Blazor PivotTable - Data Export

Blazor Smart.PivotTable Export

Setup The Project

Follow the Getting Started guide to set up your Blazor Application with Smart UI.

Setup the Blazor Smart.PivotTable

Follow the Get Started with Smart.PivotTable guide to set up the component.

Data Export

The PivotTable's data can be exported to a wide variety of file formats:

  • CSV
  • HTML
  • JSON
  • PDF
  • TSV
  • XLSX
  • XML
by calling the element's method ExportData, e.g:
    PivotTable pivotTable;
    private async void OnPDFClick()
        await pivotTable.ExportData("pdf");


Here is a full example of Pivot Table Data Export:

@using Smart.Blazor.Demos.Data;
@inject RandomDataService RandomDataService

    <PivotTable @ref="pivotTable" DataSource="Data" FreezeHeader KeyboardNavigation RowTotals Columns="@columns" />

    <div class="options">
        <div class="option">
            <Button Id="csv" OnClick="OnCSVClick">Export to CSV</Button>
        <div class="option">
            <Button Id="html" OnClick="OnHTMLClick">Export to HTML</Button>
        <div class="option">
            <Button Id="json" OnClick="OnJSONClick">Export to JSON</Button>
        <div class="option">
            <Button Id="pdf" OnClick="OnPDFClick">Export to PDF</Button>
        <div class="option">
            <Button Id="tsv" OnClick="OnTSVClick">Export to TSV</Button>
        <div class="option">
            <Button Id="xlsx" OnClick="OnXLSXClick">Export to XLSX</Button>
        <div class="option">
            <Button Id="xml" OnClick="OnXMLClick">Export to XML</Button>

@code {
    PivotTable pivotTable;

    List<PivotTableColumn> columns = new List<PivotTableColumn>()
        new PivotTableColumn()
            Label = "Last Name",
            DataField = "LastName",
            DataType = PivotTableColumnDataType.String,
            AllowRowGroup = true,
            RowGroup = true
        new PivotTableColumn()
            Label = "First Name",
            DataField = "FirstName",
            DataType = PivotTableColumnDataType.String,
            AllowRowGroup = true,
            RowGroup = true
        new PivotTableColumn()
            Label = "Product Name",
            DataField = "ProductName",
            DataType = PivotTableColumnDataType.String,
            AllowPivot = true,
            Pivot = true
        new PivotTableColumn()
            Label = "Quantity",
            DataField = "Quantity",
            DataType = PivotTableColumnDataType.Number,
            Summary = PivotTableColumnSummary.Sum,
            SummarySettings = new
                align = "center"
        new PivotTableColumn()
            Label = "Price",
            DataField = "Price",
            DataType = PivotTableColumnDataType.Number,
            Summary = PivotTableColumnSummary.Sum,
            SummarySettings = new
                prefix = "$",
                decimalPlaces = 2
        new PivotTableColumn()
            Label = "Date Purchased",
            DataField = "TimeOfPurchase",
            DataType = PivotTableColumnDataType.Date

    public DataRecord[] Data;

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        Data = await RandomDataService.GetDataAsync(50);

    private async void OnCSVClick()
        await pivotTable.ExportData("csv");

    private async void OnHTMLClick()
        await pivotTable.ExportData("html");

    private async void OnJSONClick()
        await pivotTable.ExportData("json");

    private async void OnPDFClick()
        await pivotTable.ExportData("pdf");

    private async void OnTSVClick()
        await pivotTable.ExportData("tsv");

    private async void OnXLSXClick()
        await pivotTable.ExportData("xlsx");

    private async void OnXMLClick()
        await pivotTable.ExportData("xml");