Blazor - Get Started with FileUpload

Blazor - Get Started with Smart.FileUpload

Setup The Project

Follow the Getting Started guide to set up your Blazor Application with Smart UI.

Setup Basic FileUpload

Smart.FileUpload is a custom input element that allows uploading one or multiple files.

  1. Add the FileUpload component to the Pages/Index.razor file. Attached files can be uploaded or removed:
  2. To upload multiple files set the Multiple property. Users can choose to upload all attached files at once or one by one.
      <FileUpload Multiple></FileUpload>
Basic file upload

Drop Zone

Setting the DropZone property, creates an area where users can drag & drop files.

<FileUpload Multiple DropZone="true"></FileUpload>
File upload dropzone

Custom Container

The file list and the drop zone can be moved to a custom container by setting the AppendTo or the DropZone property to the id of the container element

<h3>Attached files:</h3>
<div id="container"></div>
<FileUpload Multiple DropZone="true" AppendTo="@containerId"></FileUpload>

  string containerId = "container";
File upload container

Upload Directory

Setting the Directory property allows users to upload the content of a selected folder.

<FileUpload Multiple Directory></FileUpload>
File upload directory

File Types

The Accept property of the component sets what type of files can be attached by the user.

<FileUpload Multiple Accept="image/*"></FileUpload>
File upload directory

File Templates

The appearance of the attached files can be modified by creating an item template.
Create a <template> element and set its id to the ItemTemplate property

<template id="file-template">
    <div style="color:red">{{filename}}</div>
<FileUpload Multiple ItemTemplate="@fileTemplate"></FileUpload>
    string fileTemplate = "file-template";
File upload directory

FileUpload Events

Smart.FileUpload provides an multiple events that can help you expand the components' functionality.
Each event has unique event.details providing additional data

  • OnFileSelected - triggered when a file has been selected.
    Event Details: dynamic filename, dynamic type, dynamic size, int index
  • OnUploadCanceled - triggered when a file has been selected.
    Event Details: dynamic filename, dynamic type, dynamic size, int index, dynamic status
  • OnUploadCompleted - triggered when a file has been selected.
    Event Details: dynamic filename, dynamic type, dynamic size, int index, dynamic status
  • OnUploadError - triggered when a file has been selected.
    Event Details: dynamic filename, dynamic type, dynamic size, int index
  • OnUploadPaused - triggered when a file has been selected.
    Event Details: dynamic filename, dynamic type, dynamic size, int index
  • OnUploadStarted - triggered when a file has been selected.
    Event Details: dynamic filename, dynamic type, dynamic size, int index
  • OnValidationError - triggered when a file has been selected.
    Event Details: dynamic filename, dynamic type, dynamic size

The demo below uses the OnFileSelected Event to show relevant information about the file size:

<div style="min-height:40px">@message</div>
<FileUpload Multiple OnFileSelected="OnFileSelected"></FileUpload>

  string message = "";
  private void OnFileSelected(Event ev){
      FileUploadFileSelectedEventDetail detail = ev["Detail"];
      message = $"{detail.Filename} is a {detail.Type}. The size is {detail.Size/1000} KB";
File upload OnFileSelected event