password Input: Readonly not working.
  • Multi combo Input: Readonly open/close issue.
  • Multi combo Input selectedItems issue.
  • Date Input: calendar navigation & localization issues.
  • Datetime Picker: change event bug.
  • Scheduler: Video conferencing button click handler.

Breaking changes:

  • SCSS: .input-group is renamed to .smart-input-group.
  • Grid: onRowInserted - In the new version all parameters are with array type.
  • Grid: onRowRemoved - In the new version all parameters are with array type.
  • Grid: onCellUpdate - In the new version all parameters are with array type.
  • Grid: onRowUpdate - In the new version all parameters are with array type.
  • The above changes are because the Grid now allows CRUD via API and UI of multiple records and now we group them into a single callback call instead of multiple calls.
  • Smart UI v12.0.0 Release, Jan-20-2022

    What's New:

    • Kanban Edit Task dialog.
    • Kanban Color entire Task card.
    • Kanban Dynamic Task Card Priority Menu.
    • Kanban Dynamic Task Card Subtasks Menu.
    • Kanban option to hide columns and reset the hidden columns.
    • Grid show/hide columns dialog is extended with Reset option.
    • Grid Summary row option to edit dynamically the summaries.
    • Grid Summary row dynamically re-calculated based on user selection & filtering.
    • Grid Tags template, Image Template and List Template. Improves the cells rendering for specific column types.
    • Grid Row Edit history dialog, when the user and users properties are set.

    What's Fixed:

    • Fixed an issue in the Grid component about MultiComboInput editor cells rendering when color items are selected.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid component about row resizing. After a row is resized, occasionally the row selection was broken.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid component about DateTimePicker editor. When editing a date cell and pressing Enter key the value was not saved.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid component about editing validation.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid component about row editing with dialog. Editors with "autoOpen" property were incorrectly opened in the dialog.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid component about the max-height setting when the Grid's toolbar is displayed.
    • Fixed an issue in the NumberInput component when editing percentages.
    • Fixed an issue in the Kanban component about Task editing. The 'change' event was incorrectly fired.
    • Fixed an issue in the Kanban component about the rendering of the add new task buttons.
    • Fixed an issue in the Blazor DateInput about the DateTimeFormat property setting.

    Smart UI v11.0.0 Release, Nov-30-2021

    What's New:

    • Gantt Chart - task deadline.
    • Gantt Chart - Tooltips for the tasks. connections, resources, segments and indicators.
    • Gantt Chart - task baseline which shows the planned dataStart/dateEnd for the tasks.
    • Gantt Chart - task segments. Tasks can now be segmented into multiple sub-tasks on a single line.
    • Gantt Chart - task indicators. Task indicators show different events base on their date inside the corresponding task row.
    • Gantt Chart - date markers. Markers designate specific dates with a vertical line across the timeline.
    • Gantt Chart - New Task editing Dialog. Added tabs with general/ dependency and segments sections which allow to view and modify the connections related to the task and it's segments.
    • Gantt Chart - current time indicator and shader. Similarly to Smart.Scheduler, added current time indicator and shader that show the current time inside the timeline.
    • Grid - Slider, MultiInput, Password & Image Editors.
    • Grid - Multi-users mode. You can add Users and choose a current user in the Grid. Users can add comments and the current user data is displayed in 'Modified by' and 'Created by' columns.
    • Grid - Added new options to Add new column dialog. You can dynamically create new columns with custom Grid editors by using the "add column dialog".
    • Editor - Added a new feature - a property that enables/disables the ability to remove inline styles when executing the clearFormat.
    • Scheduler - added resource sorting ability via 3 new properties: sortBy, sorOrder, sortFunction.
    • Scheduler - show events with 0 duration (same start/end dates).
    • Phone Input and Country Input components

    What's Fixed:

    • Fixed an issue in Grid's Slider Editor. When the editor's popup is outside the Grid bounds, the editor was auto closed.
    • Fixed an issue in Grid's setCellValue method. The passed value was not validated.
    • Fixed an issue in Grid's data row update. The rows array was not updated after a new row is added.
    • Fixed an issue in Editor about mobile device usage.
    • Fixed an issue in Scheduler about itemUpdate not being fired after updating an event exception.

    Smart UI v10.0.0 Release, August-16-2021

    What's New:

    • Gantt Chart Virtualization. That feature allows you to load thousands of tasks in a gantt.
    • Gantt Chart API Updates and Changes. Addional methods, properties and events are added.
    • Kanban Column Reorder.
    • Kanban Column Edit.
    • Kanban Dynamic Task Add with UI.
    • Kanban Dynamic Tags in the edit dialog.
    • Kanban Column Menu. Allows you to collapse, edit, remove column.
    • Grid Filter Menu rendering. The filter options display icons in the popup and a match-case option is added.
    • Grid Virtual scroll rendering. Updated the UI visualization while scrolling.
    • Grid API. Additional event details, methods and properties are available.
    • Scheduler Timeline Week view. Added an options to hide the hours in the timeline week view.

    Breaking Changes:

    • Gantt Chart Sorting and Filtering API is changed.

    Smart UI v9.4.1 Release, July-07-2021

    What's New:

    • Editor Find & Replace
    • Editor Context Menu
    • Grid API Updates
    • Grid Performance Updates
    • Editor Content Filtering
    • Editor Toolbar Ribbon mode

    Smart UI v9.3.0 Release, May-10-2021

    What's New:

    • Bootstrap Theme
    • SCSS Theme files for easier styling
    • HTML & Markdown Editor
    • Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template
    • Table Performance with UI Virtualization
    • Angular Stackblitz Examples
    • Blazor CardView callback functions support
    • Blazor Grid Editing API

    Smart UI v9.1.0 Release, Feb-04-2021

    What's New:

    • Scheduler Events Filtering
    • Server-side Scheduler model
    • Scheduler Google Calendar Sync
    • Scheduler for Blazor
    • Scheduler Mobile Rendering
    • Blazor Performance
    • Scheduler Scrolling Performance
    • Table Custom Rendering API
    • Admin Dashboard Templates

    Smart UI v9.0.0 Release, Dec-21-2020

    What's New:

    • Scheduler for Javascript, Angular, React, Vue
    • Server-side Table model
    • Server-side CardView model
    • Server-side Kanban model
    • Server-side Pivot-table model
    • Pivot Table Selection Details
    • Pivot Table Charts
    • Pivot Table Sort by Row
    • Datagrid bind to CSV, TSV, XML, JSON
    • Table HTML Virtualization

    Smart UI v8.1.1 Release, Nov-11-2020

    What's New:

    • Microsoft Blazor Components
    • Server-side Grid model
    • Table column resize
    • Table column hierarchy
    • Table formulas support
    • Router component

    Smart UI v8.0.0 Release, Sep-15-2020

    What's New:

    • Pivot Table component
    • Number Input component
    • Date Input component
    • Time Input component
    • ButtonGroup component
    • Table custom sorting
    • Table new checkbox selection
    • Table state maintenance
    • Table Conditional Formatting
    • Table Localization
    • Grid Edit validation
    • Grid Add new column
    • Grid Edit Column Label
    • Grid Edit Column Description
    • Grid New Masked Text Editor
    • Grid Grouping with Paging
    • Grid Cells Wrap on Demand
    • Grid Conditional Formatting

    Smart UI v7.7.1 Release, July-01-2020

    What's New:

    • Shadow DOM support
    • Integration with Lit Element
    • Table component
    • Form component

    Smart UI v7.6.2 Release, June-09-2020

    What's New:

    • React UI Components
    • Grid Grouping Header Panel
    • Grid Search Header Panel
    • Grid Filter Header Panel
    • Grid Sort Header Panel
    • Grid Column Chooser
    • Grid Aggregates
    • Grid Grouping basic, complex and advanced rendering modes
    • Grid Filter Row
    • Grid Excel-like Filter Menu
    • Grid Row and Column Reorder
    • Grid Row and Column Drag and Drop to different UI elements
    • MultiInput, MultiComboInput, DateRangePicker Components
    • Underlined and Outlined rendering of Editors

    Smart UI v7.4.0 Release, Apr-06-2020

    What's New:

    • Kanban Component
    • Gantt Resources View
    • Gantt Zoom in/out

    Smart UI v7.0.0 Release, Mar-01-2020

    What's New:

    • Angular Modules & Components
    • Angular API Docs
    • Typescript API Docs

    Smart UI v6.2.0 Release, Feb-11-2020

    What's Improved:

    • Exported Typescript Union types as Enums
    • Optimized Typescript files size
    • Updated the Functions Typescript definitions
    • Updated types and descriptions for all API members

    Smart UI v6.1.0 Release, Jan-23-2020

    What's New:

    • Typescript definitions

    Smart UI v6.0.0 Release, Jan-09-2020

    What's New:

    • Accessibility support
    • Right to Left Languages support

    Smart UI v5.1.0 Release, Dec-03-2019

    What's New:

    • New Material default Theme

    What's Improved:

    • Optimized CSS files.
    • Simplified CSS styling through CSS Variables.

    Smart UI v5.0.0 Release, Nov-08-2019

    What's New:

    • React demos for all Web Components.
    • Vue demos for all Web Components.
    • Smart.Grid Printing.
    • Smart.Grid Image Export to .PNG and .JPEG.
    • Smart.Grid Data Localization.

    What's Improved:

    • API Documentation for all Web Components.
    • Smart.Grid: Preserve column sorting on datasource update in work.
    • Smart.Grid API: Introduced columnResize and rowResize events, onCellUpdate, onRowUpdate callback function, Localization example.
    • Framework loops rendering with the *items property. It can be bound not only to an Array, but also to a Number now. This means that new HTMLElements will be automatically created depending on a numeric value.

    What's Fixed:

    • Fixed an issue in the Smart.Grid regarding pagination. Pager buttons were not disabled when the dataSource is empty.
    • Fixed an issue in the Smart.Grid regarding pager's responsive rendering.
    • Fixed an issue in the Smart.Grid regarding setting dataAdapter's dataSource property dynamically.
    • Fixed an issue in the Smart.Grid regarding the columnMenu items visibility, enabling and disabling.
    • Fixed an issue in the Smart.Grid regarding the editing of cells and rows when keyboard navigation is enabled.
    • Fixed an issue in the Smart.Grid regarding the handling of the Tab key while the cell is in edit mode.
    • Fixed an issue in the Smart.Grid regarding the column resizing when the resize mode is 'split' and user tries to resize the last column for first time.

    Smart UI v4.6.0 Release, Oct-11-2019

    What's New:

    Smart UI v4.5.0 Release, Sep-19-2019

    What's New:

    • Smart.Grid Charting
    • Data visualization of Grid data in a Chart.
    • Smart.Grid Resize
    • Resize Rows and Columns, when the right-border is double-clicked. The feature is optional.
    • Smart.Grid Cells Wrap. Wrapping of Cells Values is now available as an option.
    • Smart.Grid rowHeight property 'auto' option. Auto-sizes Grid rows based on the contents.
    • Smart.Grid column.width
    • 'auto' option. Automatically calculates the columns width based on the contents.
    • Smart.Grid in TreeGrid mode checkboxes with hierarchical three-state selection.
    • Smart.Grid Column and Row Header Edit. Allows you to change the label of a Header.

    What's Fixed:

    • Fixed an issue with focused value visualization after end edit.
    • Fixed an issue about Slider CSS related to the value visualization.
    • Fixed an issue about Smart.DataAdapter when new items are dynamically added.
    • Fixed an issue about Smart.GanttChart related to its rendering and method invocation.
    • Fixed an issue about smart.elements.js. The file did not include all scripts.
    • Fixed an issue in the Smart.Grid about the clearSelection method when checkboxes selection is enabled.
    • Fixed an issue in the Smart.Grid about the clearSelection method when multiple cells selection is enabled.
    • Fixed an issue in the Smart.Grid about the select method when trying to select a cell with it.
    • Fixed an issue in the Smart.Grid about the edit dialogs not removing after removing the Grid from the DOM.
    • Fixed an issue in the Smart.Grid about the editing when endEdit is called and not all columns are visible.
    • Fixed an issue in the Smart.Grid about dynamically showing/hiding the command column.
    • Fixed an issue in the Smart.Grid about dynamically setting the column's editor property.
    • Fixed an issue in the Smart.Grid about dynamically showing/hiding the addNewRow.
    • Fixed an issue in the Smart.Grid about dynamically setting the 'appearance.autoShowColumnActionButton' property.
    • Fixed an issue in the Smart.Grid about setting rowDetail.height dynamically.
    • Fixed an issue in the Smart.Grid about the grouping when appearance.autoShowColumnActionButton = false is dynamically set.
    • Fixed an issue in the Smart.Grid about dynamically setting header.template.
    • Fixed an issue in the Smart.Grid about using addFilter method.
    • Fixed an issue in the Smart.Grid about addFilter method. Now the method can be called with String param like that: grid.addFilter('lastName','startswith B');
    • Fixed an issue in the Smart.Grid about multiple column nesting.
    • Fixed an issue in the Smart.Grid about data export when clearGroups is called before the data export.
    • Fixed an issue in the Smart.Grid about dynamically setting the row.freeze property.
    • Fixed an issue in the Smart.Grid about setting dynamically the columns property by index. Ex:
    • grid.columns[1] = { label: 'New Last Name', dataField: 'lastName' };
    • Fixed an issue in the Smart.Grid about setting dynamically the checkBoxes.visible property, when TreeGrid is enabled.

    Smart UI v4.4.0 Release, Sep-04-2019

    What's New:

    • Material-based Bootstrap Web Components toolkit.

    What's Improved:

    • Framework Shadow DOM support. Elements which are already in ShadowDOM. The Framework will detect that and these Smart Web Components will not create additional ShadowDOM.
    • All required CSS files for our Web Components are imported automatically, when ShadowDOM is enabled.
    • Grid: Adding multiple rows at once.
    • Grid: getSelection method returns more information about rows, columns and cells selection.

    What's Fixed:

    • Fixed an issue in the BaseElement regarding ShadowDOM support.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about columnGroups rendering, when the columns have no groups set.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about dynamically adding new rows, when the Grid is created with 0 rows.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about Paging navigation when adding new rows.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about duplicate row ids, when insert is used for adding new rows.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about adding new row with selected attribute.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about auto-generate columns from dataSource.

    Smart UI v4.3.0 Release, Aug-28-2019

    What's New:

    • Smart.App is extended with 'formData' and 'jsonData' properties. 'jsonData' gets the raw 'data' object. 'formData' gets a FormData object.
    • Smart.App is extended with 'smart-model' binding to 'Date' objects.
    • >
    • Smart.Grid duplicate columns support.
    • Smart.Grid dataBind method, which allows you to perform a new data bind operation.
    • Smart.DataAdapter dataFields property can be set dynamically.
    • Smart.MaskedTextBox support for [a-zA-Z] mask with the 'y' mask character.

    What's improved:

    • Multiple columns can be added to the Grid with single 'push' or 'splice' method call.
    • Default text editor for numeric columns allows only number input now.
    • Dynamic freezing of columns.

    What's Fixed:

    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about adding new rows, when batch editing is enabled and height is 'auto'.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about adding new columns with existing dataField.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about vertical scrollbar's far button visibility, when rows are added dynamically.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about setting dynamically the dataSource property, when virtual mode is enabled.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about adding new row with auto add and checkbox editing.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about setting selection of rows when virtual scrolling is enabled.

    Smart UI v4.2.0 Release, Aug-26-2019

    What's New:

    • Grid Export to Excel, PDF, HTML, CSV, TSV, JSON
    • Grid Import from Excel.
    • Grid Cells Formatting.

    What's Fixed:

    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about Add new row and auto-height.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about row number column and add new row.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about filtering when new row is added.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about editing of new rows.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about dynamic changing of zooming.

    Smart UI v4.1.0 Release, Aug-09-2019

    What's New:

    • Using with Angular example for each web component.
    • ES6 Modules for each web component. Available in the /modules folder.
    • Application Scenario Grid demos.
    • Color Picker Transparent color box, when in Grid mode.
    • Grid Clipboard Cut, Copy & Paste.
    • Free collection of Bootstrap inspired custom elements.

    What's Improved:

    • Documentation for all components.
    • Added new Grid auto-show checkbox option.
    • Grid Cells Styling performance.

    What's Fixed:

    • Fixed an issue in the Tree about its rendering, when in Checkbox selection mode.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about Paging Spinner.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about Tree Grid Cell Edit.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about row selection, when editing is enabled.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about rendering after column resizing, when the column's new width is larger than the grid's total width.

    Smart UI v4.0.0 Release, Aug-01-2019

    What's New:

    • Gantt Chart Web Component
    • File Upload Web Component
    • DropDownButton Web Component
    • Sortable Web Component
    • Color Panel Web Component
    • Color Picker Web Component
    • Query Builder Web Component
    • Validator Web Component
    • New Button styles
    • New Grid Demos

    What's Fixed:

    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about Cells Selection when there are frozen rows.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about Cells Selection when there is checkbox selection column.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about Cells Editing when the column's template is 'checkBox' and the editor is 'input'.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about Cells Selection Focus when user clicks outside the Grid, the Focus stays in the Grid.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about the rendering, when the columnHeight property is changed dynamically.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about the rendering of Row Headers when Alternation is applied.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about Row/Col resizing and Selection. Selection is not applied when you start resizing a row or column.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about the columnHeader.visible property when it is changed dynamically.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about header and footer templates. No effect when set.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about the columnWidth property when it is changed dynamically.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about the showTooltips property when it is changed dynamically.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about the showRowNumber and showRowHeader properties when changed dynamically.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about the showResizeTooltips property when it is changed dynamically.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about the horizontal scrolling when 'template' is applied to a column.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about the showColumnIcon property when the property is changed dynamically.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about the showColumnDescriptionButton property when the property is changed dynamically.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about the showSortColumnBackground property when the property is changed dynamically.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about the showFilterColumnBackground property when the property is changed dynamically.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about the Filtering when the Grid has frozen rows, the rows that did not match the filter were not rendered correctly.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about the showVerticalScrollBarOnFixedColumns property when it is changed dynamically.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about the allowColumnSortButtonAnimation when the property is changed dynamically.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about the sorting of boolean columns when the dataType is set to 'bool', not to 'boolean'.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about the ensureVisible method and keyboard navigation when there are frozen rows and columns.
    • Fixed an issue in the Grid about the alternation of rows. The alternationEnd was not taken into account.

    Smart UI v3.2.0 Release, June-28-2019

    • Grid Cells Selection
    • Grid Rows Selection
    • Grid Grouping Menu

    Smart UI v3.1.0 Release, May-14-2019

    • Tree Grid
    • Grid Context Menu
    • Grid Grouping

    Smart UI v3.0.0 Release, Apr-18-2019

    • Chart
    • Grid Dialog Edit
    • Grid Batch Edit

    Smart UI v2.4.0 Release, Apr-05-2019

    • Grid Cell Editing
    • Dark Theme for All Components
    • Auto Complete Input Web Component

    Smart UI v2.3.0 Release, Mar-08-2019

    • Grid Web Component Filtering
    • Grid Columns Menu
    • Grid Custom Sort Icons

    Smart UI v2.2.0 Release, Feb-04-2019

    • Table Web Component
    • Grid Columns Resize
    • Grid Columns and Rows Freeze

    Smart UI v2.1.0 Release, Jan-02-2019

    • New Grid Paging options
    • Bug Fixes
    • CSS Variables for easier styling

    Smart UI v2.0.0 Release, Dec-03-2018

    • Grid
    • Tree
    • Splitter

    Smart UI v1.0.0 Release, Mar-19-2018

    The first version of the package includes:

    • Button
    • Toggle Button
    • Repeat Button
    • Power Button
    • Tank
    • Slider
    • Gauge
    • DropDownList
    • ComboBox
    • ListBox
    • Tooltip
    • Window
    • Menu
    • Tabs
    • ListMenu
    • ScrollBar
    • MultiSplitButton
    • TextBox
    • PasswordTextBox
    • MaskedTextBox
    • NumericTextBox