Slider JAVASCRIPT UI Component API

Slider Javascript API



Sliders allow users to make selections from a range of values.




AanimationSets or gets the animation mode. Animation is disabled when the property is set to 'none'
CcoerceWith the coerce property true and clicking the track, the thumb and value are moved and set to the nearest value allowed by the interval property.
CcustomIntervalSets or gets whether custom ticks at (possibly) uneven interval will be plotted. The ticks to be plotted are defined with the property customTicks.
CcustomTicksIf customInterval is enabled, sets a list of ticks to be plotted. If coerce is set to true, the value will snap to these ticks. Click for more details. Property object's options:
    DdateLabelFormatStringSets or gets the pattern which labels are displayed in when mode is 'date'.
    DdecimalSeparatorSets or gets the char to use as the decimal separator in numeric values.
    DdisabledEnables or disables the widget.
    EenableMouseWheelActionEnables or disables incrementing/decrementing the value using the mouse wheel in smartSlider.
    IintervalDetermines what values the thumb snaps to.
    IinvertedSets the direction of the slider. If is true - positions of the slider's begin and end are changed.
    LlabelFormatFunctionA callback function that can be used to format the values displayed on the slider labels and tooltip.
    LlabelsVisibilitySets or gets the widget's label visibility.
    LlocaleSets or gets the locale. Used in conjunction with the property messages.
    LlocalizeFormatFunctionCallback, related to localization module.
    LlogarithmicScaleEnables or disables the usage of logarithmic scale in the widget.
    MmaxSets or gets the maximum value of the widget.
    MmechanicalActionSets or gets the type of used mechanical action.
    MmessagesSets or gets an object specifying strings used in the widget that can be localized. Used in conjunction with the property locale.
    MminSets or gets the minimum value of the widget.
    MmodeSets or gets whether the widget works with numbers or dates.
    NnameSets or gets the element's name, which is used as a reference when the data is submitted.
    OorientationSets the orientation of the widget.
    PprecisionDigitsDetermines the number of digits after the decimal point. Applicable only when scaleType is 'integer'.
    RrangeSliderEnables or disables the slider to be in range mode. If is set to true, the range is represented between two thumbs.
    RreadonlyWhen the slider is read only the users cannot drag or click in the fill of the slider.
    RrightToLeftSets or gets the value indicating whether the element is aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts.
    SscalePositionSets the position of the widget's scales.
    SscaleTypeSets the type of the slider's scale.
    SscientificNotationEnables or disables scientific notation.
    SshowButtonsEnables or disables displaying of the buttons.
    SshowThumbLabelEnables or disables displaying of the thumb label.
    SshowTooltipEnables or disables displaying of the tooltip.
    SshowUnitEnables or disables displaying of the units.
    SsignificantDigitsDetermining how many significant digits are in a number. Applicable only when scaleType is 'integer'.
    TthemeSets or gets the element's visual theme.
    TthumbLabelPositionSets or gets the position of the thumb label.
    TticksPositionSets or gets the position of the ticks in smartSlider widget.
    TticksVisibilitySets or gets the visibility of the ticks.
    TtooltipPositionSets or gets the position of the tooltip in smartSlider widget.
    UunfocusableSets or gets if the element can be focused.
    UunitSets or gets the name of unit used in smartSlider widget.
    VvalidationSets the value's validation by min/max. If 'strict' is applied, the value is always validated by min and max. If 'interaction' is applied, programmatic value changes are not coerced to min/max and if min/max are changed, resulting in the current value being out of range, the value is not coerced, and no change event is fired.
    VvalueSets or gets the value of the smartSlider widget. The property is used when the rangeSlider property is set to false.
    VvaluesSets or gets the value of the smartSlider widget. The property is used when the rangeSlider property is set to true.
    WwordLengthSets or gets the word length. Applicable only when scaleType is 'integer'.


    CchangeThis event is triggered when the value of the slider is changed.


    FfocusFocuses the slider.
    GgetOptimalSizeGets the optimal size of the widget.
    VvalGet/set the value of the slider.


    animation"none" | "simple" | "advanced"

    Sets or gets the animation mode. Animation is disabled when the property is set to 'none'

    Allowed Values

    • "none" - animation is disabled
    • "simple" - ripple animation is disabled
    • "advanced" - all animations are enabled

    Default value



    Set the animation property.

     <smart-slider animation='none'></smart-slider>

    Set the animation property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.animation = 'simple';

    Get the animation property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let animation = slider.animation;


    With the coerce property true and clicking the track, the thumb and value are moved and set to the nearest value allowed by the interval property.

    Default value



    Set the coerce property.

     <smart-slider coerce></smart-slider>

    Set the coerce property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.coerce = false;

    Get the coerce property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let coerce = slider.coerce;


    Sets or gets whether custom ticks at (possibly) uneven interval will be plotted. The ticks to be plotted are defined with the property customTicks.

    Default value



    Set the customInterval property.

     <smart-slider custom-interval></smart-slider>

    Set the customInterval property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.customInterval = false;

    Get the customInterval property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let customInterval = slider.customInterval;


    If customInterval is enabled, sets a list of ticks to be plotted. If coerce is set to true, the value will snap to these ticks.


    Set the customTicks property.

     <smart-slider custom-ticks='[100, 200, 1000, 8000, 10000]'></smart-slider>

    Set the customTicks property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.customTicks = [1, 3, 5, 8];

    Get the customTicks property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let customTicks = slider.customTicks;


    Sets or gets the pattern which labels are displayed in when mode is 'date'.

    Default value



    Set the dateLabelFormatString property.

     <smart-slider date-label-format-string='dddd-MMMM-yyyy'></smart-slider>

    Set the dateLabelFormatString property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.dateLabelFormatString = 'FP';

    Get the dateLabelFormatString property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let dateLabelFormatString = slider.dateLabelFormatString;


    Sets or gets the char to use as the decimal separator in numeric values.

    Default value



    Set the decimalSeparator property.

     <smart-slider decimal-separator=','></smart-slider>

    Set the decimalSeparator property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.decimalSeparator = '.';

    Get the decimalSeparator property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let decimalSeparator = slider.decimalSeparator;


    Enables or disables the widget.

    Default value



    Set the disabled property.

     <smart-slider disabled></smart-slider>

    Set the disabled property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.disabled = false;

    Get the disabled property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let disabled = slider.disabled;


    Enables or disables incrementing/decrementing the value using the mouse wheel in smartSlider.

    Default value



    Set the enableMouseWheelAction property.

     <smart-slider enable-mouse-wheel-action></smart-slider>

    Set the enableMouseWheelAction property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.enableMouseWheelAction = false;

    Get the enableMouseWheelAction property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let enableMouseWheelAction = slider.enableMouseWheelAction;

    intervalstring | number

    Determines what values the thumb snaps to.

    Default value



    Set the interval property.

     <smart-slider interval='2'></smart-slider>

    Set the interval property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.interval = 3;

    Get the interval property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let interval = slider.interval;


    Sets the direction of the slider. If is true - positions of the slider's begin and end are changed.

    Default value



    Set the inverted property.

     <smart-slider inverted></smart-slider>

    Set the inverted property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.inverted = false;

    Get the inverted property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let inverted = slider.inverted;

    labelFormatFunctionfunction | null

    A callback function that can be used to format the values displayed on the slider labels and tooltip.


    Set the labelFormatFunction property.

     <smart-slider label-format-function='function (value) { return value + '%'; }'></smart-slider>

    Set the labelFormatFunction property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.labelFormatFunction = function (value) { return value + '$'; };

    Get the labelFormatFunction property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let labelFormatFunction = slider.labelFormatFunction;

    labelsVisibility"all" | "endPoints" | "none"

    Sets or gets the widget's label visibility.

    Default value



    Set the labelsVisibility property.

     <smart-slider labels-visibility='endPoints'></smart-slider>

    Set the labelsVisibility property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.labelsVisibility = 'none';

    Get the labelsVisibility property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let labelsVisibility = slider.labelsVisibility;


    Sets or gets the locale. Used in conjunction with the property messages.

    Default value



    Set the locale property.

     <smart-slider locale='de'></smart-slider>

    Set the locale property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.locale = 'fr';

    Get the locale property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let locale = slider.locale;

    localizeFormatFunctionfunction | null

    Callback, related to localization module.


    Set the localizeFormatFunction property.

     <smart-slider localize-format-function='function(){return '...'}'></smart-slider>

    Set the localizeFormatFunction property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.localizeFormatFunction = function(){return '...'};

    Get the localizeFormatFunction property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let localizeFormatFunction = slider.localizeFormatFunction;


    Enables or disables the usage of logarithmic scale in the widget.

    Default value



    Set the logarithmicScale property.

     <smart-slider logarithmic-scale></smart-slider>

    Set the logarithmicScale property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.logarithmicScale = false;

    Get the logarithmicScale property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let logarithmicScale = slider.logarithmicScale;

    maxstring | number

    Sets or gets the maximum value of the widget.

    Default value



    Set the max property.

     <smart-slider max='20'></smart-slider>

    Set the max property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.max = 50;

    Get the max property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let max = slider.max;

    mechanicalAction"switchUntilReleased" | "switchWhenReleased" | "switchWhileDragging"

    Sets or gets the type of used mechanical action.

    Default value



    Set the mechanicalAction property.

     <smart-slider mechanical-action='switchWhenReleased'></smart-slider>

    Set the mechanicalAction property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.mechanicalAction = 'switchUntilReleased';

    Get the mechanicalAction property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let mechanicalAction = slider.mechanicalAction;


    Sets or gets an object specifying strings used in the widget that can be localized. Used in conjunction with the property locale.

    Default value

    "en": {

    "propertyUnknownType": "'{{name}}' property is with undefined 'type' member!",

    "propertyInvalidValue": "Invalid '{{name}}' property value! Actual value: {{actualValue}}, Expected value: {{value}}!",

    "propertyInvalidValueType": "Invalid '{{name}}' property value type! Actual type: {{actualType}}, Expected type: {{type}}!",

    "elementNotInDOM": "Element does not exist in DOM! Please, add the element to the DOM, before invoking a method.",

    "moduleUndefined": "Module is undefined.",

    "missingReference": "{{elementType}}: Missing reference to {{files}}.",

    "htmlTemplateNotSuported": "{{elementType}}: Browser doesn't support HTMLTemplate elements.",

    "invalidTemplate": "{{elementType}}: '{{property}}' property accepts a string that must match the id of an HTMLTemplate element from the DOM.",

    "significantPrecisionDigits": "{{elementType}}: the properties significantDigits and precisionDigits cannot be set at the same time.",

    "invalidMinOrMax": "{{elementType}}: Invalid {{property}} value. Max cannot be lower than Min.",

    "noInteger": "{{elementType}}: precisionDigits could be set only on \"floatingPoint\" scaleType."



    Set the messages property.

     <smart-slider messages='{"de":{"propertyUnknownType":"Die Eigenschaft '{{name}}' hat ein nicht definiertes 'type'-Member!","propertyInvalidValue":"Ungultiger Eigenschaftswert '{{name}}'! Aktueller Wert: {{actualValue}}, Erwarteter Wert: {{value}}!","propertyInvalidValueType":"Ungultiger Eigenschaftswert '{{name}}'! Aktueller Wert: {{actualType}}, Erwarteter Wert: {{type}}!","elementNotInDOM":"Element existiert nicht in DOM! Bitte fugen Sie das Element zum DOM hinzu, bevor Sie eine Methode aufrufen.","moduleUndefined":"Modul ist nicht definiert.","missingReference":"{{elementType}}: Fehlender Verweis auf {{files}}.","htmlTemplateNotSuported":"{{elementType}}: Browser unterstutzt keine HTMLTemplate-Elemente.","invalidTemplate":"{{elementType}}: '{{property}}' Die Eigenschaft akzeptiert eine Zeichenfolge, die mit der ID eines HTMLTemplate-Elements aus dem DOM ubereinstimmen muss.","significantPrecisionDigits":"{{elementType}}: Die Eigenschaften significantDigits und precisionDigits konnen nicht gleichzeitig eingestellt werden.","invalidMinOrMax":"{{elementType}}: Ungultiger Wert {{property}} Max kann nicht niedriger sein als Min.","noInteger":"{{elementType}}: precisionDigits konnte nur fur \"floatingPoint\" scaleType festgelegt werden."}}'></smart-slider>

    Set the messages property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.messages = {"en":{"propertyUnknownType":"'{{name}}' property is with undefined 'type' member!","propertyInvalidValue":"Invalid '{{name}}' property value! Actual value: {{actualValue}}, Expected value: {{value}}!","propertyInvalidValueType":"Invalid '{{name}}' property value type! Actual type: {{actualType}}, Expected type: {{type}}!","elementNotInDOM":"Element does not exist in DOM! Please, add the element to the DOM, before invoking a method.","moduleUndefined":"Module is undefined.","missingReference":"{{elementType}}: Missing reference to {{files}}.","htmlTemplateNotSuported":"{{elementType}}: Browser doesn't support HTMLTemplate elements.","invalidTemplate":"{{elementType}}: '{{property}}' property accepts a string that must match the id of an HTMLTemplate element from the DOM.","significantPrecisionDigits":"{{elementType}}: the properties significantDigits and precisionDigits cannot be set at the same time.","invalidMinOrMax":"{{elementType}}: Invalid {{property}} value. Max cannot be lower than Min.","noInteger":"{{elementType}}: precisionDigits could be set only on \"floatingPoint\" scaleType."}};

    Get the messages property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let messages = slider.messages;

    minstring | number

    Sets or gets the minimum value of the widget.

    Default value



    Set the min property.

     <smart-slider min='20'></smart-slider>

    Set the min property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.min = 50;

    Get the min property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let min = slider.min;

    mode"numeric" | "date"

    Sets or gets whether the widget works with numbers or dates.

    Default value



    Set the mode property.

     <smart-slider mode='date'></smart-slider>

    Set the mode property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.mode = 'numeric';

    Get the mode property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let mode = slider.mode;


    Sets or gets the element's name, which is used as a reference when the data is submitted.

    Default value



    Set the name property.

     <smart-slider name='slider1'></smart-slider>

    Set the name property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider'); = 'slider2';

    Get the name property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let name =;

    orientation"horizontal" | "vertical"

    Sets the orientation of the widget.

    Default value



    Set the orientation property.

     <smart-slider orientation='vertical'></smart-slider>

    Set the orientation property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.orientation = 'horizontal';

    Get the orientation property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let orientation = slider.orientation;


    Determines the number of digits after the decimal point. Applicable only when scaleType is 'integer'.


    Set the precisionDigits property.

     <smart-slider precision-digits='5'></smart-slider>

    Set the precisionDigits property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.precisionDigits = 6;

    Get the precisionDigits property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let precisionDigits = slider.precisionDigits;


    Enables or disables the slider to be in range mode. If is set to true, the range is represented between two thumbs.

    Default value



    Set the rangeSlider property.

     <smart-slider range-slider></smart-slider>

    Set the rangeSlider property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.rangeSlider = false;

    Get the rangeSlider property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let rangeSlider = slider.rangeSlider;


    When the slider is read only the users cannot drag or click in the fill of the slider.

    Default value



    Set the readonly property.

     <smart-slider readonly></smart-slider>

    Set the readonly property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.readonly = true;

    Get the readonly property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let readonly = slider.readonly;


    Sets or gets the value indicating whether the element is aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts.

    Default value



    Set the rightToLeft property.

     <smart-slider right-to-left></smart-slider>

    Set the rightToLeft property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.rightToLeft = true;

    Get the rightToLeft property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let rightToLeft = slider.rightToLeft;

    scalePosition"near" | "far" | "both" | "none"

    Sets the position of the widget's scales.

    Default value



    Set the scalePosition property.

     <smart-slider scale-position='far'></smart-slider>

    Set the scalePosition property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.scalePosition = 'both';

    Get the scalePosition property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let scalePosition = slider.scalePosition;

    scaleType"floatingPoint" | "integer"

    Sets the type of the slider's scale.

    Default value



    Set the scaleType property.

     <smart-slider scale-type='integer'></smart-slider>

    Set the scaleType property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.scaleType = 'floatingPoint';

    Get the scaleType property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let scaleType = slider.scaleType;


    Enables or disables scientific notation.

    Default value



    Set the scientificNotation property.

     <smart-slider scientific-notation></smart-slider>

    Set the scientificNotation property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.scientificNotation = true;

    Get the scientificNotation property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let scientificNotation = slider.scientificNotation;


    Enables or disables displaying of the buttons.

    Default value



    Set the showButtons property.

     <smart-slider show-buttons></smart-slider>

    Set the showButtons property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.showButtons = false;

    Get the showButtons property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let showButtons = slider.showButtons;


    Enables or disables displaying of the thumb label.

    Default value



    Set the showThumbLabel property.

     <smart-slider show-thumb-label></smart-slider>

    Set the showThumbLabel property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.showThumbLabel = true;

    Get the showThumbLabel property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let showThumbLabel = slider.showThumbLabel;


    Enables or disables displaying of the tooltip.

    Default value



    Set the showTooltip property.

     <smart-slider show-tooltip></smart-slider>

    Set the showTooltip property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.showTooltip = false;

    Get the showTooltip property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let showTooltip = slider.showTooltip;


    Enables or disables displaying of the units.

    Default value



    Set the showUnit property.

     <smart-slider show-unit></smart-slider>

    Set the showUnit property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.showUnit = false;

    Get the showUnit property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let showUnit = slider.showUnit;


    Determining how many significant digits are in a number. Applicable only when scaleType is 'integer'.


    Set the significantDigits property.

     <smart-slider significant-digits='1'></smart-slider>

    Set the significantDigits property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.significantDigits = 2;

    Get the significantDigits property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let significantDigits = slider.significantDigits;


    Sets or gets the element's visual theme.

    Default value



    Set the theme property.

     <smart-slider theme='material'></smart-slider>

    Set the theme property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.theme = 'material-purple';

    Get the theme property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let theme = slider.theme;

    thumbLabelPosition"near" | "far"

    Sets or gets the position of the thumb label.

    Default value



    Set the thumbLabelPosition property.

     <smart-slider thumb-label-position='far'></smart-slider>

    Set the thumbLabelPosition property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.thumbLabelPosition = 'near';

    Get the thumbLabelPosition property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let thumbLabelPosition = slider.thumbLabelPosition;

    ticksPosition"scale" | "track"

    Sets or gets the position of the ticks in smartSlider widget.

    Default value



    Set the ticksPosition property.

     <smart-slider ticks-position='track'></smart-slider>

    Set the ticksPosition property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.ticksPosition = 'scale';

    Get the ticksPosition property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let ticksPosition = slider.ticksPosition;

    ticksVisibility"major" | "minor" | "none"

    Sets or gets the visibility of the ticks.

    Default value



    Set the ticksVisibility property.

     <smart-slider ticks-visibility='major'></smart-slider>

    Set the ticksVisibility property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.ticksVisibility = 'none';

    Get the ticksVisibility property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let ticksVisibility = slider.ticksVisibility;

    tooltipPosition"near" | "far"

    Sets or gets the position of the tooltip in smartSlider widget.

    Default value



    Set the tooltipPosition property.

     <smart-slider tooltip-position='far'></smart-slider>

    Set the tooltipPosition property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.tooltipPosition = 'near';

    Get the tooltipPosition property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let tooltipPosition = slider.tooltipPosition;


    Sets or gets if the element can be focused.

    Default value



    Set the unfocusable property.

     <smart-slider unfocusable></smart-slider>

    Set the unfocusable property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.unfocusable = false;

    Get the unfocusable property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let unfocusable = slider.unfocusable;


    Sets or gets the name of unit used in smartSlider widget.

    Default value



    Set the unit property.

     <smart-slider unit='mm'></smart-slider>

    Set the unit property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.unit = 'cm';

    Get the unit property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let unit = slider.unit;

    validation"strict" | "interaction"

    Sets the value's validation by min/max. If 'strict' is applied, the value is always validated by min and max. If 'interaction' is applied, programmatic value changes are not coerced to min/max and if min/max are changed, resulting in the current value being out of range, the value is not coerced, and no change event is fired.

    Default value



    Set the validation property.

     <smart-slider validation='strict'></smart-slider>

    Set the validation property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.validation = 'interaction';

    Get the validation property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let validation = slider.validation;


    Sets or gets the value of the smartSlider widget. The property is used when the rangeSlider property is set to false.

    Default value



    Set the value property.

     <smart-slider value='50'></smart-slider>

    Set the value property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.value = 100;

    Get the value property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let value = slider.value;


    Sets or gets the value of the smartSlider widget. The property is used when the rangeSlider property is set to true.


    Set the values property.

     <smart-slider values='['10', '50']'></smart-slider>

    Set the values property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.values = ['20', '70'];

    Get the values property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let values = slider.values;

    wordLength"int8" | "uint8" | "int16" | "uint16" | "int32" | "uint32" | "int64" | "uint64"

    Sets or gets the word length. Applicable only when scaleType is 'integer'.

    Default value



    Set the wordLength property.

     <smart-slider word-length='int8'></smart-slider>

    Set the wordLength property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     slider.wordLength = 'int16';

    Get the wordLength property.

     const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
     let wordLength = slider.wordLength;



    This event is triggered when the value of the slider is changed.

    • Bubbles Yes
    • Cancelable No
    • Interface CustomEvent
    • Event handler property onChange


    ev.detail.value - A numeric value indicating the scroll position.
    ev.detail.oldValue - A numeric value indicating the previous scroll position.



    Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


    boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


    The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


    The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


    Set up the event handler of change event.

    const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
    slider.addEventListener('change', function (event) {
        const detail = event.detail,
            value = detail.value,
            oldValue = detail.oldValue;
    	// event handling code goes here.


    focus(): void

    Focuses the slider.

    Invoke the focus method.

    const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');

    getOptimalSize(): object

    Gets the optimal size of the widget.


    Invoke the getOptimalSize method.

    const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
    const result = slider.getOptimalSize();

    val( value?: string | number | number[] | string[]): string

    Get/set the value of the slider.


    value?string | number | number[] | string[]

    The value to be set. If no parameter is passed, returns the displayed value of the slider.


    Invoke the val method.

    const slider = document.querySelector('smart-slider');
    const result = slider.val("10");

    CSS Variables


    Default value


    smartSlider default width


    Default value


    smartSlider default height


    Default value


    smartSlider track size. Horizontal track height = Vertical track width


    Default value


    smartSlider thumb width


    Default value


    smartSlider thumb height


    Default value


    smartSlider tooltip width


    Default value


    smartSlider tooltip height


    Default value


    smartSlider spin buttons width


    Default value


    smartSlider spin buttons height


    Default value


    smartSlider tick size. Horizontal Slider tick height = Vertical Slider tick width.


    Default value


    smartSlider minor tick size. Horizontal Slider minor tick height = Vertical Slider minor tick width.


    Default value


    Top-right border radius of smartSlider thumb


    Default value


    Top-left border radius of smartSlider thumb


    Default value


    Bottom-left border radius of smartSlider thumb


    Default value


    Bottom-right border radius of smartSlider thumb