Script Dependencies and Inheritance - Documentation |

Generally, to run any Smart custom element on a page, the file smart.elements.js has to be referenced. It contains the source code of all custom elements. However, if you need only a particular component on the page, you can reference only the files necessary for its initialization. Below are listed all available Smart custom elements and their script dependencies.

Accordion (smart-accordion)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.accordion.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • Accordion

Array (smart-array)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.array.js
  • smart.button.js
  • smart.switchbutton.js
  • smart.complex.js
  • smart.dropdownlist.js
  • smart.combobox.js
  • smart.textbox.js
  • smart.listbox.js
  • smart.math.js
  • smart.numeric.js
  • smart.numerictextbox.js
  • smart.scrollbar.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • DataArray

Button (smart-button)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.button.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • Button

Derived custom elements:

RepeatButton (smart-repeat-button)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.button.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • Button
        • RepeatButton

ToggleButton (smart-toggle-button)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.button.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • Button
        • ToggleButton

Derived custom elements:

CheckBox (smart-check-box)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.button.js
  • smart.checkbox.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • Button
        • ToggleButton
          • CheckBox

Led (smart-led)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.button.js
  • smart.led.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • Button
        • ToggleButton
          • Led

PowerButton (smart-power-button)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.button.js
  • smart.powerbutton.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • Button
        • ToggleButton
          • PowerButton

RadioButton (smart-radio-button)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.button.js
  • smart.radiobutton.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • Button
        • ToggleButton
          • RadioButton

SwitchButton (smart-switch-button)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.button.js
  • smart.switchbutton.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • Button
        • ToggleButton
          • SwitchButton

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.breadcrumb.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • BreadCrumb

Calendar (smart-calendar)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.calendar.js
  • smart.button.js
  • smart.dropdownlist.js
  • smart.listbox.js
  • smart.scrollbar.js
  • smart.tooltip.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • Calendar

Card (smart-card)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.card.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • Card

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.carousel.js
  • smart.button.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • Carousel

CardView (smart-card-view)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.button.js
  • smart.scrollbar.js
  • smart.input.js
  • smart.listbox.js
  • smart.dropdownlist.js
  • smart.window.js
  • smart.cardview.js
Optional scripts (necessary if related functionality will be used in a Chart):
  • smart.export.js
  • smart.calendar.js
  • smart.datetimepicker.js
  • smart.numerictextbox.js
  • smart.math.js
  • smart.complex.js
  • smart.combobox.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • CardView

Chart (smart-chart)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.chart.js
  • smart.draw.js
Optional scripts (necessary if related functionality will be used in a Chart):
  • smartchart.annotations.js
  • smartchart.api.js
  • smartchart.rangeselector.js
  • smartchart.waterfall.js
  • smart.export.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • Chart

Chip (smart-chip)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.chip.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • Chip

CircularProgressBar (smart-circular-progress-bar)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.progressbar.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • BaseProgressBar
      • CircularProgressBar

DateTimePicker (smart-date-time-picker)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.datetimepicker.js
  • smart.calendar.js
  • smart.button.js
  • smart.draw.js
  • smart.dropdownlist.js
  • smart.listbox.js
  • smart.math.js
  • smart.numeric.js
  • smart.scrollbar.js
  • smart.timepicker.js
  • smart.tooltip.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • DateTimePicker

DockingLayout (smart-docking-layout)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.dockinglayout.js
  • smart.button.js
  • smart.splitter.js
  • smart.tabs.js
  • smart.window.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • DockingLayout

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.dropdownlist.js
  • smart.listbox.js
  • smart.scrollbar.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • DropDownList

Derived custom elements:

ComboBox (smart-combo-box)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.dropdownlist.js
  • smart.combobox.js
  • smart.listbox.js
  • smart.scrollbar.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • DropDownList
        • ComboBox

Derived custom elements:

TextBox (smart-text-box)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.dropdownlist.js
  • smart.combobox.js
  • smart.textbox.js
  • smart.listbox.js
  • smart.scrollbar.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • DropDownList
        • ComboBox
          • TextBox

Derived custom elements:

MaskedTextBox (smart-masked-text-box)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.dropdownlist.js
  • smart.combobox.js
  • smart.textbox.js
  • smart.maskedtextbox.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • DropDownList
        • ComboBox
          • TextBox
            • MaskedTextBox

MultilineTextBox (smart-multiline-text-box)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.dropdownlist.js
  • smart.combobox.js
  • smart.textbox.js
  • smart.multilinetextbox.js
  • smart.scrollbar.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • DropDownList
        • ComboBox
          • TextBox
            • MultilineTextBox

PasswordTextBox (smart-password-text-box)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.dropdownlist.js
  • smart.combobox.js
  • smart.textbox.js
  • smart.passwordtextbox.js
  • smart.tooltip.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • DropDownList
        • ComboBox
          • TextBox
            • PasswordTextBox

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.dropdownbutton.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • DropDownButton


Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.button.js
  • smart.scrollbar.js
  • smart.checkbox.js
  • smart.radiobutton.js
  • smart.colorpanel.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • ScrollViewer
        • ColorPanel


Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.button.js
  • smart.scrollbar.js
  • smart.checkbox.js
  • smart.radiobutton.js
  • smart.dropdownbutton.js
  • smart.colorpanel.js
  • smart.colorpicker.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • DropDownButton
        • ColorPicker

MultiSplitButton (smart-multi-split-button)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.dropdownlist.js
  • smart.multisplitbutton.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • DropDownList
        • MultiSplitButton

FileUpload (smart-file-upload)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.button.js
  • smart.progressbar.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • FileUpload

FilterBuilder (smart-filter-builder)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.filterbuilder.js
  • smart.button.js
  • smart.checkbox.js
  • smart.calendar.js
  • smart.datetimepicker.js
  • smart.draw.js
  • smart.dropdownlist.js
  • smart.combobox.js
  • smart.listbox.js
  • smart.math.js
  • smart.numeric.js
  • smart.scrollbar.js
  • smart.timepicker.js
  • smart.tooltip.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • FilterBuilder

FilterPanel (smart-filter-panel)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.filterpanel.js
  • smart.button.js
  • smart.checkbox.js
  • smart.calendar.js
  • smart.complex.js
  • smart.datetimepicker.js
  • smart.draw.js
  • smart.dropdownlist.js
  • smart.combobox.js
  • smart.filter.js
  • smart.filterbuilder.js
  • smart.listbox.js
  • smart.math.js
  • smart.tree.js
  • smart.numeric.js
  • smart.numerictextbox.js
  • smart.scrollbar.js
  • smart.timepicker.js
  • smart.tooltip.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • FilterPanel

Grid (smart-grid)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.button.js
  • smart.checkbox.js
  • smart.calendar.js
  • smart.complex.js
  • smart.datetimepicker.js
  • smart.draw.js
  • smart.dropdownlist.js
  • smart.combobox.js
  • smart.filter.js
  • smart.filterbuilder.js
  • smart.filterpanel.js
  • smart.input.js
  • smart.listbox.js
  • smart.math.js
  • smart.tree.js
  • smart.numeric.js
  • smart.numerictextbox.js
  • smart.scrollbar.js
  • smart.tooltip.js
  • smart.timepicker.js
  • smart.window.js
  • smart.grid.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • ScrollViewer
        • Grid

Input (smart-gantt-chart)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.button.js
  • smart.scrollbar.js
  • smart.draw.js
  • smart.listbox.js
  • smart.dropdownlist.js
  • smart.tooltip.js
  • smart.calendar.js
  • smart.datetimepicker.js
  • smart.window.js
  • smart.ganttchart.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • ScrollViewer
        • GanttChart

Input (smart-input)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.input.js
  • smart.button.js
  • smart.scrollbar.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • Input

ListBox (smart-list-box)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.listbox.js
  • smart.scrollbar.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • ScrollViewer
        • ListBox

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.button.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • Menu

Derived custom elements:

ListMenu (smart-list-menu)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.listmenu.js
  • smart.button.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • Menu
      • ListMenu

Tree (smart-tree)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.tree.js
  • smart.button.js
  • smart.scrollbar.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • Menu
      • Tree

NumericTextBox (smart-numeric-text-box)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.numerictextbox.js
  • smart.button.js
  • smart.complex.js
  • smart.math.js
  • smart.numeric.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • NumericTextBox

Pager (smart-pager)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.pager.js
  • smart.dropdownlist.js
  • smart.listbox.js
  • smart.scrollbar.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • Pager

ProgressBar (smart-progress-bar)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.progressbar.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • BaseProgressBar
      • ProgressBar

ScrollBar (smart-scroll-bar)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.scrollbar.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ScrollBar

Sortable (smart-sortable)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.sortable.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • Sortable

Splitter (smart-splitter)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.splitter.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • Splitter

Tank (smart-tank)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.tank.js
  • smart.math.js
  • smart.numeric.js
  • smart.tickintervalhandler.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • Tank

Derived custom elements:

Gauge (smart-gauge)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.tank.js
  • smart.gauge.js
  • smart.button.js
  • smart.complex.js
  • smart.draw.js
  • smart.math.js
  • smart.numeric.js
  • smart.numerictextbox.js
  • smart.tickintervalhandler.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • Tank
      • Gauge

Slider (smart-slider)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.tank.js
  • smart.slider.js
  • smart.button.js
  • smart.math.js
  • smart.numeric.js
  • smart.tickintervalhandler.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • Tank
      • Slider

Tabs (smart-tabs)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.tabs.js
  • smart.button.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • Tabs

TimePicker (smart-time-picker)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.timepicker.js
  • smart.numeric.js
  • smart.math.js
  • smart.draw.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • TimePicker

Toast (smart-toast)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.toast.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • Toast

Tooltip (smart-tooltip)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.tooltip.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • Tooltip


Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.validator.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • Validator

Window (smart-window)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.window.js
  • smart.button.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • Window

Derived custom elements:

DialogWindow (smart-dialog-window)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.window.js
  • smart.button.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • Window
        • DialogWindow

Derived custom elements:

AlertWindow (smart-alert-window)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.window.js
  • smart.button.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • Window
        • DialogWindow
          • AlertWindow

PromptWindow (smart-prompt-window)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.window.js
  • smart.button.js
  • smart.dropdownlist.js
  • smart.combobox.js
  • smart.textbox.js
  • smart.listbox.js
  • smart.scrollbar.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • Window
        • DialogWindow
          • PromptWindow

Derived custom elements:

MultiLinePromptWindow (smart-multiline-prompt-window)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.window.js
  • smart.button.js
  • smart.dropdownlist.js
  • smart.combobox.js
  • smart.textbox.js
  • smart.multilinetextbox.js
  • smart.scrollbar.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • Window
        • DialogWindow
          • PromptWindow
            • MultiLinePromptWindow

ProgressWindow (smart-progress-window)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.window.js
  • smart.button.js
  • smart.progressbar.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • Window
        • ProgressWindow

WaitWindow (smart-wait-window)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.window.js
  • smart.button.js
  • smart.progressbar.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • Window
        • ProgressWindow
          • WaitWindow

TabsWindow (smart-tabs-window)

Necessary scripts:

  • smart.element.js
  • smart.window.js
  • smart.button.js
  • smart.tabs.js

Class inheritance:

  • BaseElement
    • ContentElement
      • Window
        • TabsWindow