CardView JAVASCRIPT UI Component API

CardView Javascript API



CardView creates Card-based layout. Supports Filtering, Sorting, Grouping, Editing and UI Virtualization.




AaddNewButtonToggles the button for adding new cards.
AallowDragAllows reordering by dragging cards.
AanimationSets or gets the animation mode. Animation is disabled when the property is set to 'none'
CcardHeightDescribes the height for each card.
CcellOrientationDescribes the orientation of the card cells.
CcollapsibleAllows collapsing the card content.
CcolumnsDescribes the columns properties:label - Sets the column namedataField - Sets the dataField nameicon - Sets the icon for the columnformatSettings - Sets the settings about the format for the current columnformatFunction - Function for customizing the value Click for more details. Property object's options:
  • dataField:string - Sets or gets the column's data source bound field.
  • dataType:string - Sets or gets the column's data type.
  • icon:any - Sets or gets the column's icon. Expects CSS class name.
  • image:boolean - Sets or gets the column's image visibility.
  • label:string - Sets or gets the text displayed in the column's header.
  • visible:boolean - Sets or gets whether the column is visible. Set the property to 'false' to hide the column.
  • formatFunction:{ (settings: { template?: string, column?: any, record?: any, value?: any }): any } - Sets or gets the column's format function.
  • formatSettings:any - Sets or gets the column's format settings. You can use any of the build in formatting options or to NumberFormat object like that: 'Intl: { NumberFormat: { style: \'currency\', currency: \'EUR\' }}' or DateTimeFormat object like that: 'Intl: { DateTimeFormat: { dateStyle: \'full\' }}''
  • Property object's options:
    CcoverFieldDescribes which data field to be set as cover.
    CcoverModeDescribes the cover image fit property.
    DdataSourceDetermines the data source for the item that will be displayed inside the card.
    DdataSourceSettingsSets the grid's data source settings when the dataSource property is set to an Array or URL. Click for more details. Property object's options:
    • autoGenerateColumns:boolean - Sets or gets whether a column will be auto-generated.
    • childrenDataField:string - Sets or gets a children data field like 'children', 'items' in the data source. When this property is set, the dataAdapter will look for this data field when looping through the items. If it is found a hierarchical data source would be created.
    • root:string - Sets or gets the XML binding root.
    • sanitizeHTML:string - Sets or gets the XML binding root.
    • record:string - Sets or gets the XML binding record.
    • groupBy:string[] - Sets or gets the data fields to group by.
    • dataFields:{name: string, dataType: string}[] | string[] - Sets or gets the data fields which decribe the loaded data and data type. Ex: ['id: number', 'firstName: string', 'lastName: string']
    • Property object's options:
      • name:string - Sets the dataField name.
      • map:string - Sets the dataField mapping path. For nested mapping, use '.'. Example: 'name.firstName'.
      • dataType:string - Sets the dataField type.
    • dataSourceType:string - Sets or gets whether the data source type.
    • id:string - Sets or gets the dataAdapter's id
    • keyDataField:string - Sets or gets the key data field to be used for building the hierarchy. It is used in combination with the parentDataField property. Usually the 'id' field is used as key data field and 'parentId' as parent data field'
    • parentDataField:string - Sets or gets the parent data field to be used for building the hierarchy. It is used in combination with the keyDataField property. Usually the 'id' field is used as key data field and 'parentId' as parent data field'
    • mapChar:string - Sets the 'mapChar' data field of the record
    • virtualDataSource:any - Sets the virtual data source function which is called each time the Grid requests data. Demos using 'virtualDataSource' are available on the Grid demos page.
    • virtualDataSourceOnExpand:any - Sets the virtual data source on expand function. This function is called when we load data on demand in Tree or TreeGrid and virtualDataSource in these components is set, too
    EeditableAllows the edit option for the cards.
    HheaderPositionSets or gets the header position. The header contains the Customize, Filter, Sort, and Search buttons.
    LlocaleSets or gets the locale. Used in conjunction with the property messages.
    MmessagesSets or gets an object specifying strings used in the widget that can be localized. Used in conjunction with the property locale.
    RrightToLeftSets or gets the value indicating whether the element is aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts.
    TthemeDetermines the theme. Theme defines the look of the element
    SscrollingDescribes the scrolling behavior of the element.
    TtitleFieldDescribes which data field to be set as title.


    FfilterThis event is triggered when a filter has been applied.
    SsortThis event is triggered when sorting has been applied.
    OopenThis event is triggered when the window is opened.
    OopeningThis event is triggered when the window is about to be opened. The opening operation can be canceled by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.
    CcloseThis event is triggered when the window is closed.
    CclosingThis event is triggered when the window is about to be closed. The closing operation can be canceled by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.
    DdragStartThis event is triggered when the user starts dragging the card.
    DdraggingThis event is triggered when the user is dragging the card.
    DdragEndThis event is triggered when the user dragged the card.


    AaddFilterAdds filtering
    AaddRecordAdds a new record
    AaddSortAdds sorting
    BbeginEditBegins an edit operation
    CcancelEditEnds the current edit operation and discards changes
    CclosePanelCloses any open header panel (drop down)
    EendEditEnds the current edit operation and saves changes
    EensureVisibleMakes sure a record is visible by scrolling to it. If succcessful, the method returns the HTML element of the record's card.
    OopenCustomizePanelOpens the "Customize cards" header panel (drop down)
    OopenFilterPanelOpens the "Filter" header panel (drop down)
    OopenSortPanelOpens the "Sort" header panel (drop down)
    RremoveFilterRemoves filtering
    RremoveRecordRemoves a record
    RremoveSortRemoves sorting
    SshowColumnShows a column



    Toggles the button for adding new cards.

    Default value



    Set the addNewButton property.

     <smart-card-view add-new-button></smart-card-view>

    Set the addNewButton property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     cardview.addNewButton = false;

    Get the addNewButton property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let addNewButton = cardview.addNewButton;


    Allows reordering by dragging cards.

    Default value



    Set the allowDrag property.

     <smart-card-view allow-drag></smart-card-view>

    Set the allowDrag property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     cardview.allowDrag = false;

    Get the allowDrag property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let allowDrag = cardview.allowDrag;

    animation"none" | "simple" | "advanced"

    Sets or gets the animation mode. Animation is disabled when the property is set to 'none'

    Allowed Values

    • "none" - animation is disabled
    • "simple" - ripple animation is disabled
    • "advanced" - all animations are enabled

    Default value



    Set the animation property.

     <smart-card-view animation='none'></smart-card-view>

    Set the animation property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     cardview.animation = 'simple';

    Get the animation property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let animation = cardview.animation;

    cardHeightnumber | null

    Describes the height for each card.


    Set the cardHeight property.

     <smart-card-view card-height='200'></smart-card-view>

    Set the cardHeight property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     cardview.cardHeight = 500;

    Get the cardHeight property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let cardHeight = cardview.cardHeight;

    cellOrientation"horizontal" | "vertical"

    Describes the orientation of the card cells.

    Default value



    Set the cellOrientation property.

     <smart-card-view cell-orientation='vertical'></smart-card-view>

    Set the cellOrientation property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     cardview.cellOrientation = 'horizontal';

    Get the cellOrientation property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let cellOrientation = cardview.cellOrientation;


    Allows collapsing the card content.

    Default value



    Set the collapsible property.

     <smart-card-view collapsible></smart-card-view>

    Set the collapsible property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     cardview.collapsible = false;

    Get the collapsible property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let collapsible = cardview.collapsible;

    columns{label?: string, dataField?: string, icon?: string, visible?: boolean, image?: boolean, formatSettings?: {formatString: string}, formatFunction?: (settings: {template?: string, column?: any, record?: any, value?:any}) => void}[]

    Describes the columns properties:

    • label - Sets the column name
    • dataField - Sets the dataField name
    • icon - Sets the icon for the column
    • formatSettings - Sets the settings about the format for the current column
    • formatFunction - Function for customizing the value



    Sets or gets the column's data source bound field.

    Default value


    Get the dataField property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let dataField = cardview.columns[0].dataField;

    dataType"string" | "date" | "boolean" | "number" | "array" | "any"

    Sets or gets the column's data type.

    Default value


    Get the dataType property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let dataType = cardview.columns[0].dataType;


    Sets or gets the column's icon. Expects CSS class name.

    Default value


    Get the icon property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let icon = cardview.columns[0].icon;


    Sets or gets the column's image visibility.

    Default value


    Get the image property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let image = cardview.columns[0].image;


    Sets or gets the text displayed in the column's header.

    Default value


    Get the label property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let label = cardview.columns[0].label;


    Sets or gets whether the column is visible. Set the property to 'false' to hide the column.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let visible = cardview.columns[0].visible;

    formatFunction{ (settings: { template?: string, column?: any, record?: any, value?: any }): any }

    Sets or gets the column's format function.

    Get the formatFunction property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let formatFunction = cardview.columns[0].formatFunction;


    Sets or gets the column's format settings. You can use any of the build in formatting options or to NumberFormat object like that: 'Intl: { NumberFormat: { style: \'currency\', currency: \'EUR\' }}' or DateTimeFormat object like that: 'Intl: { DateTimeFormat: { dateStyle: \'full\' }}''

    The formatSettings property's object value may have the following properties:
    • decimalPlaces: number - Sets the decimal places.
    • negativeWithBrackets: boolean - Sets the negativeWithBrackets property. Displays brackets around negative numbers
    • prefix: string - Sets the prefix of the formatted value.
    • sufix: string - Sets the sufix of the formatted value.
    • thousandsSeparator: number - Sets the thousands separator.
    • dateFormat: string - Sets the date format string.

    Get the formatSettings property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let formatSettings = cardview.columns[0].formatSettings;


    Set the columns property.

     <smart-card-view columns='{label: "First Name", dataField: "firstName", icon: "firstName" }'></smart-card-view>

    Set the columns property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     cardview.columns = { label: "Time", dataField: "time", icon: "lastName", formatSettings: { "formatString": "hh:mm tt" }, formatFunction: function (settings) { settings.template = settings.value ? '☑' : '☐'; } };

    Get the columns property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let columns = cardview.columns;


    Describes which data field to be set as cover.

    Default value



    Set the coverField property.

     <smart-card-view cover-field='attachments'></smart-card-view>

    Set the coverField property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     cardview.coverField = null;

    Get the coverField property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let coverField = cardview.coverField;

    coverMode"fit" | "crop"

    Describes the cover image fit property.

    Default value



    Set the coverMode property.

     <smart-card-view cover-mode='crop'></smart-card-view>

    Set the coverMode property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     cardview.coverMode = 'fit';

    Get the coverMode property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let coverMode = cardview.coverMode;


    Determines the data source for the item that will be displayed inside the card.


    Set the dataSource property.

     <smart-card-view data-source='["item 1", "item 2"]'></smart-card-view>

    Set the dataSource property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     cardview.dataSource = '["new item 1", "new item 2"]';

    Get the dataSource property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let dataSource = cardview.dataSource;


    Sets the grid's data source settings when the dataSource property is set to an Array or URL.



    Sets or gets whether a column will be auto-generated.

    Default value



    Set the autoGenerateColumns property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     cardview.dataSourceSettings[0].autoGenerateColumns = false;

    Get the autoGenerateColumns property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let autoGenerateColumns = cardview.dataSourceSettings[0].autoGenerateColumns;


    Sets or gets a children data field like 'children', 'items' in the data source. When this property is set, the dataAdapter will look for this data field when looping through the items. If it is found a hierarchical data source would be created.

    Default value



    Set the childrenDataField property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     cardview.dataSourceSettings[0].childrenDataField = 'children';

    Get the childrenDataField property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let childrenDataField = cardview.dataSourceSettings[0].childrenDataField;


    Sets or gets the XML binding root.

    Default value



    Set the root property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     cardview.dataSourceSettings[0].root = 'children';

    Get the root property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let root = cardview.dataSourceSettings[0].root;

    sanitizeHTML"all" | "blackList" | "none"

    Sets or gets the XML binding root.

    Default value



    Set the sanitizeHTML property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     cardview.dataSourceSettings[0].sanitizeHTML = 'blackList';

    Get the sanitizeHTML property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let sanitizeHTML = cardview.dataSourceSettings[0].sanitizeHTML;


    Sets or gets the XML binding record.

    Default value



    Set the record property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     cardview.dataSourceSettings[0].record = 'children';

    Get the record property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let record = cardview.dataSourceSettings[0].record;


    Sets or gets the data fields to group by.

    Default value



    Set the groupBy property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     cardview.dataSourceSettings[0].groupBy = true;

    Get the groupBy property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let groupBy = cardview.dataSourceSettings[0].groupBy;

    dataFields{name: string, dataType: string}[] | string[]

    Sets or gets the data fields which decribe the loaded data and data type. Ex: ['id: number', 'firstName: string', 'lastName: string']



    Sets the dataField name.

    Default value


    Get the name property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let name = cardview.dataSourceSettings[0].dataFields[0].name;


    Sets the dataField mapping path. For nested mapping, use '.'. Example: 'name.firstName'.

    Default value


    Get the map property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let map = cardview.dataSourceSettings[0].dataFields[0].map;

    dataType"string" | "date" | "boolean" | "number" | "array" | "any"

    Sets the dataField type.

    Default value


    Get the dataType property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let dataType = cardview.dataSourceSettings[0].dataFields[0].dataType;


    Set the dataFields property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     cardview.dataSourceSettings[0].dataFields = [id: number];

    Get the dataFields property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let dataFields = cardview.dataSourceSettings[0].dataFields;

    dataSourceType"array" | "json" | "xml" | "csv" | "tsv"

    Sets or gets whether the data source type.

    Default value



    Set the dataSourceType property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     cardview.dataSourceSettings[0].dataSourceType = 'json';

    Get the dataSourceType property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let dataSourceType = cardview.dataSourceSettings[0].dataSourceType;


    Sets or gets the dataAdapter's id

    Default value


    Get the id property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let id = cardview.dataSourceSettings[0].id;


    Sets or gets the key data field to be used for building the hierarchy. It is used in combination with the parentDataField property. Usually the 'id' field is used as key data field and 'parentId' as parent data field'

    Default value



    Set the keyDataField property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     cardview.dataSourceSettings[0].keyDataField = 'uid';

    Get the keyDataField property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let keyDataField = cardview.dataSourceSettings[0].keyDataField;


    Sets or gets the parent data field to be used for building the hierarchy. It is used in combination with the keyDataField property. Usually the 'id' field is used as key data field and 'parentId' as parent data field'

    Default value



    Set the parentDataField property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     cardview.dataSourceSettings[0].parentDataField = 'uid';

    Get the parentDataField property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let parentDataField = cardview.dataSourceSettings[0].parentDataField;


    Sets the 'mapChar' data field of the record

    Default value



    Set the mapChar property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     cardview.dataSourceSettings[0].mapChar = 'uid';

    Get the mapChar property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let mapChar = cardview.dataSourceSettings[0].mapChar;


    Sets the virtual data source function which is called each time the Grid requests data. Demos using 'virtualDataSource' are available on the Grid demos page.

    Get the virtualDataSource property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let virtualDataSource = cardview.dataSourceSettings[0].virtualDataSource;


    Sets the virtual data source on expand function. This function is called when we load data on demand in Tree or TreeGrid and virtualDataSource in these components is set, too

    Get the virtualDataSourceOnExpand property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let virtualDataSourceOnExpand = cardview.dataSourceSettings[0].virtualDataSourceOnExpand;


    Allows the edit option for the cards.

    Default value



    Set the editable property.

     <smart-card-view editable></smart-card-view>

    Set the editable property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     cardview.editable = false;

    Get the editable property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let editable = cardview.editable;

    headerPosition"none" | "top" | "bottom"

    Sets or gets the header position. The header contains the Customize, Filter, Sort, and Search buttons.

    Default value



    Set the headerPosition property.

     <smart-card-view header-position='top'></smart-card-view>

    Set the headerPosition property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     cardview.headerPosition = 'bottom';

    Get the headerPosition property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let headerPosition = cardview.headerPosition;


    Sets or gets the locale. Used in conjunction with the property messages.

    Default value



    Set the locale property.

     <smart-card-view locale='de'></smart-card-view>

    Set the locale property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     cardview.locale = 'fr';

    Get the locale property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let locale = cardview.locale;


    Sets or gets an object specifying strings used in the widget that can be localized. Used in conjunction with the property locale.

    Default value

    "en": {

    "addFilter": "+ Add filter",

    "addImage": "Add",

    "and": "And",

    "apply": "Apply",

    "booleanFirst": "☐",

    "booleanLast": "☑",

    "cancel": "Cancel",

    "CONTAINS": "contains",

    "CONTAINS_CASE_SENSITIVE": "contains (case sensitive)",

    "coverField": "Cover field",

    "crop": "Crop",

    "customizeCards": "Customize cards",

    "dateFirst": "1",

    "dateLast": "9",

    "dateTabLabel": "DATE",

    "DOES_NOT_CONTAIN": "does not contain",

    "DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_CASE_SENSITIVE": "does not contain (case sensitive)",

    "draggedRecord": "Record {{id}}",

    "EMPTY": "empty",

    "ENDS_WITH": "ends with",

    "ENDS_WITH_CASE_SENSITIVE": "ends with (case sensitive)",

    "EQUAL": "equal",

    "EQUAL_CASE_SENSITIVE": "equal (case sensitive)",

    "filter": "Filter",

    "filteredByMultiple": "{{n}} filters",

    "filteredByOne": "1 filter",

    "find": "Find a field",

    "findInView": "Find in view",

    "firstBy": "Sort by",

    "fit": "Fit",

    "found": "{{nth}} of {{n}}",

    "from": "from",

    "GREATER_THAN": "greater than",

    "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL": "greater than or equal",

    "imageUrl": "New image URL:",

    "incorrectStructure": "'dataSource' must be an instance of Smart.DataAdapter or an array of objects with key-value pairs.",

    "LESS_THAN": "less than",

    "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL": "less than or equal",

    "nextRecord": "Next record",

    "noCoverField": "No cover field",

    "noData": "No data to display",

    "noFilters": "No filters applied",

    "noMatches": "No matched records",

    "noSorting": "No sorting applied",

    "noResults": "No results",

    "NOT_EMPTY": "not empty",

    "NOT_EQUAL": "not equal",

    "NOT_NULL": "not null",

    "now": "Now",

    "NULL": "null",

    "numberFirst": "1",

    "numberLast": "9",

    "ok": "OK",

    "or": "Or",

    "pickAnother": "Pick another field to sort by",

    "previousRecord": "Previous record",

    "removeImage": "Remove",

    "sort": "Sort",

    "sortedByMultiple": "Sorted by {{n}} fields",

    "sortedByOne": "Sorted by 1 field",

    "STARTS_WITH": "starts with",

    "STARTS_WITH_CASE_SENSITIVE": "starts with (case sensitive)",

    "stringFirst": "A",

    "stringLast": "Z",

    "thenBy": "then by",

    "timeTabLabel": "TIME",

    "toggleVisibility": "Toggle field visibility",

    "where": "Where"



    Set the messages property.

     <smart-card-view messages='{"en": {"addFilter": "+ Add filter","addImage": "Add","and": "And","apply": "Apply","cancel": "Cancel","CONTAINS": "contains","CONTAINS_CASE_SENSITIVE": "contains (case sensitive)","coverField": "Cover field","crop": "Crop","customizeCards": "Customize cards","dateFirst": "1","dateLast": "9","dateTabLabel": "DATE","DOES_NOT_CONTAIN": "does not contain","DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_CASE_SENSITIVE": "does not contain (case sensitive)","draggedRecord": "Record "{{id}}"","EMPTY": "empty","ENDS_WITH": "ends with","ENDS_WITH_CASE_SENSITIVE": "ends with (case sensitive)","EQUAL": "equal","EQUAL_CASE_SENSITIVE": "equal (case sensitive)","filter": "Filter","filteredByMultiple": ""{{n}}" filters","filteredByOne": "1 filter","find": "Find a field","findInView": "Find in view","firstBy": "Sort by","fit": "Fit","found": ""{{nth}}" of "{{n}}"","from": "from","GREATER_THAN": "greater than","GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL": "greater than or equal","imageUrl": "New image URL:","incorrectStructure": "dataSource" must be an instance of Smart.DataAdapter or an array of objects with key-value pairs.","LESS_THAN": "less than","LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL": "less than or equal","nextRecord": "Next record","noCoverField": "No cover field","noData": "No data to display","noFilters": "No filters applied","noMatches": "No matched records","noSorting": "No sorting applied","noResults": "No results","NOT_EMPTY": "not empty","NOT_EQUAL": "not equal","NOT_NULL": "not null","now": "Now","NULL": "null","numberFirst": "1","numberLast": "9","ok": "OK","or": "Or","pickAnother": "Pick another field to sort by","previousRecord": "Previous record","removeImage": "Remove","sort": "Sort","sortedByMultiple": "Sorted by "{{n}}" fields","sortedByOne": "Sorted by 1 field","STARTS_WITH": "starts with","STARTS_WITH_CASE_SENSITIVE": "starts with (case sensitive)","stringFirst": "A","stringLast": "Z","thenBy": "then by","timeTabLabel": "TIME","toggleVisibility": "Toggle field visibility","where": "Where"}}'></smart-card-view>

    Set the messages property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     cardview.messages = {"de": {"apply": "Anwenden","cancel": "Stornieren"}};

    Get the messages property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let messages = cardview.messages;


    Sets or gets the value indicating whether the element is aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts.

    Default value



    Set the rightToLeft property.

     <smart-card-view right-to-left></smart-card-view>

    Set the rightToLeft property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     cardview.rightToLeft = true;

    Get the rightToLeft property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let rightToLeft = cardview.rightToLeft;


    Determines the theme. Theme defines the look of the element

    Default value



    Set the theme property.

     <smart-card-view theme='blue'></smart-card-view>

    Set the theme property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     cardview.theme = 'red';

    Get the theme property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let theme = cardview.theme;

    scrolling"physical" | "virtual" | "infinite" | "deferred"

    Describes the scrolling behavior of the element.

    Default value



    Set the scrolling property.

     <smart-card-view scrolling='infinite'></smart-card-view>

    Set the scrolling property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     cardview.scrolling = 'deferred';

    Get the scrolling property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let scrolling = cardview.scrolling;


    Describes which data field to be set as title.

    Default value



    Set the titleField property.

     <smart-card-view title-field='firstName'></smart-card-view>

    Set the titleField property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     cardview.titleField = 'lastName';

    Get the titleField property.

     const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
     let titleField = cardview.titleField;



    This event is triggered when a filter has been applied.

    • Bubbles Yes
    • Cancelable No
    • Interface CustomEvent
    • Event handler property onFilter





    Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


    boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


    The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


    The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


    Set up the event handler of filter event.

    const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
    cardview.addEventListener('filter', function (event) {
    	// event handling code goes here.


    This event is triggered when sorting has been applied.

    • Bubbles Yes
    • Cancelable No
    • Interface CustomEvent
    • Event handler property onSort





    Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


    boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


    The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


    The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


    Set up the event handler of sort event.

    const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
    cardview.addEventListener('sort', function (event) {
    	// event handling code goes here.


    This event is triggered when the window is opened.

    • Bubbles Yes
    • Cancelable No
    • Interface CustomEvent
    • Event handler property onOpen





    Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


    boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


    The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


    The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


    Set up the event handler of open event.

    const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
    cardview.addEventListener('open', function (event) {
    	// event handling code goes here.


    This event is triggered when the window is about to be opened. The opening operation can be canceled by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.

    • Bubbles Yes
    • Cancelable Yes
    • Interface CustomEvent
    • Event handler property onOpening





    Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


    boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


    The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


    The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


    Set up the event handler of opening event.

    const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
    cardview.addEventListener('opening', function (event) {
    	// event handling code goes here.


    This event is triggered when the window is closed.

    • Bubbles Yes
    • Cancelable No
    • Interface CustomEvent
    • Event handler property onClose





    Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


    boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


    The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


    The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


    Set up the event handler of close event.

    const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
    cardview.addEventListener('close', function (event) {
    	// event handling code goes here.


    This event is triggered when the window is about to be closed. The closing operation can be canceled by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.

    • Bubbles Yes
    • Cancelable Yes
    • Interface CustomEvent
    • Event handler property onClosing





    Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


    boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


    The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


    The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


    Set up the event handler of closing event.

    const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
    cardview.addEventListener('closing', function (event) {
    	// event handling code goes here.


    This event is triggered when the user starts dragging the card.

    • Bubbles Yes
    • Cancelable Yes
    • Interface CustomEvent
    • Event handler property onDragStart





    Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


    boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


    The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


    The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


    Set up the event handler of dragStart event.

    const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
    cardview.addEventListener('dragStart', function (event) {
    	// event handling code goes here.


    This event is triggered when the user is dragging the card.

    • Bubbles Yes
    • Cancelable Yes
    • Interface CustomEvent
    • Event handler property onDragging





    Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


    boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


    The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


    The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


    Set up the event handler of dragging event.

    const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
    cardview.addEventListener('dragging', function (event) {
    	// event handling code goes here.


    This event is triggered when the user dragged the card.

    • Bubbles Yes
    • Cancelable Yes
    • Interface CustomEvent
    • Event handler property onDragEnd





    Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


    boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


    The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


    The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


    Set up the event handler of dragEnd event.

    const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
    cardview.addEventListener('dragEnd', function (event) {
    	// event handling code goes here.


    addFilter( filters: string[], operator?: string): void

    Adds filtering



    Filter information


    Logical operator between the filters of different fields

    Invoke the addFilter method.

    const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
    cardview.addFilter("[['firstName', filterGroup]], 'and'");

    addRecord( recordId?: number | string, data?: any, position?: string): void

    Adds a new record


    recordId?number | string

    The id of the record to add


    The data of the record to add


    The position to add the record to. Possible values: 'first' and 'last'.

    Invoke the addRecord method.

    const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
    cardview.addRecord("",{"firstName":"Test Name","lastName":"Test Last Name"},"first");

    addSort( dataFields: [] | string, orderBy: [] | string): void

    Adds sorting


    dataFields[] | string

    The data field(s) to sort by

    orderBy[] | string

    The sort direction(s) to sort the data field(s) by

    Invoke the addSort method.

    const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');

    beginEdit( recordId: number | string): void

    Begins an edit operation


    recordIdnumber | string

    The id of the record to edit

    Invoke the beginEdit method.

    const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');

    cancelEdit(): void

    Ends the current edit operation and discards changes

    Invoke the cancelEdit method.

    const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');

    closePanel(): void

    Closes any open header panel (drop down)

    Invoke the closePanel method.

    const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');

    endEdit(): void

    Ends the current edit operation and saves changes

    Invoke the endEdit method.

    const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');

    ensureVisible( recordId: number | string): HTMLElement

    Makes sure a record is visible by scrolling to it. If succcessful, the method returns the HTML element of the record's card.


    recordIdnumber | string

    The id of the record to scroll to


    Invoke the ensureVisible method.

    const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');
    const result = cardview.ensureVisible(5);

    openCustomizePanel(): void

    Opens the "Customize cards" header panel (drop down)

    Invoke the openCustomizePanel method.

    const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');

    openFilterPanel(): void

    Opens the "Filter" header panel (drop down)

    Invoke the openFilterPanel method.

    const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');

    openSortPanel(): void

    Opens the "Sort" header panel (drop down)

    Invoke the openSortPanel method.

    const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');

    removeFilter(): void

    Removes filtering

    Invoke the removeFilter method.

    const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');

    removeRecord( recordId: number | string): void

    Removes a record


    recordIdnumber | string

    The id of the record to remove

    Invoke the removeRecord method.

    const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');

    removeSort(): void

    Removes sorting

    Invoke the removeSort method.

    const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');

    showColumn( dataField: string): void

    Shows a column



    The data field of the column

    Invoke the showColumn method.

    const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view');

    CSS Variables


    Default value


    Default width of CardView.


    Default value


    Default height of CardView.


    Default value


    Height of the CardView header


    Default value


    Height of CardView cover (carousel).


    Default value


    Vertical offset of CardView.


    Default value


    Min width of CardView visual columns.


    Default value


    Gap between CardView cards.


    Default value


    Size of the 'Add new record' (+) button.


    Default value


    Padding of the CardView and Kanban


    Default value


    Width of the CardView and Kanban customize panel (drop down).


    Default value


    Width of the CardView and Kanban filter panel (drop down).


    Default value


    Width of the CardView and Kanban sort panel (drop down).


    Default value


    Width of the CardView and Kanban search panel (drop down).