Blazor - Two-Way Data Binding

Blazor - Two-Way Data Binding

Setup The Project

Follow the Getting Started guide to set up your Blazor Application with Smart UI.

Two-Way Data Binding

Smart Blazor components support two-way data binding. You can read more about it in the Blazor data binding guide. This means you can use the @bind attribute to implement binding between a component's property and a data field.

The following code uses the @bind-Value attribute to bind an Input's Value property to an inputValue string variable. When the editor is rendered, the property's value comes from the bound field. When a user changes the input value, the property's value is updated.

    <Input @bind-Value="@inputValue" Placeholder="Some Text..." />

    <h3>Input Value: @inputValue </h3>

    @code {
     	string inputValue = "";

The equivalent without using the @bind-Text attribute is:

    <Input @ref="input" Value="@inputValue" Placeholder="Some Text..." OnKeyUp="OnKeyUp" />
    <h3>Input Value: @inputValue </h3>

    @code {
        Input input;

        string inputValue = "";

        private void OnKeyUp()
            inputValue = input.Value;
Without @bind-Text attribute you have to handle the OnKeyUp event explicitly and update the inputValue property manually.

Examples with Two-Way Data Binding

  • Checkbox

    <CheckBox @bind-Checked="@CheckBoxValue">Check Box</CheckBox>
    <h3>Check box value: @CheckBoxValue </h3>
    @code {
      public bool CheckBoxValue = true;
  • Combobox

    @using Smart.Blazor.Demos.Data
    @inject WeatherForecastService ForecastService
    @if (forecasts == null)
      <h2>Forecasts Summary</h2>
      <ComboBox @bind-SelectedIndexes="@SelectedIndex">
        @foreach (var forecast in forecasts)
          <ListItem Label="@forecast.Summary.Trim()"></ListItem>
      <h3>  The Selected index is: @SelectedIndex[0]  </h3>
    @code {
      private WeatherForecast[] forecasts;
      int[] SelectedIndex = new int[]{ 1 };
      protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        forecasts = await ForecastService.GetForecastAsync(DateTime.Now);
  • <DropDownList  @bind-SelectedValues="@DropDownListBoxValue" DataSource="Items" />
    <h3>DropDownList selected value: @DropDownListBoxValue[0] </h3>
    @code {
        public string[] Items = new[]
        public string[] DropDownListBoxValue=new string[] { "Three" };
  • NumberInput

    <NumberInput @bind-Value=@inputValue Placeholder="Please Enter a Number" />
    <h3>Enter a number: @inputValue  </h3>
    @code {
        string inputValue=  "1233";
  • TextArea

    <TextArea @bind-Value=@TextAreaValue />
    <h3>Enter new text: @TextAreaValue  </h3>
    @code {
        string TextAreaValue =  "Your text";        